533 research outputs found

    Sensory array for home automation

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    Bakalářská práce Jednotka pro měření a sběr dat pro domovní automatizaci se zabývá návrhem jednoduchého systému měření teploty vzduchu, relativní vlhkosti vzduchu a úrovně osvětlení v místnostech. Cílem je návrh měřících jednotek, které budou schopné komunikovat s nadřazenou jednotkou přes průmyslovou sběrnici RS-485. Nadřazená jednotka bude navržena tak, aby umožnila předání dat do PC přes sběrnici USB.Bachelor thesis Sensory array for home automation describes the design of a simple system for measuring air temperature, relative humidity and light levels in the room. The aim is to design measuring units which will be able to communicate with the parent unit through the RS-485 fieldbus. Parent unit will be designed to allow the transfer of data to PC via the USB bus.

    Product recalls: The effects of industry, recall strategy and hazard, on shareholder wealth

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into the effects of product recalls on shareholder wealth of manufacturing firms in different supply chains. Previous research examining this phenomenon is largely uni-sectorial and/or does not consider the interplay of hazard, recall strategy and sector. By utilizing the event study method, this study examines investors\u27 reactions to key product recall characteristics: industry, recall strategy and hazard level, on a cross-industry sample of 296 product recall announcements. The results show a significant negative reaction of share values to product recalls and significant differences between industry type and hazard levels. More regulated and stringent supply chains, such as the automotive and pharmaceutical, showed statistically significant losses in share price. The results show that industry sector and level of hazard associated with defective products are significant factors impacting the shareholder wealth of manufacturing firms. Contrary to some studies, the impact of recall strategy was not confirmed, although proactive recall strategies led, in some cases, to an increase in share price. Further research would benefit from more detailed investigation of recall strategies on the value of companies in specific sectors, particularly ones which are susceptible to frequent and costly product recalls

    Multi-principal collaboration and supplier’s compliance with codes-of-conduct

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to articulate propositions on how collaborating multi-national corporations (MNCs) can manage their supplier base in order to reduce the risk of suppliers’ non-compliance with shared codes-of-conduct. Design/methodology/approach The study utilises a conceptual theory development approach. In doing so, it utilises key tenets of agency theory that are applied in a multi-principal–supplier relationship context and synthesised in a series of propositions. Findings The study shows that MNCs have a variety of mechanisms for reducing the risk of suppliers’ non-compliance by decreasing information asymmetry, increasing their bargaining power and simultaneously use of both rewards/sanctions, and reputation-based safeguards. Research limitations/implications This is a conceptual theory development study, offering testable propositions, which have then to be empirically validated. Practical implications The study showcases that managers of MNCs who find themselves in relationships with non-compliant suppliers have at their disposal a variety of mechanisms to reduce the risk of suppliers’ non-compliance. Originality/value This is one of the first studies that explore suppliers’ non-compliance with codes-of-conduct at the level of a relationship, rather than a single firm. In this way it proposes a theoretical framework grounded in agency theory on managing relationships between multi-principal collaborators and their suppliers

    A mid-range theory of control and coordination in service triads

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    The increased frequency of the adoption of service-based business models by manufacturers, such as solution provision, has given rise to service triads. While there is consensus that actors in service triads are relationally and performatively interdependent, less is understood about how service triads are controlled and coordinated. In this study, we use an inductive case-based approach to build an understanding about the roles, approaches, and contextual factors that influence how service triads are controlled and coordinated. We collected and analyzed data from nine companies forming three service triads, each comprising a customer, a manufacturer of an asset, and a service supplier. We synthesized our findings in a theoretical framework, where we show that; first, both, control and coordination are present in service triads rather than just control as previously posited. Second, controlling and coordinating service triads is not a single actor’s responsibility but rather a collective effort shared by two or three actors. Third, we uncovered four contingent factors that influence the dynamics of how service triads are controlled and coordinated: the customer’s risk exposure due to the offering’s failure, the substitutability of the offering, the contractual safeguards, and the relationship closeness

    Manufacturer-supplier relationships and service performance in service triads

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of the manufacturer-supplier relationship in service performance within service triads.  Design/methodology/approach - An abductive case-research approach was adopted, using three embedded cases and 26 interviews in complex, multilevel manufacturer-supplier relationships within the same service network. Cannon and Perreault's (1999) multidimensional relationship framework was deployed to achieve granular and nuanced insight.  Findings - This study corroborates the idea that relational relationships within service triads and servitization improve performance. The role of each relationship dimension in service performance is discerned and their interplay is captured in an analytic model. Information exchange, supplier relationship-specific adaptations, and the degree of formalization of the relationship directly influence performance, while cooperative norms and operational linkages are further back in the causal ordering. The study also highlights the importance of contingent factors (the size of the service site, the proportion of its revenues coming from service contract activities) and how they affect the relationship dimensions.  Research limitations/implications - The work was conducted in one network and the findings were generalized to theory rather than additional empirical settings.  Originality/value - This study is the first to derive a contextualized causal ordering of the Cannon and Perreault (1999) framework of relationship connectors and link it with service performance

    Online 3D reconstruction

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá rekonstrukcí scény snímané dvěma kamerami. Jsou zde popsány metody pro kalibraci soustavy kamer, nalezení významných bodů ve snímcích a hledání korespondencí. Významné body jsou hledány FAST detektorem a k nalezení korespondencí je používána normalizovaná korelace. V rámci rekonstrukce prostorových souřadnic je prováděna rektifikace. Výsledný model je uložen ve formátu VRML. V práci jsou představeny možnosti paralelizace. Výpočet je optimalizován pro multi-procesorové CPU, jsou navrženy implementace do GPU a FPGA.This thesis describes reconstruction of scene which is scan trough two cameras. There are described methods of calibration of cameras system, methods for finding the corners and methods for finding correspondences. Corners are searched by FAST detector and for search correspondences are used normalized cross correlation. In the framework of 3D reconstruction is implemented rectification. The final shape is saved to VRML format. In the thesis are described parallelization options. The calculation of the correlation is optimized for multiprocessors CPU and there are designed implementations of algorithm to GPU and FPGA too.

    Eye gaze tracking

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou sledování oka a určování směru a místa pohledu. Je uveden přehled metod pro určování směru pohledu. Pro vlastní realizaci je vybrána a navržena metoda přímého zjišťování směru pohledu pomocí jedné kamery a umožňující volný pohyb hlavy uživatele. Jsou popsány algoritmy pro zpracování a popis obrazu. Střed zorničky je určován genetickým algoritmem hledajícím elipsu. Dále jsou navrženy postupy kalibrace měřicího zařízení. Práce dále řeší problematiku určení polohy oka směru jeho pohledu. Nakonec je uvedeno srovnání přesnosti s podobnými projekty.This thesis deals with the eye gaze tracking and determining the direction and the place of the view. The overview of methods for determining the view direction is provided here. The direct 3D gaze estimation technique is proposed and implemented. The eye gaze can be estimated by using a single camera and under nature head movement. This paper describes the algorithms for the image processing and the image description. The center of the pupil is determined by the genetic algorithm for the ellipse detection. The procedures of the instrumentation calibration are proposed here as well. The work also addresses the issue of the determining the eye location. Finally, the comparison of the accuracy with similar projects is mentioned in my thesis.


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    Učenje na daljinu zasigurno je novo i vrlo posebno iskustvo za sve nas, izazov za mnoge. Rad učitelja, naravno, odvija se drugačije nego u školi, ali od samog početka učitelji su bili spremni nositi se sa svim inovacijama. U prvom tjednu nastavnici su vjerojatno još uvijek pravili pravi ritam, smišljajući što bi bilo dobro, razumljivo i zanimljivo za učenike. S druge strane, učenje na daljinu također je predstavljalo veliki izazov za studente, jer su se sami susreli s materijalima, zadacima i problemima, negdje daleko izvan učionice. Tijekom učenja na daljinu izuzetno je važno da su učitelji, roditelji i učenici u stalnom kontaktu, za koje uz e-poštu koriste i razne aplikacije te tako dijele iskustva putem fotografija i videozapisa. U ovom članku želimo istaknuti prednosti i nedostatke učenja na daljinu