7,528 research outputs found

    Cation mono- and co-doped anatase TiO2_2 nanotubes: An {\em ab initio} investigation of electronic and optical properties

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    The structural, electronic, and optical properties of metal (Si, Ge, Sn, and Pb) mono- and co-doped anatase TiO2_{2} nanotubes are investigated, in order to elucidate their potential for photocatalytic applications. It is found that Si doped TiO2_{2} nanotubes are more stable than those doped with Ge, Sn, or Pb. All dopants lower the band gap, except the (Ge, Sn) co-doped structure, the decrease depending on the concentration and the type of dopant. Correspondingly, a redshift in the optical properties for all kinds of dopings is obtained. Even though a Pb mono- and co-doped TiO2_{2} nanotube has the lowest band gap, these systems are not suitable for water splitting, due to the location of the conduction band edges, in contrast to Si, Ge, and Sn mono-doped TiO2_{2} nanotubes. On the other hand, co-doping of TiO2_{2} does not improve its photocatalytic properties. Our findings are consistent with recent experiments which show an enhancement of light absorption for Si and Sn doped TiO2_{2} nanotubes.Comment: revised and updated, 23 pages (preprint style), 7 figures, 5 table

    A gas flow indicator for portable life support systems

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    A three-part program was conducted to develop a gas flow indicator (GFI) to monitor ventilation flow in a portable life support system. The first program phase identified concepts which could potentially meet the GFI requirements. In the second phase, a working breadboard GFI, based on the concept of a pressure sensing diaphragm-aneroid assembly connected to a venturi, was constructed and tested. Extensive testing of the breadboard GFI indicated that the design would meet all NASA requirements including eliminating problems experienced with the ventilation flow sensor used in the Apollo program. In the third program phase, an optimized GFI was designed by utilizing test data obtained on the breadboard unit. A prototype unit was constructed using prototype materials and fabrication techniques, and performance tests indicated that the prototype GFI met or exceeded all requirements

    Ion-tracer anemometer

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    Gas velocity measuring instrument measures transport time of ion-trace traveling fixed distance between ionization probe and detector probe. Electric field superimposes drift velocity onto flow velocity so travel times can be reduced to minimize ion diffusion effects

    Study of dopants for radiation-resistant silicon Final report

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    Radiation effects on electrical properties of both aluminum and lithium doped bulk silico

    A Game of Attribute Decomposition for Software Architecture Design

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    Attribute-driven software architecture design aims to provide decision support by taking into account the quality attributes of softwares. A central question in this process is: What architecture design best fulfills the desirable software requirements? To answer this question, a system designer needs to make tradeoffs among several potentially conflicting quality attributes. Such decisions are normally ad-hoc and rely heavily on experiences. We propose a mathematical approach to tackle this problem. Game theory naturally provides the basic language: Players represent requirements, and strategies involve setting up coalitions among the players. In this way we propose a novel model, called decomposition game, for attribute-driven design. We present its solution concept based on the notion of cohesion and expansion-freedom and prove that a solution always exists. We then investigate the computational complexity of obtaining a solution. The game model and the algorithms may serve as a general framework for providing useful guidance for software architecture design. We present our results through running examples and a case study on a real-life software project.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, a shorter version to appear at 12th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2015

    Effect of a standardised dietary restriction protocol on multiple laboratory strains of Drosophila melanogaster

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    Background: Outcomes of lifespan studies in model organisms are particularly susceptible to variations in technical procedures. This is especially true of dietary restriction, which is implemented in many different ways among laboratories. Principal Findings: In this study, we have examined the effect of laboratory stock maintenance, genotype differences and microbial infection on the ability of dietary restriction (DR) to extend life in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. None of these factors block the DR effect. Conclusions: These data lend support to the idea that nutrient restriction genuinely extends lifespan in flies, and that any mechanistic discoveries made with this model are of potential relevance to the determinants of lifespan in other organisms

    Color Screening and the Suppression of the Charmonium State Yield in Nuclear Reactions

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    We discuss the new data for the production of the ψ′\psi' meson in pA collisions at 450 GeV at CERN-SPS (of the NA50-collaboration) [1]. We extract from the CERN data σ(ψ′N)≈8\sigma(\psi' N)\approx 8 mb under the assumption that the ψ′\psi' is produced as a result of the space-time evolution of a point-like ccˉc\bar c pair which expands with time to the full size of the charmonium state. In the analysis we assume the existence of a relationship between the distribution of color in a hadron and the cross section of its interaction with a nucleon. However, our result is rather sensitive to the pattern of the expansion of the wave packet and significantly larger values of σ(ψ′N)\sigma(\psi' N) are not ruled out by the data. We show that recent CERN data confirm the suggestion of [2] that color fluctuations of the strengths in charmonium-nucleon interaction are the major source of suppression of the J/ψJ/\psi yield as observed at CERN in both pA and AA collisions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures (one with color

    Selection of mild virus strains of fanleaf degeneration by comparative field performance of infected grapevines

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    Healthy clones of Vitis vinifera L. cultivars Klevener de Heiligenstein, Chardonnay and Pinot noir were graft-inoculated with one clone of the rootstock Kober 5BB infected with potential mild strains of arabis mosaic virus (ArMV-Ta) or grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV-CB844 or -F13). Such infected vines were planted in a nematode-free replant site and screened for comparative field performance on pruning weight, crop yield, bunch weight, and sugar content over a 5-year period. ArMV-Ta had the mildest impact on both vigor and yield for all three V. vinifera cultivars tested. The impact of ArMV-Ta, along with the other two GFLV strains, was much less evident during the last two years of the trial. Based on these results, ArMV-Ta was selected as a potential mild strain for cross-protection to control fanleaf degeneration. Our field trial also showed that field performance of infected vines was not affected by the vein mosaic virus-like disease

    Collision Thermalization of Nucleons in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    We consider a possible mechanism of thermalization of nucleons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Our model belongs, to a certain degree, to the transport ones; we investigate the evolution of the system created in nucleus-nucleus collision, but we parametrize this development by the number of collisions of every particle during evolution rather than by the time variable. We based on the assumption that the nucleon momentum transfer after several nucleon-nucleon (-hadron) elastic and inelastic collisions becomes a random quantity driven by a proper distribution. This randomization results in a smearing of the nucleon momenta about their initial values and, as a consequence, in their partial isotropization and thermalization. The trial evaluation is made in the framework of a toy model. We show that the proposed scheme can be used for extraction of the physical information from experimental data on nucleon rapidity distribution.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Beat-wave generation of plasmons in semiconductor plasmas

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    It is shown that in semiconductor plasmas, it is possible to generate large amplitude plasma waves by the beating of two laser beams with frequency difference close to the plasma frequency. For narrow gap semiconductors (for example n-type InSb), the system can simulate the physics underlying beat wave generation in relativistic gaseous plasmas.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex, no figures, no macro
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