855 research outputs found

    Current update of cerebral embolic protection devices

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    Carotid artery stenting (CAS) has evolved into a viable alternative to carotid endarterectomy. Although CAS outcomes have improved during the last decade, the associated stroke rate remains higher when compared with carotid endarterectomy. Therefore, the pivotal role of embolic protection devices (EPDs) in minimizing stroke risk cannot be underestimated as a vital component of CAS. As technology advances, EPDs continue to be refined, and each device currently on the market has its own advantages and disadvantages. This review provides an overview of the current status of EPDs and highlights the unique features of each device, followed by suggestions for application in specific clinical scenarios

    Perspectives on open access high resolution digital elevation models to produce global flood hazard layers

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    Global flood hazard models have recently become a reality thanks to the release of open access global digital elevation models, the development of simplified and highly efficient flow algorithms, and the steady increase in computational power. In this commentary we argue that although the availability of open access global terrain data has been critical in enabling the development of such models, the relatively poor resolution and precision of these data now limit significantly our ability to estimate flood inundation and risk for the majority of the planet’s surface. The difficulty of deriving an accurate ‘bare-earth’ terrain model due to the interaction of vegetation and urban structures with the satellite-based remote sensors means that global terrain data are often poorest in the areas where people, property (and thus vulnerability) are most concentrated. Furthermore, the current generation of open access global terrain models are over a decade old and many large floodplains, particularly those in developing countries, have undergone significant change in this time. There is therefore a pressing need for a new generation of high resolution and high vertical precision open access global digital elevation models to allow significantly improved global flood hazard models to be developed

    Ariel - Volume 2 Number 5

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    Editors Delvyn C. Case, Jr. Paul M. Fernhoff News Editors Richard Bonanno Robin A. Edwards Features Editors Stephen P. Flynn Steven A. Ager Lay-Out Editor Carol Dolinskas Contributing Editors Michael J. Blecker W. Cherry Light Eugenia Miller Lin Sey Edwards Jack Guralnik Tom Williams James Noco

    The geometry of nonlinear least squares with applications to sloppy models and optimization

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    Parameter estimation by nonlinear least squares minimization is a common problem with an elegant geometric interpretation: the possible parameter values of a model induce a manifold in the space of data predictions. The minimization problem is then to find the point on the manifold closest to the data. We show that the model manifolds of a large class of models, known as sloppy models, have many universal features; they are characterized by a geometric series of widths, extrinsic curvatures, and parameter-effects curvatures. A number of common difficulties in optimizing least squares problems are due to this common structure. First, algorithms tend to run into the boundaries of the model manifold, causing parameters to diverge or become unphysical. We introduce the model graph as an extension of the model manifold to remedy this problem. We argue that appropriate priors can remove the boundaries and improve convergence rates. We show that typical fits will have many evaporated parameters. Second, bare model parameters are usually ill-suited to describing model behavior; cost contours in parameter space tend to form hierarchies of plateaus and canyons. Geometrically, we understand this inconvenient parametrization as an extremely skewed coordinate basis and show that it induces a large parameter-effects curvature on the manifold. Using coordinates based on geodesic motion, these narrow canyons are transformed in many cases into a single quadratic, isotropic basin. We interpret the modified Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt fitting algorithms as an Euler approximation to geodesic motion in these natural coordinates on the model manifold and the model graph respectively. By adding a geodesic acceleration adjustment to these algorithms, we alleviate the difficulties from parameter-effects curvature, improving both efficiency and success rates at finding good fits.Comment: 40 pages, 29 Figure

    Strong Shift Equivalence of C∗C^*-correspondences

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    We define a notion of strong shift equivalence for C∗C^*-correspondences and show that strong shift equivalent C∗C^*-correspondences have strongly Morita equivalent Cuntz-Pimsner algebras. Our analysis extends the fact that strong shift equivalent square matrices with non-negative integer entries give stably isomorphic Cuntz-Krieger algebras.Comment: 26 pages. Final version to appear in Israel Journal of Mathematic

    Geology and geochronology of the Tana Basin, Ethiopia: LIP volcanism, super eruptions and Eocene–Oligocene environmental change

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    New geological and geochronological data define four episodes of volcanism for the Lake Tana region in the northern Ethiopian portion of the Afro–Arabian Large Igneous Province (LIP): pre-31 Ma flood basalt that yielded a single 40Ar/39Ar age of 34.05±0.54/0.56 Ma; thick and extensive felsic ignimbrites and rhyolites (minimum volume of 2–3×103 km3) erupted between 31.108±0.020/0.041 Ma and 30.844±0.027/0.046 Ma (U–Pb CA-ID-TIMS zircon ages); mafic volcanism bracketed by 40Ar/39Ar ages of 28.90±0.12/0.14 Ma and 23.75±0.02/0.04 Ma; and localised scoraceous basalt with an 40Ar/39Ar age of 0.033±0.005/0.005 Ma. The felsic volcanism was the product of super eruptions that created a 60–80 km diameter caldera marked by km-scale caldera-collapse fault blocks and a steep-sided basin filled with a minimum of 180 m of sediment and the present-day Lake Tana. These new data enable mapping, with a finer resolution than previously possible, Afro–Arabian LIP volcanism onto the timeline of the Eocene–Oligocene transition and show that neither the mafic nor silicic volcanism coincides directly with perturbations in the geochemical records that span that transition. Our results reinforce the view that it is not the development of a LIP alone but its rate of effusion that contributes to inducing global-scale environmental change

    Vector field statistics for objective center-of-pressure trajectory analysis during gait, with evidence of scalar sensitivity to small coordinate system rotations

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    Center of pressure (COP) trajectories summarize the complex mechanical interaction between the foot and a contacted surface. Each trajectory itself is also complex, comprising hundreds of instantaneous vectors over the duration of stance phase. To simplify statistical analysis often a small number of scalars are extracted from each COP trajectory. The purpose of this paper was to demonstrate how a more objective approach to COP analysis can avoid particular sensitivities of scalar extraction analysis. A previously published dataset describing the effects of walking speed on plantar pressure (PP) distributions was re-analyzed. After spatially and temporally normalizing the data, speed effects were assessed using a vector-field paired Hotelling's T-2 test. Results showed that, as walking speed increased, the COP moved increasingly posterior at heel contact, and increasingly laterally and anteriorly between similar to 60 and 85% stance, in agreement with previous independent studies. Nevertheless, two extracted scalars disagreed with these results. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis found that a relatively small coordinate system rotation of 5.5 degrees reversed the mediolateral null hypothesis rejection decision. Considering that the foot may adopt arbitrary postures in the horizontal plane, these sensitivity results suggest that non-negligible uncertainty may exist in mediolateral COP effects. As compared with COP scalar extraction, two key advantages of the vector-field approach are: (i) coordinate system independence, (ii) continuous statistical data reflecting the temporal extents of COP trajectory changes.ArticleGAIT & POSTURE. 40(1):255-258 (2014)journal articl

    Probabilistic optimization for conceptual rainfall-runoff models: a comparison of the shuffled complex evolution and simulated annealing algorithms

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    Automatic optimization algorithms are used routinely to calibrate conceptual rainfall-runoff (CRR) models. The goal of calibration is to estimate a feasible and unique (global) set of parameter estimates that best fit the observed runoff data. Most if not all optimization algorithms have difficulty in locating the global optimum because of response surfaces that contain multiple local optima with regions of attraction of differing size, discontinuities, and long ridges and valleys. Extensive research has been undertaken to develop efficient and robust global optimization algorithms over the last 10 years. This study compares the performance of two probabilistic global optimization methods: the shuffled complex evolution algorithm SCE-UA, and the three-phase simulated annealing algorithm SA-SX. Both algorithms are used to calibrate two parameter sets of a modified version of Boughtoh's [1984] SFB model using data from two Australian catchments that have low and high runoff yields. For the reduced, well-identified parameter set the algorithms have a similar efficiency for the low-yielding catchment, but SCE-UA is almost twice as robust. Although the robustness of the algorithms is similar for the high-yielding catchment, SCE-UA is six times more efficient than SA-SX. When fitting the full parameter set the performance of SA-SX deteriorated markedly for both catchments. These results indicated that SCE-UA's use of multiple complexes and shuffling provided a more effective search of the parameter space than SA-SX's single simplex with stochastic step acceptance criterion, especially when the level of parameterization is increased. Examination of the response surface for the low-yielding catchment revealed some reasons why SCE-UA outperformed SA-SX and why probabilistic optimization algorithms can experience difficulty in locating the global optimum.Mark Thyer and George Kuczera, Bryson C. Bate

    Geology and geochronology of the Tana Basin, Ethiopia : LIP volcanism, super eruptions and Eocene-Oligocene environmental change

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    This work was supported by NERC Grants NE/D012996/1 and NER/B/S/2002/00540 and NIGFSC IP/1024/0508.New geological and geochronological data define four episodes of volcanism for the Lake Tana region in the northern Ethiopian portion of the Afro–Arabian Large Igneous Province (LIP): pre-31 Ma flood basalt that yielded a single 40Ar/39Ar age of 34.05 ± 0.54/0.56 Ma; thick and extensive felsic ignimbrites and rhyolites (minimum volume of 2-3 x 103km3) erupted between 31.108 ± 0.020/0.041 Ma and 30.844 ± 0.027/0.046 Ma (U–Pb CA-ID-TIMS zircon ages); mafic volcanism bracketed by 40Ar/39Ar ages of 28.90 ± 0.12/0.14 Ma and 23.75 ± 0.02/0.04 Ma; and localised scoraceous basalt with an 40Ar/39Ar age of 0.033 ± 0.005/0.005 Ma. The felsic volcanism was the product of super eruptions that created a 60–80 km diameter caldera marked by km-scale caldera-collapse fault blocks and a steep-sided basin filled with a minimum of 180 m of sediment and the present-day Lake Tana. These new data enable mapping, with a finer resolution than previously possible, Afro–Arabian LIP volcanism onto the timeline of the Eocene–Oligocene transition and show that neither the mafic nor silicic volcanism coincides directly with perturbations in the geochemical records that span that transition. Our results reinforce the view that it is not the development of a LIP alone but its rate of effusion that contributes to inducing global-scale environmental change.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A simulation model of intraherd transmission of foot and mouth disease with reference to disease spread before and after clinical diagnosis

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    Abstract. Intraherd transmission of foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) was examined using a simulation model for a hypothetical 1,000-cow dairy, assuming clinical diagnosis was made when at least 1% (10 cows) or 5% (50 cows) had clinical signs of FMD, 1 index case cow, and transition state distributions for the latent, subclinically infectious, and clinically infectious periods of FMD calculated from published data. Estimates assumed for the number of animal-to-animal contacts (k) adequate for transmission ranged from 0.6 to 9.0 per hour (13.7-216.0 per day). A total of 40,000 iterations (5,000 for each scenario, assessing 4 adequate contact rates and 2 detection criteria) were run. The model predicted that FMD would not be diagnosed in the herd until 10.0-13.5 days after the index case cow had become infected, at which time between 65% and 97% of the cows (646-967 cows) to nearly 100% (978-996 cows) would already have become infected with the virus, if the number of cows showing clinical signs of FMD at the time of diagnosis were 10 or 50, respectively. At the time of diagnosis, the simulated number of infectious cattle varied substantially from 82-472 to 476-537 cows, depending on adequate contact rate and whether the diagnosis was made when 10 or 50 animals were showing clinical signs, respectively. The simulated number of infectious cows increased rapidly during the first few days after diagnosis. In the scenario where at least 10 cows showing clinical signs was necessary before a clinical diagnosis was made, each day after diagnosis, the number of infectious animals increased by nearly 100 to more than 200 cases per day up to day 5, assuming 0.57-9.0 animal-to-animal contacts per hour, respectively. Results obtained when it was assumed that at least 50 clinical cases were present at the time of diagnosis showed smaller relative increases because nearly one-half of the herd was projected to be infected at the time of diagnosis. From these results, it is clear that once an individual in a herd becomes infected with FMDV, herd infectivity is not static, rather it accelerates as would be expected as long as there are sufficient susceptible animals to sustain the increasing transmission rate, after which time the rate at which new infections occurs will diminish. Results indicate that biosecurity strategies aimed at minimizing both intraherd and interherd contact will be critical in minimizing the spread of FMD before the initial diagnosis is made. In addition, simulations suggest that very early clinical diagnosis of FMD and effective isolation or depopulation and disposal will be critical in limiting the number of infectious animals capable of transmitting the virus to other herds and thus in timely control of an epidemic. Early diagnosis will rely on early virus detection from animals in the preclinical phase of infection, rather than waiting for clinical signs to manifest in sufficient numbers to be noticed and to warrant investigation. Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is one of the most economically important livestock diseases in the world. In recent years, large-scale epidemics have been observed in Taiwan in 1997, 11 the UK in 2001
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