19 research outputs found


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    Background: Normal birth care is one of midwife’s competence within the most of risks to both women and midwife. Limited of health facilities and social culture are major problem of midwifery care. In fact, infection cases have been occurring and become a significant cause in maternal death. At East Lombok most of 93,33% birth was provided by midwife. It was a tricky to explain that midwife does not work as well.Aim: to describe safety culture to prevent infection during normal birth care at rural area.Method: qualitative study with focus group discussion and in-depth have done for 8 midwives from 6 sub-district at East Lombok. We selected midwife who have done at least 1 year and have experience in preventing infection during birth care.Result: Midwives struggled to perform the rule of normal birth care with the limited facilities. Cultural sensitivity restricted to use personal protective equipment. To build safety culture in their work, social culture became an obstacles more than support system and policy. Lack of knowledge about safety care on rural area is one of problem they said.Conclusion: Culture sensitivity is something to consider in safety care, although considerable to standard care is essential in midwifery care. Culture safety care concept particularly for prevent infection at remote area are needed to expand in the midwifery curriculum. 

    Kemitraan Bidan dan Bkkbn dalam Upaya Peningkatan Pelayanan Kontrasepsi

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    Investasi untuk peningkatan kesehatan reproduksi di negara yang sedang berkembang melalui penggunaan alat kontrasepsi akan menyelamatkan ibu, bayi baru lahir dan keluarga. Pada tahun 2014 terdapat 225 juta perempuan di dunia tidak mendapatkan pelayanan kontrasepsi modern, sedangkan di Indonesia hampir 50 % (40,3%) kasus unmeet-need masih ditemukan. Data peserta KB aktif di DIY cukup tinggi (89.90%), yang sebagian besar dilaksanakan oleh bidan yang telah bermitra dengan BKKBN dalam pelayanan kontrasepsi melalui pendekatan selama antenatal care dan post natal care. Namun, apakah model kemitraan antara bidan dan BKKBN dapat ditingkatkan sehingga mampu mengatasi masalah unmeet-need terhadap kontrasepsi?. Ini menjadi kajian yang menarik untuk peningkatan strategic plan antara bidan dan  BKKBN untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kontrasepsi. Tujuan: Menganalisis hasil kegiatan kemitraan bidan dan BKKBN serta menunjukkan manfaat, kendala, tantangan dan  peluang peningkatan kemitraan bidan dan BKKBN dalam peningkatan pelayanan kontrasepsi di DIY. Metode: Studi deskriptif dengan pendekatann kualitatif terhadap kegiatan kemitraan bidan dan BKKBN dalam pelayanan kontrasepsi oleh bidan di DIY dilanjutkan eksplorasi berbagai aspek dan peluang model kemitraan yang dapat dikembangkan. Focus group discussion dan indepth interview akan dilakukan pada informan baik dari pihak pengurus IBI dan BKKBN maupun bidan yang terlibat langsung dalam pelayanan kontrasepsi. Hasil : Bentuk dukungan BKKBN kepada bidan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kontrasepsi di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta berupa kegiatan peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan, dukungan sarana dan prasarana serta peningkatan jejaring bagi organisasi bidan pada program Keluarga Berencana. Dukungan yang diberikan dalam kerjasama tersebut saling menguntungkan bagi bidan dan BKKBN, namun pengaruh program BPJS dan otonomi daerah menyebabkan penurunan pelayanan KB khususnya MKJP dan masih ditemukan kondisi unmetneed 7,70%

    Safety Culture to Prevent Infection in Normal Birth Care by Village Midwives Ateast Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Background: Normal birth care is one of midwife's competence within the most of risks to both women and midwife. Limited of health facilities and social culture are major problem of midwifery care. In fact, infection cases have been occurring and become a significant cause in maternal death. At East Lombok most of 93,33% birth was provided by midwife. It was a tricky to explain that midwife does not work as well.Aim: to describe safety culture to prevent infection during normal birth care at rural area.Method: qualitative study with focus group discussion and in-depth have done for 8 midwives from 6 sub-district at East Lombok. We selected midwife who have done at least 1 year and have experience in preventing infection during birth care.Result: Midwives struggled to perform the rule of normal birth care with the limited facilities. Cultural sensitivity restricted to use personal protective equipment. To build safety culture in their work, social culture became an obstacles more than support system and policy. Lack of knowledge about safety care on rural area is one of problem they said.Conclusion: Culture sensitivity is something to consider in safety care, although considerable to standard care is essential in midwifery care. Culture safety care concept particularly for prevent infection at remote area are needed to expand in the midwifery curriculum


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    Investasi untuk peningkatan kesehatan reproduksi di negara yang sedang berkembang melalui penggunaan alat kontrasepsi akan menyelamatkan ibu, bayi baru lahir dan keluarga. Pada tahun 2014 terdapat 225 juta perempuan di dunia tidak mendapatkan pelayanan kontrasepsi modern, sedangkan di Indonesia hampir 50 % (40,3%) kasus unmeet-need masih ditemukan. Data peserta KB aktif di DIY cukup tinggi (89.90%), yang sebagian besar dilaksanakan oleh bidan yang telah bermitra dengan BKKBN dalam pelayanan kontrasepsi melalui pendekatan selama antenatal care dan post natal care. Namun, apakah model kemitraan antara bidan dan BKKBN dapat ditingkatkan sehingga mampu mengatasi masalah unmeet-need terhadap kontrasepsi?. Ini menjadi kajian yang menarik untuk peningkatan strategic plan antara bidan dan  BKKBN untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kontrasepsi. Tujuan: Menganalisis hasil kegiatan kemitraan bidan dan BKKBN serta menunjukkan manfaat, kendala, tantangan dan  peluang peningkatan kemitraan bidan dan BKKBN dalam peningkatan pelayanan kontrasepsi di DIY. Metode: Studi deskriptif dengan pendekatann kualitatif terhadap kegiatan kemitraan bidan dan BKKBN dalam pelayanan kontrasepsi oleh bidan di DIY dilanjutkan eksplorasi berbagai aspek dan peluang model kemitraan yang dapat dikembangkan. Focus group discussion dan indepth interview akan dilakukan pada informan baik dari pihak pengurus IBI dan BKKBN maupun bidan yang terlibat langsung dalam pelayanan kontrasepsi. Hasil : Bentuk dukungan BKKBN kepada bidan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kontrasepsi di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta berupa kegiatan peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan, dukungan sarana dan prasarana serta peningkatan jejaring bagi organisasi bidan pada program Keluarga Berencana. Dukungan yang diberikan dalam kerjasama tersebut saling menguntungkan bagi bidan dan BKKBN, namun pengaruh program BPJS dan otonomi daerah menyebabkan penurunan pelayanan KB khususnya MKJP dan masih ditemukan kondisi unmetneed 7,70%

    Analisis Self Reported Asuhan Persalinan oleh Lulusan DIII Kebidanan dan Medical Error An Analysis of Self Reported of Delivery Care by DIII Midwifery Graduates and Medical Error

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    Background: Increased coverage of deliveries by health personnel in Indonesia (82.3%) does not synergize with decreased MMR (228/100.000 live births). The low quality of care at the primary level becomes the main causal factor for the slow achievement of the MDGs. Midwives as providers in the primary care level become the front liners in delivery assistance. Public perception of the low quality of DIII midwifery graduates  becomes a concern to the occurrence of medical errors by DIII midwifery graduates. Competence of delivery care is one of midwives’ competences at risk of medical error. In Bantul District, the number of maternal deaths in 2010 was 18 cases with a majority of deaths occurring during childbirth.Objective: To describe compliance to normal delivery care and medical errors that occurred in the delivery care conducted by DIII midwifery graduates.Methods: A quantitative study with a cross-sectional design to the occurrence of medical errors in delivery care by DIII midwifery graduates in Bantul District. Data were collected by questionnaire (self reported) and analyzed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate.Results: The results of the analysis suggested that 41.51% medical error occurred in the delivery care and 24.53% of delivery care by D III midwifery graduates were categorized as not good (n = 53). Self reported about medical errors in the four aspects being studied showed that 14 respondents (26.42%) said that medical error ever occurred in the action aspect of delivery assistance, 10 respondents (18.87%) said that medical errors occurred in the prevention of infection, 8 respondents (15.09%) stated that medical error occurred during the administration of drugs and only 3 respondents (5.66%) said that medical errors occurred at the time of diagnosis establishment. Not good delivery care was significant to the occurrence of medical errors (p = 0.000), and 3.8 times causing a medical error after being controlled by extraneous variables (facilities & SOP) with R² value of 0.16.Conclusion: Delivery care by DIII midwifery graduates in Bantul District 75,5% was categorized good, and 41.51% medical error occurred in the delivery care. The prevalence of not good delivery care increased the incidence of medical errors than that of good delivery care. Medical errors in delivery care expressed through self-reported in this study showed that they were also influenced by the completeness of equipment and standard operating procedures in obstetric care facility.Keywords: medical error, DIII Midwifery Graduates, delivery car

    Penyuluhan, Cek Kesehatan Dan Pengobatan Gratis Di Klinik Kartika Husada

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    Diabetes Mellitus is a silent killer disease that can cause both macro and microvascular complications. The prevalence of DM in Indonesia is 1.5% of interviews diagnosed with doctors, and in DIY 12.2% of DM patients are not treated and show taking medication or using insulin from all ages in the Yogyakarta area 89.94%. Prolanis is a health service system and a proactive approach that is implemented in an integrated manner that involves participants, health facilities, and BPJS Kesehatan in the framework of health care for BPJS Kesehatan participants who suffer from chronic diseases to achieve optimal quality of life with cost-effective and efficient health services. Community service is carried out at the Kartika Husada Clinic in DM prolanic patients with counseling methods about DM disease and its prognosis and appropriate pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies. Followed by supporting health tests as a basis for drug administration. The administration of drugs to prolanis patients is carried out by the interactive Information and Education Communication (IEC) method for both the patient and accompanying family. A series of community services carried out to support the BPJS prolanis program which aims to improve the quality of life of patients by controlling blood sugar and regulating lifestyle

    ANC: Asuhan kebidanan pada ibu hamil normal

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    viii, 142 hlm.; 21 c

    ANC Asuhan Kebidanan pada Ibu Hamil Normal (Dilengkapi Panduan Praktikum dan Senam Hamil)

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    viii, 142 hlm.; 21 cm

    ANC: asuhan kebidanan pada ibu hamil normal (ASKEB I)

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    viii, 144 hlm; 14x21 c