12 research outputs found

    Luminescence of X-ray induced radiation defects in modified lithium orthosilicate pebbles with additions of titanium dioxide

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    The authors greatly acknowledge the technical and experimental support of O. Leys, M. H. H. Kolb, and R. Knitter (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany). The work is performed in the frames of the University of Latvia financed project No. Y9-B044-ZF-N-300, “Nano, Quantum Technologies, and Innovative Materials for Economics”.Modified lithium orthosilicate (Li4SiO4) pebbles with additions of titanium dioxide (TiO2) are designed as a possible tritium breeder ceramic for the helium cooled pebble bed (HCPB) test blanket module. Additions of TiO2 were chosen to enhance mechanical properties of the tritium breeder pebbles. The formation of radiation defects (RD) in the modified Li4SiO4 pebbles with a different content of TiO2 was studied by X-ray induced luminescence (XRL) technique. After XRL measurements the accumulated RD were also analyzed by thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrometry. XRL spectra consist of several bands with maxima at around 430, 490, 690, 700 and 800 nm. The XRL band with a peak at 490 nm could be associated with intrinsic defects in Li4SiO4 matrix whereas all the other maxima at lower photon energies are the result of the addition of TiO2.Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Luminescence of X-ray induced radiation defects in modified lithium orthosilicate pebbles with additions of titanium dioxide

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    The authors greatly acknowledge the technical and experimental support of O. Leys, M. H. H. Kolb, and R. Knitter (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany). The work is performed in the frames of the University of Latvia financed project No. Y9-B044-ZF-N-300, “Nano, Quantum Technologies, and Innovative Materials for Economics”.Modified lithium orthosilicate (Li4SiO4) pebbles with additions of titanium dioxide (TiO2) are designed as a possible tritium breeder ceramic for the helium cooled pebble bed (HCPB) test blanket module. Additions of TiO2 were chosen to enhance mechanical properties of the tritium breeder pebbles. The formation of radiation defects (RD) in the modified Li4SiO4 pebbles with a different content of TiO2 was studied by X-ray induced luminescence (XRL) technique. After XRL measurements the accumulated RD were also analyzed by thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrometry. XRL spectra consist of several bands with maxima at around 430, 490, 690, 700 and 800 nm. The XRL band with a peak at 490 nm could be associated with intrinsic defects in Li4SiO4 matrix whereas all the other maxima at lower photon energies are the result of the addition of TiO2.Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Functional evaluation of THIQ, a melanocortin 4 receptor agonist, in models of food intake and inflammation

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    The central melanocortinergic system plays an important role in regulating different aspects of energy homeostasis and the immunomodulatory response. In the present study, we evaluated the in vivo activities of food intake suppression and anti-inflammatory activity of THIQ, which has been proposed to possess high and selective melanocortin-4 receptor agonistic activity in vitro. The results showed that THIQ (0.1, 0.3 and 1 nmol/rat, intracerebroventricularly) is less effective in reducing food intake and body weights of rats than the non-selective melanocortin receptor agonist melanotan II. Electron paramagnetic resonance measurements in mice brain tissue showed that THIQ at doses of 0.001 and 0.01 nmol/mouse (intracisternally) increased the concentration of nitric oxide, which is not typical for melanocortin receptor agonists. In an experimental brain inflammation model, THIQ only weakly antagonized lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide overproduction in brain tissue at a dose of 0.01 nmol/mouse. Our findings provide new insight into the in vivo pharmacological profile of the in vitro selective melanocortin-4 receptor agonist THIQ and give grounds for caution when interpreting and predicting melanocortin receptor selective agonist activity in vivo.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Behaviour of advanced tritium breeder pebbles under simultaneous action of accelerated electrons and high temperature

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    The authors greatly acknowledge the technical and experimen-tal support of O. Valtenbergs and L. Avotina (Institute of Chemical Physics, University of Latvia). The work is performed in the frames of the University of Latvia financed project No. Y9-B044-ZF-N-300, “Nano, Quantum Technologies, and Innovative Materials for Eco-nomics”.Advanced lithium orthosilicate (Li4SiO4) pebbles with additions of lithium metatitanate (Li2TiO3) as a secondary phase are suggested as a potential source for tritium breeding in future nuclear fusion reactors. The advanced Li4SiO4 pebbles with different contents of Li2TiO3 were examined before and after simultaneous action of 5 MeV accelerated electron beam (dose rate: up to 10 MGy h−1) and high temperature (up to 1120 K) in a dry argon atmosphere. The accumulated radiation-induced defects (RD) and radiolysis products (RP) were studied by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrometry and thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) technique. The phase transitions were studied with powder X-ray diffraction (p-XRD). The microstructure and mechanical strength of the pebbles, before and after irradiation, were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and comprehensive crush load tests. The obtained results revealed that the irradiation temperature has a significant impact on the accumulation of RD and RP in the advanced Li4SiO4 pebbles, and with an increasing content of Li2TiO3, the concentration of accumulated paramagnetic RD and RP decreases. Major changes in the mechanical strength, microstructure and phase composition of the advanced pebbles were not detected after irradiation.University of Latvia Y9-B044-ZF-N-300; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Modifikacije ekspresije gena i proteina koji su uključeni u popravak DNA i metabolizam dušikova oksida karbatonidima [derivati dinatrij-2,6-dimetil-1,4-dihidropiridin-3,5-bis(karboniloksiacetata)] u kontrolnih i dijabetičkih štakora

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    Studies on the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus complications indicate that the compounds reducing free radicals and enhancing DNA repair could be prospective as possible remedies. Carbatonides, the disodium-2,6-dimethyl-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-bis(carbonyloxyacetate) derivatives, were tested for these properties. EPR spectroscopy showed that metcarbatone was an effective scavenger of hydroxyl radicals produced in the Fenton reaction, etcarbatone, and propcarbatone were less effective, styrylcarbatone was ineffective. UV/VIS spectroscopy revealed that styrylcarbatone manifested a hyperchromic effect when interacting with DNA, while all other carbatonides showeda hypochromic effect. Rats with streptozotocin induced type 1 DM were treated with metcarbatone, etcarbatone or styrylcarbatone (all compounds at doses 0.05 mg kg-1 or 0.5 mg kg-1) nine days after the DM approval. Gene expression levels in kidneys and blood were evaluated by quantitative RT-PCR; protein expression - immunohistochemically in kidneys, heart, sciatic nerve, and eyes; DNA breakage - by comet assay in nucleated blood cells. Induction of DM induced DNA breaks; metcarbatone and styrylcarbatone (low dose) alleviated this effect. Metcarbatone and etcarbatone up-regulated mRNA and protein of eNOS in kidneys of diabetic animals; etcarbatone also in myocardium. Etcarbatone reduced the expression of increased iNOS protein in myocardium, nerve, and kidneys. iNos gene expression was up-regulated in kidneys by etcarbatone and metcarbatone in diabetic animals. In blood, development of DM increased iNos gene expression; etcarbatone and metcarbatone normalised it. Etcarbatone up-regulated the expression of H2AX in kidneys of diabetic animals but decreased the production of c-PARP1. Taken together, our data indicate that carbatonides might have a potential as drugs intended to treat DM complications.Rezultati ispitivanja patogeneze komplikacija šećerne bolesti (diabetes mellitus – DM) upozoravaju na to da bi tvari koje smanjuju nastanak slobodnih radikala a pospješuju popravak DNA mogle biti obećavajuće u budućem liječenju te bolesti. U ovome su istraživanju ispitana navedena svojstva karbatonida, derivata dinatrij-2,6-dimetil-1,4-dihidropiridin-3,5-bis(karboniloksiacetata). EPR spektroskopija je pokazala da je metkarbaton učinkovit sakupljač hidroksilnih radikala koji nastaju Fentonovom reakcijom. Etkarbaton i propkarbaton su bili malo manje učinkoviti, a stirilkarbaton nije bio učinkovit. UV/VIS spektroskopija pokazala je hiperkromni učinak stirilkarbatona u interakciji s DNA, a svi ostali karbatonidi pokazali su hipokromni učinak. Štakori kod kojih je DM tipa 1 induciran streptozotocinom tretirani su metkarbatonom, etkarbatonom ili stirilkarbatonom (sve tvari su davane u dozi 0,05 mg kg-1 ili 0,5 mg kg-1) tijekom devet dana nakon što je potvrđeno da je izazvan DM. Razine ekspresije gena u bubrezima procijenjene su kvantitativnim RT-PCR-om, ekspresija proteina – imunohistokemijski u bubrezima, srcu, ishijadičnom živcu i očima, a lom DNA – komet-testom bijelim krvnim stanicama. Indukcija DM-a uzrokovala je lomove u DNA; metkarbaton i stirilkarbaton (niska doza) ublažili su ovaj učinak. Metkarbaton i etkarbaton pojačali su mRNA i ekspresiju proteina eNOS-a u bubrezima dijabetičkih životinja; etkarbaton je takav učinak pokazao i u miokardu. Etkarbaton je smanjio ekspresiju iNOS proteina u miokardu, živcu i bubrezima. Ekspresija iNOS-a bila je pojačana u bubrezima primjenom etkarbatona i metkarbatona u dijabetičkih životinja. Razvoj DM povećao je ekspresiju iNOS-a u krvi, a etkarbaton i metkarbaton vratili su ju na normalne vrijednosti. Etkarbaton je pojačao ekspresiju H2AX u bubrezima dijabetičkih životinja, ali je smanjio proizvodnju c-PARP1. Naši podaci upućuju na potencijal karbatonida kao lijekova za liječenje komplikacija uzrokovanih dijabetesom

    Study of interaction of antimutagenic 1,4-dihydropyridine AV-153-Na with DNA-damaging molecules and its impact on DNA repair activity

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    Background 1,4-dihydropyridines (1,4-DHP) possesses important biochemical and pharmacological properties, including antioxidant and antimutagenic activities. It was shown that the antimutagenic 1,4-dihydropyridine AV-153-Na interacts with DNA. The aim of the current study was to test the capability of the compound to scavenge peroxynitrite and hydroxyl radical, to test intracellular distribution of the compound, and to assess the ability of the compound to modify the activity of DNA repair enzymes and to protect the DNA in living cells against peroxynitrite-induced damage. Methods Peroxynitrite decomposition was assayed by UV spectroscopy, hydroxyl radical scavenging—by EPR spectroscopy. DNA breakage was determined by the “comet method”, activity of DNA repair enzymes—using Glyco-SPOT and ExSy-SPOT assays. Intracellular distribution of the compound was studied by laser confocal scanning fluorescence microscopy. Fluorescence spectroscopy titration and circular dichroism spectroscopy were used to study interactions of the compound with human serum albumin. Results Some ability to scavenge hydroxyl radical by AV-153-Na was detected by the EPR method, but it turned out to be incapable of reacting chemically with peroxynitrite. However, AV-153-Na effectively decreased DNA damage produced by peroxynitrite in cultured HeLa cells. The Glyco-SPOT test essentially revealed an inhibition by AV-153-Na of the enzymes involved thymine glycol repair. Results with ExSy-SPOT chip indicate that AV-153-Na significantly stimulates excision/synthesis repair of 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), abasic sites (AP sites) and alkylated bases. Laser confocal scanning fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that within the cells AV-153-Na was found mostly in the cytoplasm; however, a stain in nucleolus was also detected. Binding to cytoplasmic structures might occur due to high affinity of the compound to proteins revealed by spectroscopical methods. Discussion Activation of DNA repair enzymes after binding to DNA appears to be the basis for the antimutagenic effects of AV-153-Na

    Strong, Rapid and Reversible Photochromic Response of Nb doped TiO2 Nanocrystal Colloids in Hole Scavenging Media

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    Understanding photochromicity is essential for developing new means of modulating the optical properties and optical response of materials. Here, we report on the synthesis and exciting new photochromic behavior of Nb5+ doped TiO2 nanoparticle colloids (NCs). We find that in hole scavenging media, Nb5+ doping significantly improves the photochromic response time of TiO2 nanoparticles. In the infrared regime, Nb-doped TiO2 NCs exhibit an order of magnitude faster photoresponse kinetics than the pristine TiO2. Enhanced photochromic response is observed in the visible light regime as well. The transmittance of Nb-doped TiO2 NCs drops to 10% in less than 2 minutes when irradiated by UV light in 500 nm range. The photochromic reaction is fully reversible. The physical origin of the high reaction rate is the high Nb5+ concentration. As a donor dopant, Nb5+ builds up a significant positive charge in the material, which leads to highly efficient electron accumulation during the UV irradiation and results in a rapid photoresponse. EPR experiments identify a new defect type from Nb5+ doping, which alters the physical mechanisms available for transmittance modulation. Our new NCs are economic to synthesize and highly suitable for switchable photochromic applications, e.g. smart windows for modulating visible light and infrared transmittance in built environments.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe