106 research outputs found

    Evaluation du potentiel antimicrobien et de la toxicité des extraits de Jatropha multifida Linn, (Euphorbiaceae)

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    Objectif : L’objectif de ce travail Ă©tait d’évaluer in vitro l’activitĂ© antimicrobienne des extraits de feuilles et tige de Jatropha multifida sur la croissance de Candida albicans, Escherichia coli et Staphylococcus aureus, puis d’évaluer in vivo la toxicitĂ© de cette plante.MĂ©thodologie et rĂ©sultats : Les mĂ©thodes de diffusion en milieu gĂ©losĂ© et de microdilution en milieu liquide ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour Ă©valuer l’effet antimicrobien. Une Ă©tude en subaigĂŒe Ă©tait rĂ©alisĂ©e afin d’explorer les effets toxiques de l’extrait aqueux des feuilles. Les rĂ©sultats des tests antimicrobiens montrent une activitĂ© des extraits de feuilles et tige de J. multifida sur la croissance des souches utilisĂ©es avec des diamĂštres de zones d’inhibition allant de 8 Ă  25 mm et des concentrations minimales inhibitrices (CMI) variant de 0,039 mg/mL Ă  1,25 mg/mL Ă  l’exception des souches de E. coli qui sont rĂ©sistantes aux extraits de la tige. L’administration en subaigĂŒe de l’extrait aqueux des feuilles de J. multifida Ă  la dose de 600 mg/kg entraĂźne une perte significative de poids chez les souris.Conclusion et applications des rĂ©sultats : Les extraits aqueux, Ă©thanolique et hydroĂ©thanolique des feuilles et tige de J. multifida possĂšdent d’activitĂ© antimicrobienne et pourraient ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s dans le traitement des Candidoses Ă  C. albicans et des infections Ă  S. aureus. Mais l’essai de toxicitĂ© subaigĂŒe montre que l’extrait aqueux de la plante serait toxique. Des Ă©tudes toxicologiques approfondies restent donc nĂ©cessaires sur ces extraits afin de mieux Ă©lucider leur inocuitĂ©. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro the antimicrobial activity of leaves and stem of Jatropha multifida extracts against Candida albicans, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, and then to evaluate in vivo the toxicity of this plant.Methodology and Results: The agar well-diffusion and the NCCLS broth microdilution methods were used to assess the antimicrobial effect. A subacute study was carried out to explore the toxic effects of the aqueous extract of the leaves. The results of the antimicrobial tests show an activity of the extracts of leaves and stems of J. multifida on the growth of the strains used with diameters of inhibitory zones ranging from 8 to 25 mm and minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) varying from 0.039 mg/mL to 1.25 mg/mL exception E. coli strains which are resistant to extracts from the stem. Subacute administration of the aqueous extract of the leaves of J. multifida at a dose of 600 mg/kg leads to a significant loss of weight in the mice.Conclusion and application of findings : The aqueous, ethanolic and hydroethanolic extracts of the leaves and stem of J. multifida have antimicrobial activity and could be used in the treatment of Candidiasis and bacterial infections due respectively to C. albicans and S. aureus. But the subacute toxicity test shows that the aqueous extract of the plant would be toxic. Extensive toxicological studies therefore remain necessary on these extracts in order to better elucidate their safety

    Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants Used Against Fungal Infections in Prefecture of Sotouboua Central Region, Togo

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    Plants are a major source of active ingredients and are for that fact used to treat many diseases such as fungal infections. The objective of this study was to identify the plants used in traditional medicine to treat fungal diseases in the prefecture of Sotouboua. An ethnobotanical survey was conducted among healers, elderly and knowledgeable villagers. A semi structured questionnaire and pictures showing common and easily recognizable fungal infection symptoms were used to support a live interview. During this study, 37 plant species belonging to 20 families have been identified. Fabaceae were the most represented family (7 species). The most used parts were leaves (43, 24%) followed by the roots (18, 91%). The decoction is the preferred method of preparation while the oral route is the main route of administration. Sotouboua prefecture in Togo has significant plant biodiversity that is used by dwellers in the management of fungal diseases

    Use and management of medicinal plants among the Moba in the prefecture of Tone in Togo

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    Background and research objectives: Finding sustainable management options for the local communities that depend on medicinal plants is crucial in the face of human pressure on these plants. This study contributes to the sustainable management of medecinal plants in Togo. It aims to censusing medecinal plants and pathologies and identify the endogenous sustainable management strategies for medicinal plants in the Moba ethnic group of Togo. Methods: Data was collected through semi-structured ethnobotanical individual interviews with 50 traditional healers, recorded on a Microsoft Excel 10 spreadsheet and processed with the Sphinx5V software and the Microsoft Excel 10 table. Results: 166 medicinal plants were reported in the treatment of 91 pathologies dominated by dysmenorrhoea, stomachache, wounds, general and chronic asthenia, and infantile umbilical hernia. The most represented botanical families were: the Poaceae (12), the Combretaceae (10), and the Euphorbiaceae (10), Caesalpiniaceae (8), and Mimosaceae (7). The most important species according to the Species Importance Value Index (IVIsp) are: Vitellaria paradoxa (159.59), Parkia biglobosa (145.94), Securidaca longipedunculata (145.12), Diospyros mespiliformis (133.51), Annona senegalensis (123.88), Khaya senegalensis (110.52), Cymbopogon proximus (106.88), Cymbopogon giganteus (102.03), Zanthozylum zanthoxyloides (99.005). The most used plant parts are roots (18.6 %), leaves (17.85 %), bark of the trunk (16.66 %), the whole plant (14.28 %) and the fruits (12.30 %). Endogenous management strategies for medicinal plants include in situ protection in fields, reforestation, and respect for totemic trees, groves and sacred forests

    Évaluation de la productivitĂ© en gomme de Sterculia setigera Del. en fonction du diamĂštre et de l'Ă©tat de l'arbre

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    Sterculia setigera Del. est bien connue en Afrique subsaharienne comme espĂšce Ă  multiples usages et en particulier pour l’importance Ă©conomique de sa gomme. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude rĂ©alisĂ©e dans la station expĂ©rimentale de Kantindi est une contribution Ă  la valorisation de S. setigera au Togo. Elle a Ă©valuĂ© la capacitĂ© de production de gomme de S. setigera en fonction du diamĂštre et de l’état du pied. La saignĂ©e des arbres a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e du 1er au 5 avril 2014 sur 40 pieds seins non brulĂ©s et 12 pieds brulĂ©s de circonfĂ©rence g ? 90 cm. La rĂ©colte de la gomme est intervenue trois semaines plus tard, le 30 avril. La valeur moyenne de gomme exsudĂ©e sur les pieds prĂ©cĂ©demment brulĂ©s est supĂ©rieure Ă  celle des arbres sains, respectivement 103,25 ± 68,54 g et 64,44 ± 35,32 g. La quantitĂ© de gomme exsudĂ©e augmente suivant la circonfĂ©rence. MĂȘme si la productivitĂ© moyenne en gomme est plus grande sur les pieds brulĂ©s que les pieds non brulĂ©s, les tests statistiques montrent qu’il n’existe pas de diffĂ©rence significative (p = 0,095). Par contre, une diffĂ©rence significative s’observe en fonction de la circonfĂ©rence du pied (p = 0,047). Des Ă©tudes complĂ©mentaires examineront les mĂ©thodes quantitative et qualitative de production de gomme, les techniques de production des pĂ©piniĂšres et de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration. Mots clĂ©s : Sterculia setigera, gomme, production, circonfĂ©rence, Togo.Sterculia setigera Del. is well-known in Sub-Saharan Africa as a multipurpose tree species, especially due to the economic value of its gum. The present study carried out in the Kantindi experimental station was a contribution to the valorisation of S. setigera in Togo. It sought to appraise the gum yield capacity of S. setigera according to stem girth and target trees’ status. Trees tapping were realized on forty bearings non-burnt and twelve burnt trees with a girth equal or greater than 90 cm. Trees were tapped from 1 to 5 April 2014 and the harvest-time occurred three weeks later, 30th April 2014. The mean value of gum exudate from trees early burnt is higher than those obtained from non-burnt trees, respectively 103.25 ± 68.54 g and 64.44 ± 35.32 g. It increases with an increase in diameter. Even thought, the mean gum yield seems greater on burnt trees than non-burnt trees; the statistic tests showed no significant difference (p = 0.095). In contrast there is a significant difference according to the variation of tree diameter (p = 0.047). Expectation studies will scrutinize both quantitatively and qualitatively methods of gum tapping, nursery, and regeneration techniques. Key words: Sterculia setigera, gum, yield, tree diameter, ecosystem services, Togo

    Plantes et prise en charge de la santĂ© maternelle dans la rĂ©gion Maritime du Togo : Plants and mother’s healthcare in the Maritime Region of Togo

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    Contexte et objectifs. La santĂ© maternelle demeure un problĂšme de santĂ© majeur dans les pays en voie de dĂ©veloppement. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude a : (i) inventoriĂ© les divers maux bĂ©nins de la santĂ© maternelle ; (ii) recensĂ© les plantes utilisĂ©es dans la prise en charge de ces troubles ; (iii) dĂ©crit les diverses formes d’usages des plantes utilisĂ©es et (iv) Ă©valuĂ© la variation des connaissances d’usages suivant le sexe, l’ñge et l’ethnie. MĂ©thodes. Des enquĂȘtes ethnobotaniques couplĂ©es aux observations de terrain ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es dans la rĂ©gion Maritime du Togo en milieu rural auprĂšs des populations rurales. L’analyse des donnĂ©es s’est basĂ©e sur les frĂ©quences (Fr), les valeurs d’usages (VU), les indices de diversitĂ© d’usage (IDU), les indices de valeurs d’importance d’usage (IVIU) et l’indice de Sorenson (IS). RĂ©sultats. Une florule de 127 espĂšces vĂ©gĂ©tales dont 126 plantes rĂ©parties en 112 genres et 57 familles et un champignon a Ă©tĂ© rapportĂ©e. Les Euphorbiaceae, les Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae, les Asteraceae et les Leguminosae-Papilionoideae sont les familles les plus signalĂ©es dans la prise en charge de 37 affections. Conclusion. A l’issue de cette Ă©tude, plus d’une centaine de plantes utilisĂ©es dans les pathologies maternales et fƓtales a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e. Cependant, l’évaluation de l’efficacitĂ© ainsi que des tests toxicologiques sont nĂ©cessaires pour une meilleure valorisation des plantes rapportĂ©es. Context and objectives. Maternal healthcare remain a major health problem in developing countries. The present study (i) inventoried various benign conditions of maternal health, (ii) identified plant species used in the management of these conditions, (iii) described the various types of use of these plants, and (iv) evaluated the levels of knowledge on the use of plant species in the care of the pregnant and nursing women according to the gender, age and ethnic group. Methods. Semi-structured interviews coupled to field observations were carried out in the Maritime region of Togo among local populations. Data analysis was based on the computation of relative frequencies (Fr), the use values (UV), the diversity use index (DUI), the index of important use values (IIUV) and the Sorenson index (SI). RĂ©sultats. A flower of 127 plan species including 126 plants divided into 112 genera and 57 families and one fungus has been reported Euphorbiaceae, Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae, Asteraceae and Leguminosae-Papilionoideae were mostly used in the management of 37 conditions. Conclusion. This study identified more than one hundred plants species used in women‘s health-related disorders. Additional studies, including efficacy and toxicological tests are needed for better to promote these folk medicine practices

    Évaluation de la productivitĂ© en gomme de Sterculia setigera Del. en fonction du diamĂštre et de l'Ă©tat de l'arbre

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    Sterculia setigera Del. est bien connue en Afrique subsaharienne comme espĂšce Ă  multiples usages et en particulier pour l’importance Ă©conomique de sa gomme. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude rĂ©alisĂ©e dans la station expĂ©rimentale de Kantindi est une contribution Ă  la valorisation de S. setigera au Togo. Elle a Ă©valuĂ© la capacitĂ© de production de gomme de S. setigera en fonction du diamĂštre et de l’état du pied. La saignĂ©e des arbres a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e du 1er au 5 avril 2014 sur 40 pieds seins non brulĂ©s et 12 pieds brulĂ©s de circonfĂ©rence g ? 90 cm. La rĂ©colte de la gomme est intervenue trois semaines plus tard, le 30 avril. La valeur moyenne de gomme exsudĂ©e sur les pieds prĂ©cĂ©demment brulĂ©s est supĂ©rieure Ă  celle des arbres sains, respectivement 103,25 ± 68,54 g et 64,44 ± 35,32 g. La quantitĂ© de gomme exsudĂ©e augmente suivant la circonfĂ©rence. MĂȘme si la productivitĂ© moyenne en gomme est plus grande sur les pieds brulĂ©s que les pieds non brulĂ©s, les tests statistiques montrent qu’il n’existe pas de diffĂ©rence significative (p = 0,095). Par contre, une diffĂ©rence significative s’observe en fonction de la circonfĂ©rence du pied (p = 0,047). Des Ă©tudes complĂ©mentaires examineront les mĂ©thodes quantitative et qualitative de production de gomme, les techniques de production des pĂ©piniĂšres et de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration. Mots clĂ©s : Sterculia setigera, gomme, production, circonfĂ©rence, Togo.Sterculia setigera Del. is well-known in Sub-Saharan Africa as a multipurpose tree species, especially due to the economic value of its gum. The present study carried out in the Kantindi experimental station was a contribution to the valorisation of S. setigera in Togo. It sought to appraise the gum yield capacity of S. setigera according to stem girth and target trees’ status. Trees tapping were realized on forty bearings non-burnt and twelve burnt trees with a girth equal or greater than 90 cm. Trees were tapped from 1 to 5 April 2014 and the harvest-time occurred three weeks later, 30th April 2014. The mean value of gum exudate from trees early burnt is higher than those obtained from non-burnt trees, respectively 103.25 ± 68.54 g and 64.44 ± 35.32 g. It increases with an increase in diameter. Even thought, the mean gum yield seems greater on burnt trees than non-burnt trees; the statistic tests showed no significant difference (p = 0.095). In contrast there is a significant difference according to the variation of tree diameter (p = 0.047). Expectation studies will scrutinize both quantitatively and qualitatively methods of gum tapping, nursery, and regeneration techniques. Key words: Sterculia setigera, gum, yield, tree diameter, ecosystem services, Togo

    EspĂšces lianescentes Ă  fruits comestibles du Togo

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    En Afrique de l'Ouest, plusieurs Ă©tudes ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la richesse numĂ©rique des espĂšces composant les zones de forĂȘts et savanes ainsi que la diversitĂ© de leurs utilisations. Parmi les espĂšces utilitaires, les lianes occupent une place importante car leurs fruits sont trĂšs prisĂ©s dans l'alimentation, la pharmacopĂ©e et l'artisanat ; elles sont de plus une source de revenus non nĂ©gligeables pour les populations locales. Au Togo, les informations relatives aux lianes restent fragmentaires ; il nous est donc apparu urgent de recenser celles entrant dans l'alimentation humaine afin de proposer des mesures de conservation et de valorisation en leur faveur. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes. Des enquĂȘtes ethnobotaniques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es sur un Ă©chantillon de 433 personnes dans 60 localitĂ©s mono-ethniques regroupant 28 ethnies, dans quatre zones Ă©cologiques du Togo. Des interviews semistructurĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es pour la collecte d'informations. Les questions ont portĂ© sur le nom vernaculaire des espĂšces fruitiĂšres, le moment d'apparition des fleurs et des fruits, ainsi que sur les autres utilisations des fruits. Ces enquĂȘtes ethnobotaniques ont Ă©tĂ© complĂ©tĂ©es par des observations sur le terrain qui ont permis la rĂ©alisation de 215 relevĂ©s floristiques. RĂ©sultats. Au total, dix-sept espĂšces de lianes Ă  fruits comestibles appartenant Ă  15 genres et 13 familles (dont essentiellement des Apocynaceae et des Rubiaceae) ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©es. Ces espĂšces produisent pour la plupart des fruits charnus (baies et drupes). Ils sont principalement consommĂ©s crus sur les lieux de cueillette, commercialisĂ©s sur les marchĂ©s locaux, ou utilisĂ©s Ă  des fins condimentaires. Ils reprĂ©sentent une ressource alimentaire importante et fournissent un complĂ©ment apprĂ©ciable de revenus. Conclusion. Du fait de leur potentiel alimentaire et Ă©conomique, la plupart des espĂšces lianescentes Ă  fruits comestibles mĂ©riteraient d'ĂȘtre valorisĂ©es. Mais leur statut de plantes alimentaires sauvages et leur port lianescent constituent des facteurs qui handicapent leur valorisation. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur


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    To validate the traditional use of plants in the treatment of certain fungal infections due to AIDS, Ficus platyphylla (Moraceae), a plant used in traditional medicine in Togo in the treatment of the opportunist diseases of the AIDS has been investigated for its antifungal properties. Aqueous and hydro- ethanolic stem bark extracts were tested on nine fungal strains including six yeast (Candida krusei, C. zeylanoides, C. albicans, Cryptoccocus neoformans, Geotrichum candidum and Rhodotorula rubra) and three filamentous (Aspergillus fumigatus, Microsporum gypseum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes) by the method of broth dilution. The results show that the extracts are active against dermatophytes, Cr. neoformans and Candida species except C. krusei with MICs ranging from 0.25 to 2 mg.ml-1. The hydro- ethanolic extract presented a fungicidal activity on all strains inhibited. The presence of tannins, saponins and sometimes alkaloids, would be the possible cause of the antifungal activities observed. These results justify the traditional use of this plant as an antifungal
