393 research outputs found

    L’affermarsi di un legame commerciale: Savona e la Sardegna all’inizio del XIV secolo

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    ITALIANO: Basandosi sull’analisi degli atti rogati a Savona fra il 1323 e il 1328 da due notai genovesi, Lanfranco de Nazario e Giovanni Petracio, che avevano seguito i ghibellini esiliati nel 1317, l’autore individua le testimonianze del rafforzamento della linea commerciale che collegava la città ligure con la Sardegna e in particolare con i porti controllati dal consortile dei Doria. Ciò consente di evidenziare come già all’epoca Savona esercitasse un ruolo fondamentale in questi collegamenti dei quali risulta protagonista dopo la metà del Trecento, colmando almeno in parte la lacuna nelle nostre conoscenze dovuta alla perdita dei registri dei notai savonesi della seconda metà del XIII secolo e della prima metà del XIV. / ENGLISH: On the base of the notarial deeds drawn up in Savona between 1323 and 1328 by two Genoese notaries, Lanfranco de Nazario and Giovanni Petracio, which in 1317 followed the exiled Ghibellines, the author retraces the evidence of the strengthening of the commercial line that connected the Ligurian city with Sardinia and particularly with the ports under the control of the consortium of the Doria. This allows to highlight how already at that time Savona played a fundamental role in these links of which the city is the protagonist after the middle of the 14th century, bridging at least part of the gap in our knowledge due to the loss of the registers of the notaries of Savona of the second half of the 13th century and the first half of the 14th

    “Ferro, fame ac peste oppressa”: l'ammiraglio Bernat de Vilamarí e il blocco navale di Genova (1456-1458)

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    On the base of unpublished documents from the State Archive of Genoa, the Author retraces the phases of the naval blockade of Genoa by the Catalan-aragonese fleet led by admiral Bernat de Vilamarí in 1456-1458, which represented the last attempt by king Alphonse V the Magnani­mous to destroy the rival Sea-power in the struggle for the control of Wes­tern Mediterranean commercial routes.Sur la base des documents inédites de l'Archive d'Etat de Gênes, l’Auteur donne une reconstruction des phases du siège naval de Gênes par la flotte catalano-aragonaise commandée par l'amiral Bernat de Vilamarí en 1456-1458, que représentait le dernier tentative du roi Alphonse V le Magnanime de detruire la Puissance rivale dans la lutte pour la maîtrise des routes de la Meditéranée occidentale

    Strutture insediative ed espansione commerciale. La rete portuale genovese nel bacino del Mediterraneo.

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    Measuring DASH Streaming Performance from the End Users Perspective using Neubot

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    The popularity of DASH streaming is rapidly increasing and a number of commercial streaming services are adopting this new standard. While the benefits of building streaming services on top of the HTTP protocol are clear, further work is still necessary to evaluate and enhance the system performance from the perspective of the end user. Here we present a novel framework to evaluate the performance of rate-adaptation algorithms for DASH streaming using network measurements collected from more than a thousand Internet clients. Data, which have been made publicly available, are collected by a DASH module built on top of Neubot, an open source tool for the collection of network measurements. Some examples about the possible usage of the collected data are given, ranging from simple analysis and performance comparisons of download speeds to the performance simulation of alternative adaptation strategies using, e.g., the instantaneous available bandwidth value

    Visualizing Internet-Measurements Data for Research Purposes: the NeuViz Data Visualization Tool

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    In this paper we present NeuViz, a data processing and visualization architecture for network measurement experiments. NeuViz has been tailored to work on the data produced by Neubot (Net Neutrality Bot), an Internet bot that performs periodic, active network performance tests. We show that NeuViz is an effective tool to navigate Neubot data to identify cases (to be investigated with more specific network tests) in which a protocol seems discriminated. Also, we suggest how the information provided by the NeuViz Web API can help to automatically detect cases in which a protocol seems discriminated, to raise warnings or trigger more specific test

    The NeuViz Data Visualization Tool for Visualizing Internet-Measurements Data

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    In this paper we present NeuViz, a data processing and visualization architecture for network measurement experiments. NeuViz has been tailored to work on the data produced by Neubot (Net Neutrality Bot), an Internet bot that performs periodic, active network performance tests. We show that NeuViz is an effective tool to navigate Neubot data to identify cases (to be investigated with more specific network tests) in which a protocol seems discriminated. Also, we suggest how the information provided by the NeuViz Web API can help to automatically detect cases in which a protocol seems discriminated, to raise warnings or trigger more specific tests
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