76 research outputs found

    Адміністративна реформа Наполеона Бонапарта. Її зміст та значення

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    Стаття присвячена аналізу історичних аспектів, причин проведення реформи та її наслідків. Був проведений аналіз факторів, які вплинули на розвиток подій, а саме: не здатність тодішніх органів державної та місцевої влади створити та втілити у життя ефективну систему державного управління на всіх рівнях; політичну кризу, яка була спричинена боротьбою різних політичних партій та груп, що в подальшому привело до хаосу у вищих ешалонах влади та характеризувалося постійними змінами серед політичних сил, що в кінцевому результаті паралізувало роботу всього державно-управлінського апарату, і очікувано охопило органи місцевої влади. Розглядається особливості персони Наполеона Бонапарта як ідеолога та реалізатора даної адміністративної реформи, яка базувалася на принципах централізації влади та ефективно працювала на протязі двох століть, практично без суттєвих трансформацій, та продовжу залишатися основою для сьогоднішньої адміністративної системи Французької республіки. Було з’ясовано особливості становлення та функціонування органів державної влади в період консулату (1799-1804 роки), а також розглянуто питання можливості співіснування та взаємодії централізації та децентралізації. Наукову увагу зосереджено на конституційних повноваженнях установ законодавчої та виконавчої влади, їх взаємодії та ефективності роботи. Були визначені основні риси політичного режиму у Франції в період 1799-1815 рр., а саме: домінування виконавчої влади над законодавчою; опора на повноваження керівника виконавчої влади; контроль центральною виконавчою владою системи місцевого самоврядування; придушення опозиції. З’ясувалося, що внаслідок вище згаданого, бонапартистський режим забезпечив політичну стабільність, централізував всю державну систему влади та створив праобраз історичний авторитарного режиму. Було проаналізовано можливість використання певних елементів та ідей, а також врахування недоліків даної реформи, при проведення адміністративної реформи в Україні

    Long-term Annual Aerial Surveys of Submersed Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Support Science, Management, and Restoration

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    Aerial surveys of coastal habitats can uniquely inform the science and management of shallow, coastal zones, and when repeated annually,theyrevealchangesthatareotherwisedifficulttoassess fromground-basedsurveys.Thispaperreviewstheutilityofalongterm(1984–present)annualaerialmonitoringprogramforsubmersedaquaticvegetation(SAV)inChesapeakeBay,itstidaltributaries, and nearby Atlantic coastal bays, USA. We present a series of applications that highlight the program’s importance in assessing anthropogenic impacts, gauging water quality status and trends, establishing and evaluating restoration goals, and understanding the impactofcommercialfishingpracticesonbenthichabitats.Theseexamplesdemonstratehowperiodicallyquantifyingcoverageofthis important foundational habitat answers basic research questions locally, as well as globally, and provides essential information to resource managers. New technologies are enabling more frequent and accurate aerial surveys at greater spatial resolution and lower cost. These advances will support efforts to extend the applications described here to similar issues in other areas

    The satisfactory growth and development at 2 years of age of the INTERGROWTH-21st Fetal Growth Standards cohort support its appropriateness for constructing international standards.

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    BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization recommends that human growth should be monitored with the use of international standards. However, in obstetric practice, we continue to monitor fetal growth using numerous local charts or equations that are based on different populations for each body structure. Consistent with World Health Organization recommendations, the INTERGROWTH-21st Project has produced the first set of international standards to date pregnancies; to monitor fetal growth, estimated fetal weight, Doppler measures, and brain structures; to measure uterine growth, maternal nutrition, newborn infant size, and body composition; and to assess the postnatal growth of preterm babies. All these standards are based on the same healthy pregnancy cohort. Recognizing the importance of demonstrating that, postnatally, this cohort still adhered to the World Health Organization prescriptive approach, we followed their growth and development to the key milestone of 2 years of age. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether the babies in the INTERGROWTH-21st Project maintained optimal growth and development in childhood. STUDY DESIGN: In the Infant Follow-up Study of the INTERGROWTH-21st Project, we evaluated postnatal growth, nutrition, morbidity, and motor development up to 2 years of age in the children who contributed data to the construction of the international fetal growth, newborn infant size and body composition at birth, and preterm postnatal growth standards. Clinical care, feeding practices, anthropometric measures, and assessment of morbidity were standardized across study sites and documented at 1 and 2 years of age. Weight, length, and head circumference age- and sex-specific z-scores and percentiles and motor development milestones were estimated with the use of the World Health Organization Child Growth Standards and World Health Organization milestone distributions, respectively. For the preterm infants, corrected age was used. Variance components analysis was used to estimate the percentage variability among individuals within a study site compared with that among study sites. RESULTS: There were 3711 eligible singleton live births; 3042 children (82%) were evaluated at 2 years of age. There were no substantive differences between the included group and the lost-to-follow up group. Infant mortality rate was 3 per 1000; neonatal mortality rate was 1.6 per 1000. At the 2-year visit, the children included in the INTERGROWTH-21st Fetal Growth Standards were at the 49th percentile for length, 50th percentile for head circumference, and 58th percentile for weight of the World Health Organization Child Growth Standards. Similar results were seen for the preterm subgroup that was included in the INTERGROWTH-21st Preterm Postnatal Growth Standards. The cohort overlapped between the 3rd and 97th percentiles of the World Health Organization motor development milestones. We estimated that the variance among study sites explains only 5.5% of the total variability in the length of the children between birth and 2 years of age, although the variance among individuals within a study site explains 42.9% (ie, 8 times the amount explained by the variation among sites). An increase of 8.9 cm in adult height over mean parental height is estimated to occur in the cohort from low-middle income countries, provided that children continue to have adequate health, environmental, and nutritional conditions. CONCLUSION: The cohort enrolled in the INTERGROWTH-21st standards remained healthy with adequate growth and motor development up to 2 years of age, which supports its appropriateness for the construction of international fetal and preterm postnatal growth standards

    Novel inhibitors of the calcineurin/NFATc hub - alternatives to CsA and FK506?

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    The drugs cyclosporine A (CsA) and tacrolimus (FK506) revolutionized organ transplantation. Both compounds are still widely used in the clinic as well as for basic research, even though they have dramatic side effects and modulate other pathways than calcineurin-NFATc, too. To answer the major open question - whether the adverse side effects are secondary to the actions of the drugs on the calcineurin-NFATc pathway - alternative inhibitors were developed. Ideal inhibitors should discriminate between the inhibition of (i) calcineurin and peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases (PPIases; the matchmaker proteins of CsA and FK506), (ii) calcineurin and the other Ser/Thr protein phosphatases, and (iii) NFATc and other transcription factors. In this review we summarize the current knowledge about novel inhibitors, synthesized or identified in the last decades, and focus on their mode of action, specificity, and biological effects

    Progress for research of grape and wine culture in Georgia, the South Caucasus

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    This communication will provide the latest information about the progress of the “Research Project for the Study of Georgian Grapes and Wine Culture”, managed by the National Wine Agency of Georgia since 2014. Local and foreign institutions continue to work together with the aim of stimulating multidisciplinary scientific research activity on Georgian viticulture and viniculture and to reconstruct their development from Neolithic civilizations to the present. The project is multidisciplinary in nature, merging contributions from archaeology, history, ethnography, molecular genetics, biomolecular archaeology, palaeobotany, ampelography, enology, climatology and other scientific fields

    Educational Programs and Recidivism in Oklahoma: Another Look

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    Prior research suggests that educational programs are one of the most effective tools in reducing recidivism rates. In this study, however, the authors found that some educational programs administered in Oklahoma may not have an ameliorative effect on criminality. Specifically, they found that completion of a general equivalency diploma program was strongly associated with longer survival times outside of prison, particularly for women. However, for both men and women, completion of vocational-technical training while incarcerated was linked to shorter survival times. This indicates the need to evaluate the types of training offered in prisons.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Ceremonial plant consumption at Middle Bronze Age Büklükale, Kırıkkale Province, central Turkey

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    A shaft-like room at the Middle Bronze Age site of Büklükale in central Turkey preserved a rich archaeobotanical assemblage of charred and mineralised plant remains, dominated by fruits, spices and nuts mixed with probable bread and wood charcoals. The remains were recovered in association with numerous ceramic vessels, jewellery and exotic artefacts. We combine identification and analysis of the seeds and wood charcoals contained in this deposit with studies of Old Assyrian and Hittite textual records to investigate the circumstances of the assemblage’s formation and its significance for further understanding trade and plant consumption in Bronze Age Anatolia. We present the earliest archaeobotanical example in the region of rare and exotic plant species being consumed in the context of one or more social gatherings, including those possibly linked to ceremonial or ritual events. This offers new insights into the role of plants in the economic and social life of the southwest Asian Bronze Age, as well as the role of commensality and feasting in early states

    Політика радянського комуністичного режиму щодо церковно-релігійного життя в Україні (1930–1940-ві рр.)

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    The article is devoted to the state and importance of religion and church in the Soviet society, in particular in the Ukrainian SSR, at the stage of strengthening of the authoritarian tendencies and their transformation into totalitarianism during the period of 1930 – early 1940s. Considerable attention is paid to the main directions of the state religion and church policy, the social component of the activity of religious and church organizations is revealed; the main tasks and directions of realization of ideology of the Soviet communist regime are considered, anti-religious policy aimed at the destruction of spiritual and moral principles and traditions of peoples in particular. It was proved that the anti-religious doctrine developed by V. Lenin was directed against Christianity, and especially against the Orthodox Church. One of the main reasons for this was that the Orthodox Church condemned the politics of violence and terror in public relations, as well as other manifestations of evil against people, government and the state. The methods and means of terror used by the Soviet communist authorities against church denominations, in particular, the general ideological pressure on believers and representatives of all denominations, anti-religious propaganda, the prohibition of the printing of religious editions, the closure and destruction of churches and monasteries, the nationalization of all church lands, the cessation and physical destruction of clergymen and their family members. It was shown that the anti-religious campaign in Ukraine in the 1930’s was closely linked with the destruction of the Ukrainian village and dispossession. The Soviet government considered the closure of churches, the persecution of the clergy and faithful men as an integral part of the implementation of socialism in the village. The antichristian essence of the Bolshevik ideology gave its followers a propensity for primitive instincts, which led to massive cases of violence, sadism and abuse over the human person. The moral and ethical values, traditions, spirituality were spoiled. Instead, the idolatry was introduced to the new leaders. But despite the fact that the anti-religious campaigns of the Bolshevik authorities were massive and cruel, they did not bring the results that were expected by representatives of the Soviet government. The opposition to the antireligious policy of Soviet power became one of the types of general resistance to the Stalinist totalitarian regimeСтаття присвячена дослідженню церковно-релігійного життя в Україні у період 1930-х – початку 1940-х років. Значна увага приділена напрямкам державної антирелігійної політики, розкрито соціальну складову діяльності церковно-релігійних організацій; основні завдання і напрями реалізації ідеології радянського комуністичного режиму, а саме політику, спрямовану на нищення духовності й моральних принципів і традицій народів; методи та засоби терору радянської комуністичної влади застосовані проти духівництва усіх конфесій, зокрема, тотальний ідеологічний тиск на віруючих, антирелігійна пропаганда, заборона друкування релігійних видань, закриття і нищення церков та монастирів, націоналізація всіх церковних земель, переслідування і фізичне знищення священнослужителів та членів їх родин. Показано, що антирелігійна кампанія в Україні була тісно пов’язана з руйнуванням українського села та розкуркулення