4,129 research outputs found

    Direct 3D Tomographic Reconstruction and Phase-Retrieval of Far-Field Coherent Diffraction Patterns

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    We present an alternative numerical reconstruction algorithm for direct tomographic reconstruction of a sample refractive indices from the measured intensities of its far-field coherent diffraction patterns. We formulate the well-known phase-retrieval problem in ptychography in a tomographic framework which allows for simultaneous reconstruction of the illumination function and the sample refractive indices in three dimensions. Our iterative reconstruction algorithm is based on the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. We demonstrate the performance of our proposed method with simulation studies

    The Snapshot Hubble U-Band Cluster Survey (SHUCS) II. Star Cluster Population of NGC 2997

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    We study the star cluster population of NGC 2997, a giant spiral galaxy located at 9.5 Mpc and targeted by the Snapshot Hubble U-band Cluster Survey (SHUCS). Combining our U-band imaging from SHUCS with archival BVI imaging from HST, we select a high confidence sample of clusters in the circumnuclear ring and disk through a combination of automatic detection procedures and visual inspection. The cluster luminosity functions in all four filters can be approximated by power-laws with indices of −1.7-1.7 to −2.3-2.3. Some deviations from pure power-law shape are observed, hinting at the presence of a high-mass truncation in the cluster mass function. However, upon inspection of the cluster mass function, we find it is consistent with a pure power-law of index −2.2±0.2-2.2\pm0.2 despite a slight bend at ∌\sim2.5×1042.5\times10^{4} M⊙_{\odot}. No statistically significant truncation is observed. From the cluster age distributions, we find a low rate of disruption (ζ∌−0.1\zeta\sim-0.1) in both the disk and circumnuclear ring. Finally, we estimate the cluster formation efficiency (Γ\Gamma) over the last 100 Myr in each region, finding 7±27\pm2% for the disk, 12±412\pm4% for the circumnuclear ring, and 10±310\pm3% for the entire UBVI footprint. This study highlights the need for wide-field UBVI coverage of galaxies to study cluster populations in detail, though a small sample of clusters can provide significant insight into the characteristics of the population.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures, accepted to the A

    Revealing a Ring-like Cluster Complex in a Tidal Tail of the Starburst Galaxy NGC 2146

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    We report the discovery of a ring-like cluster complex in the starburst galaxy NGC 2146. The Ruby Ring, so named due to its appearance, shows a clear ring-like distribution of star clusters around a central object. It is located in one of the tidal streams which surround the galaxy. NGC 2146 is part of the Snapshot Hubble U-band Cluster Survey (SHUCS). The WFC3/F336W data has added critical information to the available archival Hubble Space Telescope imaging set of NGC 2146, allowing us to determine ages, masses, and extinctions of the clusters in the Ruby Ring. These properties have then been used to investigate the formation of this extraordinary system. We find evidence of a spatial and temporal correlation between the central cluster and the clusters in the ring. The latter are about 4 Myr younger than the central cluster, which has an age of 7 Myr. This result is supported by the H alpha emission which is strongly coincident with the ring, and weaker at the position of the central cluster. From the derived total H alpha luminosity of the system we constrain the star formation rate density to be quite high, e.g. ~ 0.47 Msun/yr/kpc^2. The Ruby Ring is the product of an intense and localised burst of star formation, similar to the extended cluster complexes observed in M51 and the Antennae, but more impressive because is quite isolated. The central cluster contains only 5 % of the total stellar mass in the clusters that are determined within the complex. The ring-like morphology, the age spread, and the mass ratio support a triggering formation scenario for this complex. We discuss the formation of the Ruby Ring in a "collect & collapse" framework. The predictions made by this model agree quite well with the estimated bubble radius and expansion velocity produced by the feedback from the central cluster, making the Ruby Ring an interesting case of triggered star formation.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 1 table; Accepted for publication in MNRA

    From time-series to complex networks: Application to the cerebrovascular flow patterns in atrial fibrillation

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    A network-based approach is presented to investigate the cerebrovascular flow patterns during atrial fibrillation (AF) with respect to normal sinus rhythm (NSR). AF, the most common cardiac arrhythmia with faster and irregular beating, has been recently and independently associated with the increased risk of dementia. However, the underlying hemodynamic mechanisms relating the two pathologies remain mainly undetermined so far; thus the contribution of modeling and refined statistical tools is valuable. Pressure and flow rate temporal series in NSR and AF are here evaluated along representative cerebral sites (from carotid arteries to capillary brain circulation), exploiting reliable artificially built signals recently obtained from an in silico approach. The complex network analysis evidences, in a synthetic and original way, a dramatic signal variation towards the distal/capillary cerebral regions during AF, which has no counterpart in NSR conditions. At the large artery level, networks obtained from both AF and NSR hemodynamic signals exhibit elongated and chained features, which are typical of pseudo-periodic series. These aspects are almost completely lost towards the microcirculation during AF, where the networks are topologically more circular and present random-like characteristics. As a consequence, all the physiological phenomena at microcerebral level ruled by periodicity - such as regular perfusion, mean pressure per beat, and average nutrient supply at cellular level - can be strongly compromised, since the AF hemodynamic signals assume irregular behaviour and random-like features. Through a powerful approach which is complementary to the classical statistical tools, the present findings further strengthen the potential link between AF hemodynamic and cognitive decline.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Effective treatment of highest instability in a subacute fragility fracture of the pelvis (FFP IV) using a cement augmented transsacral screw only.

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    The highest instability in fragility fractures of the pelvis (FFP) is noted in presence of H-, U-type sacral fractures. Suggested surgical treatment options include uni- or bilateral sacroiliac or transsacral screw fixation at different levels or in combination, as well as lumbopelvic and bilateral triangular lumbopelvic stabilization. However, distinct treatment recommendations for this subset of injuries are scarce. We present a case sustaining rapid FFP crescendo instability following initial conservative treatment of a FFP type II injury resulting in a U-type spinopelvic dissociation. Fixation using one percutaneous cement augmented transsacral S1 screw resulted in perpetual clinical improvements in pain and mobility in presence of radiologic fracture consolidation

    The Best Brown Dwarf Yet?: A Companion to the Hyades Eclipsing Binary V471 Tau

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    We have carried out an analysis of about 160 eclipse timings spanning over 30 years of the Hyades eclipsing binary V471 Tauri that shows a long-term quasi-sinusoidal modulation of its observed eclipse arrival times. The O-Cs have been analyzed for the ``light-time'' effect that arises from the gravitational influence of a tertiary companion. The presence of a third body causes the relative distance of the eclipsing pair to the Earth to change as it orbits the barycenter of the triple system. The result of the analysis of the eclipse times yields a light-time semi-amplitude of 137.2+/-12.0 s, an orbital period of P_3 = 30.5+/-1.6 yr and an eccentricity of e_3 = 0.31+/-0.04. The mass of the tertiary component is M_3 sin i_3 = 0.0393+/-0.0038 Mo when a total mass of 1.61+/-0.06 Mo for V471 Tau is adopted. For orbital inclinations i_3 > 35 deg, the mass of the third body would be below the stable hydrogen burning limit of M = 0.07 Mo and it thus would be a brown dwarf. In the next several years (near maximum elongation), it should be feasible to obtain IR images and spectra of V471 Tau C that, when combined with the known mass, age, distance, and [Fe/H], will serve as a benchmark for understanding the physical properties and evolution of brown dwarfs.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Investigation of a0-f0 mixing

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    We investigate the isospin-violating mixing of the light scalar mesons a0(980) and f0(980) within the unitarized chiral approach. Isospin-violating effects are considered to leading order in the quark mass differences and electromagnetism. In this approach both mesons are generated through meson-meson dynamics. Our results provide a description of the mixing phenomenon within a framework consistent with chiral symmetry and unitarity, where these resonances are not predominantly q q-bar states. Amongst the possible experimental signals, we discuss observable consequences for the reaction J/Psi -> phi pi0 eta in detail. In particular we demonstrate that the effect of a0-f0 mixing is by far the most important isospin-breaking effect in the resonance region and can indeed be extracted from experiment.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures; discussion extended, title changed, version published in Phys. Rev.

    The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey. VII. A low velocity dispersion for the young massive cluster R136

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    Detailed studies of resolved young massive star clusters are necessary to determine their dynamical state and evaluate the importance of gas expulsion and early cluster evolution. In an effort to gain insight into the dynamical state of the young massive cluster R136 and obtain the first measurement of its velocity dispersion, we analyse multi-epoch spectroscopic data of the inner regions of 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) obtained as part of the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey. Following a quantitative assessment of the variability, we use the radial velocities of non-variable sources to place an upper limit of 6 km/s on the line-of-sight velocity dispersion of stars within a projected distance of 5 pc from the centre of the cluster. After accounting for the contributions of undetected binaries and measurement errors through Monte Carlo simulations, we conclude that the true velocity dispersion is likely between 4 and 5 km/s given a range of standard assumptions about the binary distribution. This result is consistent with what is expected if the cluster is in virial equilibrium, suggesting that gas expulsion has not altered its dynamics. We find that the velocity dispersion would be ~25 km/s if binaries were not identified and rejected, confirming the importance of the multi-epoch strategy and the risk of interpreting velocity dispersion measurements of unresolved extragalactic young massive clusters.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, accepted by A&

    Evidence for Environmentally Dependent Cluster Disruption in M83

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    Using multi-wavelength imaging from the Wide Field Camera 3 on the Hubble Space Telescope we study the stellar cluster populations of two adjacent fields in the nearby face-on spiral galaxy, M83. The observations cover the galactic centre and reach out to ~6 kpc, thereby spanning a large range of environmental conditions, ideal for testing empirical laws of cluster disruption. The clusters are selected by visual inspection to be centrally concentrated, symmetric, and resolved on the images. We find that a large fraction of objects detected by automated algorithms (e.g. SExtractor or Daofind) are not clusters, but rather are associations. These are likely to disperse into the field on timescales of tens of Myr due to their lower stellar densities and not due to gas expulsion (i.e. they were never gravitationally bound). We split the sample into two discrete fields (inner and outer regions of the galaxy) and search for evidence of environmentally dependent cluster disruption. Colour-colour diagrams of the clusters, when compared to simple stellar population models, already indicate that a much larger fraction of the clusters in the outer field are older by tens of Myr than in the inner field. This impression is quantified by estimating each cluster's properties (age, mass, and extinction) and comparing the age/mass distributions between the two fields. Our results are inconsistent with "universal" age and mass distributions of clusters, and instead show that the ambient environment strongly affects the observed populations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, MNRAS in pres
