7,011 research outputs found

    Charged Current Universality and the MSSM

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    We analyze the prospective impact of supersymmetric radiative corrections on tests of charged current universality involving light quarks and leptons. Working within the R-parity conserving Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, we compute the corresponding one-loop corrections that enter the extraction of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element VudV_{ud} from a comparison of the muon-decay Fermi constant with the vector coupling constant determined from nuclear and neutron β\beta-decay. We also revisit earlier studies of the corrections to the ratio Re/μR_{e/\mu} of pion leptonic decay rates Γ[π+e+ν(γ)]\Gamma[\pi^+ \to e^+ \nu (\gamma)] and Γ[π+μ+ν(γ)]\Gamma[\pi^+ \to \mu^+ \nu (\gamma)]. In both cases, we observe that the magnitude of the corrections can be on the order of 10310^{-3}. We show that a comparison of the first row CKM unitarity tests with measurements of Re/μR_{e/\mu} can provide unique probes of the spectrum of first generation squarks and first and second generation sleptons.Comment: 38 pages, 17 figure

    Giant Magnetic Moments of Nitrogen Stabilized Mn Clusters and Their Relevance to Ferromagnetism in Mn Doped GaN

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    Using first principles calculations based on density functional theory, we show that the stability and magnetic properties of small Mn clusters can be fundamentally altered by the presence of nitrogen. Not only are their binding energies substantially enhanced, but also the coupling between the magnetic moments at Mn sites remains ferromagnetic irrespective of their size or shape. In addition, these nitrogen stabilized Mn clusters carry giant magnetic moments ranging from 4 Bohr magnetons in MnN to 22 Bohr magnetons in Mn_5N. It is suggested that the giant magnetic moments of Mn_xN clusters may play a key role in the ferromagnetism of Mn doped GaN which exhibit a wide range (10K - 940K) of Curie temperatures

    Maternal antibodies from mothers of children with autism alter brain growth and social behavior development in the rhesus monkey.

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    Antibodies directed against fetal brain proteins of 37 and 73 kDa molecular weight are found in approximately 12% of mothers who have children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but not in mothers of typically developing children. This finding has raised the possibility that these immunoglobulin G (IgG) class antibodies cross the placenta during pregnancy and impact brain development, leading to one form of ASD. We evaluated the pathogenic potential of these antibodies by using a nonhuman primate model. IgG was isolated from mothers of children with ASD (IgG-ASD) and of typically developing children (IgG-CON). The purified IgG was administered to two groups of female rhesus monkeys (IgG-ASD; n=8 and IgG-CON; n=8) during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. Another control group of pregnant monkeys (n=8) was untreated. Brain and behavioral development of the offspring were assessed for 2 years. Behavioral differences were first detected when the macaque mothers responded to their IgG-ASD offspring with heightened protectiveness during early development. As they matured, IgG-ASD offspring consistently deviated from species-typical social norms by more frequently approaching familiar peers. The increased approach was not reciprocated and did not lead to sustained social interactions. Even more striking, IgG-ASD offspring displayed inappropriate approach behavior to unfamiliar peers, clearly deviating from normal macaque social behavior. Longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging analyses revealed that male IgG-ASD offspring had enlarged brain volume compared with controls. White matter volume increases appeared to be driving the brain differences in the IgG-ASD offspring and these differences were most pronounced in the frontal lobes

    Theoretical He I Emissivities in the Case B Approximation

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    We calculate the He I case B recombination cascade spectrum using improved radiative and collisional data. We present new emissivities over a range of electron temperatures and densities. The differences between our results and the current standard are large enough to have a significant effect not only on the interpretation of observed spectra of a wide variety of objects but also on determinations of the primordial helium abundance.Comment: Accepted to ApJ

    The influence of wave exposure on coral community development on man-made breakwater reefs, with a comparison to a natural reef

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    Breakwaters dominate shorelines in many coastal urban areas, providing substantial hard-bottom habitat upon which diverse and abundant reef communities develop. In recognition of their potential ecological and economic importance, there is increasing interest in understanding how design features can influence community development. We investigated the influence of wave exposure on breakwater coral communities in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Coral community composition, cover, size structure, recruitment, mortality, and growth rates were compared quarterly between two windward and two leeward breakwater sites for 1 yr to explore the influence of wave exposure on coral community development. Comparisons also were made with a natural coral reef to gain an understanding of how community structure and dynamics compare between these habitats. Benthic and water column sediment particle sizes were also analyzed. Leeward breakwaters contained a low-cover coral community dominated by small colonies with high mortality compared with windward breakwaters and the natural reef. Windward breakwater coral communities had comparable recruitment, mortality, and growth rates as the natural reef. Fine sediments ( 125 μm), likely as a result of differences in wave action among reef types. Overall, these results suggest that leeward breakwaters represent sub-optimal habitats for coral community development. However, with appropriate design, breakwaters can develop diverse and abundant coral communities with comparable coral cover, demographics, and growth rates to those on the natural reef in Dubai. © 2010 Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science of the University of Miami

    The employee as 'Dish of the Day’:human resource management and the ethics of consumption

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    This article examines the ethical implications of the growing integration of consumption into the heart of the employment relationship. Human resource management (HRM) practices increasingly draw upon the values and practices of consumption, constructing employees as the ‘consumers’ of ‘cafeteria-style’ benefits and development opportunities. However, at the same time employees are expected to market themselves as items to be consumed on a corporate menu. In relation to this simultaneous position of consumer/consumed, the employee is expected to actively engage in the commodification of themselves, performing an appropriate organizational identity as a necessary part of being a successful employee. This article argues that the relationship between HRM and the simultaneously consuming/consumed employee affects the conditions of possibility for ethical relations within organizational life. It is argued that the underlying ‘ethos’ for the integration of consumption values into HRM practices encourages a self-reflecting, self-absorbed subject, drawing upon a narrow view of individualised autonomy and choice. Referring to Levinas’ perspective that the primary ethical relation is that of responsibility and openness to the Other, it is concluded that these HRM practices affect the possibility for ethical being

    Moderate Resolution Spectroscopy For The Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF)

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    A conceptual design for an infrared spectrometer capable of both low resolution (λ/Δ-λ = 50; 2.5-200 microns) and moderate resolution (1000; 4-200 microns) and moderate resolution (1000; 4-200 microns) has been developed. This facility instrument will permit the spectroscopic study in the infrared of objects ranging from within the solar system to distant galaxies. The spectroscopic capability provided by this instrument for SIRTF will give astronomers orders of magnitude greater sensitivity for the study of faint objects than had been previously available. The low resolution mode will enable detailed studies of the continuum radiation. The moderate resolution mode of the instrument will permit studies of a wide range of problems, from the infrared spectral signatures of small outer solar system bodies such as Pluto and the satellites of the giant planets, to investigations of more luminous active galaxies and QS0s at substantially greater distances. A simple design concept has been developed for the spectrometer which supports the science investigation with practical cryogenic engineering. Operational flexibility is preserved with a minimum number of mechanisms. The five modules share a common aperture, and all gratings share a single scan mechanism. High reliability is achieved through use of flight-proven hardware concepts and redundancy. The design controls the heat load into the SIRTF cryogen, with all heat sources other than the detectors operating at 7K and isolated from the 4K cold station. Two-dimensional area detector arrays are used in the 2.5-120μm bands to simultaneously monitor adjacent regions in extended objects and to measure the background near point sources

    Strangers of the north: South Asians, cricket and the culture of ‘Yorkshireness’

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    As a county, Yorkshire is what Wagg and Russell refer to as a ‘cultural region’: an imagined space, where culture is constructed, refined and articulated by a set of discursive relationships between local populations and a whole range of cultural forms. In this context however, culture is conceived as something which belongs to, and is only accessible by, certain groups of people. Our focus in this article is on the culture of Yorkshire cricket. Historically, Yorkshire cricket has been linked with white male privilege and some studies have shown that people within Yorkshire take a degree of pride in this. Consequently, the county and its cricket club have faced frequent accusations from minority ethnic communities of inveterate and institutionalised racism. Drawing upon Bauman’s notion of ‘liquid modernity’, we argue that the processes of deregulation and individualisation championed by New Right policies have led to a divorce between power and politics, a corner stone of the old solid modern world. This in turn has led to an erosion of the state, causing individuals to navigate turbulent life projects which are consistently haunted by the spectres of fear and insecurity. Such an environment has caused cricket to be pushed further behind gated social spaces, in an attempt to maintain a semblance of ‘community’

    A Programmable Magnetic Field Mass Spectrometer with On-Line Data Processing

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    A single focusing, 30.48 cm radius, 60° sector magnet mass spectrometer was constructed with symmetric conjugate foci calculated from fringe field data and corresponding to a beam deflection of 68°. Experimental and calculated optical characteristics agree well. A rotating coil probe and a rate coil are employed as field sensors for a nulling device and for field scanning. The magnetic field can be set to 27 values corresponding to the center of spectral lines and zero lines on both sides of each peak. The automatic scanning consists of: (1) rapid field change between adjacent field values (~500 G/sec); (2) locking in at the preset field values (~0.3 sec); (3) remaining in a channel for a preset time during which the ion beam current is integrated and the data digitized. Repeated arbitrary excursions between channels do not cause effective field variations of more than |DeltaB/B| = 2×10^–5. For 0.2 mm source and 0.64 mm collector slit settings, a typical peak at mass 88 is flat for 2.7 G to 0.01% at a 14 kV accelerating potential. Data consist of channel intensity, scale factors, and internally provided clock time; data signals drive a typewriter and tape punch. A cyclic scan of five isotopes including background requires 35 sec. A segment of data (~10 cycles) is processed by the computer and the results returned to the operator

    Preliminary evidence of increased striatal dopamine in a nonhuman primate model of maternal immune activation.

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    Women exposed to a variety of viral and bacterial infections during pregnancy have an increased risk of giving birth to a child with autism, schizophrenia or other neurodevelopmental disorders. Preclinical maternal immune activation (MIA) models are powerful translational tools to investigate mechanisms underlying epidemiological links between infection during pregnancy and offspring neurodevelopmental disorders. Our previous studies documenting the emergence of aberrant behavior in rhesus monkey offspring born to MIA-treated dams extends the rodent MIA model into a species more closely related to humans. Here we present novel neuroimaging data from these animals to further explore the translational potential of the nonhuman primate MIA model. Nine male MIA-treated offspring and 4 controls from our original cohort underwent in vivo positron emission tomography (PET) scanning at approximately 3.5-years of age using [18F] fluoro-l-m-tyrosine (FMT) to measure presynaptic dopamine levels in the striatum, which are consistently elevated in individuals with schizophrenia. Analysis of [18F]FMT signal in the striatum of these nonhuman primates showed that MIA animals had significantly higher [18F]FMT index of influx compared to control animals. In spite of the modest sample size, this group difference reflects a large effect size (Cohen's d = 0.998). Nonhuman primates born to MIA-treated dams exhibited increased striatal dopamine in late adolescence-a hallmark molecular biomarker of schizophrenia. These results validate the MIA model in a species more closely related to humans and open up new avenues for understanding the neurodevelopmental biology of schizophrenia and other neurodevelopmental disorders associated with prenatal immune challenge