114 research outputs found

    Norway – 1995 – II

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    Risikovurdering av AMS. Kartlegging av informasjonssikkerhetsmessige sårbarheter i AMS

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    -Denne rapporten presenterer en overordnet risikovurdering av Avaserte Måle- og Styringssystemer (AMS) knyttet til hvilke konsekvenser det kan ha for kraftforsyningen at AMS utsettes for informasjonssikkerhetbrudd. Vurderingen er hovedsaklig gjort for AMS basisfunksjoner, som er å registrere måledata hos kunde og overføre disse til nettselskapet, samt bryting/struping av effektuttaket i det enkelte målepunkt


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    Beberapa penelitian mengidentifikasikan bahwa teknik menyontek yang paling umum digunakan adalah bertukar jawaban dengan peserta didik yang berada pada posisi terdekat atau melihat jawaban tanpa sepengetahuan orang yang bersangkutan. (Davis, et al, 1998). Pada penelitian ini dibangun sebuah sistem generator denah meja ujian agar setiap meja ujian memiliki kode soal yang berbeda dari meja tetangganya baik secara vertikal, horizontal dan diagonal dengan mengimplementasikan algoritma backtracking. Pengujian kemudian dilakukan pada matriks dengan berbagai dimensi dimulai dari jumlah kode soal 1 hingga 9. Dari hasil pengujian disimpulkan bahwa untuk kode soal < 4, persoalan dinyatakan tidak akan memiliki solusi kecuali jumlah baris atau kolom pada matriks juga < 4. Untuk jumlah kode soal ≥ 4, persoalan pastilah memiliki solusi berapapun dimensi matriksnya. Kata Kunci: menyontek, algoritma backtracking, generator denah meja ujian, matriks, pembagian kode soal ujian. Some research have identified that the most commonly cheating technique used while exam are exchanging the exam answers with other classmates who sit at the closest range then copying their answer sheet without being noticed (Davis, et al, 1998). In this paper, exam class generator was built by implementing backtracking algorithm in order to arrange exam sheets, so each cell has different code with the cell around. The testing of system then performed on some matrix variety which have sum of exams code within 1 to 9. The results shows, for sum of code < 4, each case will never has any solution unless row or column of the matrix is also < 4. And for sum of code ≥ 4, every case will have solution regardless of the matrix dimension. Keyword: cheat in exam, backtracking algorithm, exam class generator, matrix, distribution of exams sheets

    Use and Protection in Nature Reserves : The Governments Ability to Balance Vulnerable Conservation Values With an Increasing Tourism in Eastern Svalbard

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    Bruk og vern er et ofte anvendt begrep i miljø-politikken, og diskusjonen rundt begrepet tyder på at de store verneområdene er i fokus som reiselivsdestinasjoner. Det er et ønske om en differensiert og aktiv utnyttelse av miljøverdiene (Kaltenborn, 2012). Naturen har vært en viktig attraksjonsfaktor for turisme i de nordiske landene de siste tiårene, og det naturbaserte reiselivet er den raskest voksende sektoren innen reiseliv i Europa (Fredman & Tyrväinen, 2010). En stadig interesse for polare strøk som en del av det naturbaserte reiselivet gjør Svalbard til et attraktivt reisemål. På Svalbard åpnes det for miljøforsvarlig bosetting, forskning og næringsdrift, samtidig som det er et overordnet mål for den norske svalbardpolitikken å opprettholde et tilnærmet uberørt miljø når det gjelder sammenhengende villmark, landskap, flora, fauna og kulturminner jf. Svalbardmiljølovens formålsparagraf. Gjennom dokumentstudier av planer, forarbeider, lovverk, litteratur samt intervju, har denne oppgaven søkt å belyse de utfordringer verneforvaltningen på Svalbard står ovenfor i en forvaltningsplanprosess og hvordan forholdet mellom reiseliv og vern av sårbare naturområder på Øst-Svalbard håndteres. Oppgaven ønsket også å se på hvordan føre-var-prinsippet var anvendt i forvaltningsplanarbeidet og hvordan medvirkning fra reiselivsnæringen hadde gjort seg gjeldende i innholdet i forvaltningsplanen. Resultatene viser at det var godt tilrettelagt for medvirkning i planprosessen, og reiselivsnæringens bidrag ble opplevd som positivt av forvaltningen. Reiselivet mente deres viktigste bidrag var de ressursene de la ned i å få igangsatt en demokratisk prosess hvor forskriftsendringene skjedde som en resultat av forvaltningsplanen, og ikke gjennom en arbeidsgruppe som i utgangspunktet var tilfellet. Føre-var-prinsippet er et miljørettslig prinsipp som skal legges til grunn ved myndighetsutøvelse. Det virker å være uenighet om hvorvidt prinsippet skal benyttes som et forvaltningsverktøy, og videre en uenighet om hva prinsippet faktisk innebærer og i hvilke tilfeller det skal benyttes. En balansegang mellom bruk og vern i naturreservatene kan tidvis synes å være konfliktfylt, men gjennom en forvaltningsplanprosess som åpnet for en høy grad av medvirkning synes Sysselmannen å ha evnet å balansere vern og bruk i form av reiseliv innenfor reservatene i den grad dette har vært mulig innenfor vernebestemmelseneUse and protection is a frequently used term in environmental policy, and the discussion around the concept suggests that the large protected areas are in focus as tourism destinations. There is a desire for a differentiated and active exploitation of environmental assets (Kaltenborn, 2012). Nature has been an important attraction for tourism in the Nordic countries in recent decades, and the nature-based tourism is the fastest growing sector in tourism in Europe (Fredman & Tyrväinen, 2010). A growing interest in the Polar Regions as part of the nature-based tourism makes Svalbard an attractive destination. Svalbard opens for environmental settlement, research and commercial activities, while it is an overarching goal for the Norwegian Svalbard policy to maintain a virtually untouched environment in terms of continuous wilderness, landscape, flora, fauna and cultural heritage ref. Svalbard Environmental Protection Act preamble. Through document studies of plans, legislative history, law, literature and interviews, this thesis has sought to illustrate the challenges protective management of Svalbard faces in a management process and how the relationship between tourism and the protection of vulnerable habitats in Eastern Svalbard is handled. This thesis also wanted to see how the precautionary principle was applied in the management plan and how the involvement of the tourism industry had made itself felt in the content of the management plan. The results show that it was well organized for participation in the planning process, and the tourism industry’s contribution was seen as positive by the management. Tourism industry believed their most important contribution was the resources they put into getting initiated a democratic process where regulatory changes occurred as a result of the management plan, and not through a working group organized by the Directorate for Nature Management that was initially the case. The precautionary principle is an environmental legal principle, which should be followed in the exercise of authority. There seems to be disagreement as to whether the principle should be used as a management tool and further a disagreement about what the principle actually means and in which cases it should be used. A balance between use and protection of nature reserves can occasionally seem to be confrontational, but through a management process that allowed for a high degree of participation the Governor seems to have been able to balance protection and use in terms of tourism within the reserves to the extent that this has been possible within protection provisions.M-BYRE

    Use and Protection in Nature Reserves : The Governments Ability to Balance Vulnerable Conservation Values With an Increasing Tourism in Eastern Svalbard

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    Bruk og vern er et ofte anvendt begrep i miljø-politikken, og diskusjonen rundt begrepet tyder på at de store verneområdene er i fokus som reiselivsdestinasjoner. Det er et ønske om en differensiert og aktiv utnyttelse av miljøverdiene (Kaltenborn, 2012). Naturen har vært en viktig attraksjonsfaktor for turisme i de nordiske landene de siste tiårene, og det naturbaserte reiselivet er den raskest voksende sektoren innen reiseliv i Europa (Fredman & Tyrväinen, 2010). En stadig interesse for polare strøk som en del av det naturbaserte reiselivet gjør Svalbard til et attraktivt reisemål. På Svalbard åpnes det for miljøforsvarlig bosetting, forskning og næringsdrift, samtidig som det er et overordnet mål for den norske svalbardpolitikken å opprettholde et tilnærmet uberørt miljø når det gjelder sammenhengende villmark, landskap, flora, fauna og kulturminner jf. Svalbardmiljølovens formålsparagraf. Gjennom dokumentstudier av planer, forarbeider, lovverk, litteratur samt intervju, har denne oppgaven søkt å belyse de utfordringer verneforvaltningen på Svalbard står ovenfor i en forvaltningsplanprosess og hvordan forholdet mellom reiseliv og vern av sårbare naturområder på Øst-Svalbard håndteres. Oppgaven ønsket også å se på hvordan føre-var-prinsippet var anvendt i forvaltningsplanarbeidet og hvordan medvirkning fra reiselivsnæringen hadde gjort seg gjeldende i innholdet i forvaltningsplanen. Resultatene viser at det var godt tilrettelagt for medvirkning i planprosessen, og reiselivsnæringens bidrag ble opplevd som positivt av forvaltningen. Reiselivet mente deres viktigste bidrag var de ressursene de la ned i å få igangsatt en demokratisk prosess hvor forskriftsendringene skjedde som en resultat av forvaltningsplanen, og ikke gjennom en arbeidsgruppe som i utgangspunktet var tilfellet. Føre-var-prinsippet er et miljørettslig prinsipp som skal legges til grunn ved myndighetsutøvelse. Det virker å være uenighet om hvorvidt prinsippet skal benyttes som et forvaltningsverktøy, og videre en uenighet om hva prinsippet faktisk innebærer og i hvilke tilfeller det skal benyttes. En balansegang mellom bruk og vern i naturreservatene kan tidvis synes å være konfliktfylt, men gjennom en forvaltningsplanprosess som åpnet for en høy grad av medvirkning synes Sysselmannen å ha evnet å balansere vern og bruk i form av reiseliv innenfor reservatene i den grad dette har vært mulig innenfor vernebestemmelseneUse and protection is a frequently used term in environmental policy, and the discussion around the concept suggests that the large protected areas are in focus as tourism destinations. There is a desire for a differentiated and active exploitation of environmental assets (Kaltenborn, 2012). Nature has been an important attraction for tourism in the Nordic countries in recent decades, and the nature-based tourism is the fastest growing sector in tourism in Europe (Fredman & Tyrväinen, 2010). A growing interest in the Polar Regions as part of the nature-based tourism makes Svalbard an attractive destination. Svalbard opens for environmental settlement, research and commercial activities, while it is an overarching goal for the Norwegian Svalbard policy to maintain a virtually untouched environment in terms of continuous wilderness, landscape, flora, fauna and cultural heritage ref. Svalbard Environmental Protection Act preamble. Through document studies of plans, legislative history, law, literature and interviews, this thesis has sought to illustrate the challenges protective management of Svalbard faces in a management process and how the relationship between tourism and the protection of vulnerable habitats in Eastern Svalbard is handled. This thesis also wanted to see how the precautionary principle was applied in the management plan and how the involvement of the tourism industry had made itself felt in the content of the management plan. The results show that it was well organized for participation in the planning process, and the tourism industry’s contribution was seen as positive by the management. Tourism industry believed their most important contribution was the resources they put into getting initiated a democratic process where regulatory changes occurred as a result of the management plan, and not through a working group organized by the Directorate for Nature Management that was initially the case. The precautionary principle is an environmental legal principle, which should be followed in the exercise of authority. There seems to be disagreement as to whether the principle should be used as a management tool and further a disagreement about what the principle actually means and in which cases it should be used. A balance between use and protection of nature reserves can occasionally seem to be confrontational, but through a management process that allowed for a high degree of participation the Governor seems to have been able to balance protection and use in terms of tourism within the reserves to the extent that this has been possible within protection provisions.M-BYRE

    Changes in the secretory profile of NSCLC-associated fibroblasts after ablative radiotherapy: potential impact on angiogenesis and tumor growth

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    In the context of radiotherapy, collateral effects of ablative ionizing radiation (AIR) on stromal components of tumors remains understudied. In this work, cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) isolated from freshly resected human lung tumors were exposed to AIR (1x18Gy) and analyzed for their release of paracrine factors. Inflammatory mediators and regulators of angiogenesis and tumor growth were analyzed by multiplex protein assays in conditioned medium (CM) from irradiated and non-irradiated CAFs. Additionally, the profile of secreted proteins was examined by proteomics. In functional assays, effects of CAF-CM on proliferative and migratory capacity of lung tumor cells (H-520/H-522) and endothelial cells (HUVECs), and on the tube-forming capacity of endothelial cells was assessed. Our data show that exposure of CAFs to ablative doses of ionizing radiation results in a) down-regulated release of angiogenic factors SDF-1, angiopoietin and thrombospondin-2; b) up-regulated release of growth factor bFGF from most donors, and c) unaffected expression-levels of HGF and inflammatory mediators IL-6, IL-8, IL-1ƒÒ and TNF-£. Conditioned medium from irradiated and control CAFs did not affect differently the proliferative or migratory capacity of tumor cells (H-520/H-522), whereas migratory capacity of endothelial HUVEC cells was partially reduced in the presence of irradiated CAF conditioned medium. Overall we conclude that AIR mediates a transformation on the secretory profile of CAFs that could influence the behavior of other cells in the tumor tissue and hence guide to some extent therapeutic outcomes. The downstream consequences of the changes observed in this study merits further investigations

    Agile Software Development: The Straight and Narrow Path to Secure Software?

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    In this article, we contrast the results of a series of interviews with agile software development organizations with a case study of a distributed agile development effort, focusing on how information security is taken care of in an agile context. The interviews indicate that small and medium-sized agile software development organizations do not use any particular methodology to achieve security goals, even when their software is web-facing and potential targets of attack, and our case study confirms that even in cases where security is an articulated requirement, and where security design is fed as input to the implementation team, there is no guarantee that the end result meets the security objectives. We contend that security must be built as an intrinsic software property and emphasize the need for security awareness throughout the whole software development lifecycle. We suggest two extensions to agile methodologies that may contribute to ensuring focus on security during the complete lifecycleacceptedVersionpublishedVersio

    Evaluation of a university hospital trauma team activation protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Admission with a multidisciplinary trauma team may be vital for the severely injured patient, as this facilitates rapid diagnosis and treatment. On the other hand, patients with minor injuries do not need the trauma team for adequate care. Correct triage is important for optimal resource utilization. The aim of the study was to evaluate our criteria for activating the trauma team, and identify suboptimal criteria that might be changed in the interest of precision.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study is an observational, retrospective cohort-study. All patients admitted with the trauma team (n = 382), all severely injured (Injury Severity Score (ISS) >15) (n = 161), and all undergoing an emergency procedure aimed at counteracting compromised airways, respiration or circulation at our hospital (n = 142) during 2006-2007 were included. Data were recorded from the admission records and the electronic patient records. The trauma team activation protocol was evaluated against the occurrence of severe injury and the occurrence of emergency procedures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 441 patients were included. The overtriage was 71% and undertriage 32% when evaluating against ISS >15 as the standard of reference. When occurrence of emergency procedures was held as the standard of standard of reference, the over- and undertriage was 71% and 21%, respectively. Mechanism of injury-criteria for trauma team activation contributed the most to overtriage. The emergency procedures performed were mostly endotracheal intubation and external fixation of fractures. Less than 3% needed haemostatic laparotomy or thoracotomy. Approximately 2/3 of the overtriage represented isolated head or cervical spine injuries, and/or interhospital transfers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The over- and undertriage of our protocol are both too high. To decrease overtriage we suggest omissions and modifications of some of the criteria. To decrease undertriage, transferred patients and patients with head injuries should be more thoroughly assessed against the trauma team activation criteria.</p

    The treatment of spleen injuries: a retrospective study

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    Published version. Source at http://doi.org/10.1186/s13049-015-0163-6.Background Hemorrhage after blunt trauma is a major contributor to death after trauma. In the abdomen, an injured spleen is the most frequent cause of major bleeding. Splenectomy is historically the treatment of choice. In 2007, non-operative management (NOM) with splenic artery embolization (SAE) was introduced in our institution. The indication for SAE is hemodynamically stable patients with extravasation of contrast, or grade 3–5 spleen injury according to the Abbreviated Organ Injury Scale 2005, Update 2008. We wanted to examine if the introduction of SAE increased the rate of salvaged spleens in our trauma center. Method All patients discharged with the diagnosis of splenic injury in the period 01.01.2000 – 31.12.2013 from the University Hospital of North Norway Tromsø were included in the study. Patients admitted for rehabilitation purposes or with an iatrogenic injury were excluded. Results A total of 109 patients were included in the study. In the period 2000-7, 20 of 52 patients were splenectomized. During 2007-13, there were 6 splenectomies and 24 SAE among 57 patients. The reduction in splenectomies is significant (p < 0.001). There is an increase in the rate of treated patients (splenectomy and SAE) from 38 to 53 % in the two time periods, but not significantly (p = 0.65). Conclusion The rate of salvaged spleens has increased after the introduction of SAE in our center

    The Practically Wise Medical Teacher: Medical Education at the University of Tromsø – A Norwegian Case

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    Source at https://www.hsj.gr/.This article addresses the issue of teaching quality in medical education and investigates what characterizes a professionally competent or practically wise medical teacher through the use of longitudinal data from interviews with 40 medical students. In discussing the findings, Aristotle’s concepts of episteme, techne and phronesis, and theoretical perspectives on professionalism and quality in teaching are applied. The findings highlight that one is either a practically wise medical teacher or a technical medical teacher. The practically wise medical teacher typically focuses on reflection, experience, participation, formative assessment and discussion in an atmosphere of good relations, which stimulate teaching and learning. The technical medical teacher, on the contrary, knows very little about the students and treats them as onlookers in clinical settings. The analysis results indicate that being a practically wise medical teacher requires a perception of what characterizes professionalism in medical education, the ability to use formative assessment and role model consciousness. These findings underline the importance of a good supervisor–learner relationship, which promotes medical teachers’ teaching competence and knowledge of professionalism. The findings also indicate the importance of faculty development in order to improve teaching quality at both the individual and system levels