17 research outputs found

    A sentence classification framework to identify geometric errors in radiation therapy from relevant literature

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    The objective of systematic reviews is to address a research question by summarizing relevant studies following a detailed, comprehensive, and transparent plan and search protocol to reduce bias. Systematic reviews are very useful in the biomedical and healthcare domain; however, the data extraction phase of the systematic review process necessitates substantive expertise and is labour-intensive and time-consuming. The aim of this work is to partially automate the process of building systematic radiotherapy treatment literature reviews by summarizing the required data elements of geometric errors of radiotherapy from relevant literature using machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) approaches. A framework is developed in this study that initially builds a training corpus by extracting sentences containing different types of geometric errors of radiotherapy from relevant publications. The publications are retrieved from PubMed following a given set of rules defined by a domain expert. Subsequently, the method develops a training corpus by extracting relevant sentences using a sentence similarity measure. A support vector machine (SVM) classifier is then trained on this training corpus to extract the sentences from new publications which contain relevant geometric errors. To demonstrate the proposed approach, we have used 60 publications containing geometric errors in radiotherapy to automatically extract the sentences stating the mean and standard deviation of different types of errors between planned and executed radiotherapy. The experimental results show that the recall and precision of the proposed framework are, respectively, 97% and 72%. The results clearly show that the framework is able to extract almost all sentences containing required data of geometric errors

    Post-treatment changes in hematological parameters predict response to nivolumab monotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer patients.

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    BACKGROUND:The absolute neutrophil count (ANC), absolute lymphocyte count (ALC), absolute monocyte count (AMC) and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) are known markers of inflammation. We evaluated whether ANC, ALC, AMC and NLR, both before and after treatment with nivolumab, are indicative markers of overall survival (OS) and evaluated change in NLR as a predictive marker of response in non -small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients treated with nivolumab. METHODS:A total of 109 patients with advanced NSCLC treated with nivolumab were included. ANC, ALC, AMC and NLR were examined at initiation of nivolumab therapy and after two cycles. The prognostic role of ANC, ALC, AMC and NLR with OS and changes in NLR ratio were examined with Kaplan-Meier curves and proportional hazard model. RESULT:Post-treatment NLR ā‰„5 after two cycles of nivolumab was associated with poor OS (median OS in NLR = <5 vs NLR = ā‰„5 was 29.1 (16.2-40.9) vs 24.2(16.1-36.2) months respectively, p<0.001). In addition NLR increased in non-responders after two cycles of nivolumab by 6.6Ā±21.8 as compared to responders (p = 0.027). CONCLUSIONS:Post-treatment ANC, ALC and NLR are independent prognostic factors in NSCLC patients treated with nivolumab. Changes in NLR can be an early biomarker for response in NSCLC patients treated with nivolumab

    Human Cadaveric Donor Cornea Derived Extra Cellular Matrix Microparticles for Minimally Invasive Healing/Regeneration of Corneal Wounds

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    Biological materials derived from extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins have garnered interest as their composition is very similar to that of native tissue. Herein, we report the use of human cornea derived decellularized ECM (dECM) microparticles dispersed in human fibrin sealant as an accessible therapeutic alternative for corneal anterior stromal reconstruction. dECM microparticles had good particle size distribution (ā‰¤10 Āµm) and retained the majority of corneal ECM components found in native tissue. Fibrinā€“dECM hydrogels exhibited compressive modulus of 70.83 Ā± 9.17 kPa matching that of native tissue, maximum burst pressure of 34.3 Ā± 3.7 kPa, and demonstrated a short crosslinking time of ~17 min. The fibrinā€“dECM hydrogels were found to be biodegradable, cytocompatible, non-mutagenic, non-sensitive, non-irritant, and supported the growth and maintained the phenotype of encapsulated human corneal stem cells (hCSCs) in vitro. In a rabbit model of anterior lamellar keratectomy, fibrinā€“dECM bio-adhesives promoted corneal re-epithelialization within 14 days, induced stromal tissue repair, and displayed integration with corneal tissues in vivo. Overall, our results suggest that the incorporation of cornea tissue-derived ECM microparticles in fibrin hydrogels is non-toxic, safe, and shows tremendous promise as a minimally invasive therapeutic approach for the treatment of superficial corneal epithelial wounds and anterior stromal injuries