36 research outputs found

    Relações sociais e redes de apoio na adolescência: experiências mediadas pela música

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    O presente artigo resulta de uma pesquisa intervenção de cunho qualitativo, realizada com quinze adolescentes de uma instituição localizada litoral norte de Santa Catarina. Para coleta de dados foram realizadas oficinas musicais, nas quais os participantes escolheram letras de músicas para abordar questões a respeito de sua condição de vida, discorrendo sobre o território onde vivem, a percepção que têm de si e do tempo e sobre as suas redes sociais de apoio. Em um corte temático para efeitos deste artigo, as redes sociais de apoio foram eleitas como a temática a ser analisada e discutida por meio da análise temático-categorial. Os resultados apontaram para um espaço escolar com uma função indefinida, pautado na contestação das regras e normas que são impostas, onde ocorrem brincadeiras e intrigas. Quanto à rede de amigos, observou-se que essa relação é baseada nos sentimentos de confiança e de lealdade, se configurando como uma rede essencial nesse ciclo da vida, assim como a família que se apresenta como um fator de proteção, mesmo perpassando situações conflituosas, de violência, mortes e separações

    Apert Syndrome: New Treatment and a Perspective for the Future

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    Treatment the Apert Syndrome is unique, therefore, divergences exist in the priority of the procedures performed by each team. The Apert Syndrome occurs in approximately 1/65,000 births and accounts for 4.5% of all craniosynostosis. Some changes in Apert Syndrome stand out, such as craniosynostosis and polydactyly

    Avaliação da assistência pré-natal realizada na atenção primária: estudo transversal aninhado a uma coorte gestativa

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    Objetivos: avaliar a adequação da assistência pré-natal na atenção primária, classificar o pré-natal com os parâmetros de adequabilidade e determinar os fatores associados à assistência pré-natal das gestantes estudadas. Método: estudo analítico transversal realizado com 205 gestantes em dez unidades básicas de saúde, em São Luís- MA. As variáveis qualitativas foram apresentadas por meio de frequências absolutas e percentuais. Resultados: Na variável idade, houve predomínio da faixa etária entre 21-30 anos (49,44%).  A variável raça/cor, a maior prevalência foi para as gestantes que se auto declararam pardas/outros 99 (55,62%), com prevalência menor  para 6 consultas realizadas. Na variável benefícios pagos pelo governo, a maior prevalência, 110  (61,80%) deu-se para gestantes que os recebiam. Em relação ao estado civil, (76,97%) eram gestantes que possuíam companheiro, com prevalência menor para 6 consultas realizadas, 137 (76,97%). Quanto à escolaridade, houve predomínio de gestantes com ensino médio (68,18%). Em relação ao início do pré-natal, (66,85%) iniciaram o pré- natal. À prescrição do ferro após início do pré-natal houve maior prevalência em gestantes que faziam uso 124 (69,66%). Maior prevalência também se apresentou para as gestantes que realizaram os seguintes exames: exame preventivo do câncer de colo uterino, 147 (82,58%), sistema ABO-RH 129 (72,47%), Hemograma completo 121 (68,75%), e glicemia em jejum no primeiro trimestre, 107 (60,11%). Quanto ao exame anti-HIV, a maior prevalência foi para as gestantes que não realizaram o exame 103 (57,87 %). Ao exame veneral disease research laboratory, a maior prevalência foi para as gestantes que o realizaram 120 (67,42%). Ao exame dos elementos anormais de sedimento, maior prevalência foi observada em gestantes que o realizaram 122 (68,54%). Quanto à vacinação de influenza nas gestantes, maior prevalência foi para as que não foram vacinadas 104 (58,43%). Para a vacina antitetânica prévia, a maior prevalência foi para as gestantes que não receberam o imunizante 108 (60.67%). Vacina contra hepatite B, apresentou maior prevalência para as gestantes que receberam o imunizante 95 (53,37%). Foi mais prevalente as gestantes que não apresentaram sintomas, com diagnóstico e sem diagnóstico negativo para covid-19, 117 (65,73%). Conclusão: O estudo permitiu analisar que a qualidade da assistência pré-natal nas unidades de saúde onde foram realizadas o estudo, foi insatisfatória para alguns indicadores, visto que a prevalência foi menor que 6 consultas realizadas.Objectives: to assess the adequacy of prenatal care in primary care, to classify prenatal care according to the parameters of adequacy and to determine the factors associated with prenatal care in the pregnant women studied. Method: an analytical cross-sectional study of 205 pregnant women in ten basic health units in São Luís, MA. The qualitative variables were presented using absolute and percentage frequencies. Results: In the age variable, there was a predominance of the 21-30 age group (49.44%).  In the race/color variable, the highest prevalence was for pregnant women who declared themselves brown/other 99 (55.62%), with a lower prevalence for 6 consultations performed. With regard to the government benefits variable, the highest prevalence, 110 (61.80%), was for pregnant women who received them. Regarding marital status, 76.97% were pregnant women who had a partner, with a lower prevalence for 6 consultations, 137 (76.97%). As for schooling, there was a predominance of pregnant women with a high school education (68.18%). With regard to the start of prenatal care, 66.85% started prenatal care. With regard to the prescription of iron after starting prenatal care, there was a higher prevalence of pregnant women who used it (69.66%). Prevalence was also higher among pregnant women who underwent the following tests: cervical cancer screening, 147 (82.58%), ABO-RH system 129 (72.47%), complete blood count 121 (68.75%), and fasting blood glucose in the first trimester, 107 (60.11%). As for the anti-HIV test, the highest prevalence was for pregnant women who had not undergone the test, 103 (57.87%). With regard to the venereal disease research laboratory, the highest prevalence was among pregnant women who had undergone the test, 120 (67.42%). The highest prevalence of abnormal sediment elements was observed in pregnant women who underwent the test, 122 (68.54%). As for influenza vaccination among pregnant women, the highest prevalence was among those who had not been vaccinated 104 (58.43%). The highest prevalence of previous tetanus vaccination was among pregnant women who had not received the vaccine, 108 (60.67%). Hepatitis B vaccination was more prevalent among pregnant women who had received the vaccine 95 (53.37%). Pregnant women with no symptoms, with a diagnosis and without a negative diagnosis for Covid-19 were more prevalent, 117 (65.73%). Conclusion: The study allowed us to analyze that the quality of prenatal care in the health units where the study was carried out was unsatisfactory for some indicators, since the prevalence was less than 6 consultations

    Percentual de gordura corporal e fatores associados em usuários de centro de atenção psicossocial

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    Introdução: Usuários de crack apresentam composição corporal diferenciada quando estão em tratamento e/ou abstinência de drogas. Objetivo:Avaliar o percentual de gordura corporal e seus fatores associados em usuários de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial de Álcool e Droga (CAPS AD) em São Luís -MA. Material e métodos:Esuto retrospectivo e analítico, realizado com prontuários de usuários adultos, do sexo masculino, atendidos em 2015 a 2017. O dados foram analisados no programa Stata® versão 16.0 por meio da regressão de Poisson. A variável desfecho foi o percentual de gordura corporal, calculado de acordo com o índice de adiposidade corporal (IAC).Resultados: Dos 120 prontuários analisados, 73,4% pertenciam à faixa etária de 20 a 39 anos, 80% viviam sem companheira e 49,1% possuíam ensino fundamental completo e incompleto. Com relação ao IAC, 18,3% estavam acima da média. Viver com companheira (OR: 3,32; IC= 1,07-10,2) foi fator de risco para o IAC. Discussão: O IAC é um índice que permite diagnosticar o excesso na composição corporal, visto que o IMC se mostra divergente ao definir o perfil nutricional da população brasileiraConclusão: Foi identificado um número expressivo de dependentes químicos com percentual de adiposidade acima da média

    Palliative Sedation in Children and Adolescents: the Repercussion in the Family

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    Background: Estimative demonstrate about 6% of the 20 million people needing palliative care at the end of their life are less than 15 years old. Despite of that, researchers reported several areas of parent dissatisfaction with care including confusing, inadequate, or uncaring communications with clinicians regarding treatment or prognosis of the child’s end of life. Objective: Here we show that about 90% of the families that have a child or an adolescent passing through a situation that needs Palliative Sedation think that this process was necessary to relieve the suffering of the patient. Results: In several reports, parents of terminally ill children describe their perceptions of uncaring and insufficient communication from health care professionals and link that communication with their own lingering regrets and emotional distress. Conclusion: There is the necessity to better capacity the supportive and care team, in order to diminish guilty and grieve feelings, and to provide courses to the care team that can develop the communication process among them and the family

    The HLA-DRB1 Alleles Effects on Multiple Sclerosis:a Systematic Review

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    Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that affects sensitive and motor functions. Many population studies were made with the intent of knowing better the most affected groups and the disease manifestations. These review analyses some of those studies, evaluating risk factors, especially genetic relations of Human Leukocyte Antigen DRB1 (HLADRB1) gens, for developing clinical disease.Method: We have analyzed 57 articles, published between 2009 and 2014, with the key words “multiple sclerosisâ€, “genetic association studies†and “HLA-DRB1 chainsâ€, through the Scopus database. Only 18 articles were eligible for our study; they were read entirely and included in the fial analysis.Results: Most studies imply genetic and environmental factors for the incidence of MS, its age of starting and prognosis. Previous studies have shown that many gens are related in MS pathogenesis and that interactions between them are important in determining clinicalmanifestations.Limitations: Different results were observed when different populations were targeted in the studies.Conclusion: There is an important relation between HLA-DRB1 and MS in diverse population groups. Complementary studies are needed to know better the importance of environmental factors and its interaction with gens in the development of MS

    Ways to Measuring Quality of Life in Mental Health

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    As quality is of life considered as a measure of clinical outcome that prioritizes client assessment itself and the effects of a disease, a life change or a treatment has on their daily life and their level of satisfaction and well-being, their evaluation allows obtain a safe parameter for implementing clinical interventions that may have more positive impact on the lives of these people. It is believed that investigate the QoL of a given population is a strategy that will enable to broaden the understanding of the problems experienced by patients in order to facilitate effective future interventions, improving the quality of lived days. This information can also be used to identify patients at higher risk of problems and thus anticipate interventions, contributing to health promotion thereof. Nevertheless, there is currently a growing interest in transforming the QoL in a quantitative measure. To this end, the measurement of quality of life through the perception of the patient has been recommended. Some studies indicate that the measurement of quality of life the mental patient is an indicator of the care he receives and that this issue should be included in the assessment and care planning. There are few studies witch accessed the influence of health intervention on patients ‘quality of life, anxiety, and depressive symptom levels. With this brief contribution, we hope can deepen discussion regards public health and mental wellbeing, as well as the options of measurement instruments to assess mental health interventions and thus able to gather more arguments to answer the following question: What`s the best way for measuring quality of life in Mental health

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio