258 research outputs found

    The observational status of Galileon gravity after Planck

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    We use the latest CMB data from Planck, together with BAO measurements, to constrain the full parameter space of Galileon gravity. We constrain separately the three main branches of the theory known as the Cubic, Quartic and Quintic models, and find that all yield a very good fit to these data. Unlike in ΛCDM, the Galileon model constraints are compatible with local determinations of the Hubble parameter and predict nonzero neutrino masses at over 5σ significance. We also identify that the low l part of the CMB lensing spectrum may be able to distinguish between ΛCDM and Galileon models. In the Cubic model, the lensing potential deepens at late times on sub-horizon scales, which is at odds with the current observational suggestion of a positive ISW effect. Compared to ΛCDM, the Quartic and Quintic models predict less ISW power in the low l region of the CMB temperature spectrum, and as such are slightly preferred by the Planck data. We illustrate that residual local modifications to gravity in the Quartic and Quintic models may render the Cubic model as the only branch of Galileon gravity that passes Solar System tests

    Spherical collapse in Galileon gravity: fifth force solutions, halo mass function and halo bias

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    We study spherical collapse in the Quartic and Quintic Covariant Galileon gravity models within the framework of the excursion set formalism. We derive the nonlinear spherically symmetric equations in the quasi-static and weak-field limits, focusing on model parameters that fit current CMB, SNIa and BAO data. We demonstrate that the equations of the Quintic model do not admit physical solutions of the fifth force in high density regions, which prevents the study of structure formation in this model. For the Quartic model, we show that the effective gravitational strength deviates from the standard value at late times (zlesssim1), becoming larger if the density is low, but smaller if the density is high. This shows that the Vainshtein mechanism at high densities is not enough to screen all of the modifications of gravity. This makes halos that collapse at zlesssim1 feel an overall weaker gravity, which suppresses halo formation. However, the matter density in the Quartic model is higher than in standard ΛCDM, which boosts structure formation and dominates over the effect of the weaker gravity. In the Quartic model there is a significant overabundance of high-mass halos relative to ΛCDM. Dark matter halos are also less biased than in ΛCDM, with the difference increasing appreciably with halo mass. However, our results suggest that the bias may not be small enough to fully reconcile the predicted matter power spectrum with LRG clustering data

    Understanding the non-linear clustering of high-redshift galaxies

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    We incorporate the non-linear clustering of dark matter haloes, as modelled by Jose et al. into the halo model to better understand the clustering of Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) in the redshift range z = 3–5. We find that, with this change, the predicted LBG clustering increases significantly on quasi-linear scales (0.1 ≤ r / h−1 Mpc ≤ 10) compared to that in the linear halo bias model. This, in turn, results in an increase in the clustering of LBGs by an order of magnitude on angular scales 5 ≤ θ ≤ 100 arcsec. Remarkably, the predictions of our new model on the whole remove the systematic discrepancy between the linear halo bias predictions and the observations. The correlation length and large-scale galaxy bias of LBGs are found to be significantly higher in the non-linear halo bias model than in the linear halo bias model. The resulting two-point correlation function retains an approximate power-law form in contrast with that computed using the linear halo bias theory. We also find that the non-linear clustering of LBGs increases with increasing luminosity and redshift. Our work emphasizes the importance of using non-linear halo bias in order to model the clustering of high-z galaxies to probe the physics of galaxy formation and extract cosmological parameters reliably

    Weak lensing by voids in modified lensing potentials

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    We study lensing by voids in Cubic Galileon and Nonlocal gravity cosmologies, which are examples of theories of gravity that modify the lensing potential. We find voids in the dark matter and halo density fields of N-body simulations and compute their lensing signal analytically from the void density profiles, which we show are well fit by a simple analytical formula. In the Cubic Galileon model, the modifications to gravity inside voids are not screened and they approximately double the size of the lensing effects compared to GR. The difference is largely determined by the direct effects of the fifth force on lensing and less so by the modified density profiles. For this model, we also discuss the subtle impact on the force and lensing calculations caused by the screening effects of haloes that exist in and around voids. In the Nonlocal model, the impact of the modified density profiles and the direct modifications to lensing are comparable, but they boost the lensing signal by only ≈ 10%, compared with that of GR. Overall, our results suggest that lensing by voids is a promising tool to test models of gravity that modify lensing

    Galaxy evolution in the infrared : comparison of a hierarchical galaxy formation model with Spitzer data

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    We present predictions for the evolution of the galaxy luminosity function, number counts and redshift distributions in the infrared (IR) based on the ΛCDM cosmological model. We use the combined GALFORM semi-analytical galaxy formation model and GRASIL spectrophotometric code to compute galaxy spectral energy distributions including the reprocessing of radiation by dust. The model, which is the same as that given by Baugh et al., assumes two different initial mass functions (IMFs): a normal solar neighbourhood IMF for quiescent star formation in discs, and a very top-heavy IMF in starbursts triggered by galaxy mergers. We have shown previously that the top-heavy IMF seems to be necessary to explain the number counts of faint submillimetre galaxies. We compare the model with observational data from the Spitzer Space Telescope, with the model parameters fixed at values chosen before Spitzer data became available. We find that the model matches the observed evolution in the IR remarkably well over the whole range of wavelengths probed by Spitzer. In particular, the Spitzer data show that there is strong evolution in the mid-IR galaxy luminosity function over the redshift range z∼ 0–2, and this is reproduced by our model without requiring any adjustment of parameters. On the other hand, a model with a normal IMF in starbursts predicts far too little evolution in the mid-IR luminosity function, and is therefore excluded

    The metal enrichment of elliptical galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models

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    We investigate the metal enrichment of elliptical galaxies in the framework of hierarchical models of galaxy formation. The semi-analytical model we use, which has been used to study the metal enrichment of the intracluster medium (ICM) by Nagashima et al., includes the effects of flows of gas and metals both into and out of galaxies and the processes of metal enrichment due to both type Ia and type II supernovae. We adopt a solar neighbourhood initial mass function (IMF) for star formation in discs, but consider models in which starbursts have either a solar neighbourhood IMF or a top-heavy IMF. We find that the α-element abundance in ellipticals is consistent with observed values only if the top-heavy IMF is used. This result is consistent with our previous study on the metal enrichment of the ICM. We also discuss the abundance ratio of α elements to iron as a function of velocity dispersion and metallicity. We find that models with a top-heavy IMF match the α/Fe ratios observed in typical L* ellipticals, but none of the models reproduces the observed increase of α/Fe with velocity dispersion

    Galaxy cluster lensing masses in modified lensing potentials

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    We determine the concentration–mass relation of 19 X-ray selected galaxy clusters from the Cluster Lensing and Supernova Survey with Hubble survey in theories of gravity that directly modify the lensing potential. We model the clusters as Navarro–Frenk–White haloes and fit their lensing signal, in the Cubic Galileon and Nonlocal gravity models, to the lensing convergence profiles of the clusters. We discuss a number of important issues that need to be taken into account, associated with the use of non-parametric and parametric lensing methods, as well as assumptions about the background cosmology. Our results show that the concentration and mass estimates in the modified gravity models are, within the error bars, the same as in Λ cold dark matter. This result demonstrates that, for the Nonlocal model, the modifications to gravity are too weak at the cluster redshifts, and for the Galileon model, the screening mechanism is very efficient inside the cluster radius. However, at distances ∼(2–20) Mpc h−1 from the cluster centre, we find that the surrounding force profiles are enhanced by ∼20–40 per cent in the Cubic Galileon model. This has an impact on dynamical mass estimates, which means that tests of gravity based on comparisons between lensing and dynamical masses can also be applied to the Cubic Galileon model

    Measuring galaxy environment with the synergy of future photometric and spectroscopic surveys

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    We exploit the synergy between low-resolution spectroscopy and photometric redshifts to study environmental effects on galaxy evolution in slitless spectroscopic surveys from space. As a test case, we consider the future Euclid Deep survey (∼40 deg2), which combines a slitless spectroscopic survey limited at Hα flux ≥5 × 10−17 erg cm−2 s−1 and a photometric survey limited in H band (H ≤ 26). We use Euclid-like galaxy mock catalogues, in which we anchor the photometric redshifts to the 3D galaxy distribution of the available spectroscopic redshifts. We then estimate the local density contrast by counting objects in cylindrical cells with radius from 1 to 10 h−1Mpc, over the redshift range 0.9 < z < 1.8. We compare this density field with the one computed in a mock catalogue with the same depth as the Euclid Deep survey (H = 26) but without redshift measurement errors. We find that our method successfully separates high- from low-density environments (the last from the first quintile of the density distribution), with higher efficiency at low redshift and large cells: the fraction of low-density regions mistaken by high-density peaks is <1 per cent for all scales and redshifts explored, but for scales of 1 h−1Mpc for which is a few per cent. These results show that we can efficiently study environment in photometric samples if spectroscopic information is available for a smaller sample of objects that sparsely samples the same volume. We demonstrate that these studies are possible in the Euclid Deep survey, i.e. in a redshift range in which environmental effects are different from those observed in the local Universe, hence providing new constraints for galaxy evolution models
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