810 research outputs found

    Skenario Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa

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    The high level of unemployment in Indonesia, one of them caused by low entrepreneurial activity (entrepreneurial activity). University of Bandar Lampung (UBL) as one of the universities in Lampung province is determined to become one of the colleges that play an important role in overcoming the problem of unemployment. The efforts will be made by the UBL is to develop students entrepreneurial spirit. With the development of entrepreneurship graduates UBL is expected to have a paradigm shift in addition to the job-seekers also have the paradigm as a job-creator. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors influencing the development of entrepreneurship students at the University of Bandar Lampung, and analyzes entrepreneurship development scenarios student at the University of Bandar Lampung. Data and information processed by using the framework of decision analysis with multiple criteria. Analysis tool used is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) which data processing is done by using Expert Choice software v.11. The results showed that the development of entrepreneurship students at the University of Bandar Lampung will get optimal results when performed by nurturing relationships with employers with the advanced development scenarios based on the motivation of financial freedom (Financial Freedom). The main thing that must be developed in terms of technical factors is the market /marketing, whereas in terms of the factors is the raw material resources.Tingginya tingkat pengangguran di Indonesia salah satunya disebabkan oleh rendahnya aktivitas kewirausahaan (entrepreneurial activity). Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL) sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi di Provinsi Lampung bertekad untuk menjadi salah satu perguruan tinggi yang berperan penting dalam mengatasi masalah pengangguran. Upaya yang akan dilakukan oleh UBL adalah dengan mengembangkan jiwa kewirausahaan mahasiswa. Dengan pengembangan kewirausahaan ini diharapkan lulusan UBL memiliki perubahan paradigma selain sebagai job-seeker juga memiliki paradigma sebagai job-creator. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap pengembangan kewirausahaan mahasiswa di Universitas Bandar Lampung, serta menganalisis skenario pengembangan kewirausahaan mahasiswa di Universitas Bandar Lampung. Data dan informasi diolah dengan menggunakan kerangka analisis pengambilan keputusan dengan kriteria majemuk. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah Proses Hierarki Analitik (AHP) yang pengolahan datanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan software Expert Choice v.11. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan kewirausahaan mahasiswa di Universitas Bandar Lampung akan mendapatkan hasil yang optimal apabila dilakukan dengan menjalin kerjasama dengan pengusaha dengan mengedepankan skenario pengembangan berdasarkan motivasi kebebasan keuangan (Financial Freedom).  Hal utama yang harus dikembangkan dari segi faktor teknik adalah market/marketing, sedangkan dari segi faktor sumberdaya adalah bahan baku. 

    PERAN PERPUSTAKAAN STAIN KEDIRI DALAM LAYANAN PEMUSTAKA (Kajian Kualitas Layanan Perpustakaan Berdasarkan Persepsi Pemustaka)

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    The role and function of  library in service to its users is to meet the need for information. This study aimed to evaluate quality of library services based on users perception, to measure level of satisfaction of users to the State College of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Kediri library services. This quantitative research uses LibQUAL+ survey method by measuring three dimensions : affect of service, information control, and library as place. Respondents of this study are 257 users of STAIN Kediri Library. Sample are selected by proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The results showed that the quality of STAIN Kediri library services, based on the users perception, meet minimum users expectations. Based on the level of satisfaction, the library services meet users expectations and they are quite satisfied with the services of STAIN Kediri Library. The gap  between  perceptions and expectations indicate that the users are quite satisfied with the services and the quality of STAIN Kediri Library services are within the zone of tolerance  an area that lies between the minimum expectation and ideal expectation of library services quality. Kata Kunci; Service Quality, Users Satisfaction, LibQUAL+ Metho

    Energy consumption and carbon footprint of 3D printing in pharmaceutical manufacture

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    Achieving carbon neutrality is seen as an important goal in order to mitigate the effects of climate change, as carbon dioxide is a major greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. Many countries, cities and organizations have set targets to become carbon neutral. The pharmaceutical sector is no exception, being a major contributor of carbon emissions (emitting approximately 55% more than the automotive sector for instance) and hence is in need of strategies to reduce its environmental impact. Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an advanced pharmaceutical fabrication technology that has the potential to replace traditional manufacturing tools. Being a new technology, the environmental impact of 3D printed medicines has not been investigated, which is a barrier to its uptake by the pharmaceutical industry. Here, the energy consumption (and carbon emission) of 3D printers is considered, focusing on technologies that have successfully been demonstrated to produce solid dosage forms. The energy consumption of 6 benchtop 3D printers was measured during standby mode and printing. On standby, energy consumption ranged from 0.03 to 0.17 kWh. The energy required for producing 10 printlets ranged from 0.06 to 3.08 kWh, with printers using high temperatures consuming more energy. Carbon emissions ranged between 11.60 and 112.16 g CO2 (eq) per 10 printlets, comparable with traditional tableting. Further analyses revealed that decreasing printing temperature was found to reduce the energy demand considerably, suggesting that developing formulations that are printable at lower temperatures can reduce CO2 emissions. The study delivers key initial insights into the environmental impact of a potentially transformative manufacturing technology and provides encouraging results in demonstrating that 3D printing can deliver quality medicines without being environmentally detrimental

    Advanced machine-learning techniques in drug discovery

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    The popularity of machine learning (ML) across drug discovery continues to grow, yielding impressive results. As their use increases, so do their limitations become apparent. Such limitations include their need for big data, sparsity in data, and their lack of interpretability. It has also become apparent that the techniques are not truly autonomous, requiring retraining even post deployment. In this review, we detail the use of advanced techniques to circumvent these challenges, with examples drawn from drug discovery and allied disciplines. In addition, we present emerging techniques and their potential role in drug discovery. The techniques presented herein are anticipated to expand the applicability of ML in drug discovery

    Patient choice significantly affects mastectomy rates in the treatment of breast cancer

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    Mastectomy rates may be affected by patient choice. 203 patients who had a Total Mastectomy for breast cancer were invited to complete questionnaires at routine follow up clinics to ascertain if they had been offered a choice of Breast Conserving Surgery (BCS), and to establish the reasons for their preference. Questionnaires were checked against medical and nursing records to confirm the reasons for the patients' choice of mastectomy. 130 patients (64%) chose to have a mastectomy, reporting that they felt safer (n = 119); wanted to decrease the risk of further surgery (n = 87) and/or wished to avoid radiotherapy (n = 34). Some were advised not to have BCS if they had a large tumour size, central or multifocal tumours and/or associated extensive microcalcification on mammography (n = 29). 24 patients had BCS as first operation but had repeat surgery for involved or narrow excision margins. Despite being advised that there is no difference between survival rates of this and breast conserving surgery, many patients still feel safer with mastectomy

    The Influence of Internal Motivation and Work Environment on Employee Productivity

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    Companies not only expect capable, adequate, and expert employee, but also willing to work hard and have a desire to achieve the optimal results. Their ability, capability, and skills do not mean anything to the companies, if they are not willing to work hard to use their ability, capability, and skill. The motivation to work is needed but the most important is internal motivation to stimulate the employee’s desire to work hard and be enthusiastic to achieve more productivity. An environmental condition is said to be appropriate if a person can carry out their activity optimally, healthily, safely, and comfortably. Incompatible environment emerges in a long term. Furthermore, unfavorable environment conditions requires more energy and time that does not support the efficient framework systems. This purpose of this study is to know the influence of Internal Motivation and Work Environment on Productivity. This study used associative methods of causal correlation. The population in this study is 30 employees of PT. Indosat in Garut Substation. A whole population became sample data in this study, the authors took a sample based on the census methods. The result is productivity able to be influenced by internal motivation because it is highly important for the employee to have internal motivation that is important and influences companies overall. The conclusion is that internal motivation does influence the productivity of the employees.     Keywords: internal motivation, work environment, productivit

    Dysfunctional Audit Behavior in Inspectorate Garut

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    This study contributes to find the influence of turnover intention and locus of control on dysfunctional audit behavior in Inspektorat Daerah Kabupaten Garut. In this study, the population used as sample was 55 respondents. The methodology of research is quantitative methods and the data were collected through literature review, questionnaires, and interview. Meanwhile the process data were conducted through SPSS Version 20.0 and the analysis method used was Regression Multiplier. The results indicate that turnover intention has no influence on dysfunctional audit behavior, while locus of control is influenced on dysfunctional audit behavior partially. In addition, the turnover intention and locus of control is influenced on dysfunctional audit behaviors simultaneously.     Keywords: turnover intention, locus of control, dysfunctional audit behavio

    3D printing tablets: Predicting printability and drug dissolution from rheological data

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    Rheology is an indispensable tool for formulation development, which when harnessed, can both predict a material’s performance and provide valuable insight regarding the material’s macrostructure. However, rheological characterizations are under-utilized in 3D printing of drug formulations. In this study, viscosity measurements were used to establish a mathematical model for predicting the printability of fused deposition modelling 3D printed tablets (Printlets). The formulations were composed of polycaprolactone (PCL) with different amounts of ciprofloxacin and polyethylene glycol (PEG), and different molecular weights of PEG. With all printing parameters kept constant, both binary and ternary blends were found to extrude at nozzle temperatures of 130, 150 and 170 °C. In contrast PCL was unextrudable at 130 and 150 °C. Three standard rheological models were applied to the experimental viscosity measurements, which revealed an operating viscosity window of between 100 and 1000 Pa·s at the apparent shear rate of the nozzle. The drug release profiles of the printlets were experimentally measured over seven days. As a proof-of-concept, machine learning models were developed to predict the dissolution behaviour from the viscosity measurements. The machine learning models were discovered to accurately predict the dissolution profile, with the highest f2 similarity score value of 90.9 recorded. Therefore, the study demonstrated that using only the viscosity measurements can be employed for the simultaneous high-throughput screening of formulations that are printable and with the desired release profile
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