12 research outputs found

    Heterodimerization of Munc13 C2A domain with RIM regulates synaptic vesicle docking and priming

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    The presynaptic active zone protein Munc13 is essential for neurotransmitter release, playing key roles in vesicle docking and priming. Mechanistically, it is thought that the C2A domain of Munc13 inhibits the priming function by homodimerization, and that RIM disrupts the autoinhibitory homodimerization forming monomeric priming-competent Munc13. However, it is unclear whether the C2A domain mediates other Munc13 functions in addition to this inactivation–activation switch. Here, we utilize mutations that modulate the homodimerization and heterodimerization states to define additional roles of the Munc13 C2A domain. Using electron microscopy and electrophysiology in hippocampal cultures, we show that the C2A domain is critical for additional steps of vesicular release, including vesicle docking. Optimal vesicle docking and priming is only possible when Munc13 heterodimerizes with RIM via its C2A domain. Beyond being a switching module, our data suggest that the Munc13-RIM heterodimer is an active component of the vesicle docking, priming and release complex

    Graphene Nanogrids FET Immunosensor: Signal to Noise Ratio Enhancement

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    Recently, a reproducible and scalable chemical method for fabrication of smooth graphene nanogrids has been reported which addresses the challenges of graphene nanoribbons (GNR). These nanogrids have been found to be capable of attomolar detection of biomolecules in field effect transistor (FET) mode. However, for detection of sub-femtomolar concentrations of target molecule in complex mixtures with reasonable accuracy, it is not sufficient to only explore the steady state sensitivities, but is also necessary to investigate the flicker noise which dominates at frequencies below 100 kHz. This low frequency noise is dependent on the exposure time of the graphene layer in the buffer solution and concentration of charged impurities at the surface. In this paper, the functionalization strategy of graphene nanogrids has been optimized with respect to concentration and incubation time of the cross linker for an enhancement in signal to noise ratio (SNR). It has been interestingly observed that as the sensitivity and noise power change at different rates with the functionalization parameters, SNR does not vary monotonically but is maximum corresponding to a particular parameter. The optimized parameter has improved the SNR by 50% which has enabled a detection of 0.05 fM Hep-B virus molecules with a sensitivity of around 30% and a standard deviation within 3%. Further, the SNR enhancement has resulted in improvement of quantification accuracy by five times and selectivity by two orders of magnitude

    The Corticohippocampal Circuit, Synaptic Plasticity, and Memory

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    Lateral entorhinal cortex inputs modulate hippocampal dendritic excitability by recruiting a local disinhibitory microcircuit

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    Summary: The lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) provides multisensory information to the hippocampus, directly to the distal dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons. LEC neurons perform important functions for episodic memory processing, coding for contextually salient elements of an environment or experience. However, we know little about the functional circuit interactions between the LEC and the hippocampus. We combine functional circuit mapping and computational modeling to examine how long-range glutamatergic LEC projections modulate compartment-specific excitation-inhibition dynamics in hippocampal area CA1. We demonstrate that glutamatergic LEC inputs can drive local dendritic spikes in CA1 pyramidal neurons, aided by the recruitment of a disinhibitory VIP interneuron microcircuit. Our circuit mapping and modeling further reveal that LEC inputs also recruit CCK interneurons that may act as strong suppressors of dendritic spikes. These results highlight a cortically driven GABAergic microcircuit mechanism that gates nonlinear dendritic computations, which may support compartment-specific coding of multisensory contextual features within the hippocampus

    A Cortico-Hippocampal Learning Rule Shapes Inhibitory Microcircuit Activity to Enhance Hippocampal Information Flow

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    Summary How does coordinated activity between distinct brain regions implement a set of learning rules to sculpt information processing in a given neural circuit? Using interneuron cell-type-specific optical activation and pharmacogenetic silencing in vitro, we show that temporally precise pairing of direct entorhinal perforant path (PP) and hippocampal Schaffer collateral (SC) inputs to CA1 pyramidal cells selectively suppresses SC-associated perisomatic inhibition from cholecystokinin (CCK)-expressing interneurons. The CCK interneurons provide a surprisingly strong feedforward inhibitory drive to effectively control the coincident excitation of CA1 pyramidal neurons by convergent inputs. Thus, in-phase cortico-hippocampal activity provides a powerful heterosynaptic learning rule for long-term gating of information flow through the hippocampal excitatory macrocircuit by the silencing of the CCK inhibitory microcircuit

    Large Area Few-Layer Hexagonal Boron Nitride as a Raman Enhancement Material

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    Increasingly, two-dimensional (2D) materials are being investigated for their potential use as surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) active substrates. Hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN), a layered 2D material analogous to graphene, is mostly used as a passivation layer/dielectric substrate for nanoelectronics application. We have investigated the SERS activity of few-layer hBN film synthesized on copper foil using atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition. We have drop casted the probe molecules onto the hBN substrate and measured the enhancement effect due to the substrate using a 532 nm excitation laser. We observed an enhancement of ≈103 for malachite green and ≈104 for methylene blue and rhodamine 6G dyes, respectively. The observed enhancement factors are consistent with the theoretically calculated interaction energies of MB > R6G > MG with a single layer of hBN. We also observed that the enhancement is independent of the film thickness and surface morphology. We demonstrate that the hBN films are highly stable, and even for older hBN films prepared 7 months earlier, we were able to achieve similar enhancements when compared to freshly prepared films. Our detailed results and analyses demonstrate the versatility and durability of hBN films for SERS applications