40 research outputs found

    A Autonomia da Vontade nos Contratos Internacionais do Comércio

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    Fashion industry, innovation and intellectual property / Indústria da moda, inovação e propriedade intelectual

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    Bearing in mind the absence of specific legal norm on “fashion design” and the lack of expertise of ourjudges, Brazilian courts have recognized some degree of protection for designs granted by the fashion industry.They do not deny protection, as the North Americans who exclude the utilitarian aspects, nor even declarerights as vast as in French law. The trend of the judged in Brazil is in an intermediate position. That is, they aimto encourage innovation, on the one hand, and on the other, limit copying, requiring incremental elements toprovide protection

    Copyright: exceptions, limitations and Three-Step-Test

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    A systematic and regulatory reflection of exceptions to Copyright is held up on the Convention of the Berne Union on the protection of literary and artistic works, base of the main models of exceptions and limitations to copyright, analyzing also the other normative instruments, as TRIPS / WTO. Briefly, the “three step test” provides assumptions relating to the right of reproduction by third parties, since it authorizes exceptions and limitations to copyright. The aim is to discuss the topic from the grounds of the Doctrine of Consistent Interpretation and the principle of Pacta Sunt Servanda, given that national legislation must be in harmony with the international system of intellectual property protection in order to balance copyright (moral and material) in the public interest, embodied in access to protected works, enabling the tutelage of issues related to education, research and access to information. Special reference is done to the application of the exceptions and limitations to copyright within the Internet ambit, from the interpretation of fair use.Uma reflexão sistemática e normativa das exceções aos direitos de Autor é realizada partindo-se da Convenção da União de Berna, relativa à proteção das obras literárias e artísticas, base dos principais modelos de exceções e limitações aos direitos de Autor, analisando também os demais instrumentos normativos, a exemplo do Acordo TRIPS/OMC. De maneira sucinta, a “regra dos três passos” (three step test) prevê hipóteses relacionadas ao direito de reprodução por terceiros, uma vez que autoriza exceções e limitações aos direitos autorais. Pretende-se discutir a temática a partir dos fundamentos da Doutrina da Interpretação Consistente (Doctrine of Consistente Interpretation) e do princípio do Pacta Sunt Servanda, uma vez que a legislação nacional deve estar em harmonia com o regime internacional de proteção à propriedade intelectual de forma a equilibrar direitos autorais (morais e materiais) e interesse público, consubstanciado no acesso a obras protegidas, possibilitando a tutela de questões relacionadas à educação, pesquisa e acesso à informação. Especial referência é feita à aplicação das exceções e limitações aos direitos de Autor no âmbito da Internet, a partir da interpretação do fair use

    Identification and immunogenic potential of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins in Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

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    In fungal pathogens the cell wall plays an important role in host-pathogen interactions because its molecular components (e.g., polysaccharides and proteins) may trigger immune responses during infection. GPI-anchored proteins represent the main protein class in the fungal cell wall where they can perform several functions, such as cell wall remodeling and adhesion to host tissues. Genomic analysis has identified the complement of GPI-anchored proteins in many fungal pathogens, but the function has remained unknown for most of them. Here, we conducted an RNA expression analysis of GPI-anchored proteins of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis which causes paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), an important human systemic mycosis endemic in Latin America. The expression of the GPI-anchored proteins was analyzed by quantitative PCR in both the mycelium and yeast forms. qPCR analysis revealed that the transcript levels of 22 of them were increased in hyphae and 10 in yeasts, respectively, while 14 did not show any significant difference in either form. Furthermore, we cloned 46 open reading frames and purified their corresponding GPI-anchored proteins in the budding yeast. Immunoblot and ELISA analysis of four purified GPI-anchored proteins revealed immune reactivity of these proteins against sera obtained from PCM patients. The information obtained in this study provides valuable information about the expression of many GPI-anchored proteins of unknown function. In addition, based on our immune analysis, some GPI-anchored proteins are expressed during infection and therefore, they might serve as good candidates for the development of new diagnostic methods

    Curso de Direito Internacional Privado

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 341.9 B322