23 research outputs found

    Evaluation of three energy balance-based evaporation models for estimating monthly evaporation for five lakes using derived heat storage changes from a hysteresis model

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    The heat storage changes (Qt) can be a significant component of the energy balance in lakes, and it is important to account for Qt for reasonable estimation of evaporation at monthly and finer timescales if the energy balance-based evaporation models are used. However, Qt has been often neglected in many studies due to the lack of required water temperature data. A simple hysteresis model (Qt = a Rn þ b þ c dRn/dt) has been demonstrated to reasonably estimate Qt from the readily available net all wave radiation (Rn) and three locally calibrated coefficients (a–c) for lakes and reservoirs. As a follow-up study, we evaluated whether this hysteresis model could enable energy balance-based evaporation models to yield good evaporation estimates. The representative monthly evaporation data were compiled from published literature and used as ground-truth to evaluate three energy balance-based evaporation models for five lakes. The three models in different complexity are De Bruin-Keijman (DK), Penman, and a new model referred to as Duan-Bastiaanssen (DB). All three models require Qt as input. Each model was run in three scenarios differing in the input Qt (S1: measured Qt; S2: modelled Qt from the hysteresis model; S3: neglecting Qt) to evaluate the impact of Qt on the modelled evaporation. Evaluation showed that the modelled Qt agreed well with measured counterparts for all five lakes. It was confirmed that the hysteresis model with locally calibrated coefficients can predict Qt with good accuracy for the same lake. Using modelled Qt as inputs all three evaporation models yielded comparably good monthly evaporation to those using measured Qt as inputs and significantly better than those neglecting Qt for the five lakes. The DK model requiring minimum data generally performed the best, followed by the Penman and DB model. This study demonstrated that once three coefficients are locally calibrated using historical data the simple hysteresis model can offer reasonable Qt to force energy balance-based evaporation models to improve evaporation modelling at monthly timescales for conditions and long-term periods when measured Qt are not available. We call on scientific community to further test and refine the hysteresis model in more lakes in different geographic locations and environments.Water Resource

    The predictability of reported drought events and impacts in the Ebro Basin using six different remote sensing data sets

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    The implementation of drought management plans contributes to reduce the wide range of adverse impacts caused by water shortage. A crucial element of the development of drought management plans is the selection of appropriate indicators and their associated thresholds to detect drought events and monitor the evolution. Drought indicators should be able to detect emerging drought processes that will lead to impacts with sufficient anticipation to allow measures to be undertaken effectively. However, in the selection of appropriate drought indicators, the connection to the final impacts is often disregarded. This paper explores the utility of remotely sensed data sets to detect early stages of drought at the river basin scale and determine how much time can be gained to inform operational land and water management practices. Six different remote sensing data sets with different spectral origins and measurement frequencies are considered, complemented by a group of classical in situ hydrologic indicators. Their predictive power to detect past drought events is tested in the Ebro Basin. Qualitative (binary information based on media records) and quantitative (crop yields) data of drought events and impacts spanning a period of 12 years are used as a benchmark in the analysis. Results show that early signs of drought impacts can be detected up to 6 months before impacts are reported in newspapers, with the best correlation-anticipation relationships for the standard precipitation index (SPI), the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and evapotranspiration (ET). Soil moisture (SM) and land surface temperature (LST) offer also good anticipation but with weaker correlations, while gross primary production (GPP) presents moderate positive correlations only for some of the rain-fed areas. Although classical hydrological information from water levels and water flows provided better anticipation than remote sensing indicators in most of the areas, correlations were found to be weaker. The indicators show a consistent behaviour with respect to the different levels of crop yield in rain-fed areas among the analysed years, with SPI, NDVI and ET providing again the stronger correlations. Overall, the results confirm remote sensing products' ability to anticipate reported drought impacts and therefore appear as a useful source of information to support drought management decisions.Water Resource

    Constraining model parameters on remotely sensed evaporation: Justification for distribution in ungauged basins?

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    OA-fund In this study, land surface related parameter distributions of a conceptual semi-distributed hydrological model are constrained by employing time series of satellite-based evaporation estimates during the dry season as explanatory information. The approach has been applied to the ungauged Luangwa river basin (150 000 (km)2) in Zambia. The information contained in these evaporation estimates imposes compliance of the model with the largest outgoing water balance term, evaporation, and a spatially and temporally realistic depletion of soil moisture within the dry season. The model results in turn provide a better understanding of the information density of remotely sensed evaporation. Model parameters to which evaporation is sensitive, have been spatially distributed on the basis of dominant land cover characteristics. Consequently, their values were conditioned by means of Monte-Carlo sampling and evaluation on satellite evaporation estimates. The results show that behavioural parameter sets for model units with similar land cover are indeed clustered. The clustering reveals hydrologically meaningful signatures in the parameter response surface: wetland-dominated areas (also called dambos) show optimal parameter ranges that reflect vegetation with a relatively small unsaturated zone (due to the shallow rooting depth of the vegetation) which is easily moisture stressed. The forested areas and highlands show parameter ranges that indicate a much deeper root zone which is more drought resistent. Clustering was consequently used to formulate fuzzy membership functions that can be used to constrain parameter realizations in further calibration. Unrealistic parameter ranges, found for instance in the high unsaturated soil zone values in the highlands may indicate either overestimation of satellite-based evaporation or model structural deficiencies. We believe that in these areas, groundwater uptake into the root zone and lateral movement of groundwater should be included in the model structure. Furthermore, a less distinct parameter clustering was found for forested model units. We hypothesize that this is due to the presence of two dominant forest types that differ substantially in their moisture regime. This could indicate that the spatial discretization used in this study is oversimplified.WatermanagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Water Accounting Plus (WA+) – a water accounting procedure for complex river basins based on satellite measurements

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    Coping with water scarcity and growing competition for water among different sectors requires proper water management strategies and decision processes. A pre-requisite is a clear understanding of the basin hydrological processes, manageable and unmanageable water flows, the interaction with land use and opportunities to mitigate the negative effects and increase the benefits of water depletion on society. Currently, water professionals do not have a common framework that links depletion to user groups of water and their benefits. The absence of a standard hydrological and water management summary is causing confusion and wrong decisions. The non-availability of water flow data is one of the underpinning reasons for not having operational water accounting systems for river basins in place. In this paper, we introduce Water Accounting Plus (WA+), which is a new framework designed to provide explicit spatial information on water depletion and net withdrawal processes in complex river basins. The influence of land use and landscape evapotranspiration on the water cycle is described explicitly by defining land use groups with common characteristics. WA+ presents four sheets including (i) a resource base sheet, (ii) an evapotranspiration sheet, (iii) a productivity sheet, and (iv) a withdrawal sheet. Every sheet encompasses a set of indicators that summarise the overall water resources situation. The impact of external (e.g., climate change) and internal influences (e.g., infrastructure building) can be estimated by studying the changes in these WA+ indicators. Satellite measurements can be used to acquire a vast amount of required data but is not a precondition for implementing WA+ framework. Data from hydrological models and water allocation models can also be used as inputs to WA+.Water ManagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Five methods to interpret field measurements of energy fluxes over a micro-sprinkler-irrigated mango orchard

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    Energy balance measurements were carried out in a mango orchard during two growing seasons in the semi-arid region of Brazil. The actual evapotranspiration (ET) was acquired by eddy correlation (EC) and Bowen ratio energy balance (BR) techniques. The daily energy balance closure in the EC measurements showed an average gap of 12%, with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.7 MJ m?2 d?1. Three different correction procedures were tested for closing the energy balance from the EC system: (1) the surface energy balance residual method (RES), (2) the Bowen ratio determined from the EC fluxes, the combination approach (EC_BR), and (3) a new regression energy balance closure technique (REG). All closing energy balance methods presented good correlation with the direct EC measurements, but the trends were not similar. The latent heat fluxes estimated by the BR method—?E BR—were higher than those from the direct EC measurements—?E EC. When using the RES method, the half-hour ?E EC measurements represented around 88% of the ?E RES values, as the uncertainties of net radiation—R n—and soil heat fluxes—G—are propagated into the RES method. The latent heat flux derived from the combination approach—?E EC_BR—also brings these uncertainties, being the agreements comparable with those for RES method. It was therefore concluded that a single correction method for EC measurements considering only the latent and sensible heat fluxes does not exist. A new way to solve the lack of energy balance closure from EC techniques was tested by means of a curve fitting, the REG method. Considering the REG corrections applied to the energy balance components involving all periods of the day and the average conditions of the two growing seasons, half-hour values of ?E EC were overmeasured by 18%, H EC was undermeasured by 17%, and G values required a correction of 466%. The REG method appeared promising because it considers different weights for all energy balance components in the optimization process. Taking the REG results for the drier second growing season as a reference, it was concluded that seasonal ET values by the other methods in mango orchard ranged from 7 to 28% higher, showing that turbulent flux measurements lack accuracy for executing on-farm water-saving programmes and calibrating transient soil water flow models.Water ManagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    The predictability of reported drought events and impacts in the Ebro Basin using six different remote sensing data sets

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    The implementation of drought management plans contributes to reduce the wide range of adverse impacts caused by water shortage. A crucial element of the development of drought management plans is the selection of appropriate indicators and their associated thresholds to detect drought events and monitor their evolution. Drought indicators should be able to detect emerging drought processes that will lead to impacts with sufficient anticipation to allow measures to be undertaken effectively. However, in the selection of appropriate drought indicators the connection to the final impacts is often disregarded. This paper explores the utility of remotely sensed data sets to detect early stages of drought at the river basin scale, and how much time can be gained to inform operational land and water management practices. Six different remote sensing data sets with different spectral origin and measurement frequency are considered, complemented by a group of classical in situ hydrologic indicators. Their predictive power to detect past drought events is tested in the Ebro basin. Qualitative (binary information based on media records) and quantitative (crop yields) data of drought events and impacts spanning a period of 12 years are used as a benchmark in the analysis. Results show that early signs of drought impacts can be detected up to some 6 months before impacts are reported in newspapers, with the best correlation-anticipation relationships for the Standard Precipitation Index (SPI), the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Evapotranspiration (ET). Soil Moisture (SM) and Land Surface Temperature (LST) offer also good anticipation, but with weaker correlations, while Gross Primary Production (GPP) presents moderate positive correlations only for some of the rainfed areas. Although classical hydrological information from water levels and water flows provided better anticipation than remote sensing indicators in most of the areas, correlations were found to be weaker. The indicators show a consistent behaviour with respect to the different levels of crop yield in rainfed areas among the analysed years, with SPI, NDVI and ET providing again the stronger correlations. Overall, the results confirm remote sensing products’ ability to anticipate reported drought impacts and therefore appear as a useful source of information to support drought management decisions.Water Resource

    Scalable Water Balances from Earth Observations (SWEO): results from 50 years of remote sensing in hydrology

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    Strategic planning of water management at the river-basin scale requires (1) measurement and accounting of individual hydrological processes, (2) quantification of water resources, and (3) their optimal allocation. Scalable Water Balances from Earth Observations (SWEO) is an open-access parameterization enabling automated reporting of water footprints and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators. We present its systematic arrangement and input datasets, and demonstrate its accuracy by independent riverflow measurements. We also review some achievements in remote sensing for hydrology during the last 50 years in quantifying hydrological and water management processes, flows, fluxes and changes in storage from various independent sources; and append mathematical formulations.Water Resource

    Combining remote sensing and economic analysis to support decisions that affect water productivity

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    In this paper, an innovative method—that combines a technical and socio-economic analysis—is presented to assess the implications of policy decisions on water productivity. In the technical part, the variability in crop water productivity (CWP) is analyzed on the basis of actual water consumption and associated biomass production using the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL). This generates input for the socio-economic analysis, which aims to quantify the foregone economic water productivity (EWP) of policy decisions to allocate water in a social optimal way. The basis for arguments to transfer water between categories of users will be strengthened and be more objective when the productivity in existing and alternative uses is known. The usefulness of such an approach is shown in the South African part of the Inkomati Basin, where according to the Water Act, water has to be reserved for basic human needs and to protect aquatic ecosystems. The opportunity costs, in terms of foregone EWP, of decisions to divert water away from agriculture are assessed. The results show that diverting water away from crops with a low CWP is not always the most cost-effective way in terms of foregone EWP.WatermanagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Basin-wide water accounting based on remote sensing data: An application for the Indus Basin

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    The paper demonstrates the application of a new water accounting plus (WA+) framework to produce information on depletion of water resources, storage change, and land and water productivity in the Indus basin. It shows how satellite-derived estimates of land use, rainfall, evaporation (E), transpiration (T), interception (I) and biomass production can be used in addition to measured basin outflow, for water accounting with WA+. It is demonstrated how the accounting results can be interpreted to identify existing issues and examine solutions for the future. The results for one selected year (2007) showed that total annual water depletion in the basin (501 km3) plus outflows (21 km3) exceeded total precipitation (482 km3). The water storage systems that were effected are groundwater storage (30 km3), surface water storage (9 km3), and glaciers and snow storage (2 km3). Evapotranspiration of rainfall or "landscape ET" was 344 km3 (69 % of total depletion). "Incremental ET" due to utilized flow was 157 km3 (31% of total depletion). Agriculture depleted 297 km3, or 59% of the total depletion, of which 85% (254 km3) was through irrigated agriculture and the remaining 15% (44 km3) through rainfed systems. Due to excessive soil evaporation in agricultural areas, half of all water depletion in the basin was non-beneficial. Based on the results of this accounting exercise loss of storage, low beneficial depletion, and low land and water productivity were identified as the main water resources management issues. Future scenarios to address these issues were chosen and their impacts on the Indus Basin water accounts were tested using the new WA+ framework.Water ManagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience