16 research outputs found

    La conservació dels valors naturals del Fluvià

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    Can Jordà

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    Els volcans salvats

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    Naiads and fish, coupled destiny: the case of basins of north-eastern Catalonia

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    Póster presentado en: 2nd International Seminar Rearing of unionoid mussels (Clervaux, Luxembourg - Tuesday 24th November – Friday 27th November 2015)Native unionids are among the most threatened groups, as a whole, of the fauna of the Iberian continental waters. Most species are currently in regression, and in fact many of these are cataloged at some level of threat, whether international, national or regional level. Several factors explain this situation, including the destruction or alteration of river habitats and declining water quality, but also the degradation of fish communities. In north-eastern Catalonia four species of naiads are considered native: Potomida littoralis, Unio mancus, Unio ravoisieri and Anodonta anatina. The conservation status of these species in Catalonia is uneven, but generally we can consider all of them highly threatened, given the clear regression observed in their distribution. Much of the historical citations are probably missing at present, or have become residual populations with very low population densities and often on the verge of local extinction due to lack of recent recruitment. In north-eastern Catalonia P. littoralis is in the worst situation, with only four known small populations, with a few observed living animals in each site. On the other hand, recently has been detected an exotic naiad, Sinanodonta woodiana, which is currently expanding. We give a general revision of the known populations of naiads on the area, on the basis of their current structure, and in relation with the recent evolution of local fish communities. In general, it is confirmed that the few native unionid populations with current regular recruitment are placed on river stretches with not severely modified fish communities. These fish communities are characterized by a stable presence of at least one native fish species, and also in general by the absence of exotic fish species, or at most a not stable presence. In contrast, the exotic S. woodiana is now expanding in areas where original fish communities are nowadays strongly altered, often without native fish species.Peer reviewe

    Infraestructura viària i sistema territorial. Identitat, natura, economia i participació : la variant d’Olot i l'encaix a les Preses i la Vall d'en Bas

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    Descripció del recurs: 21 d'octubre de 2015Aquest llibre exposa les reflexions i propostes per al traçat viari de l’eix Bracons al seu pas pels municipis de les Preses i de la Vall d’en Bas, considerant especialment la seva comptabilitat amb la continuïtat de l’activitat agrícola i la necessària reordenació de la seva travessera urbana. Es tracta d’una oportunitat per explorar noves metodologies i instruments per al planejament i projecte d’infraestructures. Es presenten els resultats del Workshop organitzat de forma coordinada entre un grup de recerca de la universitat (IntraScapeLab-EXIT-UPC) i una entitat del tercer sector ambiental (CST). L’objectiu és analitzar les interaccions entre infraestructura i territori des d’una lògica de projectes transversal que integri i articuli visions enginyeres, arquitectòniques, ambientals i patrimonials

    El Fluvià a la Garrotxa, un riu amb valor afegit

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