10 research outputs found

    A Novel Approach for Solving Burger’s Equation

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    The paper presents a new analytical method called Variational Homotopy Perturbation Method (VHPM), which is a combination of the well-known Variational Iteration method (VIM) and the Homotopy Perturbation method (HPM) for solving the one-dimensional Burger’s equation. Two test problems are presented to demontrate the efficiency and the accuracy of the proposed method.The numerical solutions obtained are compared with the exact solution. Furthermore, this method does not require spatial discretization or restrictive assumptions and is free from round-off errors and therefore reduce the numerical computation significanly. The results reveal that the Variational Homotopy Perturbation Method is very effective and convenient to solve nonlinear partial differential equation

    An Enhanced Cluster based Multi-hop Routing Technique in Wireless Sensor Network Using AODV Protocol

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    Wireless Sensor Network is one of main extent in physical environmental inquiry. The Cluster based multi-hop routing for the capable network to improve the life time data transmission and energy saving for the network progress. In this Research paper based on Flat Multi-Hop Routing Technique is used to LEACH protocol using reduced overall network power utilization. Hierarchical Multi-hop routing Technique is one of the methods using M-LEACH protocol, while using this method user is able to get the large number of data and packet losses also reduced. Hybrid multi-hop routing Technique using PEACH protocol used by the users are able to get Energy saving is high. My Research contribution going to Enhanced Hybrid Multi-hop Routing(EHYMN) for improve the data transmission with less time , reduced the packet losses and also minimum power utilization for this Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol is used for the implementation in network simulation tool 2.34 version for get a good Results

    Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Lapor Sleman sebagai Pelayanan Pengaduan di Kabupaten Sleman

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan sistem pelayanan aplikasi Lapor Sleman sebagai pelayanan pengaduan, pemanfaatan oleh masyarakat, dan rekomendasi kebutuhan pengembangan aplikasi Lapor Sleman. metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan teknik analisis data analisis deksriptif. Data diperoleh dengan studi dokumentasi dan wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview). Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian adalah penerapan aplikasi Lapor Sleman dikelola dan dikembangkan oleh Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Sleman dan 50 moderator bekerjasama dengan SOROT (Smart Online Reporting and Observation Tools) sebagai penyedia aplikasi dan laporan terintegrasi dengan LAPOR! (Layanan Aspirasi dan Pengaduan Online Rakyat). Dampak pemanfataan aplikasi Lapor Sleman adalah pelayanan pengaduan menjadi transparan, efektif, dan efisien. Masyarakat dapat melakukan di manapun dan kapanpun serta ikut berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan dan perbaikan pelayanan publik di Kabupaten Sleman. Ada beberapa rekomendasi pengembangan Aplikasi Lapor Sleman seperti migrasi data, pengambilan foto dan titik lokasi, akses pada sistem iOS, pengelompokkan laporan, sosialisasi, serta akses data statistik oleh penggun

    Evaluate the effect of perceived ease and usefulness,customer’s awareness and confidence by mobile bank on tendency to use (intended use) of mobile bank’s system (case study of customers of Khuzestan’s Tejarat bankbranches)

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    The aim of present research is study of ease and perceived usefulness, customer’s awareness and confidence to mobile bank on tendency to use of mobile bank’s system. In terms of purpose is applied and in terms of the nature and methods is casual. Questionnaire has been used to collect the required data of. 24 items has been raised in the questionnaire. Questionnaire has sufficient reliability and validity. Statistical population of research the customers of Tejarat Bank branches in  Khuzestan province that are used from mobile banking (mobile banking), Principles of determine the sample size in the sample of multivariate regression analysis has been used in structural equation modeling. The method of sampling is clustered and total of 300 questionnaires were distributed that finally the 274 questionnaires were completed and were analyzed. Structural equation modeling has been used to study the relationships between model’s components and LISREL software has been used for Analysis of hypotheses. Results show that awareness has positive impact on tends to use of mobile bank. Usefulness has positive impact on tend to use of mobile bank. Ease has positive impact on tend to use of mobile bank. Trust to technology has positive impact on trust to mobile bank. Security has positive impact on trust tomobile bank. Information’s quality has positive impact on trust to mobile bank. Trust to mobile bank has positive impact on tend to use of mobile bank.Keywords: Trust to technology, Security, Awareness, Usefulness, Information’s  qualit

    Islamic estate planning in Malaysia: the dilemma = Perancangan harta Islam di Malaysia: satu dilema

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    Islamic estate planning is very important in the life of any Muslims. Indeed, those Muslims who pass away and do not have proper planning on their estate indirectly breaching the bequest guidance as stated in the Qur’an which are the main source of reference for a Muslim life. Regrettably, the noble spirit of Islam is not well accepted, and many are not concerned with arranging their estate thus triggering enormous family debates and increase the unclaimed property after the deceased’s death. The present-day affairs of Islamic estate planning in Malaysia is still not encouraging despite the efforts by relevant institutions and industry players to expand the industry. The initiative was undertaken by the government to form a national institution known as Amanah Raya Berhad and followed by participation of private Islamic estate planning companies to provide estates planning related services. However, thus far only 700,000 individuals have declared wasiyyah as compared to the majority of Muslims among the 30 million Malaysians. The outstanding differences among subscribers of the services and who do not subscribe, open up to a real dilemma within the area of Islamic estate planning. This is the subject that motivates the researcher to study the issues in Islamic estate planning in Malaysia. The purpose of this study is to examine the dilemma faced by the industry practitioners. This research is qualitative in nature relying on the existing literatures from internet website, document analysis and library literature. The scope of this study is relevant and pertinent to the overall Islamic estate planning industry development thus, intended to put forward recommendations for enhancement of Islamic estate planning in Malaysia including the possibility of establishing Shari’ah advisory framework for the Islamic estate planning institutions. ************************************************************************************* Perancangan harta Islam adalah sangat penting dalam kehidupan orang Islam. Bagi orang Islam yang meninggal dunia dan tidak merancang sebaiknya harta peninggalan mereka, dalam erti kata lain individu terbabit telah melanggar garis panduan yang telah ditetapkan di dalam Qur’an yang merupakan panduan utama bagi kehidupan seseorang yang beragama Islam. Prinsip utama panduan kehidupan sehingga peringkat kematian yang bersifat menyeluruh yang ditekankan oleh agama Islam nyata gagal diterima sepenuhnya oleh umat Islam yang akhirnya menyebabkan sebahagian dari mereka tidak merancang pengagihan harta setelah kematian. Situasi ini menyebabkan wujudnya perdebatan antara ahli keluarga atau waris yang berhak dan ini menjadi faktor kepada harta tidak dituntut setelah kematian seseorang individu. Perkembangan semasa pengurusan harta pusaka di Malaysia masih tidak menggalakkan walaupun pelbagai usaha telah dilaksanakan oleh pihak berwajib dan pemain industri. Inisiatif awal telah dibuat oleh pihak Kerajaan Malaysia dengan menubuhkan institusi dikenali sebagai Amanah Raya Berhad serta seterusnya kemunculan pelbagai pemain industri swasta dalam menyediakan khidmat pengurusan harta pusaka serta yang berkaitan. Namun demikian, sehingga kini, sejumlah 700,000 individu sahaja telah melaksanakan deklarasi wasiat berbanding bilangan umat Islam di Malaysia yang mencecah 30 juta orang. Perbezaan yang amat ketara ini berhubung individu beragama Islam yang mempunyai wasiat dan yang tidak berwasiat membuka kepada persoalan apakah dilema yang dihadapi dalam pengurusan harta Islam di Malaysia. Objektif kajian adalah untuk mengenalpasti dilema yang dilalui para pengamal industri. Kajian ini bersifat kualitatif dan bersumberkan literatur sedia ada yang dirujuk menerusi laman internet, analisis dokumen dan carian di perpustakaan. Skop kajian ini adalah sangat relevan dan bertepatan dengan keperluan dan perkembangan industri pengurusan harta pusaka. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk menyediakan cadangan bersesuaian bagi kemajuan pengurusan harta pusaka berdasarkan kaedah Islam dengan kemungkinan mewujudkan kerangka khidmat nasihat berlandaskan Shari’ah bagi institusi pengurusan harta pusaka Islam

    Benessere e performance di allevamento di suini in accrescimento esposti a nebulizzazione ambientale di Olio essenziale di lavandula angustifolia

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    La limitata possibilità di esprimere il repertorio comportamentale e la mancanza di stimoli espone i suini in allevamento intensivo a stress cronici, riducendone il benessere e favorendo la comparsa di comportamenti anomali. L’olio essenziale di Lavandula angustifolia (LaEO), impiegato per diversi scopi, anche terapeutici per le sue caratteristiche antibatteriche, antiparassitarie, carminative e sedative (Batiha et al., 2023; Khan et al., 2023), potrebbe esercitare effetti adattogeni e positivi in questi soggetti. Obiettivo dello studio è stato quindi analizzare parametri fisiologici e comportamentali legati allo stress cronico in suini in accrescimento, esposti a somministrazione ambientale di LaEO. 90 suini castrati (con coda integra) sono stati suddivisi in 3 gruppi sperimentali e stabulati in stanze diverse non comunicanti: gruppo LaEO (2 vaporizzazioni/24 ore, soluzione di LaEO all’1%), gruppo sham (2 vaporizzazioni/24 ore, solo veicolo) e gruppo di controllo. A fronte di performance zootecniche invariate, il gruppo LaEO ha mostrato valori significativamente migliori in termini di integrità corporea (p<0.0001). Ancora i livelli di CORT e DHEA da setola non hanno mostrato differenze rilevanti tra i gruppi, mentre il rapporto tra questi è risultato inferiore nel gruppo LaEO, indicando una migliore capacità adattativa alle condizioni di allevamento