33 research outputs found


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    Jalarbuda is a water bubble like growth in lip caused due to vitiation of Vata and Kapha. Ksharakarma is one of the para-surgical procedures advised for management of Jalarbuda. This condition can be correlated to mucocele of lip. This is a case report of 22 year old man who presented with a small swelling in lip associated with discomfort since one month. In this study Pratisaaraneeya Apamarga Kshara is used in management of mucocele. The size of mucocele reduced after two days of Kshara application

    Pharmaco epidemiology of drugs used in post-cataract surgery patients in tertiary care hospital

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    Background: In India cataract is the principal cause of blindness responsible for 62.6% as per national programme for control of blindness survey and as per our knowledge, very few systematically analysed data are available on the drug utilization study pattern of medical intervention for post cataract surgery in India. Hence, the present study was under taken to generate baseline drug use data and analyse various aspects of drug prescribing practices.Methods: This study was conducted in department of ophthalmology BIMS Belagavi. A total of 449 patients’ prescription was analysed prospectively. The data was analysed statistically, and results were expressed as numbers and percentage.Results: A total of 2306 drugs were prescribed for 449 patients who underwent cataract surgery. All patients received topical eye drops includes bromfenac 0.1% eye drop and other one is a fixed drug combination of dexamathasone 0.1% plus ofloxacin 0.3% eye drop. Use of antibiotic in association with sex found to be significant (p- value <0.004). Average number of drugs per prescription was 5.1 and drugs which prescribed in generic name were 60.99% and overall percentage of drugs prescribed by brand name was 38.94% which includes 100% eye drops were prescribed by brand names. Fixed drug combination includes 19.50% and drugs from essential drug list used were 80.49%.Conclusions: Health care providers have to take initiative for rational prescribing keeping in mind that it is not only a matter of national policy but also to wellbeing of individual patient

    Evaluation of clopidogrel on acute and sub-acute models of inflammation in male Wistar rats

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    Background: Atherosclerosis and its complications remain the major cause of death and premature disability. Atherogenesis involves elements of inflammation, a process that now provides a unifying theme in the pathogenesis of the disease. Anti-platelet drugs are currently used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and its complications. Our study evaluated the influence of clopidogrel on acute and sub-acute models of inflammation in male Wistar rats.Methods: Male Wistar rats (150-200 g) were divided into three groups, i.e. control, aspirin and clopidogrel (n=6 animals in each group). The effect of clopidogrel administered orally on inflammation was studied using acute (carrageenan-induced rat paw edema) and sub-acute (cotton pellet granuloma and histopathological examination of grass piths) models. Experiment was conducted according to the Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision on Experiments on Animals guidelines. Analysis was done using one-way ANOVA followed by post-hoc test of Dunnets. p<0.05 was considered as statistically significant.Results: Clopidogrel showed significant inhibition of rat paw edema in acute model (p<0.01) and granuloma dry weight, in sub-acute model of inflammation when compared to control (p<0.01). Histopathological examination of grass pith revealed markedly reduced fibroblasts, granulation tissue, fibrous tissue and collagen in clopidogrel group when compared to control.Conclusion: Clopidogrel exhibited a significant anti-inflammatory activity in acute and sub-acute models of inflammation

    Analysis of Speech in Human Communication

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    The human communication has a vitalmode called speech which results from the voice along with knowledge of language. The voice of each person is distinct because individual-specific vocal cord anatomy, vocal cavity, and oral and nasal cavities. It forms a basic block for copious knowledge into various analysis like lexical analytics, natural language processing, text mining, sentiment and satire. Apart from linguistics analysis, the physics of voice contributes to uniquely cognize as a signal. The paper aims at understanding a computer program called ‘PRAAT’ to analyze and synthesize a phonetics by computer. The work carried out in the paper focuses on presenting the comparative analysis real time voice data sample and the benchmark voice data in praat for all the parameters of the voice analysis. The results are promising and make a way to build decision making solutions to patterns of voice, recognition and reproduction processes using the facts of analytics

    Razvoj i validacija spektrofotometrijskih metoda za određivanje ceftazidima u farmaceutskim doziranim pripravcima

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    Two spectrophotometric methods for the determination of ceftazidime (CFZM) in either pure form or in its pharmaceutical formulations are described. The first method is based on the reaction of 3-methylbenzothiazolin-2-one hydrazone (MBTH) with ceftazidime in the presence of ferric chloride in acidic medium. The resulting blue complex absorbs at λmax 628 nm. The second method describes the reaction between the diazotized drug and N-(1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride (NEDA) to yield a purple colored product with λmax at 567 nm. The reaction conditions were optimized to obtain maximum color intensity. The absorbance was found to increase linearly with increasing the concentration of CFZM; the systems obeyed the Beer’s law in the range 210 and 1050 ”g mL1 for MBTH and NEDA methods, respectively. LOD, LOQ and correlation coefficient values were 0.15, 0.79 and 0.50, 2.61. No interference was observed from common excipients present in pharmaceutical formulations. The proposed methods are simple, sensitive, accurate and suitable for quality control applications.Razvijene su dvije spektrofotometrijske metode za određivanje ceftazidima (CFZM), čistog ili u farmaceutskim pripravcima. Prva metoda se temelji na reakciji 3-metilbenzotiazolin-2-on hidrazona (MBTH) sa ceftazidimom u prisutnosti ĆŸeljezovog(III) klorida u kiselom mediju. Nastaje plavi kompleks s maksimumom apsorpcije pri λmax 628 nm. Druga metoda se temelji na reakciji između diazotiranog lijeka i N-(1-naftil)etilendiamin dihidroklorida (NEDA), pri čemu nastaje ljubičasti produkt s λmax pri 567 nm. Reakcijski uvjeti su optimirani da se dobije maksimalni intenzitet boje. Apsorbancija raste linearno s poraơću koncentracije CFZM; sustavi slijede Beerov zakon u koncentracijskom području 210 za MBTH metodu i 1050 ”g mL1 za NEDA metodu. LOD i LOQ te vrijednosti korelacijskog koeficijenta su 0,15, 0,79 i 0,50, 2,61. Uobičajene pomoćne tvari ne smetaju određivanju ceftazidima. PredloĆŸene metode su jednostavne, osjetljive, točne i pogodne za primjenu u kontroli kvalitete

    Mutations in a Highly Conserved Motif of nsp1? Protein Attenuate the Innate Immune Suppression Function of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus

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    Citation: Li Y, Shyu D-L, Shang P, Bai J, Ouyang K, Dhakal S, Hiremath J, Binjawadagi B, Renukaradhya GJ, Fang Y. 2016. Mutations in a highly conserved motif of nsp1? protein attenuate the innate immune suppression function of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. J Virol 90:3584–3599. doi:10.1128/JVI.03069-15.Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) nonstructural protein 1? (nsp1?) is a multifunctional viral protein, which is involved in suppressing the host innate immune response and activating a unique ?2/?1 programmed ribosomal frameshifting (PRF) signal for the expression of frameshifting products. In this study, site-directed mutagenesis analysis showed that the R128A or R129A mutation introduced into a highly conserved motif (123GKYLQRRLQ131) reduced the ability of nsp1? to suppress interferon beta (IFN-?) activation and also impaired nsp1?'s function as a PRF transactivator. Three recombinant viruses, vR128A, vR129A, and vRR129AA, carrying single or double mutations in the GKYLQRRLQ motif were characterized. In comparison to the wild-type (WT) virus, vR128A and vR129A showed slightly reduced growth abilities, while the vRR129AA mutant had a significantly reduced growth ability in infected cells. Consistent with the attenuated growth phenotype in vitro, pigs infected with nsp1? mutants had lower levels of viremia than did WT virus-infected pigs. Compared to the WT virus in infected cells, all three mutated viruses stimulated high levels of IFN-? expression and exhibited a reduced ability to suppress the mRNA expression of selected interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs). In pigs infected with nsp1? mutants, IFN-? production was increased in the lungs at early time points postinfection, which was correlated with increased innate NK cell function. Furthermore, the augmented innate response was consistent with the increased production of IFN-? in pigs infected with mutated viruses. These data demonstrate that residues R128 and R129 are critical for nsp1? function and that modifying these key residues in the GKYLQRRLQ motif attenuates virus growth ability and improves the innate and adaptive immune responses in infected animals


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    Recent development in network visual communications has emphasized on the need of objective, reliable and easy-to-use video quality assessment (VQA) systems. This paper introduces a novel idea of quality-aware video (QAV), in which extracted features about the original video sequence are invisibly embedded into the same video data. When such a QAV sequence is distributed over an error-prone network, a network user who receives it can decode the hidden messages and use them to evaluate the quality degradations between the original and the received video sequences. Our first implementation of QAV employs 1) a novel reduced-reference VQA method based on a statistical model of natural video, and 2) a 3D discrete cosine transform-based data hiding algorithm. The proposed approach does not assume any prior knowledge about image distortions, and the simulation results demonstrate its potentials to be generalized for different types and degrees of image distortions. Index Terms — video quality assessment, quality aware video, reduced reference, data hiding, natural video statistics 1