392 research outputs found

    La Guerra dels mots i els mots de la guerra : la invasió d'Iraq a través del discurs periodístic

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    La textualització dels fets noticiables col·labora d'una manera directa i fonamental en la construcció social de la realitat que ens envolta, perquè en configura un esquema conceptual en la ment dels receptors. Per elaborar aquest esquema, els periodistes decideixen la substitució lingüística dels participants humans que hi intervenen i de les seves actuacions, és a dir, la denominació dels actors i dels fets que aquests duen a terme. D'aquesta manera, els mitjans de comunicació transmeten l'estructura que el seu domini institucional -fortament mediatitzat pel domini polític- vol donar sobre el coneixement d'un camp temàtic concret. Nosaltres hem escollit el de la «guerra d'Iraq» i hem mirat la manera com cinc diaris generalistes que es llegeixen a Catalunya (ABC, Avui, El País, El Periódico i La Vanguardia) han narrativitzat els fets que van tenir lloc durant el període bèl·lic «oficial» (20/3/03-10/4/03), sobretot en els titulars i els primers paràgrafs de les notícies, enunciats en què es concentra la tematització dels elements.The textualization of newsworthy events collaborates in a direct and fundamental way in the social construction of the reality that surrounds us because, from it, a conceptual scheme is formed in the minds of the recipients. In order to elaborate this scheme, journalists determine the linguistic substitution of the intervening human participants, and of their actions; that is, they decide upon the denomination of the actors and events that they carry out. In this way, the mass media transmit the structure that their institutional domain -highly mediatized by the political domain- wishes to give about the knowledge of a given thematic field. We have chosen that of the «war in Iraq» and have assessed the manner in which five non-specialist newspapers published in Catalonia (ABC, Avui, El País, El Periódico and La Vanguardia) have narrativized the events that occurred during the «official» period of conflict (20/3/03 to 10/4/03), above all with respect to headlines and the initial paragraphs of the news, these being statements in which the thematization of the elements is established

    La construcció cultural de la identitat en el discurs del futbol

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    Enfermedad intestinal inflamatoria en perros : 58 casos (2000-2003)

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    El objetivo de este estudio retrospectivo es evaluar la historia clínica, los hallazgos histopatológicos y la respuesta al tratamiento descritos en 58 perros durante el periodo 2000-2003

    Television programs for teenagers and the use of multimodality in knowledge popularization

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    The aim of this work is to study the interaction of spoken words and images that are used within programs targeted to popularize knowledge among teenagers. We will look into the program Bit@bit developed by Televisió de Catalunya, which is intended to disseminate computer concepts, tools and procedures. In this kind of program, one can find spoken language (on/off screen voices, interviews, etc.), other oral material (sounds, music, songs), written language (descriptions, title sequences, inserts and Uniform Resource Locator, or electronic addresses), and other visual material (film cut images, advertising, other TV programs, cartoons, films, both location or studio images, depicting reality, or computer screens, or logotypes). The profusion of multimodal elements used in this program helps to keep the young audience's attention. The use of references to their world or knowledge, as a target group, is based on interplay among different semiotic strategies. At the same time, the entire program's multi-segmentation into short video clips, combined with a fast paced sound track helps its audience to understand the specialized explanations presented. Of all the multimodal wealth that the program presents, we will concentrate only on the relationship between the words and the images (leaving other secondary semiotics to one side), the main strategy for achieving the objective of transmitting knowledge and winning adolescent audience

    Editorial: Factors Influencing Biomarker Range Intervals in Farm Animals

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    A wide variety of biomarkers are used in farm animals for different purposes such as diagnostic testing, animal health monitoring, and serological surveillance and management of a farm. However, the presence of non-pathologic factors represents a challenge for valid and reliable biomarker use. These factors will influence reference interval (RI) and interpretation of biomarker test results. They are defined by intra-species genetic variability, and different physiological and environmental conditions, and their impact might be biological and/or analytical. In this special issue, our contributors have addressed some of the problems related with these factors. Harmonization of veterinary biomarker calibration procedures and reagents is also a must for the rationale use of biomarkers, as pointed out in one of the articles. Yu et al. studied the effects of several variables on the serum biochemical RIs in young animals: age, season of birth and sex in calves and age and sex in piglets. The study comprised unweaned calves (at 24 h and 2, 5, and 7 weeks of age) and piglets from weaning at 21 days old to 35 days of life. In calves, season of birth did not affect the distribution of values of the studied analytes while age-biased differences were noticed. The authors showed that hepatic enzymes, renal markers, antioxidant enzymes (glutatione..

    La construcció cultural de la identitat en el discurs del futbol /

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    Aquest treball va ser presentat en el 6è Congrés Internacional de Pragmàtica (Reims, 1998)Partint de la teoria sobre el discurs de Günthner i Knoblauch, Margarida Bassols analitza els "colour commentaries" i el "play-by-play mode" del partit Barcelona FC-Reial Madrid que va tenir lloc al Camp Nou la primeravera del 1997 i que va ser emès per Catalunya Ràdio i la COPE. El partit de futbol és una activitat social que contrueix la caracterització dels grups implicats, sobretot gràcies a les comparacions entre els adversaris, i les seves atribucions discursives permeten analitzar la metalingüística del corpus i la manera com ideologitzen l'estructura social