19 research outputs found

    Approche codicologique de trois sonnets d’A. Rimbaud : entre génétique et textologie

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    Mis à part quelques poèmes publiés du vivant même du poète dans des périodiques, dont les circonstances nous restent obscures, et un seul ouvrage imprimé, Une saison en enfer, – et encore de quelle façon puisque nombre de bizarreries éditoriales laisseraient à penser que son imprimeur bruxellois Poot l’aurait tout simplement bâclé – l’œuvre poétique d’Arthur Rimbaud nous est essentiellement connue par les manuscrits qui sont parvenus jusqu’à nous, un certain nombre ayant toutefois été perdu o..

    Comparison of inorganic nitrogen uptake dynamics following snowmelt and at peak biomass in subalpine grasslands

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    Subalpine grasslands are highly seasonal environments and likely subject to strong variability in nitrogen (N) dynamics. Plants and microbes typically compete for N acquisition during the growing season and particularly at plant peak biomass. During snowmelt, plants could potentially benefit from a decrease in competition by microbes, leading to greater plant N uptake associated with active growth and freeze-thaw cycles restricting microbial growth. In managed subalpine grasslands, we expect these interactions to be influenced by recent changes in agricultural land use, and associated modifications in plant and microbial communities. At several subalpine grasslands in the French Alps, we added pulses of 15N to the soil at the end of snowmelt, allowing us to compare the dynamics of inorganic N uptake in plants and microbes during this period with that previously reported at the peak biomass in July. In all grasslands, while specific shoot N translocation (per g of biomass) of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) was two to five times greater at snowmelt than at peak biomass, specific microbial DIN uptakes were similar between the two sampling dates. On an area basis, plant communities took more DIN than microbial communities at the end of snowmelt when aboveground plant biomasses were at least two times lower than at peak biomass. Consequently, inorganic N partitioning after snowmelt switches in favor of plant communities, allowing them to support their growing capacities at this period of the year. Seasonal differences in microbial and plant inorganic N-related dynamics were also affected by past (terraced vs. unterraced) rather than current (mown vs. unmown) land use. In terraced grasslands, microbial biomass N remained similar across seasons, whereas in unterraced grasslands, microbial biomass N was higher and microbial C : N lower at the end of snowmelt as compared to peak biomass. Further investigations on microbial community composition and their organic N uptake dynamics are required to better understand the decrease in microbial DIN uptake.Peer reviewe

    Arthur Rimbaud’s The Deserts of Love : codicology, Genericity, Textuality

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    Cette thèse propose une approche globale des Déserts de l’Amour de Rimbaud. Étant donné les nombreuses incertitudes véhiculées par l’œuvre, une étude de son manuscrit autographe s’impose tout d’abord, étude visant à établir l’ordre des feuillets, l’établissement du texte, la date de transcription par une expertise en écritures, mais encore à évaluer son degré d’achèvement, l’éventualité de détenir en l’état un manuscrit complet et déterminer enfin l’auteur de la numérotation atypique des feuillets. L’approche générique, après être revenue sur la notion même de genre et ses implications, s’appliquera à définir le caractère générique du récit de rêve puis problématisera le genre formel des Déserts de l’Amour à partir d’une réflexion sur le poème en prose. Dans le souci d’une approche générique contextuelle seront abordés plusieurs auteurs représentatifs de nos deux genres (Nodier, Bertrand, Nerval) et plus particulièrement le Baudelaire des Petits Poëmes en prose. Nous proposerons enfin une lecture, un commentaire littéraire détaillé des Déserts de l’Amour.This thesis proposes a global approach to The Deserts of Love. Given the many uncertainties surrounding this text, the prerequisite for its analysis is the exploration of Rimbaud’s manuscript, to prove the order of the folios, to provide an accurate text, to establish its date of transcription by a diachronic study of the poet’s handwriting ; the ambition is also to judge the extent to which this is a finished work, whether the known text is complete and, lastly, to determine the source of the untypical numbering of the folios. After examining the concept of genre and its implications, the generic approach will seek to define the generic status of the dream narrative and then problematise the formal genre of The Deserts of Love on the basis of a reflexion on the subject of the prose poem. The need to contextualise this generic approach requires the analysis of several representative authors in the two generic fields involved (Nodier, Bertrand, Nerval) and in particular of the Baudelaire of the Petits Poëmes en prose. The thesis concludes with a detailed literary commentary of The Deserts of Love

    Bannières de mai et Patience ou le refus du sacrifice

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    Bannières de Mai et Patience, deux versions assez proches d’un même poème, voient leur locuteur rompre avec une existence toute tracée dans le chemin de Dieu pour lui préférer une vie païenne, libre et aventureuse, Rimbaud recourant à un langage poétique reposant sur la richesse du lexique (étymologie, langue médiévale, langue argotique, etc.) et l’utilisation des symboles chrétiens et païens.Bataillé Christophe. Bannières de mai et Patience ou le refus du sacrifice. In: Littératures 54,2006. Rimbaud dans le texte. pp. 87-94

    A specific method of (34) S labelling provides evidence that sulphate assimilation occurs in developing seeds and pod walls of Brassica napus L. subjected to ample or limited S nutrition.

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    International audienceRATIONALE: Seeds from different species actively assimilate sulphur (S) from sulphate. This has never been proved for Brassica napus L., a high S demanding plant, especially with regard to S limitation. The role of pod walls in the assimilation and allocation of S in well-fed and sulphate-limited conditions also needs to be clarified. METHODS: Freshly harvested seeds and pod walls from plants well-supplied (HS) or limited with sulphate (LS) from the 'visible buds' stage were subjected to a nutrient solution containing (34) S-sulphate (10 atom% excess) for 24 h. The (34) S labelling of the sulphate and protein fractions was determined with an elemental analyser connected to a continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer. The amino acid profiles of seeds and pod walls were also determined by ion-exchange chromatography. RESULTS: The 24 h of (34) S-sulphate feeding treatment leads to an important production of proteins in HS and LS seeds, associated with a decrease in numerous amino acid contents. The treatment also leads to an incorporation of (34) S in seeds and pod walls proteins in both HS and LS conditions. The incorporation of (34) S in proteins was not different between HS and LS seeds, but was lower in LS than in HS pod walls, related to a higher incorporation in the other organic S compounds. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence that Brassica napus seeds and pod walls are able to assimilate sulphate in HS and LS conditions, and that the LS condition leads to enhancement of the sulphate assimilation capacity of pod walls, which may be of crucial importance for the allocation of S to developing seeds

    S-34 and N-15 labelling to model S and N flux in plants and determine the different components of N and S use efficiency

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    International audienceIn order to highlight our understanding on ecosystems functioning and resource sharing/competition, either in artificial environment or agrosystems, according to changes in the climatic conditions, it is necessary to measure accurately element fluxes within plants. Stable isotopes allow tracking safely and accurately on a short time frame the behavior of elements in plants. After a short review devoted to isotopic studies of elemental flux within plants, we explain how a direct multiple labelling study might be conducted in a plant, so as to measure over short time nitrogen and sulfur acquisition, and assimilates arising from a labelled source

    Autophagy machinery controls nitrogen remobilization at the whole-plant level under both limiting and ample nitrate conditions in Arabidopsis

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    Processes allowing the recycling of organic nitrogen and export to young leaves and seeds are important determinants of plant yield, especially when plants are nitrate-limited. Because autophagy is induced during leaf ageing and in response to nitrogen starvation, its role in nitrogen remobilization was suspected. It was recently shown that autophagy participates in the trafficking of Rubisco-containing bodies to the vacuole. To investigate the role of autophagy in nitrogen remobilization, several autophagy-defective (atg) Arabidopsis mutants were grown under low and high nitrate supplies and labeled with at the vegetative stage in order to determine 15N partitioning in seeds at harvest. Because atg mutants displayed earlier and more rapid leaf senescence than wild type, we investigated whether their defects in nitrogen remobilization were related to premature leaf cell death by studying the stay-green atg5.sid2 and atg5.NahG mutants. Results showed that nitrogen remobilization efficiency was significantly lower in all the atg mutants irrespective of biomass defects, harvest index reduction, leaf senescence phenotypes and nitrogen conditions. We conclude that autophagy core machinery is needed for nitrogen remobilization and seed filling

    Light Restriction Delays Leaf Senescence in Winter Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.)

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    International audienceOilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is a crop with a complex aerial architecture that can cause self-shading leading to a vertical light gradient over the foliage. Mutual shading between neighboring plants at a high sowing density also results in an alteration of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorption by lower leaves. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact that light restriction on lower leaves has on shoot architecture, biomass production and allocation, nitrogen (N) fluxes, and progression of sequential senescence. Field-grown plants were collected at the end of the vegetative rest period and grown in hydroponic conditions until pod maturity. A shading treatment corresponding to a 43.4 % reduction of PAR was applied at the early flowering stage. N uptake and fluxes of N allocation and remobilization were determined by supplying (KNO3)-N-15 in the nutrient solution. Photosynthesis and expression of SAG12 and Cab genes (indicators of leaf senescence progression) were also analyzed on different leaf ranks. The results showed that shading enhanced leaf development on the main stem and ramifications to optimize light capture. The expression pattern of the SAG12/Cab molecular indicator suggested a delay in leaf senescence that allowed leaf life span to be extended resulting in a more efficient leaf compound remobilization, with lower N residual contents in fallen leaves under shading. N uptake increased and N remobilization fluxes were enhanced from source organs (leaves and stem) toward sink organs (flowers). Profuse branching and late senescing varieties would be of interest for further selection programs under high sowing densities