403 research outputs found

    Ecology of benthic ostracoda from off Rameswaram, southeast coast of india

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    Ostracoda are bivalve crustacean that live in marine through brackish environment. The study area is off Rameswaram in the Palk Bay. The latitude and longitude are N 9°17' and from E 79º19' to 79º25'. As Rameswaram and its environ experiences four types of seasons in a year, namely, Winter (January - March), Summer (April - June), Southwest monsoon (July - September) and Northeast monsoon (October - December), ten sediment and bottom water samples were collected during every season, totaling to forty in a year. The Depth, Temperature, pH, Salinity, Dissolved oxygen and Nutrients regarding water samples and CaC03 and Organic matter in sediments were determined apart from the type of sediment. A portion of the sediment sample from each location during every season were preserved in the field using 10% formalin and latter processed in the laboratory for determining and counting of living and total population of benthic Ostracoda. Individual species of Ostracoda were identified and their living and total population were determined from every samples for all seasons. Based on the size of the population, widespread and abundantly occurring nature, the ecology of six species were computed. The six species are 1) Loxoconcha lilljeborgii Brady, 2) Mutilus pentoekensis (Kingma), 3) Neocytheretta murilineata Zhao and Whatley, 4) Neomonoceratina iniqua Brady, 5) Tanella gracilis Kingma, and 6) Xestoleberis variegata Brady. The population size of all these six species exceeds 62% of the total population size during all the seasons

    Arabidopsis GLAUCE promotes fertilization-independent endosperm development and expression of paternally inherited alleles

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    Early seed development of sexually reproducing plants requires both maternal and paternal genomes but is prominently maternally influenced. A novel gametophytic maternal-effect mutant defective in early embryo and endosperm development, glauce ( glc), has been isolated from a population of Arabidopsis Ds transposon insertion lines. The glc mutation results from a deletion at the Ds insertion site, and the molecular identity of GLC is not known. glc embryos can develop up to the globular stage in the absence of endosperm and glc central cells appear to be unfertilized. glc suppresses autonomous endosperm development observed in the fertilization-independent seed ( fis) class mutants. glc is also epistatic to mea, one of the fis class mutants, in fertilized seeds, and is essential for the biparental embryonic expression of PHE1, a repressed downstream target of MEA. In addition, maternal GLC function is required for the paternal embryonic expression of the ribosome protein gene RPS5a and the AMP deaminase gene FAC1, both of which are essential for early embryo and endosperm development. These results indicate that factors derived from the female gametophyte activate a subset of the paternal genome of fertilized seeds

    The New Method Developed for Evaluation of Anthelmintic Activity by Housefly Worms and Compared with Conventional Earthworm Method

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    Evaluation of anthelmintic activity of any drug when carried out in laboratory conditions by using the isolated worms from nature cannot be adaptable with artificial laboratory conditions. Therefore, the present study aims at developing a new adaptable method for evaluation of anthelmintic activity. The present anthelmintic activity study reveals a new methodology with housefly worms cultured in laboratory conditions that resemble parasitic pinworms found in human being. We studied the anthelmintic activities of various drugs on housefly worms and earthworms. The results showed that the housefly worms had taken more time for paralysis and death. Even after paralysis the time taken for death is more in housefly worms in spite of smaller size and lesser weight of the worms compared to earthworms. The study concluded that the earthworms have not adapted to the artificial laboratory conditions leading to erratic results. Therefore, culturing of housefly worms was carried out to evaluate the anthelmintic activity and found an easy, prominent, eco-friendly, and reproducible method in all aspects such as equal age, size, and weight of worms used for the experiment

    Underwater Ambient Noise

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    Underwater ambient noise is primarily a background noise which is a function of time, location, and depth. Background baseline of the noise in ocean is represented by ambient noise generated from the ocean surface due to wind and rain. This understanding pertained to ambient noise under various conditions will help in improving the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of marine instruments. It is of prime importance to detect the signals such as sound of a submarine or echo from a target surpassing this ambient noise. Ambient noise excludes all forms of self noise, such as the noise of current flow around the measurement hydrophone and its supporting structure. It should also exclude all forms of electrical noise. It is also defined as the residual noise that remains after all easily identifiable sound sources are eliminated. In the absence of sound from ships and marine life, underwater ambient noise levels (NL) are dependent mainly on wind speeds at frequencies between 100 Hz and 25 KHz

    Effect of Gymnema montanum Leaves on Serum and Tissue Lipids in Alloxan Diabetic Rats

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    The effect of Gymnema montanum leaves on alloxaninduced hyperlipidemia was studied in male Wistar rats. Ethanolic extract of G. montanum leaves was administered orally and different doses of the extract on blood glucose, serum and tissue lipids, hexokinase, glucose-6-phosphatase, thiobarbituric acid–reactive substances (TBARS), hydroperoxides, and glutathione in alloxan-induced diabetic rats were studied. G. montanum leaf extract (GLEt) at doses of 50, 100, 200 mg/kg body weight for 3 weeks suppressed the elevated blood glucose and lipid levels in diabetic rats. GLEt at 200 mg/kg body weight was found to be comparable to glibenclamide, a reference drug. These data indicate that G. montanum represents an effective antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic adjunct for the treatment of diabetes and a potential source of discovery of new orally active agent for future therapy

    Study on The Application of Processed Municipal Solid Waste Ash for Sustainable Construction Materials

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    The total amount of solid trash produced in India is 160038.9 TPD, according to the Annual Report on Solid Waste Management (2020–21), CPCB, Delhi. Out of which, Tamil Nadu created 13422 TPD of solid waste, of which 9430.35 TPD was processed, and 2301.04 TPD was landfilled. The researchers have been forced to look at alternative processes and materials for the manufacturing of construction materials utilizing processed municipal solid waste ash (PMSWA) due to the increased demand for environmentally friendly and sustainable products. This research work focused on the replacement of fine aggregate by (0%, 10%, 30% and 50%) Processed Municipal Solid Waste Ash (PMSWA) in the Solid Blocks. This research enhances the sustainable material development in the construction industry. SEM study showed that specimens with CTR do not have any cracking on their fracture surfaces, unlike samples without CTR. This study examines the material’s physical characteristics, including its mechanical attributes like compressive strength and flexural strength as well as its chemical composition using XRF. It demonstrates that the substitution or addition of PMSWA to construction materials is appropriate, cost-effective, and safe