38 research outputs found

    Comparative Study on Philippine Agricultural Livestock and Poultry: Inventory and Volume of Production, 2015–2016

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    Livestock provides a variety of food products. This study examined the inventory and volume of production of Philippine agricultural livestock and poultry: cattle, carabao, dairy, goat, swine, chicken, and duck. The study used the descriptive method, and primary data were collected through interviews. Findings revealed total cattle inventory stood at 2.553 million heads in 2016, which is 0.75% higher than the 2.534 million heads recorded in 2015. Production of cattle was 266,900 mt liveweight in 2015, which is 2.13% higher than last year’s production of 261,320 mt liveweight. The total carabao inventory in the country was 2.88 million heads in 2016, which is 0.78% higher than last year’s level; and the total production was at 142,040 mt liveweight in 2015, which contracted by 0.69% percent against the 2014’s record of 143,030 mt. Goat showed a total inventory of 3.66 million heads in 2016, and it dropped by 0.30% from the previous year’s inventory of 2.67 million heads, with total production for 2015 at 77,480 mt liveweight. Chicken population was at 178.77 million birds and duck population at 10.52 million birds. Annual volume of duck production for 2015 was 33,940 mt. Economic contribution of livestock production extend further to downstream industry (i.e., butchers, milk processors, wholesalers, and food services) and in upstream industry (i.e., feed producers, feed transport, equipment manufacturers, and seed companies) of the country. The recommendation include close monitoring of livestock in the country to ensure adequate supply of livestock and poultry in the country

    Sustainability of Oro Integrated Cooperative: A Case Study

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    Rural and urban areas in Cagayan de Oro City are largely disconnected. Oro Integrated Cooperative is one of the credit cooperatives in the city connected the areas and people through loans and other services. The aim of this study was investigate the sustainability of Oro Integrated Cooperative. Descriptive research design was used to determine its sustainability and survival. There were 25 respondents and most of them noted that the cooperative was sustainable and strong. Leadership, commitment, and dedication were among the values noted by most of the respondents as an important contribution to cooperative sustainability. There was a continuous increase in membership since 2009, growing to 17,822 members by 2012, despite beginning with only 24 members and PhP88 in capital. Management maintained a system of accounting and reporting and the growth in assets derived from the increase in Deposit Liabilities, Share Capital and General Reserved Fund. At the end of 2012, it grew by 38%, from PhP963 million in 2011 to PhP1.329 billion. Loan Releases in 2012 surpassed their target by 18%. For the first half of the year, it had a deficit in loan releases target but it was recovered in the third quarter. The bulk of loan releases were commercial, financing, salary, and agricultural. Recommendations were to maintain adequate accounting records of all transactions, members must protect their interest, and implement computerization

    The Financial Performance of Selected Cooperatives in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines

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    This study determined the financial performance of five selected credit cooperatives in Cagayan de Oro City. Financial statement analysis can be beneficial in this respect because it highlights a firm’s strengths and weaknesses. Also, weak financial management could negatively affect the social enterprise. The annual reports were used as bases for the financial data. Healthy profitability rates and return on assets were observed in the five cooperatives. Del Monte Philippines Incorporated – ECCC (Del Monte) and Xavier University Community Credit Cooperative (XUCCCO), both closed type cooperatives, did very well in the profitability area as they posted net profit margins of more than 70%. First Community Cooperative (FICCO) and Oro Integrated Cooperative (OIC) registered the highest revenue growth rates. In the return on assets ratio, all five cooperatives except Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology National Multipurpose Cooperative (MSU), got more than 5%. The following conclusions were drawn from the study: First, closed-type cooperatives obtain higher net profit margins and have better asset efficiency performances. And second, greater revenue growth does not necessarily mean better profitability and higher efficiency. It is recommended that future research be done with other cooperatives in Cagayan de Oro City to confirm or refute the existing findings of this study. After which, cooperatives in the other cities of Region X can also be studied and compared with those in Cagayan de Oro

    Impact of the “Utan sa Tugkaran” Vegetable Garden Project for Identified Communities in Cagayan de Oro City, Southern Philippines

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    Community-based gardening projects contribute toward food security as gardens provide fresh vegetables and income. This study assessed the social and economic impacts of the “Utan sa Tugkaran” (vegetable garden) project for three locations in Cagayan de Oro City, Southern Philippines. Primary data was gathered using in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs). The social impacts included creating safe places, access to area, community development, building social capital, and education opportunities. The economic impacts covered job creation, training, business incubation, market expansion, savings for food, and increased home values. Results show that majority of the respondents were female (92.12%), aged 46 and above (44.12%), married (61.77%), and with an average of four children in the family. Interviews revealed that 60% engaged in community development, 30% availed the educational opportunities, and 10% practiced building social capital. In economic impacts, 15% of the respondents were provided jobs, 70% joined the training and cultivated vegetable gardens, 10% engaged in business incubation, and 5% experienced market expansion. FGDs reveal that 40% of the beneficiaries were able to save money at the rural and cooperative banks in the city due to sufficient fresh food vegetables for their family, and 50% of them received additional income from vegetable gardens. Recommendations include educating beneficiaries on new ways of cultivating home gardens in vacant lots in their areas and assisting them in establishing a cooperative for gardeners

    Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Systematic Review

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    Despite the advances in psychopharmacology and established psychotherapeutic interventions, more than 40% of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) do not respond to conventional treatment approaches. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been recently proposed as a therapeutic tool to alleviate treatment-resistant symptoms in patients with OCD. The aim of this review was to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of the art and future clinical applications of tDCS in patients with OCD. A literature search conducted on the PubMed database following PRISMA guidelines and completed by a manual search yielded 12 results: eight case reports, three open-label studies (with 5, 8, and 42 participants), and one randomized trial with two active conditions (12 patients). There was no sham-controlled study. A total of 77 patients received active tDCS with a large diversity of electrode montages mainly targeting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the orbitofrontal cortex or the (pre-) supplementary motor area. Despite methodological limitations and the heterogeneity of stimulation parameters, tDCS appears to be a promising tool to decrease obsessive-compulsive symptoms as well as comorbid depression and anxiety in patients with treatment-resistant OCD. Further sham-controlled studies are needed to confirm these preliminary results

    Acute and repetitive fronto-cerebellar tDCS stimulation improves mood in non-depressed participants

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    Trancranial Direct Curent Stimulation (tDCS) in treatment resistant obsessive and compulsive disorders : clinical and electrophysiological outcomes

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    Les Troubles Obsessionnels et Compulsifs (TOC) sont un trouble mental sévère et fréquemment résistant. La physiopathologie du trouble se caractérise par des anomalies au sein des boucle cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical entrainant une hyper-activité du cortex orbito-frontal, du cortex cingulaire antérieur, du putamen. Au cours des dernières années, des anomalies structurales et fonctionnelles du cervelet ont de plus été mise en évidence dans les TOC venant compléter le modèle existant.Nous avons mise au point un protocole de traitement par tDCS ciblant le cortex orbito-frontal gauche et le cervelet droit pour les TOC résistants. Dans une première étude, nous avons étudié la faisabilité de ce protocole de traitement dans une étude ouverte. Cette étude a mis en évidence une réduction significative des symptômes dans une population de patient à haut niveau de résistance. Dans une deuxième étude, nous avons évaluer l’effet de ce traitement dans un protocole randomisé, contrôlé et parallèle contre placebo. Cette étude n’a pas confirmé l’efficacité de ce protocole de traitement. Dans cette même population, nous avons au cours du protocole mesuré les paramètres d’excitabilité corticale au niveau du cortex moteur par stimulation magnétique transrânienne. Nous avons ainsi mis en évidence que la tDCS provoquait une augmentation significative des processus d’inhibition (Short Interval Cortical Inhibition : SICI ) et une diminution non significative des processus de facilitation (Intra Cortical Facilitation : ICF). L’étude des effets cliniques et électro-physiologiques de cette approche thérapeutique novatrice dans les TOC résistants n’a pas permis de confirmer son intérêt clinique malgré un impact de ce protocole sur les modifications de l’excitabilité corticale inhérentes aux troubles. Ces données ont été mise en relation avec la littérature afin de proposer des perspectives d’évolution dans l’utilisation de la tDCS dans les TOC résistantsObsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a severe mental illness. OCD symptoms are often resistant to available treatments. Neurobiological models of OCD are based on an imbalance between the direct (excitatory) and indirect (inhibitory) pathway within this cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical loops, which causes hyperactivation in the orbito-frontal cortex, the cingular anterior cortex, the putamen. More recently, the role of cerebellum in the OCD physiopathology has been brought to light by studies showing structural and functional abnormalities. We proposed to use tDCS as a therapeutic tool for resistant OCD by targeting the hyperactive left orbito-frontal cortex with cathodal tDCS (assumed to decrease cortical excitability) coupled with anodal cerebellar tDCS. In a first study, we studied the feasibility of this treatment protocol in an open-trial. This study found a significant reduction in symptoms in a population with a high level of resistance. In a second study, we evaluated the effect of this treatment in a randomized-controlled trial. This study did not confirm the effectiveness of this intervention. We have assessed motor cortex cortical excitability parameters by transcranial magnetic stimulation. We thus demonstrated that the tDCS caused a significant increase of inhibition processes (Short Interval Cortical Inhibition: SICI) and a nonsignificant decrease in the facilitation processes (Intra Cortical Facilitation (ICF)). In addition, clinical improvement assessed by Clinical Global Impression at the end of the follow-up period (3 months) was positively correlated with SICI at baseline.tDCS with the cathode placed over the left OFC combined with the anode placed over the right cerebellum decreased hyper-excitability in the motor cortex but was not significantly effective in SSRI- resistant OCD patients. These works were discussed in light of the available literature to create future prospect in the field of tDCS treatment for OCD resistant patient

    Stimulation électrique par courant continu (tDCS) dans les Troubles Obsessionnels et Compulsifs résistants : effets cliniques et électrophysiologiques

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    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a severe mental illness. OCD symptoms are often resistant to available treatments. Neurobiological models of OCD are based on an imbalance between the direct (excitatory) and indirect (inhibitory) pathway within this cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical loops, which causes hyperactivation in the orbito-frontal cortex, the cingular anterior cortex, the putamen. More recently, the role of cerebellum in the OCD physiopathology has been brought to light by studies showing structural and functional abnormalities. We proposed to use tDCS as a therapeutic tool for resistant OCD by targeting the hyperactive left orbito-frontal cortex with cathodal tDCS (assumed to decrease cortical excitability) coupled with anodal cerebellar tDCS. In a first study, we studied the feasibility of this treatment protocol in an open-trial. This study found a significant reduction in symptoms in a population with a high level of resistance. In a second study, we evaluated the effect of this treatment in a randomized-controlled trial. This study did not confirm the effectiveness of this intervention. We have assessed motor cortex cortical excitability parameters by transcranial magnetic stimulation. We thus demonstrated that the tDCS caused a significant increase of inhibition processes (Short Interval Cortical Inhibition: SICI) and a nonsignificant decrease in the facilitation processes (Intra Cortical Facilitation (ICF)). In addition, clinical improvement assessed by Clinical Global Impression at the end of the follow-up period (3 months) was positively correlated with SICI at baseline.tDCS with the cathode placed over the left OFC combined with the anode placed over the right cerebellum decreased hyper-excitability in the motor cortex but was not significantly effective in SSRI- resistant OCD patients. These works were discussed in light of the available literature to create future prospect in the field of tDCS treatment for OCD resistant patientsLes Troubles Obsessionnels et Compulsifs (TOC) sont un trouble mental sévère et fréquemment résistant. La physiopathologie du trouble se caractérise par des anomalies au sein des boucle cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical entrainant une hyper-activité du cortex orbito-frontal, du cortex cingulaire antérieur, du putamen. Au cours des dernières années, des anomalies structurales et fonctionnelles du cervelet ont de plus été mise en évidence dans les TOC venant compléter le modèle existant.Nous avons mise au point un protocole de traitement par tDCS ciblant le cortex orbito-frontal gauche et le cervelet droit pour les TOC résistants. Dans une première étude, nous avons étudié la faisabilité de ce protocole de traitement dans une étude ouverte. Cette étude a mis en évidence une réduction significative des symptômes dans une population de patient à haut niveau de résistance. Dans une deuxième étude, nous avons évaluer l’effet de ce traitement dans un protocole randomisé, contrôlé et parallèle contre placebo. Cette étude n’a pas confirmé l’efficacité de ce protocole de traitement. Dans cette même population, nous avons au cours du protocole mesuré les paramètres d’excitabilité corticale au niveau du cortex moteur par stimulation magnétique transrânienne. Nous avons ainsi mis en évidence que la tDCS provoquait une augmentation significative des processus d’inhibition (Short Interval Cortical Inhibition : SICI ) et une diminution non significative des processus de facilitation (Intra Cortical Facilitation : ICF). L’étude des effets cliniques et électro-physiologiques de cette approche thérapeutique novatrice dans les TOC résistants n’a pas permis de confirmer son intérêt clinique malgré un impact de ce protocole sur les modifications de l’excitabilité corticale inhérentes aux troubles. Ces données ont été mise en relation avec la littérature afin de proposer des perspectives d’évolution dans l’utilisation de la tDCS dans les TOC résistant

    L'insight dans les troubles obsessionnels et compulsifs

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    Les troubles obsessionnels et compulsifs (TOC) sont une pathologie fréquente (prévalence de 1 à 2%) et fortement invalidante (rapport mondial de l'OMS de 2002). Un insight de bonne qualité est classiquement considéré comme une caractéristique centrale du trouble. ( folie lucide Dr Trélat). Cependant, des données récentes viennent remettre en question cette considération en montrant qu'un nombre important de patients (20 à 30%) ont un insight de mauvaise qualité notamment quant au caractère irrationnel de leurs obsessions et de leurs rituels. Dans son travail, R. Bation propose une analyse détaillée des données cliniques actuelles et des principales théories psychopathologiques expliquant les TOC (psychodynamiques, cognitives et comportementales, phénoménologiques), afin de tenter de redéfinir le statut de l'insight dans cette pathologie. Les processus impliqués dans les obsessions et les compulsions, en décalage avec le reste de la vie psychique consciente du sujet sont décrits et discutésLYON1-BU Santé (693882101) / SudocSudocFranceF