5,110 research outputs found

    Dynamic modeling of fluid transmission lines of the DSN 70-meter antennas by using a lumped parameter model

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    Fluid transmission lines and fittings were found to significantly affect the dynamic and steady state operation of the engineering system in which they are incorporated. Therefore, a better understanding of the operation of a system can be obtained by including the performance of the transmission lines and fittings within the system model. The most accurate model of a transmission line or fitting is obtained by using a distributed parameter model. However, a distributed parameter model tends to be very complex. This complexity can be avoided without significant loss of model accuracy by using a lumped parameter model when the length of the fluid path through the transmission line or fitting is short. This article develops a lumped parameter model for short fluid transmission lines and fittings, describes the conditions under which the model is valid, and presents the model parameters associated with the servo hydraulic system of the Deep Space Network (DSN) 70-meter antennas

    Dynamic modeling of the servovalves incorporated in the servo hydraulic system of the 70-meter DSN antennas

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    As the pointing accuracy and service life requirements of the DSN 70 meter antenna increase, it is necessary to gain a more complete understanding of the servo hydraulic system in order to improve system designs to meet the new requirements. A mathematical model is developed for the servovalve incorporated into the hydraulic system of the 70 meter antenna and uses experimental data to verify the validity of the model and to identify the model parameters

    Reducing the net torque and flow ripple effects of multiple hydraulic piston motor drives

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    The torque and flow ripple effects which result when multiple hydraulic motors are used to drive a single motion of a mechanical device can significantly affect the way in which the device performs. This article presents a mathematical model describing the torque and flow ripple effects of a bent-axis hydraulic piston motor. The model is used to show how the ripple magnitude can be reduced when multiple motors are used to drive a motion. A discussion of the hydraulic servo system of the 70-m antennas located with the Deep Space Network is included to demonstrate the application of the concepts presented

    Tuning carrier concentration in a superacid treated MoS2_2 monolayer

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    The effect of bis(trifluoromethane) sulfonimide (TFSI, superacid) treatment on the optical properties of MoS2_2 monolayers is investigated by means of photoluminescence, reflectance contrast and Raman scattering spectroscopy employed in a broad temperature range. It is shown that when applied multiple times, the treatment results in progressive quenching of the trion emission/absorption and in the redshift of the neutral exciton emission/absorption associated with both the A and B excitonic resonances. Based on this evolution, a trion complex related to the B exciton in monolayer MoS2_2 is unambiguously identified. A defect-related emission observed at low temperatures also disappears from the spectrum as a result of the treatment. Our observations are attributed to effective passivation of defects on the MoS2_{2} monolayer surface. The passivation reduces the carrier density, which in turn affects the out-of-plane electric field in the sample. The observed tuning of the carrier concentration strongly influences also the Raman scattering in the MoS2_2 monolayer. An enhancement of Raman scattering at resonant excitation in the vicinity of the A neutral exciton is clearly seen for both the out-of-plane A1â€Č_1^{'} and in-plane Eâ€Č^{'} modes. On the contrary, when the excitation is in resonance with a corresponding trion, the Raman scattering features become hardly visible. These results confirm the role of the excitonic charge state plays in the resonance effect of the excitation energy on the Raman scattering in transition metal dichalcogenides.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Modeling and analysis of the DSS-14 antenna control system

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    An improvement of pointing precision of the DSS-14 antenna is planned for the near future. In order to analyze the improvement limits and to design new controllers, a precise model of the antenna and the servo is developed, including a finite element model of the antenna structure and detailed models of the hydraulic drives and electronic parts. The DSS-14 antenna control system has two modes of operation: computer mode and precision mode. The principal goal of this investigation is to develop the model of the computer mode and to evaluate its performance. The DSS-14 antenna computer model consists of the antenna structure and drives in azimuth and elevation. For this model, the position servo loop is derived, and simulations of the closed-loop antenna dynamics are presented. The model is significantly different from that for the 34-m beam-waveguide antennas

    A Population of Short-Period Variable Quasars from PTF as Supermassive Black Hole Binary Candidates

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    Supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs) at sub-parsec separations should be common in galactic nuclei, as a result of frequent galaxy mergers. Hydrodynamical simulations of circumbinary discs predict strong periodic modulation of the mass accretion rate on time-scales comparable to the orbital period of the binary. As a result, SMBHBs may be recognized by the periodic modulation of their brightness. We conducted a statistical search for periodic variability in a sample of 35,383 spectroscopically confirmed quasars in the photometric database of the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF). We analysed Lomb-Scargle periodograms and assessed the significance of our findings by modeling each individual quasar's variability as a damped random walk (DRW). We identified 50 quasars with significant periodicity beyond the DRW model, typically with short periods of a few hundred days. We find 33 of these to remain significant after a re-analysis of their periodograms including additional optical data from the intermediate-PTF and the Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey (CRTS). Assuming that the observed periods correspond to the redshifted orbital periods of SMBHBs, we conclude that our findings are consistent with a population of unequal-mass SMBHBs, with a typical mass ratio as low as q = M2/M1 ~ 0.01.Comment: MNRAS (accepted), new section 4.

    Fine structure of K\mathrm{K}-excitons in multilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides

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    Reflectance and magneto-reflectance experiments together with theoretical modelling based on the k⋅p\mathbf{k\cdot p} approach have been employed to study the evolution of direct bandgap excitons in MoS2_2 layers with a thickness ranging from mono- to trilayer. The extra excitonic resonances observed in MoS2_2 multilayers emerge as a result of the hybridization of Bloch states of each sub-layer due to the interlayer coupling. The properties of such excitons in bi- and trilayers are classified by the symmetry of corresponding crystals. The inter- and intralayer character of the reported excitonic resonances is fingerprinted with the magneto-optical measurements: the excitonic gg-factors of opposite sign and of different amplitude are revealed for these two types of resonances. The parameters describing the strength of the spin-orbit interaction are estimated for bi- and trilayer MoS2_2.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Probing and manipulating valley coherence of dark excitons in monolayer WSe2_2

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    Monolayers of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides are two-dimensional direct-gap systems which host tightly-bound excitons with an internal degree of freedom corresponding to the valley of the constituting carriers. Strong spin-orbit interaction and the resulting ordering of the spin-split subbands in the valence and conduction bands makes the lowest-lying excitons in WX2_2 (X~being S or Se) spin-forbidden and optically dark. With polarization-resolved photoluminescence experiments performed on a WSe2_2 monolayer encapsulated in a hexagonal boron nitride, we show how the intrinsic exchange interaction in combination with the applied in-plane and/or out-of-plane magnetic fields enables one to probe and manipulate the valley degree of freedom of the dark excitons.Comment: Manuscript: 6 pages, 3 figures; SM: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Neutral and charged dark excitons in monolayer WS2_2

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    Low temperature and polarization resolved magneto-photoluminescence experiments are used to investigate the properties of dark excitons and dark trions in a monolayer of WS2_2 encapsulated in hexagonal BN (hBN). We find that this system is an nn-type doped semiconductor and that dark trions dominate the emission spectrum. In line with previous studies on WSe2_2, we identify the Coulomb exchange interaction coupled neutral dark and grey excitons through their polarization properties, while an analogous effect is not observed for dark trions. Applying the magnetic field in both perpendicular and parallel configurations with respect to the monolayer plane, we determine the g-factor of dark trions to be g∌g\sim-8.6. Their decay rate is close to 0.5 ns, more than 2 orders of magnitude longer than that of bright excitons.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, supplemental materia
