6 research outputs found

    Repeatability and application of tethered swimming tests for recreational swimmers

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    Tethered swimming tests are applied to evaluate propulsive forces in crawl stroke and may also be used to evaluate force applied by the movement of lower (leg kicking) and upper limbs (arm stroke). Considering the large number of recreational swimmers, this tool may be useful for coaches to evaluate the technique and force production by swimmers. As little attention has been paid to the application of these tests with recreational swimmers, the aims of this study were to verify the repeatability of the tethered swimming test for arm stroke, leg kicking and crawl stroke and to verify the relationship between performance in a 50-m test and in the tethered test with recreational swimmers. In this case, repeatability was defined as the agreement between the results of two successive evaluations. Ten male swimmers performed two 30-s maximal intensity tethered swimming tests with leg kicking, arm stroke and crawl stroke and three 50-m crawl stroke tests. Repeatability was found for mean force of all tests and for impulse evaluated in crawl stroke. Inverse relationship of the time to complete 50 m with the maximum and mean forces and with the impulse in the crawl stroke and an inverse relationship between time to complete 50 m and the mean force in the leg kicking were observed. Therefore, results from full tethered swimming tests applied with recreational swimmers may help swimming coaches

    Weight and mode of carrying schoolbags at elementary school: effect of the school grades and sex

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    El peso y el modo de transporte de útiles escolares pueden contribuir con desviaciones posturales y con dolores de espalda. Por lo tanto, el objetivo fue verificar y comparar, entre los años escolares y entre los sexos, el peso de útiles escolares en relación con el peso corporal y el modo de transporte de los útiles de alumnos de una escuela primaria que dejan sus libros en estantes en la escuela. Participaron 191 alumnos. El peso de los útiles escolares y el peso corporal de los alumnos fueron verificados con balanza, y el modo de transporte fue avaluado con fotos. Entre los alumnos, 47,7% transportaban un peso mayor que el límite establecido (10% del peso corporal de los alumnos), y el 1º año transportaba menos peso que los 2º, 3º y 5º años, pero no hubo diferencia entre los sexos. Fue encontrado un predominio de mochilas con dos correas. Sin embargo, aunque la escuela ya tiene una estrategia para reducir el peso de los útiles, casi la mitad de los alumnos transportaba un peso mayor que 10% del peso corporal. Por lo tanto, son necesarias otras medidas para alertar a las personas.Schoolbag weight and mode of carrying it can contribute to postural deviations and back pain. Therefore, our objective was to determine and compare, among the school grades and between sexes, the schoolbag weight relative to body weight and the mode of carrying it of Elementary School students, who leave their books on bookcases at the school. A total of 191 students participated in the study. Schoolbag weight and students body weight were determined with a scale, and the mode of carrying the schoolbags was evaluated by means of photographs. We observed that 47.7% of the students carried a weight above the limit established (10% of the student's body weight), and the first grade students carried less weight than the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grade students; however, no difference was observed between sexes. We observed the prevalence of using double-strap backpack. However, despite the school had a strategy to reduce the schoolbag weight, almost half of the school children carried a weight of more than 10% of body weight. Thus, other measures to raise awareness of those involved are necessary.O peso do material escolar e o modo de transportá-lo podem contribuir para desvios posturais e dor nas costas. Por isso, o objetivo foi verificar e comparar, entre os anos escolares e os sexos, o peso do material escolar em relação ao peso corporal e o modo de transporte do material de alunos do Ensino Fundamental I, os quais deixam os seus livros em estantes na escola. Participaram 191 escolares. O peso do material escolar e o peso corporal dos alunos foram verificados com uma balança, e o modo de transporte do material foi avaliado por meio de fotos. Observou-se que 47,7% dos alunos transportavam um peso acima do limite estabelecido (10% do peso corporal do aluno), sendo que o 1º ano transportava um menor peso do que os 2º, 3º e 5º anos, mas não houve diferença entre os sexos. Foi encontrado predomínio do uso da mochila de duas alças. Contudo, apesar de a escola já ter uma estratégia para reduzir o peso do material, quase metade dos escolares transportava um peso superior a 10% do peso corporal. Logo, outras medidas para alertar os envolvidos são necessárias

    Repeatability and application of tethered swimming tests for recreational swimmers

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    <div><p>Abstract Tethered swimming tests are applied to evaluate propulsive forces in crawl stroke and may also be used to evaluate force applied by the movement of lower (leg kicking) and upper limbs (arm stroke). Considering the large number of recreational swimmers, this tool may be useful for coaches to evaluate the technique and force production by swimmers. As little attention has been paid to the application of these tests with recreational swimmers, the aims of this study were to verify the repeatability of the tethered swimming test for arm stroke, leg kicking and crawl stroke and to verify the relationship between performance in a 50-m test and in the tethered test with recreational swimmers. In this case, repeatability was defined as the agreement between the results of two successive evaluations. Ten male swimmers performed two 30-s maximal intensity tethered swimming tests with leg kicking, arm stroke and crawl stroke and three 50-m crawl stroke tests. Repeatability was found for mean force of all tests and for impulse evaluated in crawl stroke. Inverse relationship of the time to complete 50 m with the maximum and mean forces and with the impulse in the crawl stroke and an inverse relationship between time to complete 50 m and the mean force in the leg kicking were observed. Therefore, results from full tethered swimming tests applied with recreational swimmers may help swimming coaches.</p></div

    Avaliação da percepção subjetiva de esforço como forma de controle de intensidade de uma aula de hidroginástica em um programa de extensão

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    ABSTRACT Evaluation of subjective perception of effort as a method of control of intensity of a hydroginastic class in an extension programIntroduction and purpose: In order to perform physical exercise efficiently, it is necessary that trainer and practitioner are aware of the intensity of the effort achieved along a class. In the case of water exercise for elderly, this control should be simple and practical. Thus, the main purpose of the study was to verify whether the perceived exertion scale of Borg (from 0 to 10 points) can be used in the water exercise classes of a university program to community. The specific purposes were: to compare the behavior of perceived exertion and heart rate between the specific parts of water exercise class (heating, main part with and without implements and cool-down) and the relationship between perceived exertion and heart rate. Materials and methods: Eleven elderly women participated. The heart rate and the perceived exertion were evaluated after the following moments: rest, warm-up, main part with and without implements, abdominal exercises and cool-down. Results and discussion: It was found a significant main effect of moment of the class on heart rate, as well as on the perceived exertion. It was also found a positive correlation between these variables. Conclusion: The intensity control along water exercises can be done using Borg’s exertion scale from 0 to 10 points.Introdução e objetivo: Para realização mais eficiente de um exercício físico, é necessário que o professor e o aluno tenham consciência da intensidade do esforço atingido no decorrer da aula. Em se tratando de uma aula de hidroginástica para idosas, este controle deve ser simples e prático. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral do estudo foi verificar se a escala de percepção de esforço de Borg (de 0 a 10 pontos) pode ser utilizada nas aulas de hidroginástica de um programa de extensão. Os objetivos específicos compreenderam: comparar o comportamento da percepção subjetiva de esforço e da frequência cardíaca entre as partes específicas da aula de hidroginástica (aquecimento, parte principal sem e com implemento e volta à calma) e verificar a associação entre a percepção subjetiva de esforço e a frequência cardíaca. Materiais e métodos: Participaram 11 idosas. A frequência cardíaca e a percepção subjetiva de esforço foram avaliadas após os seguintes momentos: repouso, aquecimento, parte principal com e sem implementos, abdominais e volta à calma. Resultados e discussão: Foi encontrado um efeito principal significativo do momento da aula sobre a frequência cardíaca, assim como sobre a percepção subjetiva de esforço. Também foi encontrada uma correlação positiva entre as variáveis. Conclusão: O controle da intensidade nas aulas de hidroginástica pode ser feito por meio da escala de Borg de 0 a 10 pontos.

    Postural evaluation: quantitative evaluation of static posture in children from six to ten years of age

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    A avaliação da postura corporal estática de crianças permite identificar e prevenir desordens musculoesqueléticas no estágio inicial. Objetivo: Avaliar a postura estática de alunos de uma escola pública, comparando a postura entre as faixas etárias e entre os sexos. Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 130 escolares (62 do sexo masculino e 68 do sexo feminino), os quais tinham entre 6 e 10 anos de idade. Cada escolar foi fotografado nas vistas anterior, posterior e lateral direita, e o registro fotográfico foi analisado por meio do Software de Avaliação Postural (SAPo). Resultados: Somente foi encontrada diferença entre os sexos no ângulo do tornozelo, além de interação entre sexo e faixa etária. Em relação à idade, o alinhamento horizontal dos acrômios e o alinhamento horizontal da cabeça foram diferentes entre 6-7 e 9 anos. O alinhamento horizontal da cabeça, o alinhamento horizontal das espinhas ilíacas ântero-superior (EIAS) e o alinhamento sagital do membro inferior também apresentaram interação significativa entre sexo e idade. Conclusão: Em média, a maioria dos resultados demonstra que há um alinhamento vertical e uma simetria horizontal nos ângulos analisados, com exceção do alinhamento sagital do membro inferior, do ângulo do tornozelo e do alinhamento sagital do corpo que não demostraram um alinhamento próximo do ideal. Logo, os escolares avaliados apresentam uma boa saúde musculoesquelética.Static postural evaluation of children allows identifying and preventing musculoskeletal disorders in early stages. Objective: To evaluate the static posture of students of a public school, comparing the posture between age groups and between genders. Methods: The sample consisted of 130 school children (62 males and 68 females), who were 6-10 years old. Each student was photographed from the anterior, posterior and right lateral views, and photographic records were analyzed using the Software Postural Assessment (SAPo). Results: Only the angle of the ankle was different between the genders and this variable also presented interaction between gender and age group. In relation to age groups, the horizontal alignment of acromions and horizontal alignment of the head were different between 6-7 and 9 years. The horizontal alignment of the head, the horizontal alignment of the ASIS and the sagittal alignment of the lower limb also showed a significant interaction between gender and age group. Conclusion: On average, most of the results show that there is a vertical alignment and a horizontal symmetry in the analyzed angles, except the sagittal alignment of  the lower limb, angle of the ankle and sagittal alignment of the body that did not show a close alignment of the ideal. Therefore, the evaluated students  presented a good musculoskeletal health