2,801 research outputs found

    Vapor Pressure of Iodine Monochloride

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    The Pearce and Snow dynamic method of measuring vapor pressure has been adapted to the measurement of the vapor pressure of iodine monochloride in the solid and liquid phases. Heats of sublimation, vaporization and fusion were obtained by application of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation

    Dissociation Pressure of Some Potassium Polyhalides

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    Potassium dichloro iodide (KLCL2 or KCL-ICL, m. p. 195°) and potassium trichloro di-iodide (KCL.21CL, m. p. 45°) have been prepared and their dissociation pressures measured

    Greed, Self-Interest and Business Ethics – A Comparative Discussion of Gandhi and Novak

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    Today it is commonly believed that capitalism is driven by greed. However, greed is condemned by various religious traditions. In this paper we compare how Mahatma Gandhi, a Hindu, and Michael Novak, a Catholic, see the possibilities of engaging in competitive business practice without the motive of greed. This discussion suggests a need to distinguish greed from self-interest. We therefore analyze whether it makes a difference in moral evaluation to claim that the real driving force of capitalism is self-interest but not greed. Our analysis makes use of the rational-care theory of self-interest developed by Stephen Darwall, the discussion of which has been absent in the business ethics literature. Our conclusion is that there is a quantitative but not qualitative difference between the two

    Krankheitsanfälligkeit und Biomasseertrag verschiedener Erbsentypen in einem Gefäßversuch

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    Generally, purple-flowered peas are assumed to be less susceptible to soilborne pests. Ten peas were compared regarding tolerance to soilborne diseases and above- and belowground biomass yield on two soils with soil fatigue and a cultivation substrate as a control. In the pot experiment, five purple-flowered and five white-flowered grain and forage peas were tested. Purple-flowered peas had no higher tolerance to soilborne diseases compared to white-flowered peas. Forage peas were not less susceptible to soilborne diseases compared to grain peas, too. But purple-flowered peas showed a lower decrease in biomass yield among others due to a lower reduction for field emergency on soils with soil fatigue. This may cause a higher tolerance to soilborne pests before pea field emergence and/or a lower susceptibility to a rougher seeding bed

    Embry-Riddle Housing Options for Sophomores

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    Purpose: To help you make an informed decision about where to live next year. How are we going to achieve this: We will analyze the important characteristics of each dorm and compare them. How we will analyze the characteristics: The book “ Student Learning in College Residence Halls : What Works, What Doesn\u27t, and Why” by Gregory Blimling (2015) discusses the many factors that go into making a residence hall a great learning environment. We will use his findings

    Geração de interfaces de usuário para operações CRUD com base em metadados

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel no Curso de Ciência da Computação da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.No desenvolvimento de sistemas web, é comum o armazenamento de dados persistente utilizando banco de dados. Para o gerenciamento dos dados armazenados no sistema, Interfaces de Usuários (UI, User Interface) para operações de Inserção, Obtenção, Exclusão e Atualização (CRUD - Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete) de registros são utilizadas, representando até 30% do desenvolvimento de um sistema. Objetivando automatizar completamente o desenvolvimento de UI para operações CRUD, este trabalho propõe a criação de uma ferramenta para geração de códigos baseada em modelos. Para alcançar este objetivo, a ferramenta utiliza um motor de templates para receber variáveis através dos dicionários de metadados e aplica a modelos de templates predefinidos no sistema. Completando sua arquitetura, arquivos de controle e estilo são acoplados a interface de usuário retornada pela ferramenta inibindo o desenvolvimento de código-fonte e da refatoração ao longo da evolução do sistema. A ferramenta se limita a tipos de dados presentes no sistema para a geração de UI para operações CRUD, sendo necessário a implementação de novos tipos de dados, templates, controles, estilos e mapeamento objeto-relacional (MOR) para atender a derivadas necessidades presentes no mercado. Focando inicialmente na linguagem de programação Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), o trabalho proposto aponta uma ferramenta escalável e apta a ser utilizada em sistemas profissionais de desenvolvimento para a geração automatizada de UI para operações CRUD

    Academic Advancement Center

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    Benefits of Studying and Tutoring Basics of A2 Subjects within A2 Hours of A2 Location of A2 Resources Available Works cite

    Familiengründung im Partnerschaftskontext: eine Analyse der Bedeutung der Bildungskonstellation von Paaren für eine Elternschaft anhand des Mikrozensus 1996-2004

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    "Die meisten Kinder werden in bestehenden Paarbeziehungen gezeugt und geboren. Doch empirische Untersuchungen konzentrieren sich bei der Analyse fertilen Verhaltens bisher meist nur auf Merkmale eines Partners, in aller Regel auf Merkmale der Frau, seltener auf Merkmale des Mannes. Im vorliegenden Arbeitspapier nehmen wir dahingegen eine verhandlungstheoretische Perspektive ein und analysieren die Entscheidung für oder gegen die Familiengründung als partnerschaftliche Entscheidungssituation. Eine solche Paarperspektive trägt Veränderungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und neuen Strukturen beruflicher Karrieren Rechnung, die den familialen Handlungskontext von Männern, aber auch die Opportunitätsstruktur von Frauen nachhaltig verändern. Wir untersuchen den Einfluss der Bildungskonstellationen in Partnerschaften auf fertiles Verhalten anhand der Mikrozensen aus den Erhebungsjahren 1996 bis 2004. Im ersten Teil unserer empirischen Analysen zeigen wir deskriptiv, wie die Verbreitung von Elternschaften mit dem allgemeinen und beruflichen Ausbildungsniveau beider Partner variiert. Im multivariaten Analyseteil nehmen wir eine Lebensverlaufsperspektive ein und zeigen mittels eines Kohortendesigns, dass der Zeitpunkt der Familiengründung von Mitte der 1960er und Mitte der 1970er Jahre geborenen Frauen sowohl durch das Ausbildungsniveau der Frau als auch durch das ihres Partners beeinflusst wird. An diese detaillierte Betrachtung einzelner Kombinationen von Bildungsabschlüssen schließt sich eine direkte Modellierung der Bildungskonstellation, der Bildungshomogamie, an. Unsere Betrachtungen stellen eine wichtige Ergänzung zu bisherigen Analysen dar, weil wir einerseits explizit Paare analysieren und zudem Bildungseffekte nach allgemeiner und beruflicher Bildung trennen. Wir gelangen zu dem Ergebnis, dass Homogamie bezüglich der Allgemeinbildung die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer (frühen) Elternschaft ebenso fördert wie ein traditionelles Bildungsgefälle auf der Ebene beruflich qualifizierender Bildungszertifikate." (Autorenreferat