1,798 research outputs found

    Exchangeable Random Networks

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    We introduce and study a class of exchangeable random graph ensembles. They can be used as statistical null models for empirical networks, and as a tool for theoretical investigations. We provide general theorems that carachterize the degree distribution of the ensemble graphs, together with some features that are important for applications, such as subgraph distributions and kernel of the adjacency matrix. These results are used to compare to other models of simple and complex networks. A particular case of directed networks with power-law out--degree is studied in more detail, as an example of the flexibility of the model in applications.Comment: to appear on "Internet Mathematics

    "Cloud" health-care workers.

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    Certain bacteria dispersed by health-care workers can cause hospital infections. Asymptomatic health-care workers colonized rectally, vaginally, or on the skin with group A streptococci have caused outbreaks of surgical site infection by airborne dispersal. Outbreaks have been associated with skin colonization or viral upper respiratory tract infection in a phenomenon of airborne dispersal of Staphylococcus aureus called the "cloud" phenomenon. This review summarizes the data supporting the existence of cloud health-care workers

    Staphylococcus aureus Infections in Injection Drug Users: Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies

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    Abstract. : Infections, in particular soft tissue infections (cellulitis, skin abscesses), are the leading cause for emergency department visits and hospital admissions of drug injection users (IDUs). Staphylococcus aureus is the most relevant bacterial pathogen in this population. It is the main cause of soft tissue infections and of severe infections such as endocarditis and bacteremia. Moreover, epidemic spread of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) among IDUs has occurred in Europe and North America. Nasal carriage of S. aureus is associated with an increased risk of subsequent S. aureus infections, and it has been shown that active IDUs have a higher rate of colonization with S. aureus than the general population. However, it is still unknown why an individual carries S. aureus. In particular, repeated injections do not appear to be the main predisposing factor for S. aureus carriage. Infections associated with injection drug use are frequently the consequence of the illegal status of street drugs. Harm reduction programs, including needle exchange programs, safer injecting facilities and injection opiate substitution programs can reduce the incidence of infections among severely addicted IDU

    Diagnostik der pulmonalen Tuberkulose beim Erwachsenen

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Inzidenz der pulmonalen Tuberkulose (TB) in Westeuropa nimmt ab. Dennoch ist sie vor allem bei Migranten und Immunsupprimierten (z.B. HIV) keine seltene Erkrankung. Bei Immunsupprimierten ist die Präsentation oft atypisch; generell unterschätzt die Klinik das Ausmaß der Erkrankung. Eine radiologische Abklärung und eine Untersuchung von 3sequenziell gewonnenen Sputa inklusive Mikroskopie, Kultur und Resistenztestung auf die Erstlinienmedikamente sind nötig zur Diagnosestellung. Der Tuberkulintest kommt vor allem bei der Diagnose der latenten TB und bei Umgebungsabklärungen zum Einsatz. Neuere Bluttests, basierend auf einem Nachweis von Interferon-g, welches durch antigenspezifische T-Zellen gebildet wird, haben gewisse Vorteile gegenüber dem Tuberkulintes

    Update on new research in Gram-negative infections European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2017 (22-25 April, Vienna, Austria)

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    European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2017 (22-25 April, Vienna, Austria). Collaborative studies between hospitals in Europe and across the USA provided new insights into assessing susceptibility patterns and optimizing antimicrobial therapy in patients with infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria, including carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Participatory design, beyond the local

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    This workshop aims at stimulating and opening a debate around the capacity of Participatory Design (PD) and other co-design approaches to deliver outcomes and methodologies that can have an impact and value for reuse well beyond the local context in which they were originally developed. This will be achieved by stimulating the submission of position papers by researchers from the PD community and beyond.These papers will be discussed during the workshop in order to identify challenges, obstacles but also potentials for scaling up PD processes and results from the local to the global.</p

    Kinetic models with randomly perturbed binary collisions

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    We introduce a class of Kac-like kinetic equations on the real line, with general random collisional rules, which include as particular cases models for wealth redistribution in an agent-based market or models for granular gases with a background heat bath. Conditions on these collisional rules which guarantee both the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium profiles and their main properties are found. We show that the characterization of these stationary solutions is of independent interest, since the same profiles are shown to be solutions of different evolution problems, both in the econophysics context and in the kinetic theory of rarefied gases

    Morphological differences in Parkinson's disease with and without rest tremor

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    Background : Rest tremor is a hallmark of Parkinson's disease (PD), but its pathogenesis remains incompletely understood. Nigro-striatal dopamine deficiency correlates best with bradykinesia, but not with tremor. Oscillating neurons in one or multiple localizations within the basal gangliathalamo-cortical loop may cause rest tremor, and an active contribution of the cerebellum and the cerebello-thalamo-cortical projections has been postulated. Objective : To compare the pattern of grey matter volume in PD patients with and without tremor to identify structural correlates of rest tremor. Methods : Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) of a high-resolution 3 Tesla, T1-weighted MR images, pre-processed according to an optimized protocol using SPM2, was performed in 24 patients with mild to moderate PD comparing local grey matter volume in patients with (n = 14) and without rest tremor (n = 10). Results : Grey matter volume is decreased in the right quadrangular lobe and declive of the cerebellum in PD with tremor compared to those without (PFDR < 0.05). Conclusions : These results demonstrate for the first time morphological changes in the cerebellum in PD patients with rest tremor and highlight the involvement of the cerebellum and cerebello- thalamo-cortical circuit in the pathogenesis of parkinsonian rest tremo

    Machine learning and multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria: An interesting combination for current and future research

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    The dissemination of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria (MDR-GNB) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in several countries. Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence that consists of conferring on computers the ability to learn from data. In this narrative review, we discuss three existing examples of the application of ML algorithms for assessing three different types of risk: (i) the risk of developing a MDR-GNB infection, (ii) the risk of MDR-GNB etiology in patients with an already clinically evident infection, and (iii) the risk of anticipating the emergence of MDR in GNB through the misuse of antibiotics. In the next few years, we expect to witness an increasingly large number of research studies perfecting the application of ML techniques in the field of MDR-GNB infections. Very importantly, this cannot be separated from the availability of a continuously refined and updated ethical framework allowing an appropriate use of the large datasets of medical data needed to build efficient ML-based support systems that could be shared through appropriate standard infrastructures

    Legionella bozemanii , an Elusive Agent of Fatal Cavitary Pneumonia

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    Abstract : A 67-year-old patient died of Legionella bozemanii pneumonia with negative urinary antigen and negative serology. Cystic lesions in pneumonia of unknown origin should lead to the differential diagnosis of L. bozemanii infection
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