12 research outputs found

    Internally generated circulation and variability in the tropical Atlantic Ocean

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    The thesis investigates different dynamical and statistical aspects of the Atlantic Equatorial Deep Jets (EDJ) and the central Atlantic Equatorial Intermediate Current System (EICS). One of these is the maintenance mechanism of the EDJ and the central EICS. It is shown that the convergence of the meridional flux of intraseasonal zonal momentum that is associated with the deformation of intraseasonal waves by the equatorial currents can maintain them against dissipation in an idealised ocean model of the tropical Atlantic. Another point that is investigated is the energy transfer between the EDJ and the central EICS. It is shown that the interannually varying EDJ nonlinearly transfer energy to the time mean currents at intermediate depth, strenghtening the central EICS in the western part of the basin and weakening or reversing it in the eastern basin. In addition, a new comprehensive analysis of the spatial and temporal scales of the Atlantic EDJ from Argo float observations is presented, which adds significantly to the available knowledge about the appearance of the Atlantic EDJ in the real ocean. Furthermore, the origin of the enhanced meridional width of the EDJ compared to their theoretically expected width is investigated in a series of idealised ocean models. It is shown that instantaneous meridional widening of the EDJ due to stronger mixing of momentum than of tracers plays a larger role than averaging over intraseasonal meandering of the EDJ

    Ingredients for blocking in a dry dynamical atmospheric model

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    Tropical precipitation influencing boreal winter midlatitude blocking

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    Recent studies using reanalysis data and complex models suggest that the Tropics influence midlatitude blocking. Here, the influence of tropical precipitation anomalies is investigated further using a dry dynamical model driven by specified diabatic heating anomalies. The model uses a quasi‐realistic setup based on idealized orography and an idealized representation of the land‐ocean thermal contrast. Results concerning the El Niño Southern Oscillation and the Madden‐Julian Oscillation are mostly consistent with previous studies and emphasize the importance of tropical dynamics for driving the variability of blocking at midlatitudes. It is also shown that a common bias in models of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5), namely, excessive tropical precipitation, leads to an underestimation of midlatitude blocking in our model, also a common bias in the CMIP5 models. The strongest blocking anomalies associated with the tropical precipitation bias are found over Europe, where the underestimation of blocking in CMIP5 models is also particularly strong

    Factors influencing the meridional width of the equatorial deep jets

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    Equatorial Deep Jets (EDJ) are vertically alternating, stacked zonal currents that flow along the equator in all three ocean basins at intermediate depth. Their structure can be described quite well by the sum of high baroclinic mode equatorial Kelvin and Rossby waves. However, the EDJs' meridional width is larger by a factor of 1.5 than inviscid theory predicts for such waves. Here, we use a set of idealised model configurations representing the Atlantic Ocean to investigate the contributions of different processes to the enhanced EDJ width. Corroborated by the analysis of shipboard velocity sections, we show that instantaneous widening of the EDJ by irreversible mixing processes contributes more to their enhanced time mean width than averaging over meandering of the jets. Most of the widening due to meandering can be attributed to the strength of intraseasonal variability in the jets' depth range, suggesting that the jets are meridionally advected by intraseasonal waves. Only a weak connection to intraseasonal variability is found for the EDJs' instantaneous widening, corroborating and connecting earlier theories that any process dissipating the EDJs' momentum would broaden them, but that intraseasonal variability maintains, not dissipates, the EDJ

    Atlantic equatorial deep jets in Argo float data

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    Equatorial deep jets (EDJ) are zonal currents along the equator in all three ocean basins that alternate in direction with depth and time. In the Atlantic below the thermocline, they are the dominant variability on interannual timescales. Observations of equatorial deep jets are available but scarce, given the EDJs’ location at depth, their small vertical scale and their long periodicity of several years. In the last few years, Argo floats have added a significant amount of measurements at intermediate depth. In this study we therefore revise estimates of the EDJ scales based on Argo float data. Mostly, we use velocity data at 1000 m depth calculated from float displacement, which yield robust estimates of the Atlantic EDJ period (4.6 years), amplitude distribution, phase distribution, zonal wavelength (146.7°), and meridional structure. We also show that the equatorial amplitude of the EDJs’ first meridional mode Rossby wave component (9.8 cm s −1 ) is larger than that of their Kelvin wave component (2.8 cm s −1 ). Additionally, we present a new estimation of the EDJs’ vertical structure throughout the Atlantic basin, based on an equatorial geostrophic velocity reconstruction from hydrographic Argo float measurements from depths between 400 and 2000 m. Our new estimates from Argo float data provide the first basin-wide assessment of the Atlantic EDJ scales, as well as having smaller uncertainties than estimates from earlier studies

    Equatorial Deep Jets and Their Influence on the Mean Equatorial Circulation in an Idealized Ocean Model Forced by Intraseasonal Momentum Flux Convergence

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    Equatorial deep jets (EDJ) are vertically stacked, downward propagating zonal currents that alternate in direction with depth. In the tropical Atlantic, they have been shown to influence both surface conditions and tracer variability. Despite their importance, the EDJ are absent in most ocean models. Here we show that EDJ can be generated in an idealized ocean model when the model is driven only by the convergence of the meridional flux of intraseasonal zonal momentum diagnosed from a companion model run driven by steady wind forcing, corroborating the recent theory that intraseasonal momentum flux convergence maintains the EDJ. Additionally, the EDJ in our model nonlinearly generate mean zonal currents at intermediate depths that show similarities in structure to the observed circulation in the deep equatorial Atlantic, indicating their importance for simulating the tropical ocean mean state

    ICON-Sapphire: simulating the components of the Earth system and their interactions at kilometer and subkilometer scales

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    International audienceState-of-the-art Earth system models typically employ grid spacings of O(100 km), which is too coarse to explicitly resolve main drivers of the flow of energy and matter across the Earth system. In this paper, we present the new ICON-Sapphire model configuration, which targets a representation of the components of the Earth system and their interactions with a grid spacing of 10 km and finer. Through the use of selected simulation examples, we demonstrate that ICON-Sapphire can (i) be run coupled globally on seasonal timescales with a grid spacing of 5 km, on monthly timescales with a grid spacing of 2.5 km, and on daily timescales with a grid spacing of 1.25 km; (ii) resolve large eddies in the atmosphere using hectometer grid spacings on limited-area domains in atmosphere-only simulations; (iii) resolve submesoscale ocean eddies by using a global uniform grid of 1.25 km or a telescoping grid with the finest grid spacing at 530 m, the latter coupled to a uniform atmosphere; and (iv) simulate biogeochemistry in an ocean-only simulation integrated for 4 years at 10 km. Comparison of basic features of the climate system to observations reveals no obvious pitfalls, even though some observed aspects remain difficult to capture. The throughput of the coupled 5 km global simulation is 126 simulated days per day employing 21 % of the latest machine of the German Climate Computing Center. Extrapolating from these results, multi-decadal global simulations including interactive carbon are now possible, and short global simulations resolving large eddies in the atmosphere and submesoscale eddies in the ocean are within reach