297 research outputs found

    Denne side af Tavshed - Interview med Tobias Kelly

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    I anledning af udgivelsen af sin bog This Side of Silence. Human Rights, Torture, and the Recognition of Cruelty besøgte den britiske antropolog Tobias Kelly København i maj 2012. Mellem boglancering og videnskabelige seminarer mødte jeg Tobias Kelly på Rehabiliterings- og Forskningscenter for Torturofre i København til interview om det, der siges, men ingen hører, på baggrund af etnografisk feltarbejde blandt fagfolk i det britiske asylsystem

    A Abordagem Laparoscópica na Apendicite Aguda

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    Background: The appendectomy is the most frequently performed surgery in the Emergency Service. The introduction of the lapa- roscopic approach (LA) in the treatment of acute appendicitis has not received, in the surgical community, the same acceptance that it obtained in other acute conditions. With this work, the authors present the growing acceptance that the LA has been acquiring in the Surgical Service that they represent, and they also want to demonstrate the advantages of this approach towards the laparotomic approach. Materials and Methods: Observational retrospective study consisting of patients undergoing appendectomy for acute appendicitis between 01/11/2008 to 31/10/2010 in the Emergency Service of the CHTS, EPE. Results: In the presented series 477 patients were subjected to an appendectomy, 9,6% of which through an LA. For both surgical approaches, the average age was 33,1 years (CI 91%:29,6-37,4) to LA and 37,3 years (CI 91%:31,7-38, 9) to laparotomic approach, p = 0,11; the female gender represented 19,0% of patients undergoing LA and 42,0% of patients undergoing laparotomy, p = 0,03. The duration of the hospital stay in LA was 3,2 days (CI 91% :2,4-4, 0) and 4,2 days (CI 91%:3,9-4, 4) in the laparotomic approach, p = 0,041 ; postoperative complications occurred in 7,7% of patients undergoing laparotomy and 8,7% of patients receiving LA, p = 0,8. There was no mortal- ity in this series.Conclusions: The LA, in the treatment of acute appendicitis, increased considerably over the two years of the study. It allows better cosmetic results and shorter hospital stay. It revelas a complication rate similar to the one of the laparotomic approach and can be used safely in patients with complicated acute appendicitis.  Keywords: acute appendicitis, appendectomy, laparoscopic approach    Introdução: A apendicectomia é a cirurgia efectuada com mais frequência no Serviço de Urgência. A introdução da abordagem lapa- roscópica (AL) no tratamento da apendicite aguda não recebeu, na comunidade cirúrgica, a mesma aceitação que obteve em outras patologias agudas. Com este trabalho, os autores apresentam a crescente aceitação que a AL tem vindo a adquirir no Serviço Cirúr- gico que representam e pretendem, também, expor as vantagens desta abordagem em relação à abordagem laparotómica. Material e Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo observacional constituído por doentes submetidos a apendicectomia, por apendicite aguda, entre 01/11/2008 e 31/10/2010 no Serviço de Urgência do CHTS, EPE. Resultados: Na série apresentada foram submetidos a apendicec- tomia 477 doentes, 9,6% por AL. Para as duas abordagens cirúrgicas, a média de idades foi de 33,1 anos (IC 91%:29,6-37,4) para a AL e 37,3 anos (IC 91%:31,7-38,9) para a abordagem laparotómica, p=0,11; o género feminino representou 19,0% dos doentes submetidos a AL e 42,0% dos doentes submetidos a abordagem laparotómica, p=0,03. O tempo de internamento na AL foi de 3,2 dias (IC 91%:2,4-4,0) e 4,2 dias (IC 91%:3,9-4,4) na abordagem laparotómica, p=0,041; as complicações pós-operatórias ocorreram em 7,7% dos doentes submetidos a abordagem laparotómica e em 8,7% dos doentes submetidos a AL, p=0,8. A mortalidade foi nula nesta série. Conclusões: A AL, no tratamento da apendicite aguda, aumentou consideravelmente ao longo dos dois anos a que se refere o estudo. Permite obter melhores resultados estéticos e menor tempo de internamento. Apresenta uma taxa de complicações idêntica à abordagem laparotómica e pode ser utilizada, de forma segura, em doentes com apendicite aguda complicada. Palavras-Chave: apendicite aguda, apendicectomia, abordagem laparoscópica.

    Akt-dependent Activation of mTORC1 Complex Involves Phosphorylation of mTOR (Mammalian Target of Rapamycin) by IκB Kinase α (IKKα)

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    The serine/threonine protein kinase Akt promotes cell survival, growth, and proliferation through phosphorylation of different downstream substrates. A key effector of Akt is the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). Akt is known to stimulate mTORC1 activity through phosphorylation of tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2) and PRAS40, both negative regulators of mTOR activity. We previously reported that IκB kinase α (IKKα), a component of the kinase complex that leads to NF-κB activation, plays an important role in promoting mTORC1 activity downstream of activated Akt. Here, we demonstrate IKKα-dependent regulation of mTORC1 using multiple PTEN null cancer cell lines and an animal model with deletion of IKKα. Importantly, IKKα is shown to phosphorylate mTOR at serine 1415 in a manner dependent on Akt to promote mTORC1 activity. These results demonstrate that IKKα is an effector of Akt in promoting mTORC1 activity

    Addressing Reported Pro-Apoptotic Functions of NF-κB: Targeted Inhibition of Canonical NF-κB Enhances the Apoptotic Effects of Doxorubicin

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    The ability of the transcription factor NF-κB to upregulate anti-apoptotic proteins has been linked to the chemoresistance of solid tumors to standard chemotherapy. In contrast, recent studies have proposed that, in response to doxorubicin, NF-κB can be pro-apoptotic through repression of anti-apoptotic target genes. However, there is little evidence analyzing the outcome of NF-κB inhibition on the cytotoxicity of doxorubicin in studies describing pro-apoptotic NF-κB activity. In this study, we further characterize the activation of NF-κB in response to doxorubicin and evaluate its role in chemotherapy-induced cell death in sarcoma cells where NF-κB is reported to be pro-apoptotic. Doxorubicin treatment in U2OS cells induced canonical NF-κB activity as evidenced by increased nuclear accumulation of phosphorylated p65 at serine 536 and increased DNA–binding activity. Co-treatment with a small molecule IKKβ inhibitor, Compound A, abrogated this response. RT–PCR evaluation of anti-apoptotic gene expression revealed that doxorubicin-induced transcription of cIAP2 was inhibited by Compound A, while doxorubicin-induced repression of other anti-apoptotic genes was unaffected by Compound A or siRNA to p65. Furthermore, the combination of doxorubicin and canonical NF-κB inhibition with Compound A or siRNA to p65 resulted in decreased cell viability measured by trypan blue staining and MTS assay and increased apoptosis measured by cleaved poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase and cleaved caspase 3 when compared to doxorubicin alone. Our results demonstrate that doxorubicin-induced canonical NF-κB activity associated with phosphorylated p65 is anti-apoptotic in its function and that doxorubicin-induced repression of anti-apoptotic genes occurs independent of p65. Therefore, combination therapies incorporating NF-κB inhibitors together with standard chemotherapies remains a viable method to improve the clinical outcomes in patients with advanced stage malignancies

    Detection of Melanoma Nodal Metastases; Differences in Detection Between Elderly and Younger Patients Do Not Affect Survival

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    Background. Melanoma lymph nodes metastases may be detected by patients or by physicians. Understanding the outcomes of self-detection or physician detection is essential for the design of follow-up studies. We evaluated the role of the method of detection in nodal disease in the prognosis of melanoma patients who underwent therapeutic lymph node dissection (TLND). Materials and Methods. All melanoma patients with palpable lymph nodes were included in a prospective database (n = 98), and the method of detection was recorded. Detection of lymph node metastases compared with pathological findings in the TLND was assessed by multivariate logistic regression. Disease-free survival (DFS) and disease-specific survival (DSS) were assessed by univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazard analysis. Results. Nodal metastases were detected by physicians in 45% and by patients in 55% (P <0.001). Age was significantly associated with method of detection. Patients 60 years (odds ratio [OR] 0.3; P = 0.007). However, this was not associated with prognostic findings in TLND, number of positive nodes, tumor size, or extranodal spread. Method of detection or age at the time of nodal metastases was not significantly associated with 2-year DFS or DSS. Conclusions. 45% of all lymph node metastases in stage I-II melanoma patients are physician detected. Younger patients detect their own lymph node metastases significantly more often than elderly patients. However, neither the method of detection nor age correlates with DSS. More frequent follow-up would not alter DFS and DSS significantly

    TBK1 Kinase Addiction in Lung Cancer Cells Is Mediated via Autophagy of Tax1bp1/Ndp52 and Non-Canonical NF-kappa B Signalling

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    K-Ras dependent non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells are 'addicted' to basal autophagy that reprograms cellular metabolism in a lysosomal-sensitive manner. Here we demonstrate that the xenophagy-associated kinase TBK1 drives basal autophagy, consistent with its known requirement in K-Ras-dependent NSCLC proliferation. Furthermore, basal autophagy in this context is characterised by sequestration of the xenophagy cargo receptor Ndp52 and its paralogue Tax1bp1, which we demonstrate here to be a bona fide cargo receptor. Autophagy of these cargo receptors promotes non-canonical NF-κB signalling. We propose that this TBK1-dependent mechanism for NF-κB signalling contributes to autophagy addiction in K-Ras driven NSCLC

    Honokiol Arrests Cell Cycle, Induces Apoptosis, and Potentiates the Cytotoxic Effect of Gemcitabine in Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells

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    Survival rates for patients with pancreatic cancer are extremely poor due to its asymptomatic progression to advanced and metastatic stage for which current therapies remain largely ineffective. Therefore, novel therapeutic agents and treatment approaches are desired to improve the clinical outcome. In this study, we determined the effects of honokiol, a biologically active constituent of oriental medicinal herb Magnolia officinalis/grandiflora, on two pancreatic cancer cell lines, MiaPaCa and Panc1, alone and in combination with the standard chemotherapeutic drug, gemcitabine. Honokiol exerted growth inhibitory effects on both the pancreatic cancer cell lines by causing cell cycle arrest at G1 phase and induction of apoptosis. At the molecular level, honokiol markedly decreased the expression of cyclins (D1 and E) and cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdk2 and Cdk4), and caused an increase in Cdk inhibitors, p21 and p27. Furthermore, honokiol treatment led to augmentation of Bax/Bcl-2 and Bax/Bcl-xL ratios to favor apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells. These changes were accompanied by enhanced cytoplasmic accumulation of NF-κB with a concomitant decrease in nuclear fraction and reduced transcriptional activity of NF-κB responsive promoter. This was associated with decreased phosphorylation of inhibitor of kappa B alpha (IκB-α) causing its stabilization and thus increased cellular levels. Importantly, honokiol also potentiated the cytotoxic effects of gemcitabine, in part, by restricting the gemcitabine-induced nuclear accumulation of NF-κB in the treated pancreatic cancer cell lines. Altogether, these findings demonstrate, for the first time, the growth inhibitory effects of honokiol in pancreatic cancer and indicate its potential usefulness as a novel natural agent in prevention and therapy

    TNFR1 and TNFR2 regulate the extrinsic apoptotic pathway in myeloma cells by multiple mechanisms

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    The huge majority of myeloma cell lines express TNFR2 while a substantial subset of them failed to show TNFR1 expression. Stimulation of TNFR1 in the TNFR1-expressing subset of MM cell lines had no or only a very mild effect on cellular viability. Surprisingly, however, TNF stimulation enhanced cell death induction by CD95L and attenuated the apoptotic effect of TRAIL. The contrasting regulation of TRAIL- and CD95L-induced cell death by TNF could be traced back to the concomitant NFκB-mediated upregulation of CD95 and the antiapoptotic FLIP protein. It appeared that CD95 induction, due to its strength, overcompensated a rather moderate upregulation of FLIP so that the net effect of TNF-induced NFκB activation in the context of CD95 signaling is pro-apoptotic. TRAIL-induced cell death, however, was antagonized in response to TNF because in this context only the induction of FLIP is relevant. Stimulation of TNFR2 in myeloma cells leads to TRAF2 depletion. In line with this, we observed cell death induction in TNFR1-TNFR2-costimulated JJN3 cells. Our studies revealed that the TNF-TNF receptor system adjusts the responsiveness of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway in myeloma cells by multiple mechanisms that generate a highly context-dependent net effect on myeloma cell survival

    RIP4 inhibits STAT3 signaling to sustain lung adenocarcinoma differentiation.

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    Loss of epithelial differentiation and extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling are known to facilitate cancer progression and are associated with poor prognosis in patients with lung cancer. We have identified Receptor-interacting serine/threonine protein kinase 4 (RIP4) as a regulator of tumor differentiation in lung adenocarcinoma (AC). Bioinformatics analyses of human lung AC samples showed that poorly differentiated tumors express low levels of RIP4, whereas high levels are associated with better overall survival. In vitro, lung tumor cells expressing reduced RIP4 levels showed enhanced activation of STAT3 signaling and had a greater ability to invade through collagen. In contrast, overexpression of RIP4 inhibited STAT3 activation, which abrogated interleukin-6-dependent induction of lysyl oxidase, a collagen cross-linking enzyme. In an autochthonous mouse model of lung AC initiated by Kras(G12D) expression with loss of p53, Rip4 knockdown tumors progressed to a poorly differentiated state marked by an increase in Hmga2, reduced Ttf1, and enrichment of genes regulating extracellular remodeling and Jak-Stat signaling. Tail vein injections of cells overexpressing Rip4 showed a reduced potential to invade and form tumors, which was restored by co-expression of Stat3. Altogether, our work has identified that loss of RIP4 enhances STAT3 signaling in lung cancer cells, promoting the expression of ECM remodeling genes and cancer dedifferentiation

    Transcriptional Activation of TINF2, a Gene Encoding the Telomere-Associated Protein TIN2, by Sp1 and NF-κB Factors

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    The expression of the telomere-associated protein TIN2 has been shown to be essential for early embryonic development in mice and for development of a variety of human malignancies. Recently, germ-line mutations in TINF2, which encodes for the TIN2 protein, have been identified in a number of patients with bone-marrow failure syndromes. Yet, the molecular mechanisms that regulate TINF2 expression are largely unknown. To elucidate the mechanisms involved in human TINF2 regulation, we cloned a 2.7 kb genomic DNA fragment containing the putative promoter region and, through deletion analysis, identified a 406 bp region that functions as a minimal promoter. This promoter proximal region is predicted to contain several putative Sp1 and NF-κB binding sites based on bioinformatic analysis. Direct binding of the Sp1 and NF-κB transcription factors to the TIN2 promoter sequence was demonstrated by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and/or chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays. Transfection of a plasmid carrying the Sp1 transcription factor into Sp-deficient SL2 cells strongly activated TIN2 promoter-driven luciferase reporter expression. Similarly, the NF-κB molecules p50 and p65 were found to strongly activate luciferase expression in NF-κB knockout MEFs. Mutating the predicted transcription factor binding sites effectively reduced TIN2 promoter activity. Various known chemical inhibitors of Sp1 and NF-κB could also strongly inhibit TIN2 transcriptional activity. Collectively, our results demonstrate the important roles that Sp1 and NF-κB play in regulating the expression of the human telomere-binding protein TIN2, which can shed important light on its possible role in causing various forms of human diseases and cancers