258 research outputs found

    Actin Cable Dynamics and Rho/Rock Orchestrate a Polarized Cytoskeletal Architecture in the Early Steps of Assembling a Stratified Epithelium

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    AbstractTo enable stratification and barrier function, the epidermis must permit self-renewal while maintaining adhesive connections. By generating K14-GFP-actin mice to monitor actin dynamics in cultured primary keratinocytes, we uncovered a role for the actin cytoskeleton in establishing cellular organization. During epidermal sheet formation, a polarized network of nascent intercellular junctions and radial actin cables assemble in the apical plane of the monolayer. These actin fibers anchor to a central actin-myosin network, creating a tension-based plane of cytoskeleton across the apical surface of the sheet. Movement of the sheet surface relative to its base expands the zone of intercellular overlap, catalyzing new sites for nascent intercellular junctions. This polarized cytoskeleton is dependent upon α-catenin, Rho, and Rock, and its regulation may be important for wound healing and/or stratification, where coordinated tissue movements are involved

    The Reformatory and Choreographic Contributions of Micheal Fokine

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    Many individuals have contributed to the development of dance throughout its history--some as choreographers, some as teachers, and others as performing artists. But there is no personality more significant nor more relevant to dance as we know it today than the Russian artist, Micheal Fokine

    Sources of Aid and Resilience and Points of Pain in Jamaican Migrant Families

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    Soutien, résilience et points douloureux dans les familles jamaïcaines transnationales.L’article se fonde sur des récits de vie recueillis auprès de membres de 45 familles qui ont de la parentèle à la fois en Jamaïque, en Grande-Bretagne et en Amérique du Nord. L’idée centrale est que la forme jamaïcaine transnationale de famille est centrée sur un type de structure familiale qui est complexe, informel, et pragmatique ; ce type de structure serait caractéristique de la parenté jamaïcaine depuis la fin de l’esclavage. Il n’est pas rare que les enfants y soient élevés par leurs grands-parents ou par d’autres membres du réseau familial, que ce soit en raison d’une recomposition du couple parental ou à cause de séparations consécutives à une émigration. L’article montre comment ce phénomène redéfinit le sentiment de perte psychologique due à la migration ; il permet un soutien efficace et durable du réseau familial transnational dans la prise en charge des enfants, des personnes âgées, et des migrants eux-mêmes. Il apparaît cependant que ce soutien est plus faible s’agissant des jeunes hommes que des jeunes femmes membres du réseau familial. Une des conclusions de l’article conduit à considérer ces familles jamaïcaines transnationales comme relevant d’une forme familiale moderne. Les caractéristiques de cette modernité — expérience acquise dans la gestion des transitions résultant de recompositions familiales ; rôle important attribué aux femmes ; caractères d’inter-racialité et de trans-nationalisme — constituent un type de modèle familial très contemporain et d’un grand intérêt pour l’ensemble des chercheurs du domaine.This article is based on the evidence of life story interviews with members of 45 families who have kin in Jamaica, Britain and North America. It argues that the transnational Jamaican form of family is based on a complex but informal and pragmatic type of family structure which has characterised Jamaican kinship since emancipation from slavery. It has long been common for children to be raised by grandparents or other kin, whether because of parental repartnering or through separations due to migration. The article shows how this shifts the typical focus of psychological loss in migration, and enables effective aid to be sustained through the transnational kin network in childrearing, care for the old, and migration itself. It seems, however, that this support is least effective for young men in contrast to young women. Finally the authors argue that these Jamaican transnational families, because of their long experience with handling transitions from repartnering, the strong role which they give to women, their interracialism and transnationalism, are a progressive modern form of family of wide relevance to family researchers everywhere.Apoyo, « résilience » y puntos dolorosos en familias jamaicanas transnacionales.El articulo se funda en « discursos de vida » de miembros de 45 familias cuyos lazos de parentesco atañen Jamaica, Gran Bretaña y América del Norte. La idea central consiste en analizar el modelo jamaicano de familia transnacional, modelo que se articula alrededor de una estructura familiar compleja, informal y pragmática. Este tipo de estructura familiar parece remontar al periodo en el cual fue abolida la esclavitud. Así, no resulta extraño por ejemplo que, a raíz de una recomposición de la pareja formada por el padre y la madre o bien de separaciones sucesivas ligadas a la emigración, los niños sean criados por los abuelos o por otros miembros de la red familiar. El artículo muestra cómo este fenómeno redefine el sentimiento de pérdida psicológica ligado a la emigración. La red familiar transnacional proporciona un apoyo eficaz y duradero de cara al cuidado de los niños, de las personas ancianas y de los propios inmigrantes. Sin embargo, este apoyo parece ser más débil en el caso de los hombres jóvenes que en el de sus homologas femeninas. Una de las conclusiones del artículo consiste en considerar a estas familias jamaicanas transnacionales como una forma familiar extremadamente moderna. Los factores que permiten avanzar esta modernidad son : la experiencia que estas familias poseen en materia de gestión de transiciones resultando de recomposiciones familiares, el importante rol que se otorga a las mujeres y la inter-racialidad y transnacionalismo de las familias. Se trata, en definitiva, de una forma familiar contemporánea de gran interés para los investigadores de todos los países

    Integrators of the Cytoskeleton that Stabilize Microtubules

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    AbstractSensory neurodegeneration occurs in mice defective in BPAG1, a gene encoding cytoskeletal linker proteins capable of anchoring neuronal intermediate filaments to actin cytoskeleton. While BPAG1 null mice fail to anchor neurofilaments (NFs), BPAG1/NF null mice still degenerate in the absence of NFs. We report a novel neural splice form that lacks the actin-binding domain and instead binds and stabilizes microtubules. This interaction is functionally important; in mice and in vitro, neurons lacking BPAG1 display short, disorganized, and unstable microtubules defective in axonal transport. Ironically, BPAG1 neural isoforms represent microtubule-associated proteins that when absent lead to devastating consequences. Moreover, BPAG1 can functionally account for the extraordinary stability of axonal microtubules necessary for transport over long distances. Its isoforms interconnect all three cytoskeletal networks, a feature apparently central to neuronal survival

    Mensuração da densidade óptica de compósitos compactáveis: comparação entre sistemas digitais direto e indireto

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    The aim of this study was to measure the optical density of four packable composite resins with widths of 1, 2, 3 and 4 mm, by means of Digora® (direct) and DentScan DentView® (indirect) digital imaging systems, in order to compare both methods. Twenty acrylic plates, with the proposed thicknesses, were used, each one containing a sample of each resin. Each acrylic plate was radiographed three times, under a standardized technique. For the Digora® system, an optical plate was used under each resin sample, and, for the DentScan DentView® system, occlusal films were employed, totalizing 60 exposures for each system. Optical plates and films were scanned and three consecutive optical readouts were carried out, totalizing 1,440 readouts. The results were submitted to statistical analysis and revealed that the average optical density of the four resins always increased as thickness increased. Regarding the comparisons between the composite resins, in both analysis the resin with the greater optical density was SurefilTM followed by ProdigyTM Condensable, AlertTM and Solitaire®. The correlations between the results of Digora® and DentScan DentView® were significant for the different thicknesses and materials. The observed tendency is that as the values obtained with the Digora® system increase, so do the values obtained with DentScan DentView®. While thickness increased, the values of optical density in both Digora® and DentScan DentView® tended to approach each other. The Digora® system presented smaller amplitude between the results obtained in adjacent thicknesses.O objetivo deste estudo foi mensurar a densidade óptica de quatro resinas compostas compactáveis nas espessuras de 1, 2, 3 e 4 mm utilizando os sistemas de digitalização de imagens Digora® (direto) e DentScan DentView® (indireto) e compará-los entre si. Foram utilizadas 20 placas de acrílico nas espessuras propostas, cada uma contendo uma amostra de cada resina. Cada placa acrílica foi radiografada três vezes, sob técnica padronizada, usando, para o sistema Digora® uma placa óptica sob cada amostra de resina, e para o sistema DentScan DentView®, filmes oclusais, totalizando 60 exposições para cada sistema. Após, as placas ópticas e os filmes foram escaneados, e fez-se três leituras ópticas consecutivas de cada imagem, totalizando 1.440 leituras. Os resultados submetidos à análise estatística, permitiram concluir que, foi sempre crescente a média de densidade óptica das quatro resinas com o aumento da espessura. Quanto à comparação entre as resinas compostas, nas duas análises a de maior densidade óptica foi a SurefilTM, seguida em ordem decrescente, pelas resinas ProdigyTM Condensable, AlertTM e Solitaire®. As correlações entre os resultados do Digora® e DentScan DentView® foram significativas para as diferentes espessuras e materiais. A tendência observada é que à medida que os valores do Digora® aumentam, os valores do DentScan DentView® também aumentam. Com o aumento das espessuras, os valores das médias de densidade óptica das análises efetuadas com o Digora® e com o DentScan DentView® tenderam a se aproximar. O sistema Digora® apresentou, comparado com o DentScan DentView®, uma menor amplitude entre os valores das espessuras próximas

    Group Analysis in Practice: Narrative Approaches

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Institut für Qualitative Forschung via the URL in this record.Working in groups is increasingly regarded as fruitful for the process of analyzing qualitative data. It has been reported to build research skills, make the analytic process visible, reduce inequalities and social distance particularly between researchers and participants, and broaden and intensify engagement with the material. This article contributes to the burgeoning literature on group qualitative data analysis by presenting a worked example of a group data analysis of a short extract from an interview on serial migration from the Caribbean to the UK. It describes the group's working practices and the different analytic resources drawn upon to conduct a narrative analysis. We demonstrate the ways in which an initial line-by-line analysis followed by analysis of larger extracts generated insights that would have been less available to individual researchers. Additionally, we discuss the positioning of group members in relation to the data and reflect on the porous boundary between primary and secondary analysis of qualitative data.With grateful thanks to the participants, without whose generosity in sharing their stories, the study would not have been possible. We are also pleased to acknowledge funding of the NOVELLA research node from the Economic and Social Research Council that enabled engagement with methodological, theoretical and substantive issues

    Estratégias de valorização dos produtos da agricultura tradicional em Biguaçu, SC: perspectivas de Mercado e conservação ambiental

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    A agricultura brasileira se desenvolve entre extremos: de um lado, sistemas retratados como de alta produtividade e eficiência e, do outro, sistemas tradicionais ditos de subsistência, muitas vezes estigmatizados como ineficientes e ambientalmente degradantes. Neste artigo, apresentamos uma discussão acerca da revalorização do sistema tradicional de produção denominado roça de toco, no Município de Biguaçu, SC. Apresentamos também as estratégias para acessar mercados diferenciados, que foram implementadas com base em inovação e organização coletiva dos agricultores. Essa transformação partiu do conhecimento das verdadeiras preocupações e anseios dos agricultores praticantes do sistema. Estas preocupações e anseios trabalhados em um processo participativo de planejamento, resultaram em inovações organizacionais, de gestão e de produto. Por meio de cooperação interinstitucional, houve uma reinterpretação e valorização da roça de toco, o que se expressou pela regularização ambiental do sistema e pela criação de uma marca coletiva denominada “Valor da Roça”. O uso da marca tem auxiliado na diminuição da assimetria informacional e no aumento da renda dos agricultores. Em síntese, converteu-se um sistema contestado e desvalorizado socialmente em um sistema de produção ambientalmente responsável e reconhecido por seu diferencial em mercados de maior valor agregado.Brazilian agriculture develops between extremes: on one side, systems portrayed as of high productivity and efficiency and, on the other, traditional systems of subsistence, often stigmatized as inefficient and environmentally degrading. In this article we present a discussion of the revaluation of the traditional production system called slash-and-burn, within the municipality of Biguaçu, Santa Catarina. We also discuss the strategies of access to different markets that have taken place due to the innovation and collective organization of farmers. This transformation originated from the knowledge of the real concerns and wishes of farmers who practice the system. They, allied to the participatory planning process, resulted in organizational, product and management  innovations. Through interinstitutional cooperation, there was a reinterpretation and valorization of the slash-and-burn, which is expressed by the environmental regularization of the system, in addition to the creation of a collective brand called "Valor da Roça". The use of the brand has helped in the reduction of informational asymmetry and has increased the farmers’ income. In summary, it changed from a contested and socially devalued system into an environmentally responsible production system and recognized for its differential in markets with higher added value

    Comparação da composição química de resinas compostas compactáveis através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura

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    OBJECTIVES: the purpose of this study was to compare the chemical composition of four different shades (incisal/extra-light, A2, A3 and B3) of two packable resin composites (SOLITAIRE®, and PRODIGY CONDENSABLE TM). METHODS AND MATERIALS: the specimens measured 4mm in diameter and 4mm in thickness. Five specimens were made for each shade of the materials. They were light cured for 40 seconds at a power of 600mW/cm². Subsequently, the specimens were removed from the plates and ground to powder and then pressed into holes measuring 4mm in diameter in a Teflon matrix, using the plates of the same material as base and cover. Specimens were evaluated under SEM with an x-ray detector for the spectroscopic test by energy dispersing. RESULTS: the chemical components found in both materials were practically the same, but in different proportions. Carbon, Oxygen, Aluminum, Silica, Fluoride and Barium were found. CONCLUSIONS: the chemical composition of each same material varied according to each shade analyzed.OBJETIVO: comparar a composição química de duas resinas compostas compactáveis (SOLITAIRE®, Kulzer, e PRODIGY CONDENSABLE TM, Kerr) em quatro diferentes cores (incisal/extra-light, A2, A3 e B3). MATERIAIS E MÉTODO: as amostras foram confeccionadas em placas de acrílico transparente com 4mm de espessura. Os materiais foram inseridos e compactados em orifícios de 4mm de diâmetro. Para cada cor de cada material foram confeccionadas 5 amostras, as quais foram fotopolimerizadas durante 40 segundos a uma potência de 600mW/cm². Logo após, estas foram removidas das placas e trituradas até apresentarem uma consistência de pó, foram prensadas, para colocação das diferentes cores em nichos de 4mm de diâmetro de uma matriz de Teflon, tendo como base e cobertura duas placas do mesmo material. As amostras foram montadas em stubs para a metalização, ou deposição de íons, sendo suas imagens importadas ao microscópio eletrônico de varredura com detector de raios X, para o teste de espectroscopia por dispersão de energia. RESULTADO: foram encontrados Carbono, Oxigênio, Alumínio, Sílica, Flúor, e Bário em diferentes proporções nos materiais estudados. CONCLUSÃO: a composição química de um mesmo material variou de acordo com a cor analisada e os componentes químicos encontrados foram praticamente os mesmos, mas em diferentes proporções