6 research outputs found

    Preferences of poles concerning the shape of regional policy and the allocation of European funds

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    The social reception of economic development processes has been underrated in studies conducted so far. The scarcity of such analyses may be perceived as a problem especially in the case of CEE states, in which economic growth has often been accompanied by a deepening of the socio-economic inequalities in the recent years. This article aims to identify the preferences of Poles concerning the goals of regional policy and the assignment of the European funds. Special attention was given to the differences among various categories of residents, examined in terms of their places of residence, occupational status, education, and age. The research has shown a highly positive attitude of Poles concerning the European funds, and statistically significant relations between selected socio-demographic characteristics of Poles and their preferences concerning the places and fields of activity to which the funds should go</p

    Equalising or polarising: The centre–periphery model and the absorption of EU funds under regional operational programmes in Poland

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    This article seeks to assess how the absorption of European the Union funds by the Polish voivodeships reflects two basic types of strategy in their allocation, i.e. the polarising and the equalising model. The analysis embraced 16 regional operational programmes (ROPs) between 2007–2013. The frame of reference adopted in the research was the centre-periphery model. Classes of peripherality were distinguished for each voivodeship, and absorption profiles of EU funds were determined for areas differing in their levels of peripherality. The goal of the article was achieved in a multi-stage research procedure ending in the construction of a synthetic index of the spatial orientation of support within the ROPs. The analysis demonstrated that the features of the polarising model tended to predominate in intra-regional policy. In most cases, however, the distribution of EU support represented a mixed model, with a shift towards the polarising one

    Spatial differences in the absorption of structural funds by local self-government units in chosen countries of Central and Eastern Europe

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    Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i GeologicznychCelem rozprawy była analiza przestrzennych aspektów realizacji polityki regionalnej Unii Europejskiej w odniesieniu do jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w trzech państwach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej – w Polsce, Czechach i na Słowacji, w pierwszym okresie po akcesji. Przeprowadzone badania zmierzały do ustalenia wielkości wsparcia finansowego pozyskanego przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego wszystkich szczebli oraz stopnia wewnątrzkrajowych zróżnicowań w zakresie intensywności pomocy dla beneficjentów samorządowych. Podjęto również próbę określenia głównych kierunków wydatkowania funduszy strukturalnych oraz źródeł finansowania przedsięwzięć realizowanych przy udziale tych środków, jak również identyfikacji czynników wpływających na wielkość wykorzystania wsparcia przez jednostki samorządowe w badanych krajach w układach regionalnym i lokalnym. Realizacja celu rozprawy polegała na rozstrzygnięciu pięciu szczegółowych problemów badawczych, które odnosiły się do następujących kwestii: (1) podobieństw i różnic w zakresie organizacji systemów dystrybucji funduszy strukturalnych w krajach objętych badaniem; (2) zróżnicowania możliwości pozyskiwania funduszy strukturalnych przez jednostki samo-rządu terytorialnego na poziomie krajowym, regionalnym i lokalnym; (3) dysproporcji w zakresie absorpcji funduszy strukturalnych przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego; (4) struktury tematycznej wydatkowanych przez samorządy środków oraz źródeł finansowania realizowanych przez nie projektów;(5) czynników mających wpływ na wielkość wsparcia pozyskanego przez samorządy.The aim of the dissertation was to analyse spatial aspects of the execution of the European Union regional policy by self-government units in three countries of Central and Eastern Europe: Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, in the first period after their accession. The research conducted was intended to establish the amount of financial support received by territorial self-government units of all levels and the range of differences within each country in the help the beneficiaries obtained. An attempt was also made to determine the main areas of spending the structural funds and the sources of financing projects implemented with their help, and to identify factors affecting the extent of use of the support by the self-government units in the countries under study at regional and local levels. To achieve the aim of the dissertation, five detailed research problems were analysed: (1) similarities and differences in the organisation of the system of distribution of structural funds in the countries studied; (2) differences in the possibilities of obtaining structural funds by the territorial self-government units at a national, a regional and a local level; (3) disparities in the absorption of structural funds by the territorial self-government units; (4) the thematic structure of funds spent by the self-governments and the sources of financing their projects; and (5) factors affecting the level of support gained by the self-governments

    Diagnostic methods for detection of bone metastases

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    Skeletal metastases are severe complications in the course of cancer, and they indicate a worse prognosis. The use of modern imaging techniques allows rapid diagnosis of bone metastases. Properly selected diagnostic imaging (scintigraphy, positron emission tomography, whole body MRI) allows us to evaluate the number of metastatic foci in the skeletal system. Complementary imaging examinations (X-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) determine the extent of metastasis and its character: osteolytic, osteoblast, mixed). Hypercalcaemia is a symptom of low specificity for metastatic bone disease (a result of osteolysis); nevertheless, it is a significant complication in oncological treatment and worsens the prognosis of the patient. A biopsy is the final stage of the diagnostic process, which allows us to assess cell and tissue changes. Guided biopsies are performed under the control of musculoskeletal imaging methods (CT, MRI) and they are the most promising tools in bone metastases diagnosis. The development of guided biopsy techniques has led to the conclusion that they should be standard in diagnosing bone metastases. Liquid biopsy (LB) seems to be the most promising diagnostic method for detection of bone metastases. LB based on tumour-specific DNA mutation gives an opportunity for early detection and assessment of the molecular heterogeneity of the overall disease

    The Direct Anterior Approach to Primary Total Hip Replacement: Radiological Analysis in Comparison to Other Approaches

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    Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is currently considered the most effective treatment for end-stage hip osteoarthritis (OA). The surgery can be performed via a number of different approaches, including direct anterior (DAA; Smith–Petersen; Hueter), anterolateral (ALA; Watson–Jones), direct lateral (LA; Bauer), posterior (PA; Kocher–Langenbeck), and posterolateral (PLA). There is still a dispute over the optimal technique. The aim of this systematic review was to assess how different surgical approaches toward a THA influence the prosthesis elements’ positioning. We conducted a literature search of Scopus, ScienceDirect, PubMed, Embase, and The Cochrane Library. We evaluated studies in terms of the first author’s name, country, publication year, type of surgical approach being compared to the direct anterior approach, any significant differences at baseline, sample size, and radiographic analysis. A subanalysis of each approach in comparison to the DAA revealed differences in terms of all analyzed implant positioning radiographic parameters. There is still an insufficient number of randomized controlled studies that include radiological analyses comparing THRs (total hip replacements) performed using DAA with other approaches. Implant placement is a crucial step during a THR and surgeons must be aware that the approach they use might impact their judgment on angles and spaces inside the joint and thus alter the implant positioning

    Analysis of biomechanical gait parameters in patients after total hip replacement operated via anterolateral approach depending on size of the femoral head implant : retrospective matched-cohort study

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    INTRODUCTION: Total hip replacement (THR) is considered one of the most effective medical procedures in treatment of osteoarthritis. Since its introduction, there has been a worldwide debate over proper implant selection in terms of size, bearing type and shape. Following study was designed to assess the importance of femoral head size in long-term follow-up. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cohort of 30 patients with primary end stage osteoarthritis who underwent total hip replacement was analysed retrospectively. A homogenous group was chosen with no major differences in BMI. Patients’ gait parameters were measured in a biomechanics laboratory using the 3D BTS Smart system. WOMAC and VAS questionnaires were used to assess patient reported outcome. RESULTS: The subgroup with larger implant head size had several outcomes significantly superior to the subgroup with standard head size and non-inferior to healthy hips. Following variables were measured during this study: time of support phase, time of swing phase, double support time, walking hip extension angle. CONCLUSIONS: Use of larger sized femoral heads during THR gives better results in terms of gait pattern. Since restoring the gait pattern is one of the aspects of rehabilitation and returning to daily activities it seems to be an important observation