571 research outputs found

    Description of the Ds∗(2320)D^*_s(2320) resonance as the DπD\pi atom

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    We discuss the possibility that the recently reported resonance in the Dsπ0D_s \pi^0 spectrum can be described in terms of residual DπD\pi interactions.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figur

    Archaeology of Atafu, Tokelau: Some initial results from 2008

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    Surface survey, shovel testing, and stratigraphic excavations were done on Atafu Atoll in Tokelau during August 2008. Initial results suggest that Fale Islet has the most potential for further archaeological research. Dense cultural deposits on this islet are >1 m (39 in.) deep. Cultural material recovered includes food bone, fire-affected volcanic rock, tool-grade basalt flakes and tool fragments, Tridacna shell adzes, and pearl-shell fishhook fragments. Dog bone occurs from the earliest deposits through to the late prehistoric, while pig bone is found only in historic contexts. Fish bone is common throughout, and, with the exception of Tridacna, there are few edible mollusk remains. Initial EDXRF (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence) analyses have found the basalt to be consistent with documented sources on Tutuila, Samoa. Basal radiocarbon dates from two excavation units are 660-540 cal. BP and 500-310 cal. BP (at 2σ)

    Participation des médecins aux séances scientifiques planifiées

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    Background: Physician participation in regularly scheduled series (RSS), also known as grand rounds, was explored with a particular focus on physician perceptions about the elements that affected their engagement in RSS and the unanticipated benefits to RSS. Methods: A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis examined physicians’ perception of their knowledge and educational needs and the factors that contributed to engagement in their local hospital RSS. Results: Physician engagement in RSS was affected by four major themes: Features that Affect the RSS’ Quality; Collegial Interactions; Perceived Outcomes of RSS; and Barriers to participation in RSS. Features that Affect RSS’ Quality were specific modifiable features that impacted the perceived quality of the RSS. Collegial Interactions were interactions that occurred between colleagues directly or indirectly as a result of attending RSS. Outcomes of RSS were specific outcome measures used in RSS sessions. Barriers were seen as reasons why physicians were unwilling or unable to participate in RSS. All of the elements identified within the four themes contributed to the development of physician engagement. Physicians also identified changes directly and indirectly due to RSS. Discussion: Specific features of RSS result in enhanced physician engagement. There are benefits that may not be accounted for in continuing medical education (CME) outcome study designsContexte : Nous examinons la participation des mĂ©decins aux sĂ©ries de confĂ©rences planifiĂ©es (SCP) planifiĂ©es Ă  l’avance, Ă©galement connues sous le nom de sĂ©ances scientifiques, plus particuliĂšrement sous l’angle des perceptions des mĂ©decins quant aux Ă©lĂ©ments qui ont dĂ©terminĂ© leur participation et quant aux avantages inattendus des SAR. MĂ©thode : La perception qu'ont les mĂ©decins de leurs connaissances et de leurs besoins de formation, ainsi que des facteurs qui les ont poussĂ©s Ă  participer aux SCP de leur hĂŽpital sont examinĂ©s par le biais d’une Ă©tude qualitative comprenant des entretiens semi-dirigĂ©s et une analyse thĂ©matique. RĂ©sultats : Les facteurs qui dĂ©terminent la participation des mĂ©decins aux SCP se classent en quatre grands thĂšmes : les caractĂ©ristiques qui affectent la qualitĂ© des SCP, l’interaction entre collĂšgues, les rĂ©sultats perçus des SAR et les obstacles Ă  leur participation aux SCP. Les premiĂšres sont des caractĂ©ristiques modifiables prĂ©cises, qui influencent la qualitĂ© perçue des SCP. Les secondes sont les interactions entre collĂšgues qui se produisent directement ou indirectement Ă  la suite de la participation Ă  une SCP. Les rĂ©sultats des SCP sont des indicateurs de rĂ©sultats prĂ©cis utilisĂ©s dans les sĂ©ances d’activitĂ©s rĂ©guliĂšres. Sont considĂ©rĂ©s comme obstacles les raisons pour lesquelles les mĂ©decins ne voulaient pas ou ne pouvaient pas prendre part aux SCP. Tous les Ă©lĂ©ments dĂ©celĂ©s de chacun des quatre thĂšmes ont contribuĂ© Ă  favoriser la participation des mĂ©decins. Les mĂ©decins ont Ă©galement trouvĂ© des changements qui sont directement ou indirectement liĂ©s aux SCP. Discussion : Certains traits spĂ©cifiques des SCP favorisent une participation accrue des mĂ©decins. Il est possible que les Ă©tudes de rĂ©sultats du dĂ©veloppement professionnel continu (DPC) ne tiennent pas compte de tous les avantages que les SCP procurent

    Scrum for product innovation : a longitudinal embedded case study

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    This article describes the innovation processes used in a partnership between Add Latent Ltd., an asset integrity and maintenance management consulting services provider in the energy sector and University of Salford. The challenge faced by the company is to make their in-house expertise more readily available to a worldwide audience. A longitudinal embedded case study has been used to investigate how installable desktop software applications have been redesigned to create a new set of cloud hosted software services. The innovation team adapted an agile scrum process to include exploratory prototyping and manage the geographical distribution of the team members. A minimum viable product was developed that integrated functional elements of previous software tools into an end-to-end data collection, analysis and visualisation product called AimHi which uses a cloud-hosted web services approach. Field trials were conducted using the software at the Uniper, Isle of Grain power station in Kent, UK. Enhancements were made to the AimHi product which was adopted for use at the Uniper site. The product emerged from a Knwledge Transfer Partnership whci was evaluated on cmplettion by InnovateUK and awarded the highest possible “outstanding” grade. The article illustrates how the scrum software development method was tailored for a product innovation context. Extended periods of evaluation and reflection, prototyping and requirement refinement were combined with periods of incremental feature development using sprints. The AimHi product emerged from a technology transfer and innovation project that has successfully reconciled conflicting demands from customers, universities, partner companies and project staff members

    Guest Artist: The Adam Larson Trio

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    Kemp Recital HallOctober 5, 2015Monday Evening7:00 p.m

    Nine quick tips for efficient bioinformatics curriculum development and training.

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    Biomedical research is becoming increasingly data driven. New technologies that generate large-scale, complex data are continually emerging and evolving. As a result, there is a concurrent need for training researchers to use and understand new computational tools. Here we describe an efficient and effective approach to developing curriculum materials that can be deployed in a research environment to meet this need

    Experienced physicians benefit from analyzing initial diagnostic hypotheses

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    Background: Most incorrect diagnoses involve at least one cognitive error, of which premature closure is the most prevalent. While metacognitive strategies can mitigate premature closure in inexperienced learners, these are rarely studied in experienced physicians. Our objective here was to evaluate the effect of analytic information processing on diagnostic performance of nephrologists and nephrology residents. Methods: We asked nine nephrologists and six nephrology residents at the University of Calgary and Glasgow University to diagnose ten nephrology cases. We provided presenting features along with contextual information, after which we asked for an initial diagnosis. We then primed participants to use either hypothetico-deductive reasoning or scheme-inductive reasoning to analyze the remaining case data and generate a final diagnosis. Results: After analyzing initial hypotheses, both nephrologists and residents improved the accuracy of final diagnoses (31.1% vs. 65.6%, p < 0.001, and 40.0% vs. 70.0%, p < 0.001, respectively). We found a significant interaction between experience and analytic processing strategy (p = 0.002): nephrology residents had significantly increased odds of diagnostic success when using scheme-inductive reasoning (odds ratio [95% confidence interval] 5.69 [1.59, 20.33], p = 0.007), whereas the performance of experienced nephrologists did not differ between strategies (odds ratio 0.57 [0.23, 1.39], p = 0.2). Discussion: Experienced nephrologists and nephrology residents can improve their performance by analyzing initial diagnostic hypotheses. The explanation of the interaction between experience and the effect of different reasoning strategies is unclear, but may relate to preferences in reasoning strategy, or the changes in knowledge structure with experience

    The impact of nocturnal hemodialysis on sexual function

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    BACKGROUND: Sexual dysfunction is common in patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) and treatment options are limited. Observational studies suggest that nocturnal hemodialysis may improve sexual function. We compared sexual activity and responses to sexual related questions in the Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form questionnaire among patients randomized to frequent nocturnal or thrice weekly conventional hemodialysis. METHODS: We performed a secondary analysis of data from an RCT which enrolled 51 patients comparing frequent nocturnal and conventional thrice weekly hemodialysis. Sexual activity and responses to sexual related questions were assessed at baseline and six months using relevant questions from the Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form questionnaire. RESULTS: Overall, there was no difference in sexual activity, or the extent to which people were bothered by the impact of kidney disease on their sex life between the two groups between randomization and 6 months. However, women and patients age < 60 who were randomized to frequent nocturnal hemodialysis were less bothered by the impact of kidney disease on their sex life at 6 months, compared with patients allocated to conventional hemodialysis (p = 0.005 and p = 0.024 respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that frequent nocturnal hemodialysis is not associated with an improvement in sexual activity in all patients but might have an effect on the burden of kidney disease on sex life in women and patients less than 60 years of age. The validity of these subgroup findings require confirmation in future RCTs

    Being ethically minded: Practising the scholarship of teaching and learning in an ethical manner

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    This article was published as Being ethically minded: Practising the scholarship of teaching and learning in an ethical manner in Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 1(2), 2013, pp. 23-32. No part of this article may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or distributed, in any form, by any means, electronic, mechanical, photographic, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Indiana University Press. For educational re-use, please contact the Copyright Clearance Center (508-744-3350). For all other permissions, please visit Indiana University Press' permissions page.The authors propose a working definition of ethical SoTL, an ethical framework for SoTL inquiry, and present a case study that illustrates the complexity of ethical issues in SoTL. The Ethical SoTL Matrix is a flexible framework designed to support SoTL practitioners, particularly in the formative stages of their inquiries. Three dominant ethical traditions form the basis of the matrix: teleological or pragmatic, external, and deontological. The key message of the paper is that SoTL practitioners should reflect on different perspectives in their efforts to do what is right in any given situation. The matrix introduces three dominant ethical traditions, but SoTL practitioners may ultimately move beyond these traditions to explore a range of ethical considerations appropriate to their projects and disciplines

    Alcohol and Its Relationship to Family Work Conflict

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    Alcohol has tension reducing properties, and there is evidence that people consume alcohol to reduce stressors in their lives. Conflict between work and family is a common stressor for workers. This project analyzes the relationship between work-family conflict and alcohol consumption in a sample of 81 non-professional working parents. Contrary to our hypothesis, work-family conflict was not related to either the quantity or frequency of alcohol consumption. In contrast, family-to-work conflict was related to lower alcohol consumption
