91 research outputs found

    Red and blue netting alters leaf morphological and physiological characteristics in apple trees

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    There is little information about the role of red and blue light on leaf morphology and physiology in fruit trees, and more studies have been developed in herbaceous plants grown under controlled light conditions. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of red and blue screens on morpho-anatomy and gas exchange in apple leaves grown under ambient sunlight conditions. Apple trees cv. Fuji were covered by 40% red and blue nets, leaving trees with 20% white net as control. Light relations (photosynthetic photon flux density, PPFD; red to far-red light ratio, R/FR and blue to red light ratio, B/R), morpho-anatomical features of the leaf (palisade to spongy mesophyll ratio, P/S, and stomata density, SD) and leaf gas exchange (net photosynthesis rate, An; stomatal conductance, gs; transpiration rate, E; and intrinsic water use efficiency, IWUE) were evaluated. Red and blue nets reduced 27% PPFD, reducing by 20% SD and 25% P/S compared to control, but without negative effects on An and gs . Blue net increased gs 21%, leading to the highest E and lowest IWUE by increment of B/R light proportion. These findings demonstrate the potential use of red and blue nets for differential modulation of apple leaf gas exchange through sunlight management under field conditions

    Transcriptomic analysis of the hepatic response to stress in the red cusk-eel (Genypterus chilensis): Insights into lipid metabolism, oxidative stress and liver steatosis

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    Indexación: Scopus.Teleosts exhibit a broad divergence in their adaptive response to stress, depending on the magnitude, duration, and frequency of stressors and the species receiving the stimulus. We have previously reported that the red cusk-eel (Genypterus chilensis), an important marine farmed fish, shows a physiological response to stress that results in increased skeletal muscle atrophy mediated by over-expression of components of the ubiquitin proteasome and autophagy-lysosomal systems. To better understand the systemic effects of stress on the red cusk-eel metabolism, the present study assessed the transcriptomic hepatic response to repetitive handling-stress. Using high-Throughput RNA-seq, 259 up-regulated transcripts were found, mostly associated with angiogenesis, gluconeogenesis, and triacylglyceride catabolism. Conversely, 293 transcripts were down-regulated, associated to cholesterol biosynthesis, PPARα signaling, fatty acid biosynthesis, and glycolysis. This gene signature was concordant with hepatic metabolite levels and hepatic oxidative damage. Moreover, the increased plasmatic levels of AST (aspartate aminotransferase), ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and AP (alkaline phosphatase), as well as liver histology suggest stress-induced liver steatosis. This study offers an integrative molecular and biochemical analysis of the hepatic response to handling-stress, and reveals unknown aspects of lipid metabolism in a non-model teleost.http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.017644

    Species richness influences the spatial distribution of trees in European forests

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    The functioning of plant communities is strongly influenced by the number of species in the community and their spatial arrangement. This is because plants interact with their nearest neighbors and this interaction is expected to be stronger when the interacting individuals are ecologically similar in terms of resource use. Recent evidence shows that species richness alters the balance of intra- versus interspecific competition, but the effect of species richness, and phylogenetic and functional diversity on the spatial pattern of the plant communities remain less studied. Even far, how forest stand structure derived from past management practices can influence the relationship between species richness and spatial pattern is still unknown. Here, we evaluate the spatial distribution of woody individuals (DBH >7.5 cm) in 209 forest stands (i.e. plots) with an increasing level of species richness (from 1 up to 10 species) in six forest types along a latitudinal gradient in Europe. We used completely mapped plots to investigate the spatial pattern in each forest stand with point pattern techniques. We fitted linear models to analyze the effect of species richness (positively correlated with phylogenetic diversity) and functional diversity on tree spatial arrangements. We also controled this relationship by forest type and stand structure as a proxy of the management legacy. Our results showed a generalized positive effect of species richness and functional diversity on the degree of spatial clustering of trees, and on the spatial independence of tree sizes regardless of the forest type. Moreover, current tree spatial arrangements were still conditioned by its history of management; however its effect was independent of the number of species in the community. Our study showed that species richness and functional diversity are relevant attributes of forests influencing the spatial pattern of plant communities, and consequently forest functioning. © 2019 Nordic Society Oikos. Published by John Wiley & Sons LtdThis research was supported by the FunDivEUROPE project, receiving funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement no.265171, the Spanish‐funded project REMEDINAL TE‐CM S2018/EMT‐4338 and COMEDIAS FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación/_Proyecto CGL2017‐83170‐R. RB was funded by a Marie Skłodowska‐Curie Intra‐European fellowship (grant agreement no. 302445)

    Developing a TRIZ-based Design for Flexibility Tool for Manufacturing Facilities

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    As manufacturers evaluate assets and long-term production plans, they struggle with how best to meet complex building requirements that maximize building flexibility and minimize costs. Research shows that manufacturers highly prioritize facility flexibility. However, infusing flexibility into facility design can be complex and achieving it can be costly. These issues could be mitigated with a dedicated tool for addressing flexibility in facility design. TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) is a problem-solving method that exploits information contained in millions of patents to identify solution genres and standard contradictions to drive inventive design principles. This userfriendly, decision support tool can efficiently reduce the complexity of incorporating flexibility into manufacturing facility design. Using this tool as a platform and incorporating information from fifteen case studies, constructionspecific terms were mapped to TRIZ parameters and principles to create a construction industry specific TRIZ contradiction matrix. This paper describes basic TRIZ theory and previous uses in the construction industry. It then discusses industry input and case studies that helped make it construction-specific. Finally, it addresses the modified TRIZ tool’s potential benefits to the construction industry regarding flexibility considerations

    Evolution of an accretionary complex (LeMay Group) and terrane translation in the Antarctic Peninsula

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    The LeMay Group accretionary complex of Alexander Island (Antarctic Peninsula) comprises a 4 km thick succession of variably deformed turbidites associated with thrust slices of ocean floor basalts. The depositional age and provenance of the succession is uncertain with estimates ranging from Carboniferous to Cretaceous. The accretion history is also poorly established and whether the LeMay Group developed allochthonously and accreted during an episode of Cretaceous terrane translation. We have examined the geochronology and geochemistry of twenty-two samples from across the entire accretionary complex to determine its depositional, provenance and accretion history. The accretionary complex has been subdivided into four separate groups based on detrital zircon U-Pb age and Lu-Hf provenance analysis. Groups 1 and 2 are interpreted to be a continuation of the extensive Permian accretionary complexes of West Gondwana and have a depositional age of c. 255 Ma, with volcaniclastic input from the extensive silicic volcanism of the Choiyoi Province. Accretion of the LeMay Group to the continental margin developed during the mid-Triassic, potentially related to the Peninsula Orogeny and an episode of flat-slab subduction of the proto-Pacific plate. Group 3 is only identified from an island to the west of Alexander Island and has a mid-Cretaceous depositional age and provenance akin to offshore sequences from Thurston Island. A para-autochthonous origin is suggested, with mid-Cretaceous accretion associated with the melange belts of central Alexander Island. Group 4 is also a distinct unit with an Early Jurassic depositional age and a source more closely related to the Antarctic Peninsula

    Palaeozoic – Early Mesozoic geological history of the Antarctic Peninsula and correlations with Patagonia: Kinematic reconstructions of the proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana

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    The Antarctic Peninsula preserves geological evidence of a long-lived continental margin with intrusive, volcaniclastic and accretionary complexes indicating a convergent margin setting from at least the Cambrian to the Cenozoic. We examine the poorly understood units and successions from the Palaeozoic to the Early Mesozoic and develop detailed kinematic reconstructions for this section of the margin. We use existing geochronology, along with newly presented Usingle bondPb detrital zircon geochronology, combined with detailed field evidence to develop correlations between geological units and tectonic events across Patagonia and the proto-Antarctic Peninsula. The continental margin of Gondwana/Pangea was a convergent margin setting punctuated by crustal block translation, deformation, magmatic pulses (flare-ups) and development of thick accretionary complexes. These events are strongly linked to subducting slab dynamics and a para-autochthonous model is proposed for the long-lived margin. Major magmatic pulses are evident during the Ordovician (Famatinian) and Permian, and the magmatic record is reflected in the detrital zircon age profiles of metasedimentary successions of the northern Antarctic Peninsula and Tierra del Fuego. Major tectonic events during the Carboniferous – Permian (Gondwanide Orogeny) and Triassic (Chonide Event – Peninsula Orogeny) are recognised across the Antarctic Peninsula – Patagonia and are correlated to potential terrane suturing and flat slab dynamics. Our kinematic reconstructions developed in GPlates, combined with geological field relationships have allowed us to model the locus of magmatism relative to the active margin and also the likely source for thick sedimentary successions

    Analysis of the Zonula occludens Toxin Found in the Genome of the Chilean Non-toxigenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus Strain PMC53.7

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    Indexación: Scopus.Vibrio parahaemolyticus non-toxigenic strains are responsible for about 10% of acute gastroenteritis associated with this species, suggesting they harbor unique virulence factors. Zonula occludens toxin (Zot), firstly described in Vibrio cholerae, is a secreted toxin that increases intestinal permeability. Recently, we identified Zot-encoding genes in the genomes of highly cytotoxic Chilean V. parahaemolyticus strains, including the non-toxigenic clinical strain PMC53.7. To gain insights into a possible role of Zot in V. parahaemolyticus, we analyzed whether it could be responsible for cytotoxicity. However, we observed a barely positive correlation between Caco-2 cell membrane damage and Zot mRNA expression during PMC53.7 infection and non-cytotoxicity induction in response to purified PMC53.7-Zot. Unusually, we observed a particular actin disturbance on cells infected with PMC53.7. Based on this observation, we decided to compare the sequence of PMC53.7-Zot with Zot of human pathogenic species such as V. cholerae, Campylobacter concisus, Neisseria meningitidis, and other V. parahaemolyticus strains, using computational tools. The PMC53.7-Zot was compared with other toxins and identified as an endotoxin with conserved motifs in the N-terminus and a variable C-terminal region and without FCIGRL peptide. Notably, the C-terminal diversity among Zots meant that not all of them could be identified as toxins. Structurally, PMC53.7-Zot was modeled as a transmembrane protein. Our results suggested that it has partial 3D structure similarity with V. cholerae-Zot. Probably, the PMC53.7-Zot would affect the actin cytoskeletal, but, in the absence of FCIGRL, the mechanisms of actions must be elucidated. © Copyright © 2020 Pérez-Reytor, Pavón, Lopez-Joven, Ramírez-Araya, Peña-Varas, Plaza, Alegría-Arcos, Corsini, Jaña, Pavez, del Pozo, Bastías, Blondel, Ramírez and García.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcimb.2020.00482/ful

    Warmth and competence perceptions of key protagonists are associated with containment measures during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from 35 countries

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    It is crucial to understand why people comply with measures to contain viruses and their effects during pandemics. We provide evidence from 35 countries (Ntotal = 12,553) from 6 continents during the COVID-19 pandemic (between 2021 and 2022) obtained via cross-sectional surveys that the social perception of key protagonists on two basic dimensions—warmth and competence—plays a crucial role in shaping pandemic-related behaviors. Firstly, when asked in an open question format, heads of state, physicians, and protest movements were universally identified as key protagonists across countries. Secondly, multiple-group confirmatory factor analyses revealed that warmth and competence perceptions of these and other protagonists differed significantly within and between countries. Thirdly, internal meta-analyses showed that warmth and competence perceptions of heads of state, physicians, and protest movements were associated with support and opposition intentions, containment and prevention behaviors, as well as vaccination uptake. Our results have important implications for designing effective interventions to motivate desirable health outcomes and coping with future health crises and other global challenges.publishedVersio