700 research outputs found

    Intersection and point-to-line solutions for geodesics on the ellipsoid

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    [EN] The paper presents two algorithms for the computation of intersection of geodesics and minimum distance from a point to a geodesic on the ellipsoid, respectively. They are based on the iterative use of direct and inverse problems of geodesy by means of their implementations with machine-precision accuracy in GeographicLib. The algorithms yield the same results as those obtained by Karney¿s approach based on the use of auxiliary ellipsoidal gnomonic projections, with the advantage on our side that the algorithms are not limited to distances below 10000 km. This results in our algorithm being the only general solution for the problem of minimum distance from a point to a geodesic on the ellipsoid.Baselga Moreno, S.; Martínez Llario, JC. (2018). Intersection and point-to-line solutions for geodesics on the ellipsoid. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica. 62(3):353-363. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11200-017-1020-zS353363623JaVaWa, 2017. JAVAWA GPS Tools. (http://www.javawa.nl/coordcalc_en.html).Karney C.F.F., 2011a. Geodesics on an Ellipsoid of Revolution. Technical Report. SRI International (http://arxiv.org/abs/1102.1215v1).Karney C.F.F., 2011b. Intersection between Two Geodesic Lines. (https://sourceforge.net/p/geographiclib/discussion/1026621/thread/21aaff9f).Karney C.F.F., 2013. Algorithms for geodesics. J. Geodesy, 87, 43–55.Karney C.F.F., 2017. GeographicLib, version 1.47. (http://geographiclib.sourceforge.net).Patrikalakis N.M., Maekawa T. and Cho W., 2009. Shape Interrogation for Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing. (http://web.mit.edu/hyperbook/Patrikalakis-Maekawa-Cho/mathe.html).PostGIS Development Group, 2017. PostGIS 2.3.3dev Manual. (http://postgis.net/docs/index.html).Sjöberg L.E., 2002. Intersections on the sphere and ellipsoid. J. Geodesy, 76, 115–120.Sjöberg L.E., 2006. Direct and indirect geodetic problems on the ellipsoid. Z. Vermess., 131, 35–39.Sjöberg L.E., 2008. Geodetic intersection on the ellipsoid. J. Geodesy, 82, 565–567.Sjöberg L.E., 2009. New solutions to classical geodetic problems on the ellipsoid. In: Sideris M.G. (Ed.), Observing our Changing Earth. International Association of Geodesy Symposia 133, 781–784, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.Sjöberg L.E. and Shirazian M, 2012. Solving the direct and inverse geodetic problems on the ellipsoid by numerical integration. J. Surv. Eng., 138, 9–16.Todhunter I., 1886. Spherical Trigonometry, 5th Edition. MacMillan and Co., London, U.K. (http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/19770).Vincenty T., 1975. Direct and inverse solutions of geodesics on the ellipsoid with application of nested equations. Surv. Rev., 23, 88–93

    Accurate Algorithms for Spatial Operations on the Spheroid in a Spatial Database Management System

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    [EN] Some of the most powerful spatial analysis software solutions (Oracle, Google Earth Engine, PostgreSQL + PostGIS, etc.) are currently performing geometric calculations directly on the ellipsoid (a quadratic surface that models the earth shape), with a double purpose: to attain a high degree of accuracy and to allow the full management of large areas of territory (countries or even continents). It is well known that both objectives are impossible to achieve by means of the traditional approach using local mathematical projections and Cartesian coordinates. This paper demonstrates in a quantitative methodological way that most of the spatial analysis software products make important deviations in calculations regarding to geodesics, being the users unaware of the magnitude of these inaccuracies, which can easily reach meters depending on the distance. This is due to the use of ellipsoid calculations in an approximate way (e.g., using a sphere instead of an ellipsoid). This paper presents the implementation of two algorithms that solve with high accuracy (less than 100 nm) and efficiently (few iterations) two basic geometric calculations on the ellipsoid that are essential to build more complex spatial operators: the intersection of two geodesics and the minimum distance from a point to a geodesic.Martínez Llario, JC.; Baselga Moreno, S.; Coll-Aliaga, E. (2021). Accurate Algorithms for Spatial Operations on the Spheroid in a Spatial Database Management System. Applied Sciences. 11(11):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11115129121111

    The control of metabolic CO2 in public transport as a strategy to reduce the transmission of respiratory infectious diseases

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    The global acceptance of the SARS-CoV-2 airborne transmission led to prevention measures based on quality control and air renewal. Among them, carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement has positioned itself as a cost-efficiency, reliable, and straightforward method to assess indoor air renewal indirectly. Through the control of CO2, it is possible to implement and validate the effectiveness of prevention measures to reduce the risk of contagion of respiratory diseases by aerosols. Thanks to the method scalability, CO2 measurement has become the gold standard for diagnosing air quality in shared spaces. Even though collective transport is considered one of the environments with the highest rate of COVID-19 propagation, little research has been done where the air inside vehicles is analyzed. This work explores the generation and accumulation of metabolic CO2 in a tramway (Zaragoza, Spain) operation. Importantly, we propose to use the indicator ppm/person as a basis for comparing environments under different conditions. Our study concludes with an experimental evaluation of the benefit of modifying some parameters of the Heating–Ventilation–Air conditioning (HVAC) system. The study of the particle retention efficiency of the implemented filters shows a poor air cleaning performance that, at present, can be counteracted by opening windows. Seeking a post-pandemic scenario, it will be crucial to seek strategies to improve air quality in public transport to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases

    Assessment of Cranial Deformation Indices by Automatic Smartphone-Based Photogrammetric Modelling

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    [EN] This paper presents research carried out to assess the accuracy of a fully automatic smartphone-based photogrammetric solution (PhotoMeDAS) to obtain a cranial diagnostic based on the 3D head model. The rigorous propagation of the coordinate measurement uncertainty to the infant's derived cranial deformation indices is demonstrated. The cranial anthropometric parameters and cranial deformation indices that PhotoMeDAS calculates automatically were analysed based on the estimated accuracy and uncertainty. To obtain both accuracy and uncertainty, a dummy head was measured 54 times under different conditions. The same head was measured with a top-of-the-line coordinate-measuring machine (CMM), and the results were used as ground-truth data. It is demonstrated that the PhotoMeDAS 3D models are an average of 1.01 times bigger than the corresponding ground truth, and the uncertainties are around 1 mm. Even assuming uncertainties in the coordinates of up to 1.5 mm, the error in the derived deformation index uncertainties is around 1%. In conclusion, the PhotoMeDAS solution improves the uncertainty obtained in an ordinary paediatric consultation and can be recommended as a tool for doctors to establish an adequate medical diagnosis based on comprehensive cranial deformation indices, which is much more precise and complete than the information obtained by existing analogue devices (measuring tapes and callipers) and easier to use and less expensive than radiological imaging (CT and MRI).Baselga Moreno, S.; Mora Navarro, JG.; Lerma, JL. (2022). Assessment of Cranial Deformation Indices by Automatic Smartphone-Based Photogrammetric Modelling. Applied Sciences. 12(22):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/app122211499115122

    Identidad y diferencia: La crítica de la razón en Theodor W. Adorno

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    RESUMEN La tesis consta de dos secciones. La primera de ellas, denominada Exposición, que comprende los capítulos I al III, tiene por objeto elucidar las líneas maestras del pensamiento de Adorno en los tres grandes ámbitos en los que éste se despliega: teoría de la sociedad, teoría del conocimiento y estética. La segunda parte, Discusión, que incluye los capítulos IV al VI, pretende justamente destilar una idea de la dialéctica negativa a partir de la confrontación con Habermas. A propósito de la crítica de los supuestos y los argumentos de su tesis del agotamiento del paradigma surge una lectura alternativa de Adorno que complementa y culmina el previo ejercicio de análisis. En el primer capítulo, Historia y determinaciones de la razón, se expone el modelo de Adorno y Horkheimer de evolución social y de constitución de la razón humana. En el segundo capítulo, Identidad y diferencia: sobre el concepto de dialéctica negativa, se plasma la definición de la dialéctica de Adorno y se exponen sus categorías básicas en el marco de una reflexión sobre la naturaleza del conocimiento. El tercer y último capítulo de esta primera parte, Apertura hacia la estética: la autocrítica de la razón a través del arte, pretende evidenciar la congruencia de las reflexiones adornianas sobre el arte con las tesis básicas de Dialéctica de la ilustración y Dialéctica negativa. El capítulo cuarto, primero de la segunda sección, que lleva por título El contexto de recepción de Adorno: la teoría de la acción comunicativa de Jürgen Habermas, no es sino una exposición del marco en el que se efectúa la crítica habermasiana de la dialéctica negativa. El siguiente capítulo, La tesis del agotamiento del paradigma, sistematiza los argumentos de Habermas contra Adorno. El sexto y último capítulo, A modo de conclusión: respuesta a Habermas y posibilidad de una lectura alternativa de Adorno, tiene por objeto, en calidad de resultado, exponer una lectura de la dialéctica negativa que se construye a partir de una crítica que intenta ser lo más minuciosa posible de los argumentos de Habermas. Pueden considerarse aportaciones del presente trabajo las siguientes: primero, una lectura de Adorno en la que la dialéctica negativa presenta un carácter no autocancelatorio a partir de una conceptuación de la razón articulada en dos niveles estructuralmente vinculados, los denominados mediante las expresiones pensamiento de la identidad y pensamiento de la diferencia; segundo, el afianzamiento de la idea según la cual, frente a las críticas de irracionalismo, en Adorno se da una inequívoca reivindicación de la racionalidad discursiva; tercero, la identificación y determinación de la epistemología negativa de Adorno cifrada en su inversión del proceder conceptual; cuarto, un hilo conductor para acceder a la producción de Adorno desde el núcleo epistemológico contenido en la obra Dialéctica negativa; quinto, una interpretación que delimita y perfila los contornos del antisistema al vincular estructuralmente los modelos desde una teoría de la razón; sexto, una elucidación consistente con el marco interpretativo propuesto de ideas y nociones claves del pensamiento de Adorno, algunas de ellas no pocas veces consideradas enigmáticas y hasta afilosóficas, que están presentes en toda la extensión de su obra y cuya intelección condiciona determinantemente la lectura de la misma; séptimo, la valoración de un nivel de reflexión de índole metafísica vinculada a la cuestión del para qué de la filosofía en su pretensión enfática por decir lo indecible a fin cumplir una necesidad expresiva del sujeto por la que se objetive su experiencia irreductible; octavo, finalmente, hacer como mínimo plausible la idea según la cual el pensamiento de Adorno no sólo no ha quedado rebasado por una posteridad que tal vez piense con demasiada prisa y puede que, en no pocas ocasiones, con poco rigor, sino que más bien solicita silenciosamente su liberación a través de sus extremadamente finas estructuras conceptuales, plenas de potenciales interpretativos, para alumbrar una realidad que hoy exige, si cabe más que antes, un pensamiento fuerte a fin de deshacer su férrea apariencia. __________________________________________________________________________________________________In the first chapter Adorno and Horkheimer`s model of social evolution and constitution of human reason is explained. The second chapter fixes the definition of the dialectic of Adorno and outlines their basic categories. This is done within the framework of a reflection about the nature of knowledge. Chapter three tries to provide evidence of the coherence between Adoranian reflections about art with a simple thesis of the negative dialectic. Chapter four basically shows the framework in which the Habermasian criticism of the negative dialetic is developed. The next chapter organises Habermas´ arguments against Adorno. Chapter six intends to show a literature review of the negative dialetic which has, as its base, a detailed criticism of Habermas´arguments. This study has been supported and strengthened by the following themes: Firstly, an interpretation of Adorno, using a conceptualisation of reason in two structually linked levels, in which the negative dialetic is shown not to have a self cancelling character; Secondly, the consolidation of the idea that Adorno makes an unequivocal claim about medatative rationality; Thirdly, the identification and determination of Adorno´s negative epistemology summarised in his inversion of conceptual behaviour; Fourthly, a conductive thread to access Adorno´s production from the epistemologic nucleus contained in the negative dialetic; Fifthly, an interpretation of the anti-system that delimits and outlines its parameters by structually attaching the models from a theory of sense; Sixthly, an elucidation consistent with the interpretive framework formed by the ideas and key notions of Adorno´s thoughts; Seventhly, the valuation of a level of metaphisical reflextion linked to the philosophical question that tries to say the unsayable; And eighthly, to at least make the idea that Adorno´s thoughts have not been left behind by subsequent notions, often thought out too quickly and without rigour, but infact a strong idea exists that belies its rigid appearance and by using its fine conceptual structures one can illuminate a reality that, perhaps more than ever, is demanded today

    Ámbito de aplicación actual de los indicadores de salud ambiental

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    Se analizan las políticas tanto de la Unión Europea como de la Organización Mundial de la Salud con el objetivo de establecer indicadores de corrección de contaminación. La salud ambiental basa sus directrices en la prevención de las enfermedades y en la creación de entornos saludables, tomando como referencia los riesgos y efectos sobre la salud humana. Estos factores representan, el medio que habita, donde trabaja, los cambios naturales o artificiales que ese lugar manifiesta y la contaminación producida por el mismo ser humano a ese medio. Con el objetivo de reducir ese impacto, se han desarrollado políticas ambientales, que permitan incrementar la inversión para el desarrollo de la salud, consolidar y expandir las políticas de colaboración entre países, para consolidar una infraestructura que permita mejorar la salud y establecer responsabilidades públicas.The policies are analyzed both of the European Union and of the World Health Organization by the aim to establish indicators for correction of pollution. Environmental Health bases its guidelines on preventing disease and creating health-supportive environments. It concerned with the risks and effects on human health represent the means living and where you work, natural or artificial changes to the site represents and pollution caused by human beings themselves to that medium. In order to reduce this impact, environmental policies have been developed, which increase investment for health development, consolidating and expanding cooperation policies between countries to build an infrastructure to improve public health and establish public responsibilities

    Genetic selection of maternal lines and digestive efficiency in rabbits: long term selection for litter size at weaning versus hyper selection for reproductive longevity

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    The objective of the present paper is to evaluate how long-term selection for litter size at weaning or short-term hyper selection for reproductive longevity, affect the digestive utilisation of growing and lactating rabbits. A digestibility trial was carried out during the 3rd week of lactation with a total of 27 multiparous does: 14 females came from a line selected for litter size at weaning over 32 generations (V), and 13 from a recently constituted, long lived-productive line (LP). Another digestibility trial was performed during the growing period with a total of 48 growing rabbits (24 from each line). After a 7 d adaptation period, faeces were collected individually for 4 d (from 13 to 16 d of lactation or from 49 to 53 d of age, respectively). Daily feed intake and weight gain recorded during the experimental growing period were similar for both lines (137 g of dry matter (DM)/d and 48 g/d, respectively). Growing rabbits from the V-line showed greater values for the digestibility of the DM and OM (+1 percentage point; P<0.10) and signifi cantly higher values for the acid detergent fi bre (+3 percentage points; P=0.03) than animals from the LP line. No signifi cant differences for the apparent digestibility coeffi cients of crude protein, neutral detergent fi bre, crude fi bre and gross energy were observed between lines, these being on average 65.7, 23.0, 10.7 and 52.6%, respectively. Females from the LP line were initially heavier (+258 g of live weight; P=0.06), and presented a signifi cantly greater daily feed intake (+22 g DM/d; P=0.04) and milk yield (+37 g/d; P=0.01) during the pre-experimental and faeces collection phases (from 6 to 16 d of lactation). V-line lactating does displayed greater values for digestibility for all those nutrients evaluated (from +0.9 and +3.7 percentage points for the crude protein and acid detergent fi bre) compared to the LP line females, although these were only signifi cant for the DM, organic matter and gross energy (+2.3, +2.5, +2.1 percentage points; P<0.05). In conclusion, rabbits selected for litter size at weaning seem to have greater effi ciency for digestive utilisation than those hyper selected for reproductive longevity.This study has been supported by the Spanish CICYT project AGL 2004-02710/GAN.Pascual Amorós, JJ.; Ródenas, L.; Martínez, E.; Cervera, C.; Blas, E.; Baselga, M. (2008). Genetic selection of maternal lines and digestive efficiency in rabbits: long term selection for litter size at weaning versus hyper selection for reproductive longevity. World Rabbit Science. 16(3). doi:10.4995/wrs.2008.62516

    Effects of prenatal and postnatal exposure to chlordimeform on serotonin levels in brain regions of adult’s male and female rats

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    Introduction: Formamidines pesticides have been described to induce permanent effects on development of monoaminergic neurotransmitters systems. The mechanisms that induce these effects are not known but it has been suggested that these effects could be related to monoamino oxidase (MAO) inhibition. Chlordimeform is a formamidine pesticide which is a very weak inhibitor of MAO although it has been also described to produce neurodevelopmental toxicity. Objectives and methods: The effects of maternal exposure to chlordimeform on brain region serotonin levels of male and female offspring rats at 60 days of age were evaluated. Maternal and offspring body weight, physical and general activity development were unaffected by the exposure of dams to chlordimeform (5 mg/kg bw, orally on days 6–21 of pregnancy and 1–10 of lactation). Male and female offspring were sacrificed at 60 days of age and possible alterations in the content and metabolism of 5-HT was determined in brain regions by HPLC. Results: The results showed that this neurotransmitter system was altered in a brain regional-related manner. In male and female offspring, chlordimeform induced a significant decrease in the striatum and prefrontal cortex 5-HT and its metabolite 5-HIAA levels. This effect was with statistical distinction of sex in the prefrontal cortex. In contrast, chlordimeform caused an increase in 5-HT and 5-HIAA content in the hippocampus in male and female offspring with sex interaction. Chlordimeform evoked increases in 5-HT turnover in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus from females and males respectively but evoked a decrease in these regions from males and females respectively. Conclusions: The present findings indicated that maternal exposure to chlordimeform altered serotonergic neurochemistry in their offspring in prefrontal cortex, striatum and hippocampus, and those variations show that other mechanisms different from MAO inhibition are implicated. Keywords: Formamidines; neurodevelopmental toxicity; chlordimeform; rats; serotonin; human risk assessmentIntroducción: Se ha descrito que los pesticidas formamidinicos inducen efectos permanentes en el desarrollo de los sistemas de neurotransmisores monoaminérgicos. Los mecanismos por los que se inducen estos efectos no se conocen, pero se ha sugerido que podrían estar relacionados con la inhibición de la monoamino oxidasa (MAO). El clordimeformo, es un pesticida formamidinico, del que se han descrito efectos neurotoxicos en el desarrollo, aunque es un inhibidor muy débil de la MAO. Objetivos y métodos: En el presente estudio se evaluaron los efectos sobre los niveles de serotonina en regiones cerebrales de ratas macho y hembra a los 60 días de edad tras la exposición maternal al clodimeformo (5 mg/kg de peso corporal, por vía oral en los días 6-21 de la gestación y 1-10 de la lactancia). El peso corporal de las madres y las crías, y el desarrollo físico y de la actividad general no se vieron afectados por la exposición al clordimeformo. Las crías fueron sacrificadas a los 60 días de edad y las posibles alteraciones en el contenido y metabolismo de 5-HT se determinaron en regiones cerebrales mediante HPLC. Resultados: El clordimeformo indujo una disminución significativa en el cuerpo estriado y la corteza prefrontal de los niveles de 5-HT y su metabolito 5-HIAA. Este efecto fue estadísticamente influenciado por el sexo en la corteza prefrontal. Por el contrario, el clordimeformo causó un aumento del contenido de la 5-HT y de 5-HIAA en el hipocampo con influencia significativa por sexo. El clordimeformo provoco aumentos en la tasa de recambio de 5-HT en la corteza prefrontal y el hipocampo de hembras y machos respectivamente, sin embargo, provocó una disminución en estas regiones en machos y hembras respectivamente. Conclusiones: Los presentes resultados indican que las formamidinas y en particular el clordimeformo inducen tras la exposición maternal una alteración permanente del sistema serotoninérgico de forma región y sexo dependiente en la descendencia, las cuales muy probablemente se deban a mecanismos distintos de la inhibición de la MAO. Palabras clave: Formamidinas; neurotoxicidad en el desarrollo; clodimeformo; ratas; serotonina; evaluación del riesgo para el hombr

    Análisis bioético de los animales transgénicos y de los organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM)

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    The important technological advance in genetic manipulation has led to the development of genetically modified animals. The resulting being is called a transgenic animal. This term refers to an animal, whose genome has been deliberately modified by transferring an exogenous DNA into all its cells, including the germinal ones. In 1981, GORDON and RUDDLE coined the term transgenic as an animal variant, result of the introduction of a gene, or genes, into its genome. More recently, there exists a tendency to use the term GMA (Genetically Modified Animal) to refer to transgenic animals. Some arguments against the use of transgenic animals in research are related to the fact that during the creation of a transgenic animal its genetic integrity is not respected because of the recombination of genetic material from different species and even different kingdoms, as for example, animals and plants. Some people consider that this recombination of genetic material between species, or the creation of chimeras, which in occasions is a part of the technical strategy for the obtaining of a transgenic animal, alters the concept of “species”. In addition, they consider it as an unnatural intervention that might interfere in the conception of what makes that an animal is such. There is argued that the direct genetic modification is a mere extension of the traditional technologies of crossing. The genetic modifications of animals provide arguments for accusations as how to treat animals as things or merchandises.El gran avance en tecnología para la manipulación genética, ha conducido al desarrollo de modelos animales modificados genéticamente. Al ser resultante se le llama animal transgénico. Este término, se refiere a un animal cuyo genoma ha sido deliberadamente modificado, mediante transferencia de un DNA exógeno, en todas sus células, incluidas las germinales. En 1981, GORDON y RUDDLE acuñaron la palabra transgénico como una variante animal originada tras la introducción de un gen, o genes, en su genoma. Más recientemente se tiende a utilizar el término AMG (Animal Modificado Genéticamente) para referirse a los animales transgénicos. Algunos argumentos en contra del uso de los animales transgénicos en investigación tienen que ver con una cuestión previa a su aplicación, como es que, en la creación de un animal transgénico, no se respeta la integridad genética de los animales ya que se produce la mezcla de material genético entre diferentes especies e incluso entre diferentes reinos, por ejemplo, entre animales y plantas. Algunas personas consideran que esta mezcla de material genético entre especies, o la creación de quimeras, que en ocasiones es parte de la estrategia técnica para la obtención de un animal transgénico, altera el concepto de “especie” y es una intervención antinatural que podría interferir en la concepción de lo que hace que un animal sea tal. Se argumenta que la modificación genética directa es meramente una extensión de las técnicas de cruzamiento tradicionales. Las modificaciones genéticas de animales proporcionan argumentos para acusaciones como tratar a los animales como cosas o mercancías