4 research outputs found

    Explorando la investigación sobre la gestión de la ética empresarial

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    [EN] Society is constantly striving to promote actions that are environmentally, socially and economically sustainable in the long term. The initiatives that are currently being proposed are not only global, but corporate as well, and they all contribute to a more environmentally-friendly future. In this context, the concept of business ethics arises, referring to the set of arguments that allow to improve the relations between workers and external parties directly related to the business activity. This starting point is essential to explain how achieving an ethical organizational environment may bring about improved economic, social and environmental results. For this reason, this work focuses on discussing business ethics through a literature review and a bibliometric analysis.[ES] La sociedad se esfuerza constantemente en promover acciones que sean sostenibles a largo plazo, desde el punto de vista medioambiental, social y económico. Las iniciativas que se proponen en la actualidad no son sólo globales, sino también empresariales, y todas ellas contribuyen a un futuro más respetuoso con el medio ambiente. En este contexto, surge el concepto de ética empresarial, referido al conjunto de argumentos que permiten mejorar las relaciones entre los trabajadores y las partes externas directamente relacionadas con la actividad empresarial. Este punto de partida es esencial para explicar cómo la consecución de un entorno organizativo ético puede suponer una mejora de los resultados económicos, sociales y medioambientales. Por ello, este trabajo se centra en la discusión de la ética empresarial a través de una revisión bibliográfica y un análisis bibliométrico

    Sustainable Irrigation in Agriculture: An Analysis of Global Research

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    Irrigated agriculture plays a fundamental role as a supplier of food and raw materials. However, it is also the world’s largest water user. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of studies analyzing agricultural irrigation from the perspective of sustainability with a focus on its environmental, economic, and social impacts. This study seeks to analyze the dynamics of global research in sustainable irrigation in agriculture between 1999 and 2018, including the main agents promoting it and the topics that have received the most attention. To do this, a review and a bibliometric analysis were carried out on a sample of 713 articles. The results show that sustainability is a line of study that is becoming increasingly more prominent within research in irrigation. The study also reveals the existence of substantial differences and preferred topics in the research undertaken by different countries. The priority issues addressed in the research were climatic change, environmental impact, and natural resources conservation; unconventional water resources; irrigation technology and innovation; and water use efficiency. Finally, the findings indicate a series of areas related to sustainable irrigation in agriculture in which research should be promoted

    Removal of Pharmaceuticals from Wastewater: Analysis of the Past and Present Global Research Activities

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    Water pollution is a worldwide problem. Water consumption increases at a faster rate than population and this leads to a higher pollution rate. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) include proposals aimed at ensuring the availability of clean water and its sustainable management (Goal 6), as well as the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and seas. The current trend consists in trying to reconcile economic growth with sustainability, avoiding the negative externalities for the environment generated by human activity. More specifically, the objective of this article is to present the evolution of the research regarding the removal of polluting pharmaceuticals that are discharged into wastewater. To do that, a bibliometric analysis of 2938 articles comprising the period 1979–2020 has been carried out. This analysis includes productivity indicators in the scientific field: journals, authors, research institutions and countries. In addition, keyword analysis allows the identification of four main axes of the research regarding the removal of pharmaceutical residues found in wastewater. The first group of articles is aimed at identifying the pharmaceuticals present in polluting effluents. The second and third groups of articles focus on presenting the procedures that enable the treatment of emerging contaminants, either from a biological point of view (second group) or a physicochemical point of view (third group). The fourth group refers to water quality and its possibilities to be reused. Finally, there is a growing trend of worldwide scientific publications, which justifies the importance of polluting residues management, especially those of pharmaceutical origin, in order to achieve a more sustainable society

    A Profitable Alternative for the Spanish Southeast: The Case of Production of Figs in Greenhouses

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    Spain is one of the main fruit and vegetable export centers, as it allocates more than 80% of its total production to foreign trade. In recent years, the stable demand for fruit and vegetables has been affected by the incorporation of third countries outside the European Union, which compete by marketing the same portfolio of products. This situation causes farmers to have to look for other crops to expand the current supply. However, the introduction of alternative crops leaves aside the environmental importance in order to choose a profitable and sustainable alternative for farmers from the economic, logistical and social point of view. The key strategy must be to increase the range of products with new crops that are both profitable and sustainable, especially given the difficulties encountered in agricultural practices, such as pollution from chemical products, water scarcity, and waste generation. In this context, the need arises to propose national crops that can complement the necessary supply and avoid negative externalities. For this reason, the objective of this study is to demonstrate the profitability of the sustainable production of figs inside greenhouses so that the agricultural sector may invest in this alternative crop to complement the supply of intensive horticulture in southeastern Spain. Therefore, this analysis seeks to answer the initial question, Can fig cultivation be a profitable alternative to the current model of agriculture in the Almeria region? The field test consisted of cultivating 11 national varieties of biferous fig trees under greenhouse conditions. The chosen location was the Spanish southeast, specifically an experimental farm in the province of Almeria, and the selected dates were the years 2018–2020. The results indicate that the intensive cultivation of early figs and figs is a good alternative since it both allows the recovery of the investment from the fourth year, depending on the selected variety, and contributes favorably to sustainable agricultural production