18,426 research outputs found

    Low cost solar array project 1: Silicon material

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    The low cost production of silicon by deposition of silicon from a hydrogen/chlorosilane mixture is described. Reactor design, reaction vessel support systems (physical support, power control and heaters, and temperature monitoring systems) and operation of the system are reviewed. Testing of four silicon deposition reactors is described, and test data and consequently derived data are given. An 18% conversion of trichlorosilane to silicon was achieved, but average conversion rates were lower than predicted due to incomplete removal of byproduct gases for recycling and silicon oxide/silicon polymer plugging of the gas outlet. Increasing the number of baffles inside the reaction vessel improved the conversion rate. Plans for further design and process improvements to correct the problems encountered are outlined

    Resistive Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibria in a Torus

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    It was recently demonstrated that static, resistive, magnetohydrodynamic equilibria, in the presence of spatially-uniform electrical conductivity, do not exist in a torus under a standard set of assumed symmetries and boundary conditions. The difficulty, which goes away in the ``periodic straight cylinder approximation,'' is associated with the necessarily non-vanishing character of the curl of the Lorentz force, j x B. Here, we ask if there exists a spatial profile of electrical conductivity that permits the existence of zero-flow, axisymmetric r esistive equilibria in a torus, and answer the question in the affirmative. However, the physical properties of the conductivity profile are unusual (the conductivity cannot be constant on a magnetic surface, for example) and whether such equilibria are to be considered physically possible remains an open question.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Thick silicon growth techniques

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    Hall mobility measurements on a number of single crystal silicon ribbons grown from graphite dies have shown some ribbons to have mobilities consistent with their resistivities. The behavior of other ribbons appears to be explained by the introduction of impurities of the opposite sign. Growth of a small single crystal silicon ribbon has been achieved from a beryllia dia. Residual internal stresses of the order of 7 to 18,000 psi have been determined to exist in some silicon ribbon, particularly those grown at rates in excess of 1 in./min. Growth experiments have continued toward definition of a configuration and parameters to provide a reasonable yield of single crystal ribbons. High vacuum outgassing of graphite dies and evacuation and backfilling of growth chambers have provided significant improvements in surface quality of ribbons grown from graphite dies

    Thick film silicon growth techniques

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    One inch wide silicon ribbons up to 14 inches long have been produced from graphite dies. Several different techniques have been employed to improve the semiconductor purity of silicon. This has resulted in a general increase in quality although the techniques involved have not been optimized. The power factor of uncoated ribbon solar cells produced for material evaluation has increased to approximately 75% of those evaluation cells made from commercial silicon. The present limitation is believed due to low lifetime. Additional work has continued with new die materials; however, only composite dies of SiO2 and C show significant potential at this time

    Methods of isolation and identification of pathogenic and potential pathogenic bacteria from skins and tannery effluents

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    Currently there is no standard protocol available within the leather industry to isolate and identify pathogenic bacteria from hides, skins or tannery effluent. This study was therefore carried out to identify simple but effective methods for isolation and identification of bacterial pathogens from the effluent and skins during leather processing. Identification methods based on both phenotypic and genotypic characteristics were investigated. Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were used as indicator bacteria to evaluate the isolation and identification methods. Decontaminated calfskins were inoculated with a pure culture of the above mentioned bacterial species followed by a pre-tanning and chromium tanning processes. Effluent samples were collected and skins were swabbed at the end of each processing stage. Bacterial identification was carried out based on the phenotypic characteristics; such as colony appearance on selective solid media, cell morphology following a standard Gram-staining and spore staining techniques, and biochemical reactions, e.g., the ability of a bacterial species to ferment particular sugars and ability to produce certain enzymes. Additionally, an identification system based on bacterial phenotypic characteristics, known as Biolog® system was applied. A pulsed-filed gel electrophoresis (PFGE) method for bacterial DNA fingerprinting was also evaluated and used for the identification of the inoculated bacteria. The methods described in the study were found to be effective for the identification of pathogenic bacteria from skins and effluent

    Multi-objective evolutionary–fuzzy augmented flight control for an F16 aircraft

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    In this article, the multi-objective design of a fuzzy logic augmented flight controller for a high performance fighter jet (the Lockheed-Martin F16) is described. A fuzzy logic controller is designed and its membership functions tuned by genetic algorithms in order to design a roll, pitch, and yaw flight controller with enhanced manoeuverability which still retains safety critical operation when combined with a standard inner-loop stabilizing controller. The controller is assessed in terms of pilot effort and thus reduction of pilot fatigue. The controller is incorporated into a six degree of freedom motion base real-time flight simulator, and flight tested by a qualified pilot instructor

    Are older people putting themselves at risk when using their walking frames?

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    Background Walking aids are issued to older adults to prevent falls, however, paradoxically their use has been identified as a risk factor for falling. To prevent falls, walking aids must be used in a stable manner, but it remains unknown to what extent associated clinical guidance is adhered to at home, and whether following guidance facilitates a stable walking pattern. It was the aim of this study to investigate adherence to guidance on walking frame use, and to quantify user stability whilst using walking frames. Additionally, we explored the views of users and healthcare professionals on walking aid use, and regarding the instrumented walking frames (‘Smart Walkers’) utilized in this study. Methods This observational study used Smart Walkers and pressure-sensing insoles to investigate usage patterns of 17 older people in their home environment; corresponding video captured contextual information. Additionally, stability when following, or not, clinical guidance was quantified for a subset of users during walking in an Activities of Daily Living Flat and in a gait laboratory. Two focus groups (users, healthcare professionals) shared their experiences with walking aids and provided feedback on the Smart Walkers. Results Incorrect use was observed for 16% of single support periods and for 29% of dual support periods, and was associated with environmental constraints and a specific frame design feature. Incorrect use was associated with reduced stability. Participants and healthcare professionals perceived the Smart Walker technology positively. Conclusions Clinical guidance cannot easily be adhered to and self-selected strategies reduce stability, hence are placing the user at risk. Current guidance needs to be improved to address environmental constraints whilst facilitating stable walking. The research is highly relevant considering the rising number of walking aid users, their increased falls-risk, and the costs of falls. Trial Registration Not applicable

    Low-cost solar array project task 1: Silicon material. Gaseous melt replenishment system

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    The operation of a silicon production technique was demonstrated. The essentials of the method comprise chemical vapor deposition of silicon, by hydrogen reduction of chlorosilanes, on the inside of a quartz reaction vessel having large internal surface area. The system was designed to allow successive deposition-melting cycles, with silicon removal being accomplished by discharging the molten silicon. The liquid product would be suitable for transfer to a crystal growth process, casting into solid form, or production of shots. A scaled-down prototype reactor demonstrated single pass conversion efficiency of 20 percent and deposition rates and energy consumption better than conventional Siemens reactors, via deposition rates of 365 microns/hr. and electrical consumption of 35 Kwhr/kg of silicon produced

    An electron Talbot interferometer

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    The Talbot effect, in which a wave imprinted with transverse periodicity reconstructs itself at regular intervals, is a diffraction phenomenon that occurs in many physical systems. Here we present the first observation of the Talbot effect for electron de Broglie waves behind a nanofabricated transmission grating. This was thought to be difficult because of Coulomb interactions between electrons and nanostructure gratings, yet we were able to map out the entire near-field interference pattern, the "Talbot carpet", behind a grating. We did this using a Talbot interferometer, in which Talbot interference fringes from one grating are moire'-filtered by a 2nd grating. This arrangement has served for optical, X-ray, and atom interferometry, but never before for electrons. Talbot interferometers are particularly sensitive to distortions of the incident wavefronts, and to illustrate this we used our Talbot interferometer to measure the wavefront curvature of a weakly focused electron beam. Here we report how this wavefront curvature demagnified the Talbot revivals, and we discuss applications for electron Talbot interferometers.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, updated version with abstrac