227 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penegakan perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen di Indonesia diterapkan dan bagaimana bentuk kerugian konsumen akibat produk barang cacat dan berbahaya serta tanggung jawab produsen. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif dan dapat disimpulkan, bahwa: 1. Penegakan perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen perlu diterapkan, hal ini ditunjang dengan dibuatnya suatu undang-undang tentang perlindungan konsumen yang merupakan pengejawantahan dari perintah UUD 1945 yaitu melindungi segenap bangsa Indonesia, memajukan kesejahteraan umum didalam setiap kepentingan masyarakat, ketidakpastian akan perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen merupakan hambatan pada upaya perlindungan konsumen. 2. Produk yang cacat bila produk tidak aman dalam penggunaannya tidak memenuhi syarat-syarat keamanan tertentu sebagaimana diharapkan dengan pertimbangan berbagai keamanan terutama tentang : (a) penampilan produk; (b) penggunaan yang sepatutnya diharapkan dari produk serta (c) saat produk tersebut diedarkan. Selanjutnya Pasal 1367 KUHPerdata sangat tepat sebab tanggung jawab mutlak terhadap produsen untuk memberikan ganti rugi kepada konsumen akibat dari kerugian yang dialami konsumen yang disebabkan oleh barang yang cacat dan berbahaya. Kata kunci: Konsumen, Barang cacat, berbahay

    Tindak Pidana Pembunuhan Berencana Menurut Pasal 340 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana maksud "direncanakan" sebagai unsur tindak pidana pembunuhan berencana dan bagaimana maksud dan tujuan "direncanakan" dalam tindak pidana kejahatan menurut Pasal 340 KUHPidana, yang dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan bahwa 1. Direncanakan adalah salah satu unsur delik dalam kejahatan pembunuhan (pasal 340) dan pembunuhan anak (pasal 342). Dengan demikian ketiadaan unsur ini pada delik pasal 340 KUHPidana berarti tidak ada pembunuhan berencana demikian pula ketiadaan unsur ini pada pasal 342 berarti tidak ada pembunuhan anak berencana. Dari segi arti direncanakan ialah adanya waktu berpikir untuk melaksanakan perbuatan, ternyata sesungguhnya tidaklah mudah dalam penerapannya karena juga sukar untuk membuktikan. 2. Maksud pencantuman direncanakan sebagai pemberatan hukuman karena dalam pembunuhan yang direncanakan dianggap kwalitas kejahatan lebih berat adalah tidak sesuai lagi dengan Kenyataan yang terjadi di masyarakat dimana kwalitas kejahatan pembunuhan baik direncanakan maupun tidak adalah sama. Tujuan pemberatan hukuman dalam rangka pemberantasan kejahatan pembunuhan juga tidak beralasan lagi membedakan antara berencana dan tidak berencana karena kwalitas kejahatannya dewasa ini sama berat dan oleh karena itu pula kwalitas pemberantasannya pun sama berat

    Advantages of Sector Coupling to the Sustainable Energy Systems

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    After the EnergyPLAN and GenOpt have coupled together for the first time, a simulation based optimization has gained popularity in energy planning articles. The advantage of the coupling method is a synergy effect and integration of three different sectors e.g. heat, electricity and transport in comparison to a typical separated method. As a result, different technical measures cannot be applied separately for each individual sector without having impact on other coupled sectors. This impact can be demonstrated as a positive and negative cumulative effect. The cumulative effect from various technical measures applied within national energy system model may be observed only with annual simulations. Therefore, in this work this synergy effect will be explained in greater details for the first time. In this paper a parallel between individual and joined contribution of different policy goals of various technical measures applied to the national energy system model has been drawn. The conclusion aims to show the significance of sector coupling for sustainable energy planning

    Da li nam treba više ambicije za tranziciju na obnovlјive izvore u Srbiji? Temelјi upravlјanja i planiranja energije

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    Obnovlјiva energija je predložena kao primarni pristup za dekarbonizaciju energetskog sistema i razdvajanje potrošnje energije od emisije gasova sa efektom staklene bašte, kako u energetskoj literaturi, tako i u praksi. Evropska unija je prepoznala izazov i postavila tranziciju na obnovlјive izvore energije visoko na dnevni red svojih politike, sa najnovijom ambicijom da do 2050. godine bude uglјenično-neutralna ekonomija. Sa druge strane, države Zapadnog Balkana i dalјe zavise od fosilnih goriva kao jednog od glavnih izvora u energetskom miksu. Ambicija za tranziciju na obnovlјive izvore energije u državama Zapadnog Balkana, uklјučujući i Srbiju, uglavnom je vođena težnjama ka njihovoj evropskoj budućnosti. Štaviše, potpisivanje Ugovora o Energetskoj zajednici pružilo je institucionalne i pravne alate kako ugovornim stranama, tako i Evropskoj uniji za izgradnju zajedničkog energetskog tržišta. Ovi procesi inspirisali su mnoge autore u poslednje dve decenije da analiziraju tehničke, ekonomske, tržišne i životno-sredinske aspekte obnovlјivih izvora, međutim, upravlјanje i planiranje, iako identifikovani kao izazovni, izostali iz detaljnije analize. Ovaj rad ima za cilј da prikaže pregled odabrane literature i zakonodavstva o tranziciji na obnovlјive izvore energije, kako bi se analizirala glavna pravna i politička postignuća, kao i ambicije za tranziciju u Srbiji. Takođe, u radu se raspravlјa o lekcijama naučenim iz relevantne literature kroz prizmu upravlјanja energijom i planiranja. Prvi deo rada daje pregled literature glavnih koncepata tranzicije na obnovlјive izvore energije. Istorijska analiza politika i prava obnovlјivih izvora energije u Evropskoj uniji, Energetskoj zajednici i Srbiji je u fokusu drugog dela. U poslednjem delu, rezimiraju se lekcije naučene iz literature za buduće upravlјanje i planiranje energije kroz perspektive procesa energetskog planiranja, evaluacije politika i obrazovanja i administrativnih kapaciteta. U zaključku se ističe važnost postojećih nalaza iz literature kao budućih koraka ka ubrzanom upravlјanju i planiranju energije.Renewable energy has been suggested as the primary approach for decarbonizing the energy system and decoupling energy consumption from greenhouse gas emissions, both in the energy literature and in practice. The European Union has acknowledged the challenge and put renewable energy transition high on the policy agenda with the latest ambition of being a carbon-neutral economy by 2050. On the other hand, Western Balkan countries are still dependent on fossil fuels as one of their primary energy mix sources. The pledge about the European future has mostly driven the renewable energy transition ambition in the Western Balkan countries, including Serbia. Moreover, signing the Energy Community Treaty provided institutional and legal tools to both Contracting Parties and the European Union to build the common energy market. These processes inspired many authors in the last two decades to analyse technical, economic, market and environmental aspects of renewables. However, the governance and planning, even though identified as challenging, have been side-lined from the analysis. This paper aims to overview the selected renewable energy transition literature and legislation to analyse the main legal and policy milestones reached so far, as well as ambition in Serbia. It also discusses the lessons learned from the related literature from energy governance and planning prism. To do so, it firstly provides a literature review of the main concepts of the renewable energy transition. Moreover, the historical analysis of renewable energy policy and legal developments in the European Union, the Energy Community and Serbia are in the second part's focus. Finally, the discussion part summarizes lessons learned from the literature for future energy governance and planning with the perspective of the energy planning process, policy evaluation, and education and administrative capacity. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of taking the current literature findings as prospective steps to follow towards accelerated energy governance and planning

    Leapfrogging potential for sustainable energy transition in Serbia

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    Purpose This paper aims to look at the dilemma of promoting sustainable energy transition in post-socialist countries while containing social and economic implications, focusing on the case of Serbia. The aim is to analyse Serbian energy status taking into account historical factors, to analyse barriers that are hindering transition and to identify leapfrogging potential for the sustainable energy development of the country. Design/methodology/approach Energy transition and leapfrogging potential have been qualified and quantified by indicators, the own calculations and policy analysis to identify barriers to sustainable energy. Findings The country has vast potential for leapfrogging in energy transition, yet continues the gradualist approach based on several policy barriers to the process. The analysis shows six barriers related to low energy price, high energy intensity, prioritization of energy security, inadequacy of utilization of renewable sources, lack of policy coherence and dependency on external funding. However, these barriers could be overcome with an energy policy emphasizing leapfrogging potential. As is pointed out in the conclusion, this should be based on the difference between EU-28 average indicators, discrepancy between use and availability of renewable energy, potential for regional cooperation in the energy sector and under-used skills and participation. Originality/value The paper discusses energy transition in its historical context, arguing that it has to be considered as comprehensively with societal implications and effects, thus creating useful knowledge for other post-socialist countries in current and future transitions.Peer reviewe

    Rehabilitacija pacienta s stomo – aktivnosti prehranjevanja in oblačenja

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    6 Decades Research on Photovoltaic Technologies and Characterization in Republic of Serbia

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    It is known that solar photovoltaic devices age well, but the research in the durability and derating factor, important for their economy and energy rate of return, has not been done for the more than 35 year old devices. First silicon photovoltaic cells were produced in 1960’s in Republic of Serbia (former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) with 8% efficiency is still functional. These results were comparable to the state of the art efficiencies of that time. With new laboratory equipment available from recent, these cells produced in Republic of Serbia will be therefore characterized again to test if they satisfy the expected performance threshold from the existing literature. The effects of degradation will be explored and presented. The results of modern characterization of elder photovoltaic cells will be of significance for the further research on this topic in future

    Protein trafficking and autophagy in the moulting cycle of C. elegans

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    Endosomal trafficking and autophagy are two fundamental processes of eukaryotic cell biology, from unicellular organisms such as yeast to multicellular metazoans such as C.elegans and Humans. Both processes are involved in a diverse number of physiological processes and implicated in a number of pathologies. A recent study has exhibited a mutation on the SM protein Vps45 as a cause of severe congenital neutropenia in humans. The same mutation in yeast causes defects in endosome to vacuole trafficking in S.cerevisiae as well as a temperature sensitive lethality at the non-permissive temperature. A null allele of vps-45 in C.elegans results in developmental arrest during the highly secretory phase of moulting in a similar temperature conditional manner to yeast and defects in yolk protein trafficking. The work presented in this thesis aims to provide basic understanding in an animal model of the impact of loss of Vps45 function that might be informative of the reason for the death of the highly secretory neutrophil cells under the absence of a functional Vps45 protein. The vps-45 and unc-51 mutants as well as a novel unc-51 vps-45 double mutant where possible, were characterised for lifespan, duration of post- embryonic development as well as moulting duration. Reduced embryonic viability, reduced lifespan as well as delays in the moulting process were identified. Data suggested that both autophagy and protein trafficking play a role in C.elegans development through unc-51 and vps-45 respectively. In addition to this, the seam cells of both the vps-45 and unc-51 defective C.elegans were observed during the moult using an autophagy marker. An increase in autophagic activity during the moult was observed, which was more pronounced in the case of the vps-45 mutant. As such the obtained data suggest autophagy and endosomal trafficking play an important role in the moulting process. Following up to previous work conducted in our lab in yeast defective for Vps45 trafficking which exhibited increased sensitivity to oxidative stress, the redox state of the vps-45 and unc-51 animals as well as their sensitivity to oxidative stress was assessed using a set of ER and cytosolic GFP markers and killing assays. Both the vps-45 and unc-51 mutants showed a higher sensitivity to oxidative stress, with the unc-51 exhibiting the more pronounced phenotype overall. These results came in agreement with the shorter lifespan phenotypes exhibited by both mutants in the previous experiments, possibly as a result of accumulation of ROS, as well as the severe defects of the double mutant. Finally, a suppressor identified for the moulting death of the vps-45 mutant was characterized for a set of phenotypes, in order to exclude suppression of any of the other phenotypes identified for the vps-45 mutant. Furthermore, the suppressor was identified as being autosomal and recessive and as thus an SNP full genome sequencing technique was employed, which gave rise to two suppression loci in two different chromosomes, along with two different subpopulations corresponding to these loci which exhibited different growing patterns