240 research outputs found

    Kinematographie und Schule

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    Post-Growth Geographies: Spatial Relations of Diverse and Alternative Economies

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    Post-Growth Geographies examines the spatial relations of diverse and alternative economies between growth-oriented institutions and multiple socio-ecological crises. The book brings together conceptual and empirical contributions from geography and its neighbouring disciplines and offers different perspectives on the possibilities, demands and critiques of post-growth transformation. Through case studies and interviews, the contributions combine voices from activism, civil society, planning and politics with current theoretical debates on socio-ecological transformation

    In vitro blood sample assessment: investigating correlation of laboratory hemoglobin and spectral properties of dual-energy CT measurements (ρ/Z)

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    Objectives: Our study comprised a single-center retrospective in vitro correlation between spectral properties, namely ρ/Z values, derived from scanning blood samples using dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) with the corresponding laboratory hemoglobin/hematocrit (Hb/Hct) levels and assessed the potential in anemia-detection. Methods: DECT of 813 patient blood samples from 465 women and 348 men was conducted using a standardized scan protocol. Electron density relative to water (ρ or rho), effective atomic number (Zeff_{eff}), and CT attenuation (Hounsfield unit) were measured. Results: Positive correlation with the Hb/Hct was shown for ρ (r-values 0.37–0.49) and attenuation (r-values 0.59–0.83) while no correlation was observed for Zeff_{eff} (r-values −0.04 to 0.08). Significant differences in attenuation and ρ values were detected for blood samples with and without anemia in both genders (p value < 0.001) with area under the curve ranging from 0.7 to 0.95. Depending on the respective CT parameters, various cutoff values for CT-based anemia detection could be determined. Conclusion: In summary, our study investigated the correlation between DECT measurements and Hb/Hct levels, emphasizing novel aspects of ρ and Zeff_{eff} values. Assuming that quantitative changes in the number of hemoglobin proteins might alter the mean Zeff_{eff} values, the results of our study show that there is no measurable correlation on the atomic level using DECT. We established a positive in vitro correlation between Hb/Hct values and ρ. Nevertheless, attenuation emerged as the most strongly correlated parameter with identifiable cutoff values, highlighting its preference for CT-based anemia detection. Clinical relevance statement: By scanning multiple blood samples with dual-energy CT scans and comparing the measurements with standard laboratory blood tests, we were able to underscore the potential of CT-based anemia detection and its advantages in clinical practice. Key Points: ° Prior in vivo studies have found a correlation between aortic blood pool and measured hemoglobin and hematocrit. ° Hemoglobin and hematocrit correlated with electron density relative to water and attenuation but not Zeff_{eff}. ° Dual-energy CT has the potential for additional clinical benefits, such as CT-based anemia detection

    Stress Urinary Incontinence: An Unsolved Clinical Challenge

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    Stress urinary incontinence is still a frequent problem for women and men, which leads to pronounced impairment of the quality of life and withdrawal from the social environment. Modern diagnostics and therapy improved the situation for individuals affected. But there are still limits, including the correct diagnosis of incontinence and its pathophysiology, as well as the therapeutic algorithms. In most cases, patients are treated with a first-line regimen of drugs, possibly in combination with specific exercises and electrophysiological stimulation. When conservative options are exhausted, minimally invasive surgical therapies are indicated. However, standard surgeries, especially the application of implants, do not pursue any causal therapy. Non-absorbable meshes and ligaments have fallen into disrepute due to complications. In numerous countries, classic techniques such as colposuspension have been revived to avoid implants. Except for tapes in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women, the literature on randomized controlled studies is insufficient. This review provides an update on pharmacological and surgical treatment options for stress urinary incontinence; it highlights limitations and formulates wishes for the future from a clinical perspective

    Artificial intelligence for clinical decision support for monitoring patients in cardiovascular ICUs: a systematic review

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    Background: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models continue to evolve the clinical decision support systems (CDSS). However, challenges arise when it comes to the integration of AI/ML into clinical scenarios. In this systematic review, we followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), the population, intervention, comparator, outcome, and study design (PICOS), and the medical AI life cycle guidelines to investigate studies and tools which address AI/ML-based approaches towards clinical decision support (CDS) for monitoring cardiovascular patients in intensive care units (ICUs). We further discuss recent advances, pitfalls, and future perspectives towards effective integration of AI into routine practices as were identified and elaborated over an extensive selection process for state-of-the-art manuscripts. Methods: Studies with available English full text from PubMed and Google Scholar in the period from January 2018 to August 2022 were considered. The manuscripts were fetched through a combination of the search keywords including AI, ML, reinforcement learning (RL), deep learning, clinical decision support, and cardiovascular critical care and patients monitoring. The manuscripts were analyzed and filtered based on qualitative and quantitative criteria such as target population, proper study design, cross-validation, and risk of bias. Results: More than 100 queries over two medical search engines and subjective literature research were developed which identified 89 studies. After extensive assessments of the studies both technically and medically, 21 studies were selected for the final qualitative assessment. Discussion: Clinical time series and electronic health records (EHR) data were the most common input modalities, while methods such as gradient boosting, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and RL were mostly used for the analysis. Seventy-five percent of the selected papers lacked validation against external datasets highlighting the generalizability issue. Also, interpretability of the AI decisions was identified as a central issue towards effective integration of AI in healthcare

    Biodiversity promotes ecosystem functioning despite environmental change

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    Three decades of research have demonstrated that biodiversity can promote the functioning of ecosystems. Yet, it is unclear whether the positive effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning will persist under various types of global environmental change drivers. We conducted a meta-analysis of 46 factorial experiments manipulating both species richness and the environment to test how global change drivers (i.e. warming, drought, nutrient addition or CO2 enrichment) modulated the effect of biodiversity on multiple ecosystem functions across three taxonomic groups (microbes, phytoplankton and plants). We found that biodiversity increased ecosystem functioning in both ambient and manipulated environments, but often not to the same degree. In particular, biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning were larger in stressful environments induced by global change drivers, indicating that high-diversity communities were more resistant to environmental change. Using a subset of studies, we also found that the positive effects of biodiversity were mainly driven by interspecific complementarity and that these effects increased over time in both ambient and manipulated environments. Our findings support biodiversity conservation as a key strategy for sustainable ecosystem management in the face of global environmental change

    Cell Type-Specific Roles of NF-κB Linking Inflammation and Thrombosis

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    The transcription factor NF-κB is a central mediator of inflammation with multiple links to thrombotic processes. In this review, we focus on the role of NF-κB signaling in cell types within the vasculature and the circulation that are involved in thrombo-inflammatory processes. All these cells express NF-κB, which mediates important functions in cellular interactions, cell survival and differentiation, as well as expression of cytokines, chemokines, and coagulation factors. Even platelets, as anucleated cells, contain NF-κB family members and their corresponding signaling molecules, which are involved in platelet activation, as well as secondary feedback circuits. The response of endothelial cells to inflammation and NF-κB activation is characterized by the induction of adhesion molecules promoting binding and transmigration of leukocytes, while simultaneously increasing their thrombogenic potential. Paracrine signaling from endothelial cells activates NF-κB in vascular smooth muscle cells and causes a phenotypic switch to a “synthetic” state associated with a decrease in contractile proteins. Monocytes react to inflammatory situations with enforced expression of tissue factor and after differentiation to macrophages with altered polarization. Neutrophils respond with an extension of their life span—and upon full activation they can expel their DNA thereby forming so-called neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), which exert antibacterial functions, but also induce a strong coagulatory response. This may cause formation of microthrombi that are important for the immobilization of pathogens, a process designated as immunothrombosis. However, deregulation of the complex cellular links between inflammation and thrombosis by unrestrained NET formation or the loss of the endothelial layer due to mechanical rupture or erosion can result in rapid activation and aggregation of platelets and the manifestation of thrombo-inflammatory diseases. Sepsis is an important example of such a disorder caused by a dysregulated host response to infection finally leading to severe coagulopathies. NF-κB is critically involved in these pathophysiological processes as it induces both inflammatory and thrombotic responses

    Postwachstum und Raumentwicklung : Denkanstöße für Wissenschaft und Praxis

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    Dieses von Mitgliedern des Arbeitskreises "Postwachstumsökonomien" (2016 - 2020) der ARL verfasste Positionspapier ordnet die internationale Postwachstumsdebatte ein und diskutiert ihre Relevanz für die Raumentwicklung und die raumwissenschaftliche Forschung. Neben sektoralen Zugängen und Befunden werden konkrete Vorschläge zur Postwachstumsorientierung in Planung, Forschung und Lehre gemacht. Dabei wird zwischen kurzfristig erreichbaren Veränderungen und mittel- bis langfristig auszulegenden Maßnahmen unterschieden

    Genetic platelet depletion is superior in platelet transfusion compared to current models

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    Genetically modified mice have advanced our knowledge on platelets in hemostasis and beyond tremendously. However, mouse models harbor certain limitations, including availability of platelet specific transgenic strains, and off-target effects on other cell types. Transfusion of genetically modified platelets into thrombocytopenic mice circumvents these problems. Additionally, ex vivo treatment of platelets prior to transfusion eliminates putative side effects on other cell types. Thrombocytopenia is commonly induced by administration of anti-platelet antibodies, which opsonize platelets to cause rapid clearance. However, antibodies do not differentiate between endogenous or exogenous platelets, impeding transfusion efficacy. In contrast, genetic depletion with the inducible diphtheria toxin receptor (iDTR) system induces thrombocytopenia via megakaryocyte ablation without direct effects on circulating platelets. We compared the iDTR system with antibody-based depletion methods regarding their utility in platelet transfusion experiments, outlining advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. Antibodies led to thrombocytopenia within two hours and allowed the dose-dependent adjustment of the platelet count. The iDTR model caused complete thrombocytopenia within four days, which could be sustained for up to 11 days. Neither platelet depletion approach caused platelet activation. Only the iDTR model allowed efficient platelet transfusion by keeping endogenous platelet levels low and maintaining exogenous platelet levels over longer time periods, thus providing clear advantages over antibody-based methods. Transfused platelets were fully functional in vivo, and our model allowed examination of transgenic platelets. Using donor platelets from already available genetically modified mice or ex vivo treated platelets, may decrease the necessity of platelet-specific mouse strains, diminishing off-target effects and thereby reducing animal numbers

    A whey protein supplement decreases post-prandial glycemia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Incidence of diabetes, obesity and insulin resistance are associated with high glycemic load diets. Identifying food components that decrease post-prandial glycemia may be beneficial for developing low glycemic foods and supplements. This study explores the glycemic impact of adding escalating doses of a glycemic index lowering peptide fraction (GILP) from whey to a glucose drink.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ten healthy subjects (3M, 7F, 44.4 ± 9.3 years, BMI 33.6 ± 4.8 kg/m<sup>2</sup>) participated in an acute randomised controlled study. Zero, 5, 10 and 20 g of protein from GILP were added to a 50 g glucose drink. The control (0 g of GILP) meal was repeated 2 times. Capillary blood samples were taken fasting (0 min) and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after the start of the meal and analyzed for blood glucose concentration.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Increasing doses of GILP decreased the incremental areas under the curve in a dose dependant manner (Pearson's r = 0.48, p = 0.002). The incremental areas (iAUC) under the glucose curve for the 0, 5, 10, and 20 g of protein from GILP were 231 ± 23, 212 ± 23, 196 ± 23, and 138 ± 13 mmol.min/L respectively. The iAUC of the 20 g GILP was significantly different from control, 5 g GILP and 10 g GILP (p < 0.001). Average reduction in the glucose iAUC was 4.6 ± 1.4 mmol.min/L per gram of ingested GILP.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Addition of GILP to a oral glucose bolus reduces blood glucose iAUC in a dose dependent manner and averages 4.6 ± 1.4 mmol.min/L per gram of GILP. These data are consistent with previous research on the effect of protein on the glycemic response of a meal.</p