5 research outputs found

    A study of socio-cultural elements in common proverbs in Khorasan Razavi with emphasis on Kashmar city

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    One of the manifestations of culture and civilization and even literature of any country is the proverbs, rulings and short and rich words that arise from the greats of science and literature or from the common people and in our vast and ancient language there are thousands of proverbs and words Which has taste, thought and kindness and good interpretation in saying the meaning. The people of a society, when they find their experiences and reserves and those of the past as accepted and certain facts, express them in short sentences, in the form of poetry or prose, so that when they use them, the audience Immerse yourself in deep thought and leave a lasting impression on him. In fact, proverbs are the essence of a nation's collective wisdom that has been polished over time and passed down to us heart to heart. In our country, due to its ancient history, there are many proverbs. Although in different Iranian ethnic groups these proverbs have differences in language and dialect, but many of them are common in terms of meaning or concept. This article tries to examine the socio-cultural elements of the proverbs common in Kashmar city, its roots, dialect and their uses

    A study of socio-cultural elements in common proverbs in Khorasan Razavi with emphasis on Kashmar city

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    One of the manifestations of culture and civilization and even literature of any country is the proverbs, rulings and short and rich words that arise from the greats of science and literature or from the common people and in our vast and ancient language there are thousands of proverbs and words Which has taste, thought and kindness and good interpretation in saying the meaning. The people of a society, when they find their experiences and reserves and those of the past as accepted and certain facts, express them in short sentences, in the form of poetry or prose, so that when they use them, the audience Immerse yourself in deep thought and leave a lasting impression on him. In fact, proverbs are the essence of a nation's collective wisdom that has been polished over time and passed down to us heart to heart. In our country, due to its ancient history, there are many proverbs. Although in different Iranian ethnic groups these proverbs have differences in language and dialect, but many of them are common in terms of meaning or concept. This article tries to examine the socio-cultural elements of the proverbs common in Kashmar city, its roots, dialect and their uses

    The manifestation of patriotism and social and political themes in Oriental poems Kashani's

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    Khavari Kashani, nicknamed Fakhr al-Waizin and the language of Islam, which is one of the titles bestowed on him by Muzaffar al-Din Shah, is one of the poets of the constitutional period whose research on his poems has not been observed. In addition to being a poet, he is a journalist and with his poetry and prose tools, he has patriotic and political poems that show the poet's social commitment. He criticizes the Shah, the courtiers, and the foreign colonizers (Russia and Britain) in a strange way, and his poems on the homeland are among the best poems of the constitutional era. The reflection of many political and social events of this period can be seen in Oriental poetry. Patriotism, xenophobia, critique of moral, cultural and social vices, and freedom-seeking are among the themes found in his poems, which we will address in this article. In most of these cases, he has presented his message and critique by using allegory.Khavari Kashani, apodado Fakhr al-Waizin y el lenguaje del Islam, que es uno de los títulos que le otorgó Muzaffar al-Din Shah, es uno de los poetas del período constitucional cuya investigación sobre sus poemas no se ha observado. Además de ser poeta, es periodista y, con sus herramientas de poesía y prosa, tiene poemas patrióticos y políticos que muestran el compromiso social del poeta. Critica al Shah, a los cortesanos y a los colonizadores extranjeros (Rusia y Gran Bretaña) de una manera extraña, y sus poemas sobre la patria se encuentran entre los mejores poemas de la era constitucional. El reflejo de muchos eventos políticos y sociales de este período se puede ver en la poesía oriental. El patriotismo, la xenofobia, la crítica de los vicios morales, culturales y sociales, y la búsqueda de la libertad son algunos de los temas encontrados en sus poemas, que abordaremos en este artículo. En la mayoría de estos casos, ha presentado su mensaje y crítica utilizando alegorías

    A study of socio-cultural elements in common proverbs in Khorasan Razavi with emphasis on Kashmar city

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    One of the manifestations of culture and civilization and even literature of any country is the proverbs, rulings and short and rich words that arise from the greats of science and literature or from the common people and in our vast and ancient language there are thousands of proverbs and words Which has taste, thought and kindness and good interpretation in saying the meaning. The people of a society, when they find their experiences and reserves and those of the past as accepted and certain facts, express them in short sentences, in the form of poetry or prose, so that when they use them, the audience Immerse yourself in deep thought and leave a lasting impression on him. In fact, proverbs are the essence of a nation's collective wisdom that has been polished over time and passed down to us heart to heart. In our country, due to its ancient history, there are many proverbs. Although in different Iranian ethnic groups these proverbs have differences in language and dialect, but many of them are common in terms of meaning or concept. This article tries to examine the socio-cultural elements of the proverbs common in Kashmar city, its roots, dialect and their uses.Una de las manifestaciones de la cultura y civilización e incluso la literatura de cualquier país son los refranes, sentencias y palabras cortas y ricas que surgen de los grandes de la ciencia y la literatura o de la gente común y en nuestro vasto y antiguo idioma hay miles de refranes. y palabras Que tienen gusto, pensamiento y amabilidad y buena interpretación al decir el significado. Las personas de una sociedad, cuando encuentran sus experiencias y reservas y las del pasado como aceptadas y ciertos hechos, las expresan en frases cortas, en forma de poesía o prosa, para que cuando las utilicen, el público se sumerja en pensamiento profundo y dejar una impresión duradera en él. De hecho, los proverbios son la esencia de la sabiduría colectiva de una nación que ha sido pulida con el tiempo y transmitida de corazón a corazón. En nuestro país, debido a su historia milenaria, existen muchos refranes. Aunque en diferentes grupos étnicos iraníes estos proverbios tienen diferencias de idioma y dialecto, muchos de ellos son comunes en términos de significado o concepto. Este artículo intenta examinar los elementos socioculturales de los proverbios comunes en la ciudad de Kashmar, sus raíces, dialecto y sus uso