9,146 research outputs found

    Entropy of Contracting Universe in Cyclic Cosmology

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    Following up a recent proposal \cite{BF} for a cyclic model based on phantom dark energy, we examine the content of the contracting universe (cu) and its entropy ScuS_{cu}. We find that beyond dark energy the universe contains on average zero or at most a single photon which if present immediately after turnaround has infinitesimally energy which subsequently blue shifts to produce e+ee^+e^- pairs. These statements are independent of the equation of state ω=p/ρ\omega = p/\rho of dark energy provided ω<1\omega < -1. Thus Scu=0S_{cu} = 0 and if observations confirm ω<1\omega < -1 the entropy problem is solved. We discuss the absence of a theoretical lower bound on ϕ=ω+1\phi = |\omega + 1|, then describe an anthropic fine tuning argument that renders unlikely extremely small ϕ\phi. The present bound ϕ0.1\phi \lesssim 0.1 already implies a time until turnaround of (tTt0)100(t_T - t_0) \gtrsim 100 Gy.Comment: 5 pages late

    Sediment-moss interactions on a temperate glacier: Falljökull, Iceland

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    Full text of this article can be found at: http://www.igsoc.org/annals/ Copyright IGS. DOI: 10.3189/172756408784700734We present the results of preliminary investigations of globular moss growth on the surface of Falljökull, a temperate outlet glacier of the Vatnajökull ice cap, southern Iceland. Supraglacial debris has provided a basis for moss colonization, and several large (>500 m2) patches of moss growth (Racomitrium spp.) are observed on the surface of the glacier. Each area of moss-colonized supraglacial debris shows a downslope increase in sphericity and moss cushion size and a decrease in percentage surface coverage of moss-colonized and bare clasts. It is suggested that moss growth on supraglacial debris allows preferential downslope movement of clasts through an associated increase in both overall mass and sphericity. Thermal insulation by moss cushions protects the underlying ice surface from melt, and the resulting ice pedestals assist in downslope sliding and toppling of moss cushions. The morphology and life cycle of supraglacial globular mosses is therefore not only closely linked to the presence and distribution of supraglacial debris, but also appears to assist in limited down-glacier transport of this debris. This research highlights both the dynamic nature of the interaction of mosses with supraglacial sedimentary systems and the need for a detailed consideration of their role within the wider glacial ecosystem.Peer reviewe

    Applications of ethylene vinyl acetate as an encapsulation material for terrestrial photovoltaic modules

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    Terrestrial photovoltaic modules must undergo substantial reductions in cost in order to become economically attractive as practical devices for large scale production of electricity. Part of the cost reductions must be realized by the encapsulation materials that are used to package, protect, and support the solar cells, electrical interconnects, and other ancillary components. As many of the encapsulation materials are polymeric, cost reductions necessitate the use of low cost polymers. The performance and status of ethylene vinyl acetate, a low cost polymer that is being investigated as an encapsulation material for terrestrial photovoltaic modules, are described

    Unit Killing Vector Fields on Nearly Kahler Manifolds

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    We study 6-dimensional nearly Kahler manifolds admitting a Killing vector field of unit length. In the compact case it is shown that up to a finite cover there is only one geometry possible, that of the 3--symmetric space S3×S3S^3 \times S^3

    Quasars, their host galaxies, and their central black holes

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    We present the final results from our deep HST imaging study of the hosts of radio-quiet quasars (RQQs), radio-loud quasars (RLQs) and radio galaxies (RGs). We describe new WFPC2 R-band observations for 14 objects and model these images in conjunction with the data already reported in McLure et al (1999). We find that spheroidal hosts become more prevalent with increasing nuclear luminosity such that, for nuclear luminosities M_V < -23.5, the hosts of both radio-loud and radio-quiet AGN are virtually all massive ellipticals. Moreover we demonstrate that the basic properties of these hosts are indistinguishable from those of quiescent, evolved, low-redshift ellipticals of comparable mass. This result kills any lingering notion that radio-loudness is determined by host-galaxy morphology, and also sets severe constraints on evolutionary schemes which attempt to link low-z ULIRGs with RQQs. Instead, we show that our results are as expected given the relationship between black-hole and spheroid mass established for nearby galaxies, and apply this relation to estimate the mass of the black hole in each object. The results agree very well with completely-independent estimates based on nuclear emission-line widths; all the quasars in our sample have M(bh) > 5 x 10^8 solar masses, while the radio-loud objects are confined to M(bh) > 10^9 solar masses. This apparent mass-threshold difference, which provides a natural explanation for why RQQs outnumber RLQs by a factor of 10, appears to reflect the existence of a minimum and maximum level of black-hole radio output which is a strong function of black-hole mass. Finally, we use our results to estimate the fraction of massive spheroids/black-holes which produce quasar-level activity. This fraction is \~0.1% at the present day, rising to > 10% at z = 2-3.Comment: Revised version accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 46 pages, the final 19 of which comprise an Appendix. 15 figures in main text. A further 14 4-panel greyscale plots and 14 line plots which appear in the Appendix have been reproduced here with reduced quality due to space limitations. A full resolution copy of the manuscript can be obtained via ftp://ftp.roe.ac.uk/pub/jsd/dunlop2002.ps.g

    Constraints on Deflation from the Equation of State of Dark Energy

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    In cyclic cosmology based on phantom dark energy the requirement that our universe satisfy a CBE-condition ({\it Comes Back Empty}) imposes a lower bound on the number NcpN_{\rm cp} of causal patches which separate just prior to turnaround. This bound depends on the dark energy equation of state w=p/ρ=1ϕw = p/\rho = -1 - \phi with ϕ>0\phi > 0. More accurate measurement of ϕ\phi will constrain NcpN_{\rm cp}. The critical density ρc\rho_c in the model has a lower bound ρc(109GeV)4\rho_c \ge (10^9 {\rm GeV})^4 or ρc(1018GeV)4\rho_c \ge (10^{18} {\rm GeV})^4 when the smallest bound state has size 101510^{-15}m, or 103510^{-35}m, respectively.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, typos fixe

    ISO observations of a sample of Compact Steep Spectrum and GHz Peaked Spectrum Radio Galaxies

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    We present results from observations obtained with ISOPHOT, on board the ISO satellite, of a representative sample of seventeen CSS/GPS radio galaxies and of a control sample of sixteen extended radio galaxies spanning similar ranges in redshift (0.2 = 10^26 W/Hz). The observations have been performed at lambda = 60, 90, 174 and 200 microns. Seven of the CSS/GPS sources have detections >= 3 sigma at one or more wavelengths, one of which is detected at >= 5 sigma. By co-adding the data we have obtained average flux densities at the four wavelengths. We found no evidence that the FIR luminosities of the CSS/GPS sources are significantly different from those of the extended objects and therefore there is not any support for CSS/GPS sources being objects "frustrated" by an abnormally dense ambient medium. The two samples were then combined, providing FIR information on a new sample of radio galaxies at intermediate redshifts. We compare this information with what previously known from IRAS and discuss the average properties of radio galaxies in the redshift range 0.2 - 0.8. The FIR emission cannot be accounted for by extrapolation of the synchrotron radio spectrum and we attribute it to thermal dust emission. The average FIR luminosity is >= 6*10^11 L_sun. Over the observed frequency range the infrared spectrum can be described by a power law with spectral index alpha >~1.0 +/- 0.2. Assuming the emission to be due to dust, a range of temperatures is required, from >=80 K to \~25 K. The dust masses required to explain the FIR emission range from 5*10^5 M_sun for the hotter component up to 2*10^8 M_sun for the colder one. (abridged)Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, in press, 16 pages, 2 Figure

    Handwritten digit recognition by bio-inspired hierarchical networks

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    The human brain processes information showing learning and prediction abilities but the underlying neuronal mechanisms still remain unknown. Recently, many studies prove that neuronal networks are able of both generalizations and associations of sensory inputs. In this paper, following a set of neurophysiological evidences, we propose a learning framework with a strong biological plausibility that mimics prominent functions of cortical circuitries. We developed the Inductive Conceptual Network (ICN), that is a hierarchical bio-inspired network, able to learn invariant patterns by Variable-order Markov Models implemented in its nodes. The outputs of the top-most node of ICN hierarchy, representing the highest input generalization, allow for automatic classification of inputs. We found that the ICN clusterized MNIST images with an error of 5.73% and USPS images with an error of 12.56%