35 research outputs found

    Is the State still in International Relations Theorising?

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    From 1945 to date, the state has been at the centre of debates in IR theorizing. While the anti-statist theorists had contested and are still contesting its centrality in IR theorizing, the unrepentant state-centric theorists even in the era of technological globalization still consider it, the fulcrum of IR. This paper in a discursive cum historical fashion, drawn mainly from secondary source, examined the nature of the debates in order to decipher its limit or limitlessness in comtemporary IR theorising. The paper, after a careful diagnosis of the concept of the state as well as undergoing the genealogical survey of state centrism in IR theorising, concludes that the state though is still the primary actor in IR but the empirical realities of the post WWII World have confirmed that it is no longer, what it used to be. Hence, it has limits in contemporary IR theorizing

    Jonathan’s Constitutional Conference in Nigeria: A reflection and a radical critique

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    The process of bringing forth a constitution is as crucial and important as the constitution itself. However, while this ideal has been institutionalized in many liberal democracies, it is yet to be fully embraced in many illiberal countries. In Nigeria, the focus of this discourse, the process of constitution-making is as old as the country itself but such processes had always followed the same pattern: elite engineered, paternalistically-driven and above all, devoid of citizens’ imprints via a referendum. It is against this backdrop that this article, in a retrospective and analytical manner, examines and offers a democratic critique ofNigeria’s most recent attempt at Nigeria’s constitutional engineering, the Jonathan’s Constitutional Conference (JCC) of 2014. It observes that President Jonathan-initiated Constitutional Conference mimicked the paternalistic character of the previous attempts at constitution-making and as such the process is not markedly different from the old. It submits that as long as the state elites, acting on behalf of the hegemonic faction of the dominant class, continue to see constitution-making as their exclusive reserve and are always willing to defend even a bad constitution, the search for a people’s constitution would continue.Keywords: constitution, Nigerian state, referendum, hegemony, paternalism, Goodluck Jonatha


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    This article, adopting descriptive, historical and analytical methods of inquiry and using the post-authoritarian Nigeria as research backdrop, examines the contours and terrains of democratization processes, in Africa, under condition of pervasive corruption. It observes that democratic institutions, in Nigeria since the termination of the authoritarian order in 1999, have performed abysmally in checking the incidences of corruption contrary to the expectations in the donor community, based on the experiences of the advanced democracies, that democracy and its appurtenances once launched, could reduced the incidence of corruption. It notes and argues that this state of affairs is not unconnected to a non-autonomous and a prebendal state, which offers almost limitless opportunities for official corruption to thrive.   Este artigo, adotando métodos descritivos, históricos e analíticos de investigação e utilizando a Nigéria pós-autoritária como pano de fundo da investigação, examina os contornos e terrenos dos processos de democratização na África, sob condições de corrupção generalizada. Observa-se que as instituições democráticas na Nigéria, desde a cessação da ordem autoritária em 1999, têm tido um desempenho abismal na verificação dos casos de corrupção, contrariamente às expectativas da comunidade de doadores, com base nas experiências das democracias avançadas, de que a democracia e os seus apetrechos, uma vez lançados, poderiam reduzir a incidência da corrupção. Ele observa e argumenta que esta situação não está desligada de um Estado não autônomo e prebendal, que oferece oportunidades quase ilimitadas para que a corrupção oficial prospere


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    In the last few years, vigilante groups and other informal policing structures have assumed a greater role in the security architecture of many countries, especially those that exited from authoritarian order. In spite of this development, however, issues and concerns are constantly being raised about them regarding whether they could really be agents of democratic policing against the backdrop of their penchant for human rights violations and extra-judicial killings. It is against this background that this article examines the balance sheet of vigilante groups in a democratizing Nigeria. Following an extensive review of extant literature on police, policing, vigilantism and vigilante groups, as well as relevant studies on vigilante groups in Nigeria, it observes and notes that unlike the practice in liberal democracies, where vigilante groups - in conduct and practice - conform to principles of rule of law and constitutionalism, the opposite is the case in a democratizing Nigeria. It argues and concludes that as long as the vigilante groups, like the formal policing establishments, remain the instruments of intimidation of political opponents by the politicians that control them; the terrain of vigilantism would continue to be in the realm of ‘anocracy’. Nos últimos anos, grupos de vigilantes e outras estruturas informais de policiamento assumiram um papel maior na arquitetura de segurança de muitos países, especialmente aqueles que saíram da ordem autoritária. Apesar deste desenvolvimento, no entanto, questões e preocupações são constantemente levantadas sobre se eles realmente poderiam ser agentes do policiamento democrático contra o pano de fundo de sua propensão para violações de direitos humanos e assassinatos extrajudiciais. É contra esse cenário que este artigo examina o balanço de grupos de vigilantes em uma Nigéria em democratização. Após uma extensa revisão da literatura existente sobre grupos policiais, de policiamento, de vigilantismo e grupos de vigilantes, bem como estudos relevantes sobre grupos vigilantes na Nigéria, observa-se que ao contrário da prática em democracias liberais, onde grupos de vigilantes, - em conduta e prática - , seguem os princípios do estado de direito e constitucionalismo, o oposto é o caso de uma Nigéria em democratização Argumenta-se e conclui-se que enquanto os grupos de vigilantes, como os estabelecimentos formais de policiamento, continuam sendo instrumentos de intimidação política de opositores políticos pelos políticos que os controlam; o terreno do vigilantismo continuaria a ser no reino da "anocracia"

    Africa and Pax-Africana in The Age of Interventionism

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    This article, drawing data from library and online sources, examines and engages issues in Africa’s quest for pax-Africana in the age of interventionism. It notes that Africa’s quest for pax-Africana in the age of interventionism is undercut by many factors, chief among which is the dependency and weaknesses of African states which always predispose extra-African powers to intervene in matters that should exclusively be handled by Africans. It concludes that as long as Africa remains trapped in dependent relations and the climate of disunity persists among African statesmen, its quest for pax-Africana would remain daunting

    Between the Rock and a Hard Place: The Africa Union and Democracy Promotion in Africa

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    While the Cold War lasted, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) never considered democracy promotion in member states as a priority. What mattered to the body was the safeguard of the sovereignties of member states? The globalization of the third democratic wave however, changed that as democracy promotion, courtesy of Donor’s aid agenda became a core objective of the OAU/AU. Deploying descriptive, historical, and analytical methods of inquiry with a focus on the African Charter on Democracy, Elections, and Governance (ACDEG), this article assesses the extent of AU’s commitments to promoting democracy in Africa. Following an extensive review of conceptual literature on democracy, as well as relevant studies on OAU/AU’s democracy promotion initiatives in Africa, it notes that OAU/AU, no doubt, has robust normative frameworks for dealing with an unconstitutional change of government and other actions that could constitute a threat to the growth of democracy in Africa but in enforcing these frameworks, it is often stuck between a rock and a hard place. It suggests, among others, the strengthening of the enforcement mechanisms of the organization

    The Protective Effect of Polyphenol - Rich Extract of Syzygium cumini Leaves on Cholinesterase and Brain Antioxidant Status in Alloxan - Induced Diabetic Rats

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    Syzygium cumini leaves are used locally especially in Nigeria for the treatment \ management of diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer’s disease. This study was designed to investigate the effects of polyphenols extracted from Syzygium cumini l eaves on the occurrence of oxidative stress in the brain of rats with diabetes, which can trigger Alzheimer’s disease by determining both in vitro and in vivo c holinesterase, the antioxidant defense system, and the extent of oxidative damage. The effect of polyphenols extracted from Syzygium cumini leaves was investigated on in vitro c holinesterase. Thereafter, the extract (400 mg/kg body weight) of both free and bound polyphenols was administered orally to alloxan - induced rats, and the effect were monitore d on in vivo c holinesterase, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, reduced glutathione, lipid peroxidation and hydroperoxides. The extract demonstrated inhibitory effects against in vitro c holinesterase. A significant reduction in the c ho linesterase activities increased the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and reduced glutathione. A reduction in lipid peroxidation and hydroperoxide concentrations was observed in the brain of diabetic rats treated with p olyphenols extracted from Syzygium cumini leaves. This study suggests that the polyphenols of Syzygium cumini leaves have anti - Alzheimer and antioxidant boosters, as well as antiperoxidative activities. Therefore, the plant is recommended for both diabetic and Alzheimer’s disease patients worldwid