111 research outputs found

    Protective effect of different antioxidant agents in UVB-irradiated keratinocytes

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    Skin cells can respond to UVB-induced damage either by tolerating it, or restoring it through antioxidant activation and DNA repair mechanisms or, ultimately, undergoing programmed cell death, when damage is massive. Nutritional factors, in particular, food antioxidants, have attracted much interest because of their potential use in new preventive, protective, and therapeutic strategies for chronic degenerative diseases, including skin inflammation and cancer. Some polyphenols, present in virgin olive oil, well tolerated by organism after oral administration, show a variety of pharmacological and clinical benefits such as anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and neuro-protective activities. Here, the protective effects of antioxidant compounds against UV-induced apoptosis have been described in HaCat cell line. Human keratinocytes were pre-treated with antioxidants before UVB exposure and their effects have been evaluated by means of ultrastructural analyses. After UVB radiation, a known cell death trigger, typical apoptotic features, absent in control condition and in antioxidant alone-treated cells, appear. An evident numerical decrease of ultrastructural apoptotic patterns and TUNEL positive nuclei can be observed when natural antioxidants were supplied before cell death induction. These data have been confirmed by molecular investigation of caspase activity. In conclusion, this paper highlights antioxidant compound ability to prevent apoptotic cell death in human keratinocytes exposed to UVB, suggesting, for these molecules, a potential role in preventing skin damage

    D6.1 Market analysis and technology database report

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    Within the EDEN-ISS project, a lot of technologies were implemented into the Future Expoloration Greenhouse (FEG) for the analogue mission on Antarctica. Most were existing technologies that had been developed within previous “space related” projects and some were derived from existing hightech greenhouse production technology. This document analyses the potential for spin-offs to other applications, particularly of the technologies that were either new or modifications of existing technologies, that is: the E-nose for the microbial detection; the water-cooled LED luminaries for plant lighting; the online, continuous control of the spectrum of the luminaries and the plant health monitoring system. Whereas the potential for application of the modified E-nose is particularly in hospitals and related places, the potential for the other three systems is particularly in high-tech, fresh vegetable production, such as high-tech greenhouses or Vertical Farms. Indeed, given the size of such markets, the potential for each system is certainly high. This document also gives a preview of the improvements/adaptations of each system, which would improve the penetration in the potential market

    Design of a Switching Controller for Adaptive Disturbance Attenuation with Guaranteed Stability

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    In this paper, a new algorithm is proposed for the design of a family of controllers to be used within an adaptive switching control scheme. The resulting switching controller is able to attenuate the effects of disturbances having uncertain and possibly time-varying characteristics, as well as to ensure stability under arbitrary switching sequences. Specifically, the stability requirement is addressed within the synthesis of the set of controllers by imposing some constraints in LMI form. The overall synthesis algorithm is formulated in terms of convex optimization problems, which can be solved by means of standard tools. The validity of the proposed solution is underlined by showing simulation results on an adaptive optics case study

    How Inflammation Pathways Contribute to Cell Death in Neuro-Muscular Disorders

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    Neuro-muscular disorders include a variety of diseases induced by genetic mutations resulting in muscle weakness and waste, swallowing and breathing difficulties. However, muscle alterations and nerve depletions involve specific molecular and cellular mechanisms which lead to the loss of motor-nerve or skeletal-muscle function, often due to an excessive cell death. Morphological and molecular studies demonstrated that a high number of these disorders seem characterized by an upregulated apoptosis which significantly contributes to the pathology. Cell death involvement is the consequence of some cellular processes that occur during diseases, including mitochondrial dysfunction, protein aggregation, free radical generation, excitotoxicity and inflammation. The latter represents an important mediator of disease progression, which, in the central nervous system, is known as neuroinflammation, characterized by reactive microglia and astroglia, as well the infiltration of peripheral monocytes and lymphocytes. Some of the mechanisms underlying inflammation have been linked to reactive oxygen species accumulation, which trigger mitochondrial genomic and respiratory chain instability, autophagy impairment and finally neuron or muscle cell death. This review discusses the main inflammatory pathways contributing to cell death in neuro-muscular disorders by highlighting the main mechanisms, the knowledge of which appears essential in developing therapeutic strategies to prevent the consequent neuron loss and muscle wasting

    Switching Control for Adaptive Disturbance Attenuation

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    The problem of adaptive disturbance attenuation is addressed in this paper using a switching control approach. A finite family of stabilizing controllers is pre-designed, with the assumption that, for any possible operating condition, at least one controller is able to achieve a prescribed level of attenuation. Then, at each time instant, a supervisory unit selects the controller associated with the best potential performance on the basis of suitably defined test functionals. In the paper, we prove some important properties which are satisfied by the test functionals, and analyze the stability of the overall switched system. Simulation results are provided to show the validity of the proposed method as a solution to the problem

    A study of the galaxy redshift distribution toward the cosmic microwave background cold spot in the Corona Borealis supercluster

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    We present a study of the spatial and redshift distributions of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) galaxies toward the position of CrB-H, a very deep and extended decrement in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), located within the Corona Borealis supercluster (CrB-SC). It was found in a survey with the Very Small Array (VSA) interferometer at 33 GHz, with a peak negative brightness temperature of -230 muK, and deviates 4.4-sigma from the Gaussian CMB (G\'enova-Santos et al.). Observations with the Millimeter and Infrared Testa Grigia Observatory (MITO) suggested that 25$^+21_-18% of this decrement may be caused by the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (tSZ) effect (Battistelli et al.). Here we investigate whether the galaxy distribution could be tracing either a previously unnoticed galaxy cluster or a Warm/Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) filament that could build up this tSZ effect. We find that the projected density of galaxies outside Abell clusters and with redshifts 0.05<z<0.12 at the position of CrB-H is the highest in the area encompassed by the CrB-SC. Most of these galaxies are located around redshifts z=0.07 and z=0.11, but no clear connection in the form of a filamentary structure is appreciable in between. While the galaxy distribution at z=0.07 is sparse, we find evidence at z=0.11 of a galaxy group or a low-mass galaxy cluster. We estimate that this structure could produce a tSZ effect of ~ -18 muK. The remaining VSA signal of ~ -212 muK is still a significant 4.1-sigma deviation from the Gaussian CMB. However, the MITO error bar allows for a larger tSZ effect, which could be produced by galaxy clusters or superclusters beyond the sensitivity of the SDSS. Contributions from other possible secondary anisotropies associated with these structures are also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Accepted in MNRA

    Virgin oil polyphenols prevent UVB-induced keratinocyte cell death

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    Food compounds, in particular hydroxytyrosol (HyT), hydroxytyrosol laurate (L-HyT) and tyrosol (Tyr), polyphenols present in virgin oil, have attracted much interest because of their potential use in new preventive, protective, and therapeutic strategies for chronic skin degenerative disorders, including erythema, inflammation and aging (Lahtz et al., 2013). In our previous studies HyT and L-HyT antiapoptotic effects, against pro-oxidant agents in different cell models, have been demonstrated (Burattini et al., 2013). Here, the potential protective actions of antioxidant compounds against UV-induced apoptosis were investigated in human keratinocytes (HaCaT). The cell line was pre-treated with antioxidants before UVB exposure and their effect evaluated by means of ultrastructural and molecular analyses. After UVB radiation typical morphological apoptotic features appeared and their significant down regulation could be observed when polyphenols were administrated before cell death induction. These data have been confirmed by molecular analyses. In fact, both intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways appeared activated after UVB radiation. When antioxidants were added to samples before cell death induction, an evident caspase activation decrease could be revealed. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that polyphenols are able to prevent in vitro apoptotic cell death in human keratinocytes exposed to UVB, encouraging their use in vivo as potential sun damagepreventing molecules
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