155 research outputs found

    Динаміка поширення православних монастирів на Полтавщині (ХVІІ – ХІХ ст.)

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    This study compared the economic and environmental impacts of torrefaction on bioenergy supply chains against conventional pellets for scenarios where biomass is produced in Mozambique, and undergoes pre-processing before shipment to Rotterdam for conversion to power and Fischer-Tropsch (FT) fuels. We also compared the impacts of using different land quality (productive and marginal) for feedstock production, feedstocks (eucalyptus and switchgrass), final conversion technologies (XtY and CXtY) and markets (the Netherlands and Mozambique). At current conditions, the torrefied pellets (TOPs) are delivered in Rotterdam at higher cost (7.3-7.5 /GJ)thanpellets(5.15.3/GJ) than pellets (5.1-5.3 /GJ). In the long term, TOPs costs could decline (4.7-5.8 /GJ)andconvergewithpellets.TOPssupplychainsalsoincur20/GJ) and converge with pellets. TOPs supply chains also incur 20% lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than pellets. Due to improved logistics and lower conversion investment, fuel production costs from TOPs are lower (12.8-16.9 /GJFT) than from pellets (12.9-18.7 $/GJFT). Co-firing scenarios (CXtY) result in lower cost fuel (but a higher environmental penalty) than 100% biomass fired scenarios (XtY). In most cases, switchgrass and the productive region of Nampula provide the lowest fuel production cost compared to eucalyptus and the marginally productive Gaza region. Both FT and ion in Mozambique are more costly than in Rotterdam. For the Netherlands, both FT and power production are competitive against average energy costs in Western Europe. The analysis shows that large-scale bioenergy production can become competitive against fossil fuels. While the benefits of TOPs are apparent in logistics and conversion, the current higher torrefaction costs contribute to higher biofuel costs. Improvements in torrefaction technology can result in significant performance improvements over the future chain

    Діалогізм як умова реалізації свободи в іудаїзмі

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    У статті розглядається проблема співвідношення феномена свободи з такою формою реалізації людської екзистенції, як діалог. Для іудаїзму виявами діалогу на рівні розкриття зв'язку "Я" з "абсолютним Ти" є молитва та пророцтво. Автор доводить, що ці форми діалогу у свій власний спосіб виявляють механізми актуалізації індивідуальної та колективної свободи. Метою свободи виступає повнота розкриття призначення існування людини та людства у світі.In the article examines the problem of comparing the phenomenon of freedom with a form of human realization of existence, such as dialog. For Judaism, prayer and prophecy are the opening to the connection of "I" and the absolute "You". These forms of dialog, in their own way, appear to be mechanisms of the actualization of individual and collective freedom. The goal of this freedom appears to be the full understanding of the purpose of man and humanity in the world

    Randomization in a two armed clinical trial: an overview of different randomization techniques

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    Randomization is the key element of any sensible clinical trial. It is the only way we can be sure that the patients have been allocated into the treatment groups without bias and that the treatment groups are almost similar before the start of the trial. The randomization schemes used to allocate patients into the treatment groups play a role in achieving this goal. This study uses SAS simulations to do categorical data analysis and comparison of differences between two main randomization schemes namely unrestricted and restricted randomization in dental studies where there are small samples, i.e. simple randomization and the minimization method respectively. Results show that minimization produces almost equally sized treatment groups, but simple randomization is weak in balancing prognostic factors. Nevertheless, simple randomization can also produce balanced groups even in small samples, by chance. Statistical power is also improved when minimization is used than in simple randomization, but bigger samples might be needed to boost the power

    Пов’язка для лікування гнійно-некротичних ран у хворих на цукровий діабет

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    Разработана и клинически апробирована повязка для лечения гнойно-некротических ран у больных сахарным диабетом. Её использование способствует значительному улучшению результатов лечения и эффективной реабилитации этой категории больных.Developed and clinically tested for the treatment of necrotic wounds in diabetic patients. Its use greatly improve the results of treatment and effective rehabilitation of these patients

    Current and future technical, economic and environmental feasibility of maize and wheat residues supply for biomass energy application:Illustrated for South Africa

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    AbstractThis study assessed the feasibility of mobilising maize and wheat residues for large-scale bioenergy applications in South Africa by establishing sustainable residue removal rates and cost of supply based on different production regions. A key objective was to refine the methodology for estimating crop residue harvesting for bioenergy use, while maintaining soil productivity and avoiding displacement of competing residue uses. At current conditions, the sustainable bioenergy potential from maize and wheat residues was estimated to be about 104 PJ. There is potential to increase the amount of crop residues to 238 PJ through measures such as no till cultivation and adopting improved cropping systems. These estimates were based on minimum residues requirements of 2 t ha−1 for soil erosion control and additional residue amounts to maintain 2% SOC level.At the farm gate, crop residues cost between 0.9 and 1.7 GJ1.About96 GJ−1. About 96% of these residues are available below 1.5 GJ−1. In the improved scenario, up to 85% of the biomass is below 1.3 GJ1.Forbiomassdeliveriesattheconversionplant,about36 GJ−1. For biomass deliveries at the conversion plant, about 36% is below 5 GJ−1 while in the optimised scenario, about 87% is delivered below 5$ GJ−1. Co-firing residues with coal results in lower cost of electricity compared to other renewables and significant GHG (CO2 eq) emissions reduction (up to 0.72 tons MWh−1). Establishing sustainable crop residue supply systems in South Africa could start by utilising the existing agricultural infrastructure to secure supply and develop a functional market. It would then be necessary to incentivise improvements across the value chain

    The role of bioenergy and biochemicals in CO2 mitigation through the energy system - a scenario analysis for the Netherlands

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    Bioenergy as well as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage are key options to embark on cost-efficient trajectories that realize climate targets. Most studies have not yet assessed the influence on these trajectories of emerging bioeconomy sectors such as biochemicals and renewable jet fuels (RJFs). To support a systems transition, there is also need to demonstrate the impact on the energy system of technology development, biomass and fossil fuel prices. We aim to close this gap by assessing least-cost pathways to 2030 for a number of scenarios applied to the energy system of the Netherlands, using a cost-minimization model. The type and magnitude of biomass deployment are highly influenced by technology development, fossil fuel prices and ambitions to mitigate climate change. Across all scenarios, biomass consumption ranges between 180 and 760 PJ and national emissions between 82 and 178 Mt CO2. High technology development leads to additional 100-270 PJ of biomass consumption and 8-20 Mt CO2 emission reduction compared to low technology development counterparts. In high technology development scenarios, additional emission reduction is primarily achieved by bioenergy and carbon capture and storage. Traditional sectors, namely industrial biomass heat and biofuels, supply 61-87% of bioenergy, while wind turbines are the main supplier of renewable electricity. Low technology pathways show lower biochemical output by 50-75%, do not supply RJFs and do not utilize additional biomass compared to high technology development. In most scenarios the emission reduction targets for the Netherlands are not met, as additional reduction of 10-45 Mt CO2 is needed. Stronger climate policy is required, especially in view of fluctuating fossil fuel prices, which are shown to be a key determinant of bioeconomy development. Nonetheless, high technology development is a no-regrets option to realize deep emission reduction as it also ensures stable growth for the bioeconomy even under unfavourable conditions.</p