104 research outputs found

    La baladodiffusion pédagogique : écouter pour mieux communiquer

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    Comprend des références bibliographiquesDisponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "La baladodiffusion pédagogique : écouter pour mieux communiquer

    Mesure de l'activité des cytochromes P450 dans deux modèles expérimentaux de cirrhose

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    Conception d’une classe inversée pour soutenir l’apprentissage des étudiants en techniques d’orthèses et prothèses orthopédiques

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    Le projet d’innovation est né d’un problème au sein du nouveau programme de techniques en orthèses et prothèses orthopédiques du collège Montmorency. Des changements dans les pondérations des périodes allouées à la portion théorique et laboratoires ont pris effet, notamment dans le cours « Réaliser des prothèses tibiales », que nous enseignons depuis sept ans. La pondération des périodes allouées à la portion théorique pour le cours en question a été réduite de moitié, passant de deux heures par semaine à une seule, sans que les objectifs visés par le cours soient modifiés. La sélection de la classe inversée comme stratégie pédagogique s’est imposée comme étant le meilleur choix pour atteindre les objectifs du cours dans le nouveau contexte de pondération des périodes allouées à la portion théorique. L’implantation de la classe inversée s’est réalisée à l’automne 2018 au sein de quatre leçons ciblées. Ces dernières ont été sélectionnées pour le niveau élevé de complexité des notions qu’elles abordent. Trois mesures ont été utilisées pour analyser l’implantation : deux collectes d’opinions (une au début et l’autre à la fin de la session d’implantation) et un examen théorique final. Les collectes d’opinions avaient pour but de connaître les habitudes d’études de la cohorte, leur niveau d’engagement dans leurs études et leur familiarité avec la classe inversée. L’examen final lui, est le même que pour les années passées, c’est-àdire, une étude de cas avec des questions sur la conception d’une prothèse tibiale

    Current knowledge and interest of French Canadians regarding nutrigenetics

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to draw a global portrait of the current knowledge and interest regarding nutrigenetics in a population of French Canadians from the province of Quebec (Canada). Methods: A total of 2238 residents from the province of Quebec, Canada, were recruited via social networks and from the Laval University employees/students lists to participate to a 37-question online survey on nutrigenetics. Results: Most participants were not familiar with the term “nutrigenetics” (82.7%). Participants with good genetic literacy (26.8%) were less interested in nutrigenetic testing (p<0.0001). The vast majority of participants (90.7%) reported to be willing to follow a personalized diet based on nutrigenetic testing, especially if they came to know themselves as carriers of a polymorphism increasing the risk of certain diseases. Participants had higher interest in testing related to metabolic response to macronutrients (types of sugars, fats and proteins) than to micronutrients or other nutrients related to food intolerance. Conclusions: The attitude of French Canadians about nutrigenetics are very consistent with results from other survey published in the literature. Although few individuals are familiar with nutrigenetics, public’s attitude towards nutrigenetics is globally favourable

    Nutrigenetic testing for personalized nutrition : an evaluation of public perceptions, attitudes, and concerns in a population of French Canadians

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    Background/aims: This study aimed to evaluate attitudes, perceptions and concerns about nutrigenetic testing for personalized nutrition in the general population of the province of Quebec, in Canada. Methods: A total of 1425 individuals from the province of Quebec fully completed a 37 question online survey on nutrigenetics and were included in analyses. Chi-square tests were used to test for associations between categorical variables. Results: The majority of participants (93.3%) considered dietitians as the best professionals to give personalized dietary advice based on nutrigenetic testing. The main reported advantage for nutrigenetic testing was “health” (23.5%), followed by “disease prevention” (22.2%). Among disadvantages, “no disadvantage” (24.4%), followed by “diet restriction” (12.9%) were mostly reported. The two major concerns raised were the accessibility to genetic testing by telemarketing companies and spammers (51.8%), and solicitation by companies using the personal genetic data to sell products (48.6%). Conclusions: French Canadians generally have a positive attitude towards nutrigenetics and find many benefits to its use. They rose up possible confidentiality issues associated with the management or property of genetic test results. However education about confidentiality issues is still considerably needed. These findings overall suggest that the population is interested by a more extensive use of nutrigenetics in health management

    Polymorphisms in FFAR4 (GPR120) gene modulate insulin levels and sensitivity after fish oil supplementation

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    The objective was to test whether FFAR4 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are associated with glycemic control-related traits in humans following fish oil supplementation. A total of 210 participants were given 3 g/day of omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids (FA) (1.9–2.2 g of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 1.1 g of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) during six weeks. Biochemical parameters were taken before and after the supplementation. Using the HapMap database and the tagger procedure in Haploview, 12 tagging SNPs in FFAR4 were selected and then genotyped using TaqMan technology. Transcript expression levels were measured for 30 participants in peripheral mononuclear blood cells. DNA methylation levels were measured for 35 participants in leukocytes. In silico analyses were also performed. Four gene–diet interactions on fasting insulin levels and homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index values were found. rs17108973 explained a significant proportion of the variance of insulin levels (3.0%) and HOMA-IR (2.03%) index values. Splice site prediction was different depending on the allele for rs11187527. rs17108973 and rs17484310 had different affinity for transcription factors depending on the allele. n-3 FAs effectively improve insulin-related traits for major allele homozygotes of four FFAR4 SNPs as opposed to carriers of the minor alleles

    Fine mapping of GWAS signals to identify genetic markers of the plasma triglyceride response to an omega-3 fatty acid supplementation

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    Background: Using a genome-wide association study (GWAS) approach, our group previously computed a genetic risk score (GRS) from single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of ten loci which affect the plasma triglyceride (TG) response to an omega-3 (n-3) fatty acid (FA) supplementation. Objective: The objective was to compute a novel and more refined GRS using fine mapping to include a large number of genetic variants. Design: A total of 208 participants of the Fatty Acid Sensor (FAS) study received 5g of fish oil per day, containing 1.9–2.2g of eicosapentanoic acid and 1.1g of docosahexanoic acid, for six weeks. Plasma TG levels were measured before and after supplementation. Dense genotyping and genotype imputation were employed to refine mapping around GWAS hits. A GRS was computed by summing the number of at-risk alleles of tagging SNPs. Analyses were replicated in samples of the FINGEN study. Results: A total of 31 tagging SNPs associated with the TG response were used for GRS calculation in the FAS study. In a general linear model adjusted for age, sex and body mass index, the GRS explained 49.73% of TG response variance (p < 0.0001). Non-responders to the n-3 FA supplementation had a higher GRS than responders. In the FINGEN replication study, the GRS explained 3.67% of TG response variance (p = 0.0006). Conclusion: Fine mapping proved to be effective to refine the previous GRS. Carrying increasing numbers of at-risk alleles of 31 SNPs confers a higher risk of being non-responsive to n-3 FA. The genetic profile therefore appears to be an important determinant of the plasma TG response to an n-3 FA supplementation and could be used to target those most likely to gain clinical benefit

    Novel genetic loci associated with the plasma triglyceride response to an omega-3 fatty acid supplementation

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    A recent genome-wide association study (GWAS) by our group identified 13 loci associated with the plasma triglyceride (TG) response to omega-3 (n-3) fatty acid (FA) supplementation. This study aimed to test whether single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the IQCJ, NXPH1, PHF17 and MYB genes are associated with the plasma TG response to an n-3 FA supplementation. Methods: A total of 208 subjects followed a 6-week n-3 FA supplementation of 5 g/day of fish oil (1.9-2.2 g of eicosapentaenoic acid and 1.1 g of docosahexaenoic acid). Measurements of plasma lipids were made before and after the supplementation. Sixty-seven tagged SNPs were selected to increase the density of markers near GWAS hits. Results: In a repeated model, independent effects of the genotype and the gene-supplementation interaction were associated with plasma TG. Genotype effects were observed with two SNPs of NXPH1, and gene-diet interactions were observed with ten SNPs of IQCJ, four SNPs of NXPH1 and three SNPs of MYB. Positive and negative responders showed different genotype frequencies with nine SNPs of IQCJ, two SNPs of NXPH1 and two SNPs of MYB. Conclusion: Fine mapping in GWAS-associated loci allowed the identification of SNPs partly explaining the large interindividual variability observed in plasma TG levels in response to an n-3 FA supplementation

    Être prof au collégial, c'est ... : récit en 8 temps

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    "À l’automne 2017, huit professeures du Collège Montmorency se sont lancées dans la nouvelle maitrise de Performa axée sur l’amélioration de la qualité des apprentissages des personnes étudiantes selon la démarche du Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Pendant deux ans, elles se sont côtoyées plus que régulièrement pour développer et mener à terme leur projet d’innovation pédagogique. La collation des grades de l’automne 2019 a magnifiquement bouclé la boucle.Aujourd’hui, les rencontres du vendredi ne sont plus à l’agenda, mais le désir de s’investir reste toujours vivant. L’appel à textes pour le 50e de Performa est arrivé comme le prétexte parfait. Il n’en fallait pas plus pour relancer nos passionnées de l’éducation vers une nouvelle production misant sur leur complémentarité. Il y a plus ou moins 15 ans, elles ont fait le choix de s’engager dans la profession enseignante au sein de programmes techniques, préuniversitaires et à la formation générale, mais aussi d’engager leurs étudiantes et leurs étudiants dans leurs apprentissages. Elles joignent ici leurs voix pour témoigner collectivement de ce que cela signifie pour elles être prof au collégial." -- AQP

    Understanding Intelligently Artificial Intelligence : a citizens' open formation

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    International audienceOur whole society is and will be deeply impacted by digital science and this takes a new qualitative and quantitative turn with what is named artificial intelligence (AI). We must allow everyone to master, thus understand how all this works. This means computational thinking discovery and machine learning initiation. Directly inspired by the Finnish initiative to train 1% of its population on these subjects and after our success in providing a hybrid formation on computational thinking for teachers and citizens not familiar with computer science where more 45000 persons have been reached, yielding a satisfaction level higher than 90%, we have built and now operate a citizen training in AI in the broad sense, intended to a large public beyond the school domain, with the goal of giving rise to an ubiquitary citizen university in digital science and cultur
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