796 research outputs found

    A note on a gauge-gravity relation and functional determinants

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    We present a refinement of a recently found gauge-gravity relation between one-loop effective actions: on the gauge side, for a massive charged scalar in 2d dimensions in a constant maximally symmetric electromagnetic field; on the gravity side, for a massive spinor in d-dimensional (Euclidean) anti-de Sitter space. The inclusion of the dimensionally regularized volume of AdS leads to complete mapping within dimensional regularization. In even-dimensional AdS, we get a small correction to the original proposal; whereas in odd-dimensional AdS, the mapping is totally new and subtle, with the `holographic trace anomaly' playing a crucial role.Comment: 6 pages, io

    Communication Within and Among Faith-Based Organizationsin Community Empowerment Program

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    The issue of this research is concerning the communication within and among Zakat Management Organizations (OPZs) as Faith-Based Organization (FBO). The main research problem is how OPZ(s) can successfullydevelop cooperationin increasing both public trust and institutional productivity. Interpretive Approach through Social Construction Theory was used as a reference to see the process of organizational communication through OPZ’s communicator ethos. The research method used was qualitative with a technique of case study, and informants were from OPZ’s West Java unit. The results showed that the communicator ethos as a source of credibility in communicationwithin and among OPZs, derived from Islamic Teachings, applicable (positive)laws, and basic guidelines of OPZs, can produce organizational values as the basis of implementing cooperation in community empowerment programs. Cooperation among OPZsin an empowerment program is more related to personal power and interpersonal power aspectsthan to political power aspect. There is a need to strengthen openness and mutual trust values among the OPZs, changes in zakat regulation, more transparent, accountable and equitable governance in order to increase trust, realization of zakat potentials, and prosperity

    Chiral Modulations in Curved Space I: Formalism

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    The goal of this paper is to present a formalism that allows to handle four-fermion effective theories at finite temperature and density in curved space. The formalism is based on the use of the effective action and zeta function regularization, supports the inclusion of inhomogeneous and anisotropic phases. One of the key points of the method is the use of a non-perturbative ansatz for the heat-kernel that returns the effective action in partially resummed form, providing a way to go beyond the approximations based on the Ginzburg-Landau expansion for the partition function. The effective action for the case of ultra-static Riemannian spacetimes with compact spatial section is discussed in general and a series representation, valid when the chemical potential satisfies a certain constraint, is derived. To see the formalism at work, we consider the case of static Einstein spaces at zero chemical potential. Although in this case we expect inhomogeneous phases to occur only as meta-stable states, the problem is complex enough and allows to illustrate how to implement numerical studies of inhomogeneous phases in curved space. Finally, we extend the formalism to include arbitrary chemical potentials and obtain the analytical continuation of the effective action in curved space.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures; version to appear in JHE

    Bose-Fermi degeneracies in large N adjoint QCD

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    Abstract: We analyze the large N limit of adjoint QCD, an SU(N) gauge theory with Nf flavors of massless adjoint Majorana fermions, compactified on S3 × S1. We focus on the weakly-coupled confining small-S3 regime. If the fermions are given periodic boundary conditions on S1, we show that there are large cancellations between bosonic and fermionic contributions to the twisted partition function. These cancellations follow a pattern previously seen in the context of misaligned supersymmetry, and lead to the absence of Hagedorn instabilities for any S1 size L, even though the bosonic and fermionic densities of states both have Hagedorn growth. Adjoint QCD stays in the confining phase for any L ∌ N0, explaining how it is able to enjoy large N volume independence for any L. The large N boson-fermion cancellations take place in a setting where adjoint QCD is manifestly non-supersymmetric at any finite N, and are consistent with the recent conjecture that adjoint QCD has emergent fermionic symmetries in the large N limit

    Quantum geometry of resurgent perturbative/nonperturbative relations

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    For a wide variety of quantum potentials, including the textbook ‘instanton’ examples of the periodic cosine and symmetric double-well potentials, the perturbative data coming from fluctuations about the vacuum saddle encodes all non-perturbative data in all higher non-perturbative sectors. Here we unify these examples in geometric terms, arguing that the all-orders quantum action determines the all-orders quantum dual action for quantum spectral problems associated with a classical genus one elliptic curve. Furthermore., for a special class of genus one potentials this relation is particularly simple: this class includes the cubic oscillator, symmetric double-well, symmetric degenerate triple-well, and periodic cosine potential. These are related to the Chebyshev potentials, which are in turn related to certain N = 2 supersymmetric quantum field theories, to mirror maps for hypersurfaces in projective spaces, and also to topological c = 3 Landau-Ginzburg models and ‘special geometry’. These systems inherit a natural modular structure corresponding to Ramanujan’s theory of elliptic functions in alternative bases, which is especially important for the quantization. Insights from supersymmetric quantum field theory suggest similar structures for more complicated potentials, corresponding to higher genus. Our approach is very elementary, using basic classical geometry combined with all-orders WKB

    Magneto-optical trapping of bosonic and fermionic neon isotopes and their mixtures: isotope shift of the ^3P_2 to ^3D_3 transition and hyperfine constants of the ^3D_3 state of Ne-21

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    We have magneto-optically trapped all three stable neon isotopes, including the rare Ne-21, and all two-isotope combinations. The atoms are prepared in the metastable ^3P_2 state and manipulated via laser interaction on the ^3P_2 to ^3D_3} transition at 640.2nm. These cold (T = 1mK) and environmentally decoupled atom samples present ideal objects for precision measurements and the investigation of interactions between cold and ultracold metastable atoms. In this work, we present accurate measurements of the isotope shift of the ^3P_2 to ^3D_3 transition and the hyperfine interaction constants of the ^3D_3 state of Ne-21. The determined isotope shifts are (1625.9\pm0.15)MHz for Ne-20 to Ne-22, (855.7\pm1.0)MHz for Ne-20 to Ne-21, and (770.3\pm1.0)MHz for Ne-21 to Ne-22. The obtained magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole hyperfine interaction constants are A(^3D_3)= (-142.4\pm0.2)MHz and B(^3D_3)=(-107.7\pm1.1)MHz, respectively. All measurements give a reduction of uncertainty by about one order of magnitude over previous measurements

    Interplay of Reggeon and photon in pA collisions

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    We discuss the effects of the electromagnetic interaction in high-energy proton collisions with nuclei of large Z at strong coupling λ=g2Nc. Using the holographic dual limit of large Nc>λ1, we describe the Reggeon exchange as a twisted surface and show that it gets essentially modified by the electromagnetic interaction

    Towards azimuthal anisotropy of direct photons

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    Intensive radiation of magnetic bremsstrahlung type (synchrotron radiation) resulting from the interaction of escaping quarks with the collective confining colour field is discussed as a new possible mechanism of observed direct photon anisotropy.Comment: 3 pages, Comments and references added, accepted to JETP Letters (Pis'ma v ZhETF

    Sign problem and Monte Carlo calculations beyond Lefschetz thimbles

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    Abstract: We point out that Monte Carlo simulations of theories with severe sign problems can be profitably performed over manifolds in complex space different from the one with fixed imaginary part of the action (“Lefschetz thimble”). We describe a family of such manifolds that interpolate between the tangent space at one critical point (where the sign problem is milder compared to the real plane but in some cases still severe) and the union of relevant thimbles (where the sign problem is mild but a multimodal distribution function complicates the Monte Carlo sampling). We exemplify this approach using a simple 0+1 dimensional fermion model previously used on sign problem studies and show that it can solve the model for some parameter values where a solution using Lefschetz thimbles was elusive
