36 research outputs found

    Antinociceptive Effects of Valeriana Extract in Mice: Involvement of the Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Systems

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    Valeriana officinalis has been extensively used as a herbal remedy in traditional medicine. However, there is no clear evidence on the antinociceptive effects of this plant. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of Valeriana officinalis hydroalcoholic extract on pain modulation and its possible mechanism in mice. Adult male Balb/c mice were randomly divided into nine experimental groups. They received i.p. injections of saline, hydroalcoholic root extract of Valeriana officinalis (800, 200, or 50 mg/kg), and morphine; four groups received Valeriana (800 mg/kg) + antagonists of the systems involved in antinociception effects, naloxone, ondansetron, metoclopramide, or scopolamine. Tail-flick and writhing tests were used for estimation of possible modulation of pain. The tail-flick latencies in the Valeriana 800 and 200 mg/kg, but not 50 mg/kg, morphine, and combined Valeriana 800 + naloxone, ondansetron, metoclopramide, or scopolamine-treated groups were significantly longer than that in the control group. However, the tail-flick latencies in the Valeriana 800 mg/kg + ondansetron- and metoclopramide-treated groups were significantly shorter than that upon single action of the extract (800 mg/kg). The numbers of writhings in the extract-treated groups were smaller than in the control one. The numbers of writhings in the Valeriana (800 mg/kg)+ ondansetron- and metoclopramide-treated groups were significantly greater than in the extract (800 mg/kg) group. It is concluded that Valeriana officinalis extract possesses a clear analgesic effect and works through the serotonergic and dopaminergic systems.Валеріана лікувальна (Valeriana officinalis) широко використовується як рослинний лікувальний засіб у традиційній медицині. Достовірні відомості про можливу антиноцицептивну дію цієї рослини, проте, були відсутні. Ціллю нашого дослідження було оцінити в експериментах на мишах, чи здатний водноспиртовий екстракт валеріани модулювати біль, а також з’ясувати можливі механізми таких ефектів. Дорослі самці мишей лінії Balb/c були рандомізовано поділені на дев’ять груп. Їм внутрішньоочеревинно ін’єкували фізіологічний розчин, водноспиртовий екстракт з коренів валеріани (800, 200 або 50 мг сухої речовини на 1 кг маси), морфін, а в чотирьох групах – комбінації 800 мг/кг екстракту валеріани з антагоністами систем, залучених у реалізацію антиноцицептивних ефектів, – налоксоном, ондасетроном, метоклопрамідом або скополаміном. Для оцінки можливої модуляції болю використовували тест відсмикування хвоста та оцтовокислотний тест „корчів”. Латентні періоди відсмикування хвоста в групах, що отримували 800 та 200 (але не 50) мг екстракту та комбіновані ін’єкції 800 мг/кг валеріани із вказаними блокаторами, були довшими, ніж у групі контролю. В той же час латентні періоди цієї реакції в групах 800 мг/кг екстракту + ондасетрон та метоксипрамід були вірогідно меншими, ніж при ізольованій дії 800 мг/кг екстракту. Кількість „корчів” у мишей у межах періоду спостереження у відповідному тесті після ін’єкції екстракту була меншою, ніж у контролі. Число таких „корчів” у групах 800 мг/кг екстракту в комбінаціях із ондасетроном та метоклопрамідом було вірогідно більшим порівняно з тим, що спостерігалось у разі дії лише екстракту в аналогічної кількості. Зроблено висновок, що екстракт валеріани здійснює очевидний аналгетичний вплив, опосередкований серотонін- та дофамінергічною системами

    Long-range potential fluctuations and 1/f noise in hydrogenated amorphous silicon

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    We present a microscopic theory of the low-frequency voltage noise (known as "1/f" noise) in micrometer-thick films of hydrogenated amorphous silicon. This theory traces the noise back to the long-range fluctuations of the Coulomb potential produced by deep defects, thereby predicting the absolute noise intensity as a function of the distribution of defect activation energies. The predictions of this theory are in very good agreement with our own experiments in terms of both the absolute intensity and the temperature dependence of the noise spectra.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, several new parts and one new figure are added, but no conceptual revision

    30-Day morbidity and mortality of bariatric metabolic surgery in adolescence during the COVID-19 pandemic – The GENEVA study

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    Background: Metabolic and bariatric surgery (MBS) is an effective treatment for adolescents with severe obesity. Objectives: This study examined the safety of MBS in adolescents during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Methods: This was a global, multicentre and observational cohort study of MBS performed between May 01, 2020, and October 10,2020, in 68 centres from 24 countries. Data collection included in-hospital and 30-day COVID-19 and surgery-specific morbidity/mortality. Results: One hundred and seventy adolescent patients (mean age: 17.75 ± 1.30 years), mostly females (n = 122, 71.8%), underwent MBS during the study period. The mean pre-operative weight and body mass index were 122.16 ± 15.92 kg and 43.7 ± 7.11 kg/m2, respectively. Although majority of patients had pre-operative testing for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (n = 146; 85.9%), only 42.4% (n = 72) of the patients were asked to self-isolate pre-operatively. Two patients developed symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection post-operatively (1.2%). The overall complication rate was 5.3% (n = 9). There was no mortality in this cohort. Conclusions: MBS in adolescents with obesity is safe during the COVID-19 pandemic when performed within the context of local precautionary procedures (such as pre-operative testing). The 30-day morbidity rates were similar to those reported pre-pandemic. These data will help facilitate the safe re-introduction of MBS services for this group of patients

    30-day morbidity and mortality of sleeve gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and one anastomosis gastric bypass: a propensity score-matched analysis of the GENEVA data

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    Background: There is a paucity of data comparing 30-day morbidity and mortality of sleeve gastrectomy (SG), Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), and one anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB). This study aimed to compare the 30-day safety of SG, RYGB, and OAGB in propensity score-matched cohorts. Materials and methods: This analysis utilised data collected from the GENEVA study which was a multicentre observational cohort study of bariatric and metabolic surgery (BMS) in 185 centres across 42 countries between 01/05/2022 and 31/10/2020 during the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. 30-day complications were categorised according to the Clavien–Dindo classification. Patients receiving SG, RYGB, or OAGB were propensity-matched according to baseline characteristics and 30-day complications were compared between groups. Results: In total, 6770 patients (SG 3983; OAGB 702; RYGB 2085) were included in this analysis. Prior to matching, RYGB was associated with highest 30-day complication rate (SG 5.8%; OAGB 7.5%; RYGB 8.0% (p = 0.006)). On multivariate regression modelling, Insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolaemia were associated with increased 30-day complications. Being a non-smoker was associated with reduced complication rates. When compared to SG as a reference category, RYGB, but not OAGB, was associated with an increased rate of 30-day complications. A total of 702 pairs of SG and OAGB were propensity score-matched. The complication rate in the SG group was 7.3% (n = 51) as compared to 7.5% (n = 53) in the OAGB group (p = 0.68). Similarly, 2085 pairs of SG and RYGB were propensity score-matched. The complication rate in the SG group was 6.1% (n = 127) as compared to 7.9% (n = 166) in the RYGB group (p = 0.09). And, 702 pairs of OAGB and RYGB were matched. The complication rate in both groups was the same at 7.5 % (n = 53; p = 0.07). Conclusions: This global study found no significant difference in the 30-day morbidity and mortality of SG, RYGB, and OAGB in propensity score-matched cohorts