103 research outputs found

    Analysis of scientific production on Zika virus and pregnancy

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    Objective: to analyze the international scientific production on Zika virus and pregnancy. Methods: a bibliometric survey was carried out in the ISI Web of Knowledge/Web of Science database, using the search terms “Pregnancy”, “ZikV” and “Bibliometrics”, from the export of this data to the HistCite ™ bibliometric analysis software. Results: 355 publication records were identified and the 11 most cited articles were selected in the Web of Science (global) and those most cited in the selected articles (local) in 207 different journals indexed to the database in question, written by 2,435 authors who had links with 799 institutions, located in 59 countries. Conclusion: obscure aspects remain about the natural history of Zika virus in pregnant women, clinical profile, epidemiology, and lack clarity about the existence of cofactors associated with infection by Zika virus. Descriptors: Pregnancy; Zika Virus; Bibliometrics

    Perception of family health strategy users on emergency service

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    Objective: To analyze the users' perception of the Family Health Strategy on the urgent and emergency care provided in primary healthcare. Method: A qualitative descriptive exploratory study with 30 users. A semi-structured interview was used as a data collection technique. The data were processed using the software Alceste 4.8. Results: Four classes were constructed: User satisfaction with the urgent and emergency care; Unit structure for urgent / emergency care; Justifications for seeking urgent and emergency care; Understanding of the meanings of urgent and emergency. Conclusion: The study showed that users are satisfied with the care received in the units although they present ambiguity when it comes to their physical structure. The respondents also failed to conceptualize urgent and emergency, and showed that the cause that led them to seek the healthcare units were changes in blood pressure, diabetes and trauma

    Bibliometric Analysis Of Research on Coronavirus Infection and Patient Safety in Health Care

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    Objective: The study aimed at analyzing the international scientific publications on coronavirus infection and patient safety in health care. Methods: This research is a bibliometric study carried out by searching published articles in theISIWebofKnowledge/WebofScience database and analyzing the results through bibliometric analysis software HistCite. The selected time frame was between 1970 and 2020, and we used the following descriptors: “coronavirus infection” OR “severe acute respiratory syndrome” OR “COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2”. Results: We found 5,434 publications in 1,491 different journals; they are written by 18,274 authors linked to 4,064 institutions, which are located in 104 countries. In the citations analysis, the h-index was 155, and the average of citations each article received was 30.79. Conclusion: During the studied period, the Web of Science database showed two peaks of publications on coronavirus infections.The first comprised 768 articles published between 2003 and 2004 when a new coronavirus caused an outbreak of severe acute respiratory failure. The second consisted of 576 articles published between 2019 and 2020, during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic COVID-19. The knowledge on coronavirus infection should be widely shared so that new studies can be designed and the world scientific community can contribute to improving patient safety in healthcare and preventing new pandemics of severe acute respiratory infection caused by coronaviruses

    Training of nurses in primary health of women

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    Objectives: To evaluate the influence of the nursing education process in primary care related to women's health. In addition, to analyze nursing training in primary care for women's health and as a National Policy for Comprehensive Care of Women's Health. Method: An exploratory study with 30 nurses from the Family Health Strategy. Data were generated through interviews, processed and analyzed in Alceste 4.8 by Descending Hierarchical Classification. Results: The data were presented as dendrogram classes: training at the graduate level to work in the area of women's health; the work of nurses in primary care to women's health; the Program for Integral Attention to Women's Health in primary care and continuing education of nurses in primary health care of women. Conclusion: Permanent education of nurses is necessary for the promotion healthcare and public policy on care for women

    Symbolic fights of nurses in implementation of the program of family health

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    Objective: To describe the symbolic struggle of nurses in the implementation of the Family Health Program in Teresina and analyze the strategies undertaken to ensure their participation in the program. Method: historical-social study, we used the concepts of Pierre Bourdieu as a theoretical framework, oral and documentary primary sources. Oral sources were derived from interviews with 11 nurses and a member of the health management who experienced this process. After the completion of each interview were performed transcription and thorough reading of the same, in order to organize the document body to be worked. Results: As they were acting, the nurses began to fight for the overthrow of the ruling power, established strategies in the processes of selection and hiring, updated the professional habitus, reacted as the wage gap between doctors and nurses and claimed professional autonomy. Conclusion: Nurses gained ground through struggles undertaken and even often at a disadvantage in relation to the domination of the field, demonstrated strength and resilience

    Similarity Analysis About The Training Of Family Health Strategy Professionals For The Psychosocial Care Of The Elderly

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    Background: Elderly mental health is an important topic of discussion to Brazilian public health because it involves factors related to the training of health professionals focused on these demands in the Family Health Strategy. Objectives: To make a similarity analysis about the training of the Family Health Strategy professionals for psychosocial care for the elderly. Methodology: Qualitative research carried out with 31 professionals from the Family Health Strategy in the city of Picos, Piauí, Brazil. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview script. The interviews were performed in a reserved room and recorded with the aid of an MP4 player. The data were processed by the IRAMUTEQ software and analyzed through similarity analysis that is based on graph theory. Results: The study participants were 13 doctors and 18 nurses, 27 (87.09%) were female. The training time of these professionals was comprised between 2 to 32 years of training and the duration of the Health Strategy from 1 year to 16 years. According to the co-occurrence tree, the data indicate that: the word "elderly" is at the heart of the ramifications and expresses how family and professionals can contribute to treatment; another demonstrated representation is that it is difficult for professionals to carry out their activities with the elderly due to lack of training in the specific area of ​​mental health. Conclusion: the family plays a fundamental role in the elderly care with psychosocial needs and the professionals of the Family Health Strategy present difficulties to carry out comprehensive care due to deficiencies in their training. Keywords: Mental health. Family Health. Elderly

    Infecciones hospitalarias en la visión de enfermeros portugueses: representaciones sociales

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    A infecção hospitalar é um fenômeno complexo e conflituoso, devendo ser consideradas as influências de natureza sociocultural. O estudo objetivou apreender as representações sociais sobre infecção hospitalar elaboradas por enfermeiros portugueses. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório desenvolvido com 35 enfermeiros em Lisboa-Portugal, que trabalhavam na área hospitalar. Os dados foram produzidos através da entrevista em profundidade, no período de novembro de 2006 a fevereiro de 2007, e submetidos à técnica de análise de conteúdo temática. Os resultados apontaram três categorias simbólicas em que os sujeitos descrevem o conceito de infecção hospitalar, falam das práticas dos enfermeiros frente à infecção hospitalar e da percepção sobre a participação dos gestores das instituições de saúde na prevenção e controle da infecção hospitalar. Observa-se uma preocupação dos enfermeiros com os aspectos relacionados à política institucional e funcional adotada na prevenção e no tratamento das infecções hospitalares.Hospital infection is a complex and conflicting phenomenon in which influences of the socio-cultural nature must be considered. The objective of this study is to better understand the social representations about hospital infections as elaborated by Portuguese nurses. This is an exploratory study developed by 35 nurses in Lisboa, Portugal, who worked in the hospital area. The data was produced through in-depth interviews administered from November, 2006, to February, 2007, and submitted to the thematic content analysis technique. The results point out three different symbolic categories in which the subjects describe the concept of hospital infection, talk about nursing practices facing hospital infections, and the perception of hospital administrators in hospital infection prevention and control. Among the nurses, one observes a concern for the aspects related to institutional and functional policies adopted in the prevention and treatment of hospital infections.La infección hospitalaria es un fenómeno complejo y conflictivo, en el cual deben ser consideradas las influencias de naturaleza socio-cultural. El objetivo de este estudio fue recoger las representaciones sociales acerca de la infección hospitalaria elaboradas por enfermeros portugueses. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio desarrollado con 35 enfermeros en Lisboa, Portugal, que trabajan en el área hospitalaria. Los datos fueron obtenidos a través de la encuesta en profundidad, en el período comprendido entre noviembre de 2006 a febrero de 2007, y fueron sometidos a la técnica de análisis de contenido temático. Los resultados señalaron tres categorías simbólicas en las que los sujetos describieron el concepto de infección hospitalaria, hablaron de las prácticas de los enfermeros ante las infecciones hospitalarias y su percepción acerca de la participación de los gestores de las instituciones de salud en la prevención y control de la infección hospitalaria. Se puede observar una preocupación de los enfermeros con los aspectos relacionados a la política institucional y funcional adoptada en la prevención y en el tratamiento de las infecciones hospitalarias.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Representaciones Sociales de los accidentes con materiales corto-punzantes

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    OBJECTIVES: understand the Social Representations about needlestick injuries elaborated by Nursing Technicians and analyze how these representations influence their conducts. METHOD: the data, obtained by interviews, were processed using ALCESTE software and their analysis was based on Serge Moscovici's Social Representations Theory. RESULTS: it was evidenced that, after the accident, these professionals take care of the affected area. Then, they report the accident, motivated by the fear of catching HIV and hepatitis. The different feelings experienced are due to this fear and the way they were forwarded by the institution, reflecting in the cause they attribute to their accident. CONCLUSIONS: it was verified that knowledge about the accident as a whole is very incipient in this professional group, demanding continuing education and greater emphasis on this subject in professional training. It is expected that this study draws public authorities and health institutions' attention to the problem and that it modifies Nursing Technicians' Social Representations about percutaneous exposure.OBJETIVOS: Comprender las Representaciones Sociales de los accidentes con materiales corto-punzantes, elaboradas por Técnicos de Enfermería, así como analizar de que modo esas representaciones influencian las conductas de eses profesionales. MÉTODO: Los datos, logrados por medio de entrevistas, fueron procesados por el software ALCESTE y el análisis de los mismos fue basado en la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales de Serge Moscovici. RESULTADOS: se evidenció que, después de accidentarse, los Técnicos de Enfermería cuidan del área afectada. Enseguida, notifican el accidente, motivados por el miedo de que contraigan HIV y hepatitis. Los diversos sentimientos vividos son consecuentes de ese miedo y de la manera como fueron encaminados por la institución, reflejando en la causa que ellos atribuyen a su accidente. CONCLUSIONES: se constató que hay un conocimiento bastante incipiente por parte de esa clase profesional sobre el accidente como un todo, habiendo necesidad de una educación continuada y mayor énfasis en cuanto a ese asunto durante la formación profesional. Se espera que ese estudio llame la atención de los órganos gubernamentales e instituciones de salud sobre el problema y modifique las Representaciones Sociales de la exposición percutánea de los Técnicos de Enfermería.OBJETIVOS: compreender as representações sociais dos acidentes com materiais perfurocortantes, elaboradas por técnicos de enfermagem, bem como analisar de que modo essas representações influenciam as condutas desses profissionais. MÉTODO: os dados, obtidos por meio de entrevistas, foram processados pelo software Alceste e a análise dos mesmos foi baseada na Teoria das Representações Sociais de Serge Moscovici. RESULTADOS: evidenciou-se que, após se acidentarem, os técnicos de enfermagem cuidam da área afetada. Em seguida, notificam o acidente, motivados pelo medo de contraírem HIV e hepatite. Os diversos sentimentos vivenciados são decorrentes desse medo e da forma como foram encaminhados pela instituição, refletindo na causa que eles atribuem ao seu acidente. CONCLUSÕES: constatou-se que há conhecimento bastante incipiente por parte dessa classe profissional sobre o acidente, como um todo, havendo necessidade de educação continuada e maior ênfase quanto a esse assunto, durante a formação profissional. Espera-se que este estudo chame a atenção dos órgãos governamentais e instituições de saúde sobre o problema e modifique as representações sociais da exposição percutânea dos técnicos de enfermagem

    Evaluation of functional capacity of elderly through the test of six-minute walk

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    Objective: To evaluate the functional capacity of older people engaged in physical activity through the test of six-minute walk test (6MWT). Method: An exploratory study with a quantitative approach, with 40 elderly participants of the Center for Health Care of the Elderly (CASI) of Piripiri (PI). We calculated the distance specified by demographics and the 6MWT was applied to identify the actual distance traveled. Results: The findings showed that the majority of participants were female, with 66 to 70 years old, married, a minimum wage income, low education. Individuals were considered hypertensive and diabetic patients traveled less value than individuals without the disease. There was no statistically significant difference between the average distance and the expected average distance. Conclusion: Older people who practice physical activity showed a level of functional capacity as demonstrated by satisfactory values of the distances traveled in the walk test six minutes

    Permanent nursing education in family health strategy

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    Objective: to analyze the permanent education process of Nurses in the Family Health Strategy and its relationship with the quality of the care provided. Method: This is a qualitative research, carried out with 26 Nurses of Primary Healthcare Units. The data were collected from April to June 2012, by means of semi-structured interview, processed in Alcest 4.8 and analyzed by descending hierarchical classification. Results: They were presented in four classes, namely: the availability of nurses for trainings; the permanent education policy; the quality of nursing work and vocational training through the introductory course and specialization. Conclusion: The permanent education process of nurses in the Family Health Strategy depends on the Permanent Education Policy adopted in the municipality, with the training of nurses. The permanent education is directly related to the quality of care