12 research outputs found


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    Addiction to alcohol is a general phenomenon that affects communities as a whole, and is one of the intractable problems that governments and institutions are trying address. This study used analytical method based on qualitative data collection and analysis tried to explain the concept of addiction and alcohol, and the role of the Sunnah in the treatment of addiction to alcohol through Islamic laws that prevent Muslims from approaching intoxicants. The most interesting findings of this study is that differences in the names of alcohol do not negate its prohibition; the little of what intoxicates in large quantity is also forbidden. Islam has certainly established rules to prevent people from approaching alcohol. Islam did not begin to resolve the problem of alcohol addiction through punishment, but identified the causes that lead Muslims to alcohol addiction, and then addressed those causes in order to prevent Muslims from being addicted to alcohol.Keywords: Addiction, treatment, alcohol, Sunnah, Islamic law

    Quo Vadis Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) pada Soal UM-PTKIN Materi Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    Human resource input in higher education is required to have high order thinking skills (HOTS) which includes the ability to analyze, evaluate and create material. Thus, the existence of the college entrance test is one of the important instruments in selecting human resources. This article aims to explore the HOTS map on the Entrance Examination for State Islamic Religious Higher Education (UM-PTKIN) in the material of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in 2018 and the comparison of HOTS levels in the PAI material group examination. This article is also supported by the results of a literature review. The results of the study show that the UM-PTKIN item on PAI material spreads in the HOTS category and low-level thinking skills (LOTS). Akidah Akhlak Subject is the largest contributor and Al-Quran-Hadith as the lowest contributor to the HOTS category questions. The Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI) is a study program that is in great demand and its graduates are highly awaited to be able to sow Islamic understanding to answer various social, political and religious challenges in Indonesia. This article provides recommendations for UM-PTKIN policy makers to be able to increase the number of HOTS question compositions in subsequent selections in order to improve the quality of PAI student input in the following periods.Input sumber daya manusia di perguruan tinggi dituntut untuk memiliki kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (High Order Thinking Skills, HOTS) yang meliputi kemampuan menganalisis, mengevaluasi dan mengkreasi materi. Dengan demikian, keberadaan tes masuk perguruan tinggi menjadi salah satu intrumen penting dalam melakukan seleksi sumber daya manusia. Artikel ini bertujuan  mengeksplorasi peta HOTS pada soal Ujian Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri (UM-PTKIN) materi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) tahun 2018 dan perbandingan tingkat HOTS pada soal kelompok materi ujian PAI. Artikel ini juga didukung oleh hasil kajian kepustakaan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa item soal UM-PTKIN materi PAI berada pada kategori HOTS dan kemampuan berpikir tingkat rendah (Low Order Thinking Skill, LOTS). Materi Akidah Akhlak menjadi penyumbang terbanyak dan Al-Quran Hadith sebagai penyumbang paling sedikit pada soal kategori HOTS. Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) adalah prodi yang sangat diminati sekaligus lulusannya sangat dinanti untuk dapat menyemai pemahaman keislaman untuk menjawab berbagai tantangan sosial, politik, dan keagamaan di Indonesia. Artikel ini memberikan rekomendasi bagi pemangku kebijakan UM-PTKIN untuk dapat meningkatkan jumlah komposisi soal HOTS dalam seleksi-seleksi selanjutnya agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas input mahasiswa PAI di periode-periode berikutnya


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    A false hadith is hadith that has been created, fabricated or falsified in the name of Prophet SAW, either intentionally or otherwise. The dissemination of falsified hadith has a negative impact on the aqidah and syariah. It could raise questions on the authenticity of the hadith and also raise doubts when accepting the hadith as a source of legal reference. The religious scholar who contributed most in safeguarding the sanctity of the hadith was Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah (IQJ) with his scripture entitled Naqd al-Manqul. This article focused on several general views adduced by IQJ on identifying falsified hadith so that people would be able to identify it, beware of disseminating falsified hadith, and subsequently contribute towards eradicating the spread of falsified hadith in society. Religious scholars and academicians should play a role in disseminating authenticated hadith and provide explanations and information on falsified hadith if it exists.  Keywords: falsified hadith; guidelines for identifying; Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah; Naqd al-Manqu

    [Practical Miracles in The Sunnah of Fitrah] al-I’jaz al-Alami fi Sunan al-Fitrah

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    This study examines science miracles in the light of al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah (Prophetic Tradition) according to the rules of Sunan al-Fitrah (Ways of Life). This is to show that Islam has already established rules on prevention are better than cure. As we nowadays consider it less important and applicable. This study explains the significant role of Islam in improving people’s health through Sunan al-Fitrah (Ways of Life). The study employed analytical approach, in which qualitative data were collected from Hadith books, analyzed, discussed and examined. The study also explained the meaning of Sunan al-fitrah and its importance in the life of people, as well as its significant role of preventing people from being infected with diseases. The study revealed that if Muslims adhere to these sunan (ways of life), they will achieve good deeds in this world and hereafter. It serves as both prevention and means of earning reward, and it is a form of worship which brings people closer to the Al-mighty Allah.   Keywords: Science miracles, preventive medicine, sunan al-fitrah   يتحدث هذا البحث عن الإعجاز العلمي في السنة النبوية من خلال تشريع سنن الفطرة نموذجا، وذلك للدلالة على سبق الإسلام في تقرير مبدأ الوقاية خير من العلاج، ونحن نلمس في أيامنا هذه تقصيرا من طائفة كبيرة من المسلمين الاهتمام بها والإلتزام بتطبيقها، فهي تبين الدور الكبير الذي قام به الإسلام للمحافظة على صحة الإنسان من خلال تشريعاته المعجزة. ومن خلال المنهج التحليلي، والذي يقوم على: جمع المعلومات المتعلقة بالموضوع، ثم التفسير، ثم النقد، ثم الإستنباط، يبين هذا البحث معنى سنن الفطرة، ثم بين أهمية هذه السنن في حياة الإنسان، ودورها الكبير في حمايته من التعرض للأمراض التي قد تلم به إن ترك الإلتزام بها. وبين هذا البحث أن المسلم من خلال التزامه بهذه السنن، فإنه يحصل على خيري الدنيا والآخرة، فهي من ناحية وقاية له من الأمراض، ومن ناحية أخرى هي عبادة وقربة يتقرب بها المسلم لله عز وجل.   الكلمات المفتاحية: الإعجاز العلمي، سنن الفطرة ، الطب الوقائي في الإسلام